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William Butler Yeats Collection

Collection Number
SC 294

Series Descriptions



Boxes 1-93 (32.55 linear feet)
Manuscripts, correspondence, and documents relating to the
life and works of WBY. The manuscripts include primarily AMs and
TMs along with some corrected page proofs. Divided into seven
series: works; correspondence; diaries, journals and notes;
printed materials; documents; still pictures and portraits; and
other materials.

Series 1: Works

Boxes 1-41 (14.35 linear feet)
Arranged in seventeen subseries: poems; plays; prose
fiction; lectures and speeches; translations; essays;
autobiographies; broadcasts; memoirs; prefaces, introductions and
contributions; letters [written to be published]; collections of
works; folklore and myth; A Vision; works edited by WBY; readers'
reports; and [a small number of] unidentified manuscripts. The
filing of each manuscript generally reflects the evolutionary
process of that work. However, because of the nature of WBY's
creative process, the normal order of AMs, TMs, and page proofs
cannot always be followed. In the case of unidentified fragments,
the numerical sequence of the reel and image numbers is followed.
Many drafts of these works can also be found in his diaries and
journals, as well as in his correspondence.


A. Poems.
Includes AMs, TMs, page proofs and corrected printed
pages of poems, published and unpublished. [The Poems,
edited by Richard J. Finneran, is the primary source for the
organization.] Major collections are arranged
alphabetically, with individual poems filed in order of
publication. Published volumes of poems are filed first;
followed by poems, narrative and dramatic; then, additional
poems; and last, unpublished poems. The first lines of
untitled, unpublished poems are interfiled alphabetically
with titled, unpublished poems. See also Subgroup I, Series
3, Occult, Subseries C; Subgroup II, Series 1, Subseries A,
JBY; and Subgroup I, Series 1, Subseries L, Collections of

B. Plays.
Includes AMs, TMs, and page proofs of plays, published
and unpublished. All plays are filed alphabetically,
beginning with unpublished plays and followed by published
plays. For sketches of stage designs, see Subgroup I, Series
3, Subseries F; and Subgroup III, Series 3, Subseries E. For
music composed for the plays, see Subgroup III, Series 2,
Subseries M. For drafts and additional publications of
plays, see Subgroup I, Series 3, Diaries, Journals and
Notes; and Subgroup I, Series 1, Subseries L, Collections of

C. Prose Fiction.
Includes AMs and TMs filed alphabetically by title.
Primarily unpublished works, with drafts of The Speckled
Bird forming the bulk.

D. Lectures and Speeches.
Includes AMs and TMs. Filed alphabetically by title
with untitled works interfiled by an assigned general

E. Translations.
Includes AMs and TMs of translations prepared by WBY,
or on which he collaborated with others. Filed
alphabetically by title.

F. Essays.
Includes published and unpublished essays, including
reviews. AMs, TMs, page proofs and corrected printed pages
filed alphabetically by title. For additional drafts and
publications of essays, see also Subgroup I, Series 3,
Diaries, Journals and Notes, and Subgroup I, Series 1,
Subseries L, Collections of Works.

G. Autobiographies.
Includes autobiographical materials relating to
Autobiographies, 1926, published by WBY. AMs, TMs and page
proofs filed according to the table of contents.

H. Broadcasts.
Includes drafts, complete scripts, and transcripts by
Curtis B. Bradford. AMs and TMs filed by date of broadcast,
with undated and untitled manuscripts filed last.

I. Memoirs.
Works described by WBY as a memoir. Includes AMs, TMs
and page proofs filed alphabetically by title. Included is
the XYZ Journal along with its corresponding publication:
Death of Synge and Other Passages From an Old Diary. See
also Subgroup III, Series 1, Subseries F, for Masefield's
remembrances of WBY.

J. Prefaces, Introductions and Contributions.
Includes works that WBY wrote for the works of others.
AMs, TMs and page proofs filed alphabetically by author of
the work. Three unpublished introductions that WBY prepared
for the Scribner edition of his works are filed last.

K. Letters.
Includes letters written, or presumably written, to be
published, including two collections of letters published
during WBY's lifetime, primarily to editors of newspapers.
Filed alphabetically by title of the newspaper.

L. Collections of Works.
Includes collections of works of different genres. AMs,
TMs, page proofs and corrected printed pages filed
alphabetically by title. Page proofs for the Collected Works
(Coole ed.) are filed last. Exceptions are noted with cross-references in the Box List. Notebooks containing more than
one work are filed with Diaries, Journals and Notes.

M. Folklore and Myth.
Includes folklore and studies in myth. AMs, TMs and
page proofs filed alphabetically, with untitled works filed
last. Includes a scrapbook of clippings related to
publications of folklore.

N. A Vision.
Includes some pre-Vision materials, including the 3" x
5" card file, notebook of definitions, Version B manuscript,
early dialogues between Aherne and Robartes, and Discoveries
of Michael Robartes. For automatic writing and sleeps, see
Subgroup I, Series 3, Diaries, Journals and Notes. AMs and
TMs are filed according to the table of contents.
Manuscripts for A Vision 1925 are filed first, followed by
corrected galley proofs and page proofs for the 1925
edition. The manuscripts for A Vision 1937 are filed next.
Unidentified manuscript pages are filed last.

O. Works Edited by WBY.
AMs, TMs, galley proofs and page proofs filed
alphabetically by author/title.

P. Readers' Reports.
Includes reports and opinions regarding plays to be
performed at the Abbey Theatre. AMs and TMs filed
alphabetically by the playwright reviewed.

Q. Unidentified Manuscripts.
Includes a few manuscripts yet to be identified. Filed
by reel and image number.

Series 2: Correspondence (1876-1939)

Boxes 42-79 (13.30 linear feet)
Includes all incoming and outgoing correspondence including
telegrams and post cards, the exception being that all family
correspondence to WBY is filed in the sender's assigned
subseries: i.e., JBY to WBY is found in Subgroup II, Series 1,
Subseries A. For the most part, enclosures are retained with the
covering letter. Exceptions are noted on the cover of each
folder. Correspondence is first organized as "incoming" or
"outgoing," then filed alphabetically, and then by date. Undated
letters are filed last. Envelopes dated but without a letter are
filed chronologically. Due to official censorship, this may
indicate a missing letter or may help to date a yet undated
letter. Arranged in six subseries: incoming, outgoing, telegrams,
letters to and letters from Lady Gregory, letters to Mrs. WBY.
Postcards are included with incoming and outgoing correspondence.


A. Incoming.
Includes ALS and TLS with occasional copies of letters.

B. Outgoing.
Includes ALS, TLS, copies and drafts of letters. Drafts
of poems and other works are often included and are so noted
on respective folders.

C. Telegrams.
Incoming, primarily congratulatory messages on the
occasion of WBY's eightieth birthday.

D. Lady Gregory to WBY.
ALS and TLS, 1906-1932. Many undated and fragments of
letters. These are filed last by reel and image number.

E. WBY to Lady Gregory.
Includes ALS and TLS, 1897-1932.

F. WBY to Mrs. WBY.
Includes ALS and TLS, 1917-1939. For Mrs. WBY's letters
to WBY, see Subgroup II, Series 1, Subseries E.

Series 3: Diaries, Journals and Notes

Boxes 80-91 (4.40 linear feet)
Arranged in ten subseries. Includes automatic writing and
occult materials such as Golden Dawn and Celtic Order. Also
included are diaries, Rapallo notebooks (including the White
Vellum notebook), sketches, journals, miscellaneous notes,
astrology, horoscopes, seances, sleeps and dreams.


A. Automatic Writing (Script).
Includes some early accounts from 1913-1915. The bulk
of the material is notebooks and journals from 1917-1922,
which include questions drafted by WBY and Mrs. WBY's
answers. Filed chronologically, with undated manuscripts
filed at the end by reel and image number. WBY's Examination
of the Script of Elizabeth Radcliffe is included. Fragments
of scripts can be found throughout the collection. Scrap
paper and journals used to draft other works were often
used. See also Subgroup I, Series 3, Subseries G, Journals,
the Maud Gonne Xmas 1912 journal; Subgroup II, Series 2,
Subseries C; and Subgroup III, Series 3, Subseries H.

B. Rosicrucian Order (Golden Dawn and Celtic Order).
Includes some TMs of the rituals studied by WBY along
with miscellaneous writings concerning the Golden Dawn and
proposed Celtic Order.

C. Occult (General).
Includes an early occult diary, miscellaneous occult
writings, the Leo Africanus account, the account of the
Bleeding Sacred Heart at Mirebeau, and a report of David
Wilson's Metallic Homunculus Machine.

D. Diaries.
Includes journals kept as a diary, 1906 to 1934. Filed

E. White Vellum Notebook (Rapallo).
Journal containing drafts of plays, poems, essays and
Vision material. A TMs index prepared by Thomas Parkinson is

F. Sketches.
Includes drawings and sketches, many of which are
proposed stage sets. Sketches of David Wilson's Metallic
Homunculus Machine are also included. Filed alphabetically
by title of the related play. For sketches by Edward Gordon
Craig and Charles Ricketts, see Subgroup III, Series 3,
Subseries E.

G. Journals.
Includes journals, notebooks and miscellaneous notes.
Journals and notebooks with drafts of multiple works are
filed here. Journals and notebooks containing only one work
are filed in the subject area related to that work. Because
the microfilm is black and white, color notations are from
other sources. Filed chronologically.

H. Astrology and Horoscopes.
Includes charts of family members, political figures,
musicians, artists, military persons and events prepared by
WBY. Filed alphabetically.

I. Rapallo Notebooks.
Written while staying in Rapallo, Italy. Includes
drafts of various works. Filed chronologically. See also
Subgroup I, Series 1, Subseries E, White Vellum Notebook.

J. Seances, Sleeps and Dreams.
Dating from 1901 to 1933. Although many events
described here are precursors to A Vision, all accounts are
placed together in this subseries and filed chronologically.
For additional reports, see also Subgroup I, Series 3,
Subseries G, Journals, Subgroup I, Series 3, Subseries I,
and Subgroup III, Series 3, Subseries C.

Series 4: Printed Materials

Boxes 92-93 (0.65 linear feet)
Includes newspaper clippings, periodical articles, pamphlets
and a map. Newspapers are arranged chronologically, with the
remaining subseries arranged by title. These are works or reviews
that appeared in print and were often torn from the publication,
itself. Arranged in four subseries.


A. Newspapers.
Includes newspaper clippings from 1914 to 1939, and
scrapbooks of newspaper clippings. Contents include reviews
of works, cartoons, reports on the establishment of the
Irish Academy of Letters, and anniversary and obituary
notices. Filed chronologically with scrapbooks filed last.

B. Periodicals.
Includes articles and works by and about WBY, often
torn directly from the publication. Arranged alphabetically
by title of the publication.

C. Pamphlets.
Includes a memorial to T.W. Lyster and Report of
Speeches for '98 Centennial Association of Great Britain and
France. Filed alphabetically by title.

D. Map: Bedford Park. [An ecclesiastical district in East
Middlesex, comprised of the Acton and Brentford
municipalities on the west side of London.]

Series 5: Documents

Box 93 (17 folders)
Includes contracts, certificates, reports, invitations,
notices, announcements, and financial records.


A. Contracts.
Includes contracts with Lawrence & Bullen and with Mrs.
Patrick Campbell, as well as WBY's will, dated 1929. Filed

B. Certificates.
Includes WBY's vaccination notice, marriage license and
customs document. Filed chronologically.

C. Reports.
Includes health reports and school reports. Filed

D. Invitations, Notices and Announcements.
Includes the program for WBY's eightieth birthday

E. Financial Records.
Includes receipts, estimates of income, and statements.
Filed chronologically.

Series 6: Still Pictures and Portraits

Box 93 (3 folders)
Includes a scene from The Green Helmet; picture of WBY and
Mrs. WBY; portrait of WBY by Augustus John. For additional
pictures see Subgroup II, Series 2, Subseries A, Lily's

Series 7: Other Materials

Box 93 (0.25 linear feet)
Arranged in nine subseries. Includes papers related to the
theatre, the Senate, the Irish Academy of Letters, lists, USA
tours, memorabilia, the Theosophical Society, the Royal Academy
of Sweden, and the Irish Republican Brotherhood.


A. Theatre.
Includes materials related to the following theatres
and societies: Abbey Theatre, Avenue Theatre, Ellen Terry
Barn Theatre Society, The Gaelic Co., Gaiety Theatre, Irish
Literary Theatre, Irish National Theatre Society, Letchworth
Players, National Theatre Company, National Theatre Society,
Olympia Theatre, Repertory Theatre, Royal Grammar School,
The Stage Society, and Warsaw Modern Repertory Theatre.
Filed alphabetically by theatre.

B. Senate (Saorstat Eireann).
Includes minutes of meetings, reports of the Committee
on Coinage, and papers relating to official censorship.
Filed chronologically.

C. Irish Academy of Letters.
Includes membership letters, rules and regulations, and
financial papers.

D. Lists.
Includes lists of manuscripts, books, illustrations,
portraits, replies to correspondence, and telegrams

E. Tours-USA.
Includes papers relating to the 1903 and 1932 tours.
Filed chronologically.

F. Memorabilia.
One item includes a luggage tag (18 Woburn Buildings).
See also Subgroup II, Series 2, Subseries A, Lily's

G. Theosophical Society.
Includes minutes of the society. Filed chronologically.

H. Royal Academy of Sweden.
Includes a TMs draft of a biographical sketch submitted
to the Academy.

I. Irish Republican Brotherhood.
Includes AMs notes.


Boxes 94-131 (13.30 linear feet)
Manuscripts, correspondence and documents relating to the
Yeats family and relatives. Manuscripts include AMs and TMs,
drafts and many fragments. Divided into six series;
correspondence; family history; diaries, journals and notes;
Cuala Press; other materials; and works.

Series 1: Correspondence (late 1800s-1973)

Boxes 94-122 (10.15 linear feet)
Includes correspondence of Yeats family members: JBY,
Lollie, Lily, Jack, Mrs. WBY and other relatives. All
correspondence created by a particular family member is filed in
his/her subgroup, i.e., JBY to WBY is filed in Subgroup II,
Series l, Subseries A. Separated into incoming and outgoing,
filed first alphabetically, and then by date. Dated envelopes
without a corresponding letter are filed chronologically. Due to
official censorship, this may indicate a missing letter or may
help to date a previously undated letter. For the most part,
enclosures are retained with the covering letter. Exceptions are
noted on the cover of each folder. Correspondence is primarily
with family members and is arranged in six subseries.


Incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1863-1922. ALS
and TMs, often illustrated with sketches by JBY. The bulk of
the correspondence is to his children (Lollie, Lily and

B. Lollie.
Incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1878-1939, filed
first alphabetically, then by date.

C. Lily.
Incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1876-1941, filed
first alphabetically, then by date. Outgoing correspondence
is primarily to JBY and WBY.

D. Jack.
Outgoing correspondence, 1880-1949, primarily to family
members. Filed first alphabetically, then by date.

E. Mrs. WBY.
Incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1920-1952, filed
first alphabetically, then by date. Major portion of
correspondence is to WBY.

F. Other Family Members.
Filed alphabetically by family member, late 1800s-1973.
Within each family member's correspondence, incoming and
then outgoing letters are filed first alphabetically, then
by date.

Series 2: Family History

Boxes 123-124 (0.70 linear feet)
Includes family histories as recorded by Lily in her
notebooks, scrapbooks of memorabilia, and histories of the Yeats,
Armstrong, Butler, Pollexfen and Hyde-Lees families.


A. Lily's Notebooks.
Includes the journals and scrapbooks in which she kept
family histories gathered from family members as well as her
own remembrances. One book was kept especially for the
children of WBY. Scrapbooks include newspaper clippings,
photographs, memorabilia and miscellaneous notes. The Family
Book copied by Lily includes correspondence to Dr. Richard
I. Best relating to Yeats family history.

B. Yeats Family.

C. Armstrong Family.
TMs history compiled by John Armstrong.

D. Butler Family.
Includes miscellaneous historical accounts of family

E. Pollexfen Family.
TMs by William M. Murphy and memorial cards.

F. Hyde-Lees Family.
AMs notes related to family history by Mrs. WBY.

Series 3: Diaries, Journals and Notes

Boxes 124-126 (1.05 linear feet)
Includes sketches and sketch books of JBY and Jack,
automatic writing, occult books of Mrs. WBY, astrology,
horoscopes, and occult papers. Arranged in eight subseries.


A. Sketch Books - JBY.
Includes books of sketches drawn while living in New
York. Occasionally includes an AL draft or an AMs of prose.
Some figures are identified. Some sketches are dated. Books
are arranged by the numerical order provided by William M.

B. Drawings and Sketches - JBY.
For additional sketches, see Subgroup II, Series 1,
Subseries A, JBY.

C. Automatic Writing (Script).
Includes an attempt by Lollie and another party. For
automatic writing of Mrs. WBY, see Subgroup I, Series 3,
Subseries A.

D. Drawings and Sketches - Jack.
Primarily work created as a child, although later works
are represented. Often dated. Arranged chronologically.

E. Occult Books and Notes - Mrs. WBY.
Includes tarot cards, Golden Dawn rituals, an occult
diary, and notes related to historical figures contacted
during Sleeps.

F. Others.
Includes an 1889 diary belonging to Jack, miscellaneous
notes, French notebook by H.M. Hyde-Lees, and a note by Lily
entitled My Wishes.

G. Astrology and Horoscopes.
Horoscopes of family members prepared by themselves or
by specialists. Also includes journals of astrology, and
horoscopes prepared by George Pollexfen and Mrs. WBY.
Includes some horoscopes of notable politicians, musicians,
and military figures.

H. Occult.
Includes reports of Lucy Middleton's visions, tarot
cards belonging to George Pollexfen, Rosicrucian ritual
pieces, manuscripts by George Pollexfen, and Lily's accounts
of the White Rose, Red Rose, and Glencullen vision.

Series 4: Cuala Press

Box 127 (6 folders)
Contains some papers relating to the Cuala Press. For page
proofs from the Dun Emer and Cuala Presses, see Subgroup I,
Series 1; Subgroup II, Series 6, Subseries E; and Subgroup III,
Series 2.

Series 5: Other Materials

Boxes 127-128 (0.70 linear feet)
Includes printed materials, documents (including those
relating to the Thomastown lands), still pictures, portraits, and
memorabilia. Arranged in five subseries.


A. Newspapers, Periodicals, etc.
Includes reviews about JBY and his work, obituaries of
JBY and Robert Corbet, JBY's self portrait, and notices
regarding the estate of JBY. Filed chronologically.

B. Deeds, Leases, Wills.
Includes materials relating to the Thomastown lands,
dating back to the 1700s, and the estate of JBY, including a
survey map of Ballina Bog. Filed chronologically.

C. Still Pictures and Portraits.
Includes photographs of family members and JBY's
gravesite in Chestertown, NY. See also Subgroup II, Series
2, Subseries A, Lily's Notebooks.

D. Documents.
Documents primarily relating to Thomastown lands. Also
includes documents relating to the estate of George
Pollexfen, the wedding program of Ruth Pollexfen, birth
announcements of Anne and Michael Yeats, and some financial
papers. Filed chronologically.

E. Memorabilia.
Includes Alice Pollexfen's doll, shoes worn by Lily,
and a locket containing a piece of Ellen Yeats' hair. See
also Subgroup II, Series 2, Subseries A, Lily's Notebooks.

Series 6: Works

Boxes 128-131 (1.96 linear feet)
Includes primarily the works of JBY. Arranged in nine
subseries: memoirs; lectures and speeches; articles; poems;
autobiographies; essays; prefaces and introductions; letters
[written to be published]; and prose fiction. Filed in
alphabetical order except where noted. AMs filed first, followed
by TMs. The first lines of unidentified fragments are transcribed
and are interfiled alphabetically.


A. Memoirs - JBY.
Includes miscellaneous fragments and two journals. The
contents of the journals are known as: Memoirs I, II, and
III. [One journal was reversed and written in from back to
front, as well.] See also Subgroup III, Series 2, Subseries
F, Memoirs, for John Quinn's remembrances of JBY.

B. Lectures and Speeches - JBY.
Includes TMs and published texts on various topics,
primarily relating to art, artists and poets.

C. Articles - JBY.
AMs and TMs, including drafts and printed text.
Includes works that were published along with some
unpublished works intended for publication. Topics include
his views of America, of women, and of society in America
and Ireland.

D. Poems - JBY.
Includes two poems in manuscript form. See Subgroup II,
Series I, Subseries A, JBY, for additional poems.

E. Autobiographies.
Includes biographical notes by Mrs. WBY and the TMs and
PP for Early Memories by JBY.

F. Essays - JBY.
AMs and TMs, some of which are drafts, with many
fragments. The first line of each manuscript is transcribed
to enable an alphabetical filing.

G. Prefaces and Introductions - JBY.
Includes the printed text of the preface to a catalog
of the Whistler Exhibition, NYC.

H. Letters - JBY.
Written to be published, primarily to the editors of
newspapers. Filed alphabetically by title of newspaper.

I. Prose Fiction - JBY.
Includes a TMs of The Twins and an AMs notebook of
prose drafts.


Boxes 132-145 (4.9 linear feet)

Manuscripts, correspondence and documents relating to the
friends and associates of WBY. Divided into six series:
correspondence; works; diaries, journals, notes and documents;
collection notes; printed materials; and other materials.

Series 1: Correspondence (1876-1956)

Boxes 132-134 (1.05 linear feet)
Includes the correspondence between friends and associates
of WBY. Filed first alphabetically and then by date, incoming
correspondence followed by outgoing correspondence. Undated
letters are filed last. Telegrams and post cards are interfiled
with incoming and outgoing correspondence. Arranged in four
subseries: Lady Gregory, other friends and associates, Annie
Horniman, and miscellaneous envelopes.

Augusta Persse, Lady Gregory, widow of Sir William Gregory, met
Yeats in 1896, when she was 45, and was his close friend and
supporter until her death in 1932. An author and translator, she
was heavily involved in the Irish Literary Movement and the Irish
National Theatre. Yeats frequently stayed at her estate at Coole.

Annie [A.E.F.] Horniman, once Yeats' secretary, was an English
theatre manager and patron who provided much of the support for
the establishment of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin, and for the
production of Yeats' plays. She withdrew her support in 1910 when
the theatre failed to cancel a production on the day of the death
of King Edward VII.


A. Lady Gregory.
Includes all of her incoming correspondence except
letters written to her from WBY or Yeats family members. All
of her outgoing correspondence is filed in this subseries
except for her letters to WBY. For these letters, see
Subgroup I, Series 2, Subseries D; Subgroup I, Series 2,
Subseries E, and Subgroup II, Series 1.

B. Others.
Includes correspondence between friends and associates
of WBY and his family.

C. Horniman, A. E. F.
Includes correspondence between Miss Horniman and her
friends and associates. Primarily related to Abbey Theatre

D. Miscellaneous Envelopes.
Includes envelopes that apparently have no letter. They
were retained as a possible aid to research.

Series 2: Works

Boxes 134-136 (1.05 linear feet)
Includes the works of WBY's friends and associates. Some are
manuscripts submitted to the Cuala Press for publication. Some
are page proofs from the Cuala Press. Other manuscripts were sent
to WBY for his valued criticism. For additional copies and drafts
of works by WBY's friends, see their incoming correspondence to
both WBY and JBY. Filed alphabetically by author/title. Arranged
in fourteen subseries: poems; essays; prefaces and introductions;
plays; letters [written to be published]; memoirs; biographies;
prose; lectures and speeches; translations; reviews; folklore and
myth; music; and unidentified manuscripts.


A. Poems.
Includes AMs, TMs and page proofs of works by J.
Patrick Byrne, Mary E. Coleridge, Lyle Donaghy, Edward
Dowden, Ernest Dowson, Edwin Ellis, Jeanne Robert Foster,
Oliver St. John Gogarty, Althea Gyles, Desmond Harmsworth,
F.R. Higgins, Louis MacNeice, Susan L. Mitchell, Dermot
O'Bryne, Michael O'Donovan, Ezra Pound, Lennox Robinson,
Margot Ruddock, George William Russell (A.E.), Frank
Sidgwick, Frank Pearce Sturm, Arthur W. Symons, Agnes Tobin,
and Richard Tolhurst.

B. Essays.
Includes AMs, TMs and page proofs of works by Francis
Bickley, Basil Bunting, A.E.F. Horniman, Patricia Greacen,
Lady Gregory, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Elizabeth Rivers, G.B.
Shaw, and Percy Arland Ussher.

C. Prefaces and Introductions.
Includes an AMS draft with miscellaneous notes by Shri
Purohit for WBY's introduction to Mandukya Upanishad.
[Upanishads. English. Upanishads; put into English by Shree
Purohit, swami, and W.B. Yeats. (1937)]

D. This subseries has been deleted. The materials have
been refiled.

E. Letters.
Includes letters for publication, written by Maud
Gonne, Lady Gregory, D.S. Mac Coll, Arthur Norman, Myron
Phelps, John T. Quinn, and George William Russell, primarily
to editors of newspapers. Filed alphabetically by author of
the letter. A draft of correspondence between William
Rothenstein, Rabindranath Tagore and WBY, edited and
described for publication by Mary Lago, is also included.

F. Memoirs.
Includes TMs and page proofs of works by Lady Gregory,
John Masefield, and John T. Quinn.

G. Biographies.
Includes a TMs copy of selected chapters of Oliver
Edwards' Yeats: His Life and Poetry,. [apparently
unpublished]. Also includes a TMs copy of a biographical
tribute to Robert Gregory by an unknown author.

H. Prose.
Includes a card with the printed text of a prayer by an
unknown author.

I. Lectures and Speeches.
Includes AMs and TMs drafts and notes for speeches on
the Abbey Theatre, the illustrations of G.K. Chesterton's
Blake, and Agnes Tobin's poetry.

J. Translations.
Includes AMs, TMs and page proofs of works by Julius
Firmicus Maternus, John Milton, Shotaro Oshima, Agnes Tobin,
and Mario M. Rossi.

K. Reviews.
Includes AMs and TMs of reviews by Lady Gregory, Lennox
Robinson, and George Allen.

L. Folklore and Myth.
Includes AMs of accounts by Rosemary E. Greville-Nugent
and A.V.M. for Lady Gregory's Visions and Beliefs in the
West of Ireland (1920), see Subgroup I, Series 1, Subseries

M. Music.
Includes AMusMs of works by George Antheil, Arnold
Dolmetsch, Edmund Dulac, Florence Farr Emery, and Herbert
Hughes, as well as some traditional Irish folk music.
Primarily drafts of music for plays and poems of WBY. See
also Subgroup I, Series 1, Subseries B, Plays, On Baile's
Strand, for musical notations in the hand of Herbert Hughes
on a manuscript by WBY.

N. Unidentified Manuscripts.
Includes a few unidentified manuscripts by other than
WBY or family members.

Series 3: Diaries, Journals, Notes and Documents

Boxes 137-144 (2.80 linear feet)
Includes occult materials, among which are the rituals of
the Golden Dawn; documents; notes, drawings and sketches;
diaries; astrology and horoscopes; and automatic writing.
Arranged in eight subseries.


A. Rosicrucian Order (Golden Dawn).
Includes the rituals of the Golden Dawn, many copied by
George Pollexfen but belonging to other members of the
society. Also included are miscellaneous papers on pertinent
subjects for society members. Primarily AMs and TMs. Rituals
are filed first, with miscellaneous subjects filed last.
Includes works by Mrs. J.W. Brodie-Innes, Miss Childers,
George M. Harper, A.E.F. Horniman, William T. Horton, Samuel
L. MacGregor Mathers, and Neville Meakin.

B. Documents.
Includes wills, death notices, and some miscellaneous
documents related to John Butler Benjamin Yeates [sic]
(unrelated to WBY). Filed chronologically.

C. Occult (General).
Includes sleeps re: S.S. Lusitania and the search for
the will of Hugh Lane; and notes re: historical figures met
during sleeps.

D. Notes.
Includes a miscellaneous note by George W. Russell.

E. Drawings and Sketches.
Includes stage sets by Edward Gordon Craig and Charles
Ricketts; a sketch by George W. Russell; and preliminary
sketches of the frontispiece for A Vision (1925) by Edmund
Dulac. Filed alphabetically by artist.

F. Diaries.
Includes miscellaneous notes re: Lady Gregory's diaries.

G. Astrology and Horoscopes.
Includes some writings and horoscopes by Claude Dumas,
Robert W. Felkin, A.E.F. Horniman, Hamilton Minchin and
James R. Wallace. Filed alphabetically by author.

H. Automatic Writing (Script).
Includes, particularly, the writings of Eva Fowler and
Elizabeth Radcliffe. Also included are scripts of Herbert
Batsford, Stainton Moses and K. Wingfield. Manuscripts are
filed first alphabetically, then by date.

Series 4: Collection Notes

Box 144 (0.10 linear feet)
Contains miscellaneous collection notes that may be of value
to the researcher. Some are miscellaneous envelopes in which a
large number of manuscripts were stored. Some are general
alphabetical guides. Filed by reel and image number. All notes
with information concerning specific manuscripts by such scholars
as Curtis B. Bradford, David R. Clark and William M. Murphy are
filed with that manuscript.

Series 5: Printed Materials

Box 145 (0.17 linear feet)
Includes newspaper and periodical articles, cards, still
pictures, portraits, and pamphlets. Arranged in five subseries.


A. Newspapers.
Includes newspaper clippings. Filed alphabetically by date.

B. Periodicals.
Includes articles removed from the original periodical.
Filed alphabetically by periodical title.

C. Cards.
Includes miscellaneous picture post cards, calling
cards and greeting cards.

D. Still Pictures and Portraits.
Includes Alastor, Mrs. Fitzsimon, Mrs. Foden, Jeanne
Robert Foster, Lady Gregory, the Irish Republican Army,
Swami Shri Purohit, John T. Quinn, and J. M. Synge. Also
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania;, lapis lazuli; and some
unidentified pictures.

E. Pamphlets.
Includes miscellaneous pamphlets on astrology and one
on Irish plays. Filed alphabetically by author/title.

Series 6: Other Materials

Box 145 (0.17 linear feet)
Includes material relating to the theatre, Irish Academy of
Letters, Irish Astrological Society and the Eugenics Society.
Arranged in four subseries.


A. Theatre.
Includes materials related to the Abbey Theatre,
Manchester Theatre, Liverpool Theatre, Leeds Theatre,
Mechanics Institute Theatre, and National Theatre Society.
Filed alphabetically.

B. Irish Academy of Letters.
Includes the Rules and Regulations of the Academy and
information regarding membership.

C. Irish Astrological Society.
Includes some of their publications, constitution,
membership forms and charts.

D. Eugenics Society.
Includes an invitation for membership.