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Study Abroad

The opportunity to Study Abroad can often be an eye-opening – if not life-changing – experience. Undoubtedly among the most worthwhile options of an undergraduate education, participation in an international academic program is excellent investment that will yield bountiful returns. Living culturally-immersed in a foreign country – for a summer, a semester, or even a full academic year – helps not only to develop language skills, but also to acquire broader practical knowledge, more intimate understanding, and deeper appreciation of cultural sensitivities. Many students – and faculty – acclaim Study Abroad as among the most significant and memorable aspects of their college years. All students, and especially those in Asian and Asian American Studies, are strongly encouraged to participate in these unique learning experiences. Our department sponsors several study abroad programs in Asia (China, India, Japan). Visit the Office of International Academic Programs (IAP) for further details, as well as for information on other overseas programs sponsored by Stony Brook University.

Please note that students may often transfer credits earned through external study abroad programs sponsored by other U.S. colleges and universities (contact the Transfer Office for more information). So travel, study abroad and get transfer credits, too! 

Student Opportunities