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Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Help Keep Seawolves Safe - Follow These On-Campus and Off-Campus Student Event Guidelines  

Dear Seawolves,

We are excited to see your high level of energy and engagement on campus, including attending programs and events, joining student clubs and organizations, socializing and making friends, and relaxing and studying in the new Stony Brook Union and other parts of campus. This is the return to campus life we have all been looking forward to.  

With this in mind, we all must stay vigilant and do our part to continue our safe, vibrant in-person academic and campus life.  Please carefully read the information below so you can safely host and attend events on and/or off-campus.

Health and Safety Responsibilities

It is our individual and collective responsibility to protect the health and safety of others. As detailed in theCode of Student Responsibility, violations of local, state, and federal law that adversely affect the safety and security of the University, University property, or members of the University community will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards for follow-up through our student conduct process.

Mask Wearing Guidelines

Please check theStony Brook Stronger Together website for the most up-to-date information on requirements regarding wearing face coverings and other important health and safety updates.  Currently, you are required to wear a face covering over your nose and mouth while in all indoor spaces, except in your residence hall room or suite (if you reside on campus) or are actively eating a meal.  

Attending or Hosting Events 

Please make smart choices and decisions when attending and/or hosting an event on or off-campus. 

On-Campus Events

We have prepared our on-campus spaces (i.e.,the Student Activities Center, the Stony Brook Union, Tabler Center, Bauman Center, deVries Center, etc.) to help you and your fellow Seawolves feel safe while attending events.  When hosting an event in these spaces, you can expect the following:

  • All AV equipment will be cleaned daily by our team.
  • Event organizers will be provided with sanitary equipment wipes when we greet you and provide you with your own mic/lapel/laptop upon request.
  • Complimentary face masks are available to provide to guests/attendees who may forget their mask.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be available. 

Off-Campus Events

It has been observed across colleges nationally that many COVID positive cases have been traced to off-campus gatherings/parties. Please do your part to prevent this from happening at Stony Brook. 

When hosting an event or gathering off-campus, please think through best practices that will lead to the care and safe engagement for all.  If you are attending an off-campus event, wear a face mask while engaging with peers, sanitize/wash your hands.  If you feel sick, stay home and reach out to Student Health Services for guidance.  

If we learn of an off-campus gathering in which there may have been risk of COVID transmission, our Stony Brook Contact Tracers will outreach to the event hosts to discuss health and safety guidelines and may strongly recommend COVID testing for all attendees.

Ways You Can Assist in Keeping Spaces Safe On and Off Campus

  • Ensure the number of attendees can reasonably fit into the allotted space without creating overcrowding or an unsafe situation.  
  • Consider hosting the event or gathering outdoors. 
  • Use multiple entrances and exits and discourage crowded waiting areas.
  • Ensure masks are worn by all attendees at any indoor gatherings. 
  • Use sanitizing spray or wipes to clean shared areas or equipment.
  • Ensure hand sanitizers are readily available.
  • If you feel sick, stay home and contact Student Health Services.

We cannot let our guard down if we want to continue to enjoy in-person classes and activities.  Let’s continue to work through the challenges, show our fellow Seawolves that we care about their well-being and safety, and keep our high energy and vibrant campus life.


Rick Gatteau, PhD
Vice President for Student Affairs

Ric S. McClendon, EdD
Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students