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April 10, 2023


To: All Students

Subject: Holocaust Remembrance Events at Stony Brook

Dear Seawolves,
Stony Brook will be hosting a series of events to highlight the significance of Yom HaShoah (HolocaustRemembrance Day) and commemorating the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust as well as Roma, Poles, LGBTQ*, and other minorities. 

  • HolocaustRemembranceMemorial: Monday, April 17 to Wednesday, April 19: Hundreds of white pinwheels representing victims of the Holocaust will be displayed on the lawn between the Student Activities Center and Frey Hall. 
  • HolocaustRemembrance Day (Yom HaShoah): Wednesday, April 19, Union Ballroom. This event will include a candle lighting ceremony to remember the victims and a Holocaust survivor who will share their personal story.
    • 12:30pm - Candle ceremony
    • 1pm - Holocaust Survivor guest speaker
I hope you can join us at either or both of these events. It is important to remember the Holocaust, not only to honor its victims and survivors, but also to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. By attending this event, you will have the opportunity to hear directly from a Holocaust survivor and to pay tribute to those who perished.


Rick Gatteau, PhD
Vice President for Student Affairs 

Jessica Lemons 
Executive Director, Hillel