Description of Music Major Application Materials
Applicants need to submit the following materials by February 15, 2025 to be considered for music scholarships. Otherwise, applicants will be expected to complete their application materials during the first week of their first semester at Stony Brook.
Entrance Exams: you must show competence in rudimentary music theory and musicianship (ear-training). Students who do not pass either the theory or musicianship parts of the exam may take preparatory courses their first year at Stony Brook that, if successfully completed, will permit entry to the major in their second year. Students who enter the music program in their second year can still graduate in four years of a normal undergraduate program. If you are not accepted, you will be informed why, and what courses you would have to take at Stony Brook to be accepted in your second year. These tests will be offered periodically during the year: you will be asked to choose an exam date when you fill out your music major application, or you can contact the Undergraduate Program Director via email:
Placement Test: the placement tests for 2024/2025 will take place the following dates:
December 6 at 5 pm (Zoom)
February 21 at 5 pm (Zoom)
March 21 at 5 pm (Zoom)
March 29 at 1 pm (on campus, in conjunctions with the University’s Accepted Students
Audition: anyone who wishes to take applied lessons must audition for your particular area (instrumental or vocal). As part of your application, you will be asked to provide links to your recorded audition materials, or you can indicate at a live audition during the first week of classes that you wish to be considered for the Music Major. If you are not accepted, you will be informed why, and what courses you would have to take at Stony Brook to be accepted in your second year. All Music Major students will have a performance requirement.
Other Materials: students may choose to strengthen their application and consideration for scholarships by including a portfolio of compositions, or an academic paper or papers on music. These materials will be considered as part of your application, and may assist your undergraduate advisor in recommending courses which might be particularly appropriate for your interests.
Please contact the Music Department office at (631) 632-7330 during mid-August if you intend on auditioning and/or taking your placement tests during the first week of classes.
Individual Instrument Requirements