Dean’s Student Leadership and Advisory Council
Members of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Dean’s Student Leadership and Advisory Council (DSLAC) represent some of the College’s most successful and involved student leaders. Working
closely with the CAS Office of the Dean’s office, the Council discusses college-specific
concerns, provides feedback, and works on special projects to enhance the educational
experience for all CAS students. The council is composed of a diverse group of students
representing the broad range of majors in CAS. Monthly meetings allow these representatives
to address current issues on campus and to offer a student perspective on University
goals, policies and services.
Serving as ambassadors to the Dean, members of the DSLAC assist with admissions-related webinars and in person events, including the College's
Admitted Seawolf Days each spring.
The DSLAC is also pivotal in the selection process of recipients of the annual Godfrey Excellence in Teaching Awards. This includes assisting with the promotion of the award nomination process; reviewing
faculty nominations; and selecting award recipients. Members also honor award recipients
at the annual Difference You Make Awards and Recognition celebration each spring.
The application for the 2024-25 Council is CLOSED.
Meet the 2024-25 members:
- Leena AlzafaraniBiology and Psychology BS; minor in Health, Medicine, and Society Senior
- Aden Basir Sociology Junior
- Maximillian BolkhovskyPsychology BA with a concentration in BiologySenior
- Laci BurtonEnglish; minors in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Program in Writing and Rhetoric Senior
- Victor Chacon CabreraHispanic Languages and Literature, with a combination in the Teacher Preparation Program; Minor in Latin American and Carribean Studies Senior
- Daniel Canavin Biology; minor in AnthropologySenior
- Kevi Chen Mathematics and Philosophy double major Sophomore
- Siddhant DesaiBiologyJunior
- Sarah ElbaroudyPolitical Science and Sociology double major; minor in Health, Medicine, and Society Junior
- Sophia GoodkinPsychology and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies double major Junior
- Lana GoudaPolitical Science and Economics double major; minor in PhilosophyJunior
- Alex GrodzkiPsychology BSJunior
- Shriram HegdeBiology and Hispanic Languages and Literature double major Junior
- Matthew JacobBusiness Management and Economics doube major; minors in Globalization Studies and International Relations, Political Science and Sustainability StudiesSenior
- Peter JoyceHistory, Political Science double major; minor in Globalization Studies and International RelationsSenior
- Shreya MotaganahalliBiology BS; minor in Creative Writing and LiteratureJunior
- Everina Mustafa-BennettGlobalization Studies and International Relations Senior
- Laiba RajputPolitical Science; minor in Globalization Studies and International RelationsSophomore
- Gabriella SimpsonWomen's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies PhD Candidate
- Dominic StanzHuman Evolutionary Biology and Economics double majorSenior
- Christina WongPolitical Science and Sustainability Studies doube majorSophomore
- Rebekah ZhaoEnvironmental Design, Policy and Planning, and Studio Art double major; minors in Art History and Digital Art Senior