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2016 Summer Internship

Twelve undergraduate ASA student employees work full-time during summer session 2016 to develop a presentation that communicate, from their perspective, the ASA student employee experience. These students come from a variety of ASA services. The student interns were divided into four groups, each charged with developing a training session for student employees. The groups are Customer Service, Expectations in the Workplace, Student Employee Competencies and Customer Data and Analytics.

Meet the Interns

John Peters

John Peters

“I’ve learned a lot about professionalism and what you’re supposed to be doing as an employee. I’m also making a lot of good friends here and making some great connections.”

Aima Khan

Aima Khan

“I feel like there is certain skills, that I’ve gained here that I will not find anywhere else, working very closely with a group of people who are very diverse and very experienced and it’s a great learning experience.”

Kylie Campanelli

Kylie Campanelli

“One huge benefit of the summer panel is working with lots of people in ASA all throughout campus. You get great experiences with the mentors and you’re learning, not only how to do your job better but also how to help your coworkers do their job better.”

Joshua Pietzold

Joshua Pietzold

“This internship gave me the opportunity to learn more about public speaking and to be more confident in doing so. It also helped me build my teamwork skills by working with three other people in putting together our training presentation.”

Carl Jones

Carl Jones

“If there is a way to sum up my experience in this Summer Panel, it would be this: I have made friends, learned to work with people I may not have gotten along with, and developed skills and acquired assets that will allow me to further my future career path as a school counselor. This Panel allowed me to grow my character to a more empathetic, caring, and diligent person which I shall always appreciate when the opportunity is given to do so.”

Yelbi Balima

Yelbi Balima

“I’m able to see how the ASA works from the corporate end. I’m getting to know a lot of people and am making good connections. I also have an idea of what ASA is looking for in hiring students, so I am able to guide my friends and others into finding the right job for them within the company.”

John Mele

John Mele

“We learn a lot over the summer. My group is working on expectations in the workplace, so through research, I’ve been learning how to treat people with disabilities in the workplace.”

Jacob Socha

Jacob Socha

“It’s a great opportunity. It let’s me do a lot of new things that I cannot do during the semester since my job is in food service, so I am able to get the experience from both ends.”

Joseph Montemayor

Joseph Montemayor

"I learned to work as a team and give a proper presentation."

Alexander Constantini

Alexander Constantini

“I am happy that I had the opportunity to work with the panel this summer. I have gained interpersonal skills I will certainly take forward with me to future positions.”

T’Kheya Yisrael

T'Kheya Yisrael

“Participating in this panel really gave me the opportunity to work on my creativity and branch out from my regular ASA position.”

Kevin Singh

Kevin Singh

"This internship provided us with the tools to improve our career management skills. We were certainly given a challenge. However, we were able to complete our goals through immense teamwork and collaboration."
