Welcome to the Academic Program Proposal Decision Assistant! This tool is designed to help you decide what paperwork you will need to complete for SUNY and NY State Education Department (NYSED) approval.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Let's Get Started|New or Existing Program]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))]
''Helpful Tip:'' Click on any phrase in (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>red italics</u>//]") [// (Just like that!)//] for its definition.First we need to decide whether this proposal is to create a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>new program</u>//]") [// (A program that has not yet been approved by SUNY or NYSED)//] or revise an (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>existing program</u>//]") [// (A program that has previously been approved by SUNY or NYSED and has an active SED program code)//]. Would you like to create a new program or would you like to revise an existing program?
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Create a New Program|New Program]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Revise an Exisiting Program|Program Revision]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Is this proposal for a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>degree-granting program</u>//]") [// (A program that leads to a degree upon completion of the curriculum)//] or a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>certificate</u>//]") [// (A credential issued by an institution in recognition of the completion of a curriculum other than one leading to a degree)//]?
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[Degree-Granting Program]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Certificate|2C Distance Ed]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Revision proposals cover a wide variety of changes, including changes to the (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>registered curriculum</u>//]") [// (The curriculum that was most recently approved by SUNY and NYSED)//], the addition or elimination of a track/concentration, title changes, and changes to the mode of delivery. Let's determine which form you should use for your revision.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|Multi revision]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Is a title change the ''only'' proposed revision? That means the (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>registered curriculum</u>//]") [// (The curriculum that was most recently approved by SUNY and NYSED)//] is up-to-date and no other changes will be made.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Use Form 3C]]] ]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[No|Distance Ed Format]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Form!]
Use Form 3C (Program Revision Proposal: Title Change) to draft your proposal.
Please go to our Resources page for an annotated version of this form.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information Revision]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Does this change include the addition of a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>distance education format</u>//]") [// (50% or more of the course requirements for the degree or other award can be completed through study delivered by distance education)//]?
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Distance and Revision]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[No|Use Form 3A]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###What's Next?]
Before you begin drafting your proposal, work with your School or College to ensure you have approval to pursue this change. Continue navigating this webpage for tools and resources to help you get started in this process.(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Is the addition of a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>distance education format</u>//]") [// (50% or more of the course requirements for the degree or other award can be completed through study delivered by distance education)//] the ''only'' proposed revision? That means the (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>registered curriculum</u>//]") [// (The curriculum that was most recently approved by SUNY and NYSED)//] is up-to-date and no other changes will be made.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Use Form 4]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[[[No|Use Form 3A and Form 4]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Form!]
Use Form 3A (Program Revision Proposal: Changes to an Existing Program) to complete your proposal. Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for an annotated version of this form.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information Revision]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Form!]
Use Form 4 (Distance Education Format Proposal) to draft your proposal. Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for an annotated version of this form.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information Revision]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Forms!]
Use Form 3A (Program Revision Proposal: Changes to an Existing Program) to draft your proposal. You will also need to submit Form 4 (Distance Education Format Proposal) as an addendum.
Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for annotated versions of these forms.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information Revision]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Most new degree programs require a more extensive proposal process. There are, however, some exceptions for proposals that create new programs from existing programs. Let's determine which form you should use for your proposal.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|Multi-award]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Will this new program be offered in a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>distance education format</u>//]") [// (50% or more of the course requirements for the degree or other award can be completed through study delivered by distance education)//]?
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Use Forms 2C and 4]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[No|Use Form 2C]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Forms!]
Use Form 2C (New Certificate Program Proposal) to draft your proposal. You will also need to submit Form 4 (Distance Education Format Proposal) as an addendum. Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for annotated versions of these forms.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information New]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Form!]
Use Form 2C (New Certificate Program Proposal) to draft your proposal. Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for an annotated version of this form.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information New]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###What's Next?]
Before you begin drafting your proposal, work with your School or College to ensure you have approval to pursue this new program. Once you receive approval, please contact the Provost's Office for further consultation.
Continue navigating this webpage for tools and resources to help you get started in this process.(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Does this proposal involve the ''creation'' of a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>multi-award program</u>//]") [// (A program that leads to more than one degree)//] using (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>existing programs</u>//]") [// (A program that has previously been approved by SUNY or NYSED and has an active SED program code)//]? //Exisiting multi-award programs can be modified using a standard revision form//.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Multi New From Existing]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[No|Track]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Are the (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>registered curricula</u>//]") [// (The curriculum that was most recently approved by SUNY and NYSED)//] of the programs being used for this proposal up-to-date?
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Multi Distance]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[No|Multi Rev Disance]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Can this program be created using ''existing courses'' from an option, concentration, or track in a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>registered curriculum</u>//]") [// (The curriculum that was most recently approved by SUNY and NYSED)//]? Will the program requirements (i.e. admissions standards, evaluation elements, program location) be consistent with those of the (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>registered curriculum</u>//]") [// (The curriculum that was most recently approved by SUNY and NYSED)//]?
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Use Form 3B]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[No|Use Forms 1A or 1B]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Will this new program be offered in a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>distance education format</u>//]") [// (50% or more of the course requirements for the degree or other award can be completed through study delivered by distance education)//]?
(text-colour:#990000)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Use Forms 3B and 4]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[No|Use Form 3B]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Will this new program be offered in a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>distance education format</u>//]") [// (50% or more of the course requirements for the degree or other award can be completed through study delivered by distance education)//]?
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Use Forms 3A, 3B, and 4]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[No|Use Forms 3A and 3B]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Forms!]
Use Form 3B (Program Revision Proposal: Creating a New Program from Existing Programs) to draft your proposal. You will also need to submit Form 4 (Distance Education Format Proposal) as an addendum. Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for annotated versions of these forms.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information New]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Form!]
Use Form 3B (Program Revision Proposal: Creating a New Program from Existing Programs) to draft your proposal. Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for an annotated version of this form.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information New]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Forms!]
Please go to our Resources page for annotated versions of these forms.
Since at least one of the (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>existing programs</u>//]") [// (A program that has previously been approved by SUNY or NYSED and has an active SED program code)//] that is part of this proposal requires revision, you will also need to complete Form 3A (Program Revision Proposal: Changes to an Existing Program) as part of this submission package.
Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for annotated versions of these forms.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information New]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))###You've Found Your Forms!
Use Form 3B (Program Revision Proposal: Creating a New Program from Existing Programs) to draft your proposal.
Since at least one of the (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>existing programs</u>//]") [// (A program that has previously been approved by SUNY or NYSED and has an active SED program code)//] that is part of this proposal requires revision, you will also need to complete Form 3A (Program Revision Proposal: Changes to an Existing Program) as part of this submission package.
Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for annotated versions of these forms.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information New]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))Does this proposal involve the ''creation'' of a (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>multi-award program</u>//]") [// (A program that leads to more than one degree)//] using (link-reveal: "(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[//<u>existing programs</u>//]") [// (A program that has previously been approved by SUNY or NYSED and has an active SED program code)//]? //Exisiting multi-award programs can be modified using a standard revision form//.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Yes|Multi New From Existing]]]]
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[No|Title Change]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[###You've Found Your Form!]
It looks like you want to create a brand new program. Prior to submitting a full proposal, you will need to complete a Program Announcment (Form 1A) for a new undergraduate program or a Letter of Intent (Form 1B) for a new graduate program. Please note that if your proposal includes courses outside your School/College, letters of support from the respective Chair(s) and Dean(s) are required with submission to the Provost's Office.
Please go to our Resources page for annotated versions of these forms.
(text-colour:#990000)+(background:white)[(text-style:"underline")[[[Continue|More Information New]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(background:white))
Welcome to the Academic Program Proposal Decision Assistant! This tool is designed to help you decide what paperwork you will need to complete for SUNY and NY State Education Department (NYSED) approval.
Let's Get Started
Helpful Tip: Click on any phrase in red italics for its definition.