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Presidential Search Committee Nominations

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students:
I am pleased to kick off the search for the next president of Stony Brook University. Today begins the open nomination period for membership on the Stony Brook University Presidential Search Committee. This initial process will extend through July 26, at 5:00 p.m.
Presidential searches are governed by SUNY policy and guidelines. In keeping with such guidance, as Chair, I will be appointing committee representatives from the Stony Brook Council and the Stony Brook Foundation. I am also seeking nominations from which I may choose additional committee members including students, deans, alumni and professional staff. Please submit your nomination(s) electronically for consideration for non-faculty positions by July 26.
There will also be seven faculty with tenure or tenure-track faculty on the committee. Faculty will receive a separate email from Brenda Anderson, President of the University Senate, who will outline the categories, requirements, and deadlines for faculty nominations. I may add additional research faculty to the committee.
Our goal is to have the search committee named by early September to allow for the first search committee meeting to take place by mid-September. We will have procured the services of a national search firm to assist the search committee prior to our first meeting.
Your engagement in shaping the search committee is critical as is the need to establish a committee that is both inclusive and representative of the many stakeholders across campus. While search committee members will certainly have their own sense of essential qualities in a new president, it is important that they also be able to represent the interests of the institution as a whole. And, of course, we will need to comply with all SUNY policies, procedures, and regulations for presidential searches.
Thank you for taking a moment to participate in this very important step.
Kevin Law
Chair, Stony Brook Council
Chair, Presidential Search Committee