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Accessibility and Disability Abroad

picnic abroad

Stony Brook University is dedicated to providing students with enriching and safe academic experiences overseas. We encourage all students with documented disabilities to consider the type of accommodation(s) they may need on a program while exploring their options. Interested students with documented disabilities are encouraged to work closely with International Academic Programs and the Student Accessibility Support Center from their first interest in studying abroad so as a team, we can find the best fit while considering program locations and individual student circumstances.

All students should be mindful of the host country’s laws and attitudes related to disabilities and how these differences could affect access and support, impacting the level of accommodation possible. Early planning, clear disclosure and documentation will help your SBU support system best advocate for you to have a successful experience overseas.

Things to Consider

What type of accommodations will I need abroad?

What are the laws regarding accessibility in my host country?

Do I have the appropriate documentation for my accommodations?

Is it possible for the program to accommodate my disability in the same way it would be accommodated on campus? If not, am I willing to make adjustments in order to participate in this particular program?

Are there other factors more important to me than disability such as cost of the program (so that I can also travel more!), cultural or religious community or learning a specific language?

What tradeoffs am I willing to make in order to have the experience I am seeking?

Do I have a sense of adventure or do I want a more predictable and comfortable experience?

Resource List

Mobility International USA
NAFSA: Association of International Educators
United Nations
Diversity Abroad