Naomi Rosenthal
Areas of Interest
Social Movements; Gender; Historical Sociology; Cultural Issues; Students Who Work
Representative Publications
Spinsterhood and Womanly Possibilities in the Twentieth Century. SUNY Press: Albany,
NY, 2002.
Structural Tensions in the Nineteenth Century Women's Movement@ with M. Fingrutd,
M. Ethier, R. Karant and D. McDonald in Mobilization, 2(1) March, 1997, pp. 21-46.
Social Movements and Network Analysis: A Case Study of 19th Century Women's Reform
in New York State@ with M. Fingrutd, M. Ethier, R. Karant and D. McDonald. Reprinted
from The American Journal of Sociology (abridged) in Collective Behavior and Social
Movements, ed. by Russell L. Curtis, Jr. and Benigno Aguirre, Allyn and Bacon, 1993,
pp. 157-167.
Leader Member Conflict in Protest Organizations: The Case of the Southern Farmer's
Alliance@ with Michael Schwartz and Laura Schwartz. Reprinted from Social Problems
(abridged) in Collective Behavior and Social Movements, ed. by Russell L. Curtis,
Jr. and Benigno Aguirre, Allyn and Bacon, 1993, pp. 270-282.