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NEW!: Stony Brook Launches B.A. in Rhetoric and Writing: sign up now for Fall 2026 admission

Writing rhetoric



Promise of a Greater Community

The Program in Writing and Rhetoric’s  RhetComp is open to all Stony Brook students interested in writing any genre. RhetComp promotes student expression by developing a sense of camaraderie among both Writing minors and students who enjoy writing,  providing an open and positive environment for peer review and critique, and serving as a platform for Stony Brook University students to promote their own writing. In addition, RhetComp will teach its members how to improve their writing and editing effectively with a variety of different contests, workshops, and exercises. Our goal is to empower student writers at Stony Brook, and to introduce their work to the larger academic community.

News & Announcements


Writing Internships and Opportunities 

New: MA in English/Writing and Rhetoric Concentration

PWR and the Department of English are proud to announce a new Master of Arts in English with a concentration in Writing and Rhetoric at Stony Brook University.



A Community of Writers

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