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- Department Faculty
Department Faculty
Timothy K. August
Associate Professor
Critical refugee studies; diasporic Vietnamese literature; postcolonial criticism; theories of food and eating; Asian American studies; world literature; television studies; critical theory; ethnic studies
Simone Brioni
Graduate Program DirectorFilm Studies and Filmmaking; Migration Studies; Postcolonial Theory; Science Fiction Studies
Joshua Cabat
Director, Teacher Education Program
ACE Program CoordinatorAndrew Flescher
Medical Humanities; bioethics and disability studies; literature and ethics; ethics and narratives of the problem of evil; comparative religious ethics; George Bernard Shaw; ethics and health care policy; ethics of organ donation; compassion and altruism; health care justice; normative ethics; moral theory; religion and culture; literature and film
Jean Elyse Graham
Digital humanities; media studies; history of the book; transatlantic 20th and 21st-century literature; history of the English language
Heidi Hutner
Associate Professor
Environmental literature and film; ecofeminism; environmental justice; feminism; race studies; women's literature
Ileana Jiménez
PRODIG+ Postdoctoral Fellow
Black and Latina feminisms, feminist and queer pedagogies, and digital feminist activism in the high school English classroom
Justin Omar Johnston
Associate Professor
Contemporary Anglophone literature; biopolitics and biotechnology in post-1945 novels; feminist theories of embodiment; postcolonial critiques of humanism; environmental humanities
Katherine D. Johnston
Assistant Professor
Twentieth and twenty-first century American literary studies; surveillance studies; critical data studies
Izabella Kalinowska-Blackwood
Associate Professor
Polish and Soviet/Russian cinemas; gendered notions of identity; nationalism; colonial and post-colonial studies; Orientalist discourses; Polish and Russian travel to the East
Scott Koski
Adjunct Professor
Early modern literature, Romanticism, literary & cultural theory
Thomas Mangano
Director of Student Teaching and Clinical Field Experience
Celia Marshik
Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education and Dean of the Graduate SchoolModernism and cultural studies; literature and law; British modernism
Andrew Newman
Early American studies; history of education; Native American studies; media and memory studies
Douglas Pfeiffer
Associate Professor
Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-century English poetry; history of rhetorical and literary theory; Renaissance humanism
Rowan Ricardo Phillips
Distinguished Professor
Poetry; nonfiction; translation; Black American and Caribbean literatures
Benedict Robinson
Professor and Chair of the English and Theatre Arts Departments
Early modern literature, with interests that include the history of emotion, the history of literary theory, the history of science, and topics related to race and religion
Michael Rubenstein
Associate Professor
Director of Humanities Institute
James Joyce; 20th-century Irish literature; 20th-century British and Anglophone literature; postcolonial literature; Modernism; Psychoanalysis; the novel; film; environmentalism and the Humanities
Jeffrey Santa Ana
Associate Professor
Asian North American and Asian-Pacific diaspora studies, environmental humanities and ecocriticism, human migration and diaspora, decolonization and postcolonial criticism, critical ethnic studies, memory studies, gender and sexuality (queer) studies, twentieth- and twenty-first-century American literature and culture.
Susan Scheckel
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Program DirectorAmerican literature and culture in the U.S. before 1900; history of race in the U.S.; U.S. visual and popular print cultures before 1900; history of medicine before 1900; theories of nationalism
E.K. Tan
Associate Professor
Intersection of Anglophone and Sinophone literature, cinema, and culture from Southeast Asia; diaspora studies; postcolonial studies; world literature and cinema; theories of cultural translation; Global Asia; Queer Asia; critical theory; film theory
Michael Tondre
Associate Professor
Nineteenth-century British literature; energy and environmental humanities; history of science; critical theory
David Heska Wanbli Weiden
Native American literature; creative writing; fiction; creative nonfiction; Indigenous studies; ethnic studies; law and politics
Eric Wertheimer
early and nineteenth-century American literature and culture; cultural and literary theory; popular political discourses; new media; poetry
Neisha Terry Young
Assistant Professor
Affordances of multiliteracies in supporting the intersectional identities of Black immigrant youth
- Affiliates
Affiliated Faculty
Ritch Calvin
Associate Professor, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Giuseppi Gazzola
Associate Professor,
European Languages, Literature and CultureRobert Kaplan
Advanced Senior Lecturer, Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Peter H. Khost
Assistant Professor, Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Nick Mangano
Professor of Theatre, Directing
Department of Theatre ArtsLoredana Polezzi
Alfonse M. D'Amato Chair in Italian American and Italian Studies
Department of Languages and Cultural StudiesTracey Walters
Associate Professor and Chair, Dept. of Africana Studies
- Emeritus
Emeritus Faculty
- Visiting Faculty
Visiting Faculty