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Billing Statements

Your billing statement will be available in SOLAR under the STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES menu. No paper billing statements will be printed or mailed. All billing communication will be done via email and SOLAR. Please ensure that a valid email address exists on your student record. All charges are subject to change by official action of the SUNY Board of Trustees. College, student activity, and comprehensive fees are mandatory for all Summer Sessions students.

Summer 2024 Tuition Rates

Summer enrollment is very affordable! Stony Brook’s tuition is a fraction of the cost of private universities, and financial aid is available to those who qualify.  

Tuition: Per Credit

  New York State Resident Out of State
 Undergraduate New York State Resident$295.00 Out of State$1,119.00
 Graduate** New York State Resident$471.00 Out of State$1,020.00
 Graduate MBA students New York State Resident$625.00 Out of State$1,067.00
 Physical Therapy Grad Students New York State Resident$1,016.00 Out of State$1,343.00
 Doctor of Nursing Practice New York State Resident$1,047.00 Out of State$1,367.00
 Social Work New York State Resident$545.00 Out of State$944.00
 Physician Assistant New York State Resident$676.00 Out of State$1,343.00
 Masters of Health Administration New York State Resident$582.00 Out of State$1,020.00

Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.

** Tuition is charged at the level of matriculation. A matriculated graduate student taking undergraduate courses will be charged at the GRADUATE tuition rate.

Fee Rates 

Undergraduate Activity Fee $7.00 Per Session
Graduate Activity Fee $5.00 Per Session
Counseling and Health Fee $60.25 per Session
Technology Fee $113.50 per Session
College Fee $11.45 per Credit
Academic Excellence Fee $40.50 per Session
Recreation Fee $5.00 (online only) $40 (in-person) per session
Lifetime Career Development Fee $7.50 per Session
Transportation Fee $47.25 per Session

Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.

** Tuition is charged at the level of matriculation. A matriculated graduate student taking undergraduate courses will be charged at the GRADUATE tuition rate.

Tuition Breakdown

NYS Resident Undergraduate

Credit Hours 3cr 4cr
Credit HoursTuition 3cr $885 4cr$1,180
Credit HoursUndergraduate Activity Fee 3cr$7.00 4cr$7.00
Credit HoursCollege 3cr $34.35 4cr$45.80 
Credit HoursTechnology 3cr $113.50 4cr $113.50
Credit HoursAcademic Excellence 3cr $40.50 4cr $40.50
Credit HoursRecreation Center/ Facilities 3cr $5.00 4cr $5.00
Credit HoursCounseling and Health Fee 3cr $60.25 4cr$60.25
Credit HoursLifetime Career Development Fee 3cr$7.50 4cr$7.50
Credit HoursTransportation Fee 3cr$47.25 4cr$47.25
Credit HoursTotal   3cr $1,213.35 4cr$1,519.80

Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.

NYS Resident Graduate

Credit Hours 3cr 4cr
Credit HoursTuition 3cr $1,413.00 4cr $1,884.00
Credit HoursActivity 3cr $5.00 4cr $5.00
Credit HoursCollege 3cr $34.35 4cr $45.80
Credit HoursTechnology 3cr $113.50 4cr $113.50
Credit HoursAcademic Excellence 3cr $40.50 4cr $40.50
Credit HoursCounseling and Health Fee 3cr $60.25 4cr $60.25
Credit HoursLifetime Career Development Fee 3cr$7.50 4cr$7.50
Credit HoursTransportation Fee 3cr$47.25 4cr


Credit HoursTotal 3cr$1,721.35 4cr


Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.

Summer Fees

Select an item below to view more information. For dates and deadlines, view the Summer Academic Calendar.

Fees are subject to change without notice.

Payment Policies and Procedures

Summer 1 Payments are Due June 15th
Summer 2 Payments are Due July 15th

Summer Session 1 and Extended Session

Payment for Summer Session 1 and Extended Session is due in full by June 15th, 2024. Summer Session 1 includes all O, C, Z, and MM1 and MM2 Mod Sessions. A $40 late payment fee will be posted to all Summer Session I or Extended accounts that remain unpaid after June 15th, 2024.

An additional $40 late payment fee will be added to all Session I and Extended Session accounts that remain unpaid after July 15th, 2024.

Summer Session 2

Payment for Summer Session 2 is due in full by July 15th, 2024. Summer Session 2 includes all D, 9, M, MM and MM3 Mod Sessions. A $40 late payment fee will be posted to all Summer Session II accounts that remain unpaid after July 15th, 2024.

An additional $40 late payment fee will added to all Session II accounts that remain unpaid after August 15, 2024.

How to Pay

The billing statement will be posted in SOLAR. You may pay by credit card or electronic check in SOLAR or mail a check to:

Student Financial Services
Stony Brook University
PO Box 619
Stony Brook, NY 11790-0619

You may pay as follows:

  • SOLAR System: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or check.
  • In person at the Student Financial Services Office Stony Brook Union, Suite 207: check, credit card.  ***We do not accept cash.
  • Please write your university ID number on check payments.
  • By mail to: Stony Brook University, P.O Box 619, Stony Brook, NY 11790-0169. Please write student ID number on the check

Unpaid Summer Charges

All accounts must be paid in full to secure the release of transcripts, diploma (or certificate of completion); to participate in room selection and for advance registration. Past-due accounts may be transferred to a collection agency or to the New York State Attorney General's Office for collection. Accounts submitted to collections will be subject to additional fees, fines, and interest.

If you decide not to attend summer sessions class(es), you must OFFICIALLY withdraw from the session/course(s). Late withdrawals will incur tuition and fees liability. The University will not cancel your classes if you decide not to attend, or if you do not pay your summer tuition and fees bill.

Refund Policies and Procedures

Requests for Refunds due to overpayments or withdrawals must be in writing to the Student Accounts Office.

Approved academic petitions to withdraw from courses will not automatically result in removal or adjustment of charges. A financial petition requesting consideration to remove tuition and fee liability must be submitted to the Office of Student Accounts at the address below.

No refunds will be considered for students who have completed more than one-half of a session or term. Petitions must be received within three months after the end of the session in which the charges were incurred.

All refund requests must be submitted in writing to:
Student Financial Services
Stony Brook Union, Suite 207
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3222
Fax (631) 632-1308

Fee Refunds

  • Housing Fee: Prorated by the week.
  • College Fee, Late Registration Fee, and Lost ID Card Fee: Not refundable.

Summer Tuition Refund & Liability Schedule

 Summer 2024  Session Tuition and Fee Liability

SessionStart Date 120-MAY 1EXT20-MAY 28-JULY 2EXT17-JUNE GRAD ONLINE20-MAY
Session0% 15/20 - 5/26 1EXT5/20 - 5/26 27/8 - 7/14 2EXT6/17 - 6/23 GRAD ONLINE5/20 - 5/26
Session50% 1  1EXT  2  2EXT  GRAD ONLINE5/27 - 6/2
Session60% 1  1EXT5/27 - 6/2 2  2EXT6/24 - 6/30 GRAD ONLINE 
Session70% 15/27 - 6/2 1EXT  27/15 - 7/21 2EXT  GRAD ONLINE6/3 - 6/9
Session80% 1  1EXT6/3 - 6/9 2  2EXT7/1 - 7/7 GRAD ONLINE 

 Financial Aid

Financial Aid programs available for Summer Sessions:

  • Financial Aid programs available for Summer Sessions
  • Federal Stafford Loan Subsidized
  • Federal Stafford Loan Unsubsidized
  • PLUS Loan (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students)
  • Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
  • Federal Work Study
  • Pell Grant

Summer Eligibility Requirements

Only matriculated Stony Brook students may receive summer financial aid awards. Visiting students should check with the institution they attend during the academic year. Applicants for TAP, Stafford Loans, and PLUS Loans must enroll in summer session classes for a minimum of six (6) units. Undergraduate Federal Work Study applicants must be enrolled. Advanced graduate students engaged in full-time research must enroll in the appropriate course.

Since TAP, Pell Grant, and the Stafford Loan programs have award limits which may not be exceeded, applicants should check with the Office of Financial and Scholarship Services to understand how summer awards may affect future eligibility.

A recent Pell Grant regulation change may allow you to receive an extra Pell payment if you enroll in summer courses.

Anticipated Aid

Awards that have been accepted but have not yet been disbursed to your University account are considered “anticipated aid.” Award estimates, stipends, Work-Study, and student reported awards are not recorded as anticipated aid. In addition, anticipated aid that is not disbursed after a period of time will expire and will no longer be taken into account against any outstanding University charges. Please note that if your aid has expired, it can still be disbursed to your account once the disbursement hold is resolved. To avoid potential late fees and registration blocks, it is important to promptly follow up on all required documents.

Summer TAP for Matriculated Undergraduates

Students may be eligible to receive TAP (Tuition Assistance Program) to assist with tuition costs associated with summer study.

  • You must have received your first TAP award in the 2006-2007 academic year or
  • You must have been enrolled full time in the prior spring
  • You must have earned a combined total of 24 credits in the prior two semesters; these credits must have been earned at Stony Brook University (transfer credits do not apply).
  • You must meet all of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Guidelines as defined by NY State Higher Education Services
  • You must have not exhausted your TAP eligibility
    • Undergraduate students are eligible to receive 8 full time TAP awards
    • Students enrolled in the Educational Opportunity Program are eligible to receive 10 full time TAP

 For more information, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid Services:

Stony Brook Union, Second Floor
Telephone: (631) 632-6840
Fax: (631) 632-9525

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Federal law regulates the confidentiality of and access to student records maintained by the University (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). For a more complete description of your rights and responsibilities under this law, please refer to the Undergraduate Bulletin, Fall or Spring Class Schedule, or Student Handbook. All of these are available at Stony Brook University's Registrar's website.