Minor in TV Writing
Our Minor in TV Writing offers students a creative path toward enhanced engagement with subjects in their major field of studies. Students will explore creating stories for the world of episodic and narrative television, learn to analyze current trends, and engage in creative and intellectual exploration of the issues and emotions that excite them. The minor is designed for students who wish to develop their creativity and expand their writing abilities while pursuing other studies.
With our emphasis on VISUAL STORYTELLING and VISUAL COMPOSITION, a Minor in TV Writing provides the visual literacy skills necessary in today’s marketplace. This distinct minor is designed to empower the aspiring TV writer to break into this growing and dynamic field and to offer students the necessary background to pursue writing on a graduate level. TV Writing minors should graduate with a SPEC SCRIPT and a REVISED PILOT SCRIPT, building a strong portfolio of creative work. In addition, students will learn how to pitch themselves and their stories to producers and networks. Students will be guided in storytelling technique designed to harness their imagination as they create compelling, authentic, and original stories for today’s audiences.
Faculty and graduate teaching assistants come from Stony Brook University’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Television Writing. This stand-alone MFA is one of a handful in the country to offer in-depth graduate studies in the burgeoning field of TV writing.
Program Director: Karen Offitzer
Karen Offitzer received her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona,
and a Masters from NYU. She is the Founder and former Program Director of the MFA
in Creative Writing at National University, and has received grants and awards for
her short documentary work, most notably for her short, I Am Not Who You Think I Am, exploring the effect of a year-long free humanities education program on the lives
of those who were homeless and working poor. Her short fiction and nonfiction have
appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Phoebe, and Sonora Review and her book, Diners, is a pictorial chronicle of America’s roadside eateries.
Karen Offitzer, Director
Minor in TV Writing
Melville Library N3022