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Opportunities for Research Fellowships:

Below is a partial list of external fellowships and awards by non-SBU entities: governmental agencies, private foundations, and corporations. Some of these fellowships are open to international student applicants. Others, such as the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, are awarded only to U.S. citizens.

Funder Description
FunderAcademy of American Poets Description
Program: Fellowships and Awards

Deadlines: Varies by Program

Since 1934, the Academy of American Poets has provided visibility and financial support to poets demonstrating artistic excellence. Guidelines and entry forms are provided, where applicable. All poets who receive an Academy of American Poets Prize are strongly promoted, including features in American Poets magazine, on social media, and, of course, on

FunderAmerican Academy in Rome Description
Program: Prize/Fellowship

Deadlines: November

For over a century, the AMERICAN ACADEMY IN ROME has awarded the Rome Prize to support innovative and cross-disciplinary work in the arts and humanities. Rome Prize Fellowships include a stipend, room and board, and individual work space at AAR’s eleven-acre campus in Rome.
In addition to Rome Prize fellows, the Academy is host to recipients of other fellowships and awards offered by educational and cultural organizations around the world. These Affiliated Fellows reside at the Academy for periods from four‐weeks to eleven‐months and add to the diversity of the Academy artistic and scholarly community.

FunderAmerican Association of University Women Description
Program: International Fellowships

Deadlines: December

International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported.

Program: Selected Professions Fellowships

Deadlines: January

Selected Professions Fellowships are awarded to women who intend to pursue a full-time course of study at accredited U.S. institutions during the fellowship year in one of the designated degree programs where women’s participation traditionally has been low. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

Program: American Fellowship

Deadlines: November

American Fellowships support women scholars who are completing dissertations, planning research leave from accredited institutions, or preparing research for publication. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of scholarly excellence; quality and originality of project design; and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of research.

FunderAmerican Council of Learned Societies Description
Program: Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships

Deadlines: October

ACLS will award 65 fellowships in this competition for a one-year term beginning between June and September. The fellowship may be carried out in residence at the fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for the research. These fellowships may not be held concurrently with any other fellowship or grant.

FunderAmerican Historical Association Description
- Albert J. Beveridge Grant
- Michael Kraus Research Grant
- Littleton-Griswold Grant
- Bernadotte E. Schmitt Grant
- J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship
- Fellowship in Aerospace History

Deadlines: February/April

The American Historical Association awards several research grants with the aim of advancing the study and exploration of history in a diverse number of subject areas. All grants are offered annually and are intended to further research in progress. Grants may be used for travel to a library or archive; microfilming, photography, or photocopying; borrowing or access fees; and similar research expenses.

FunderAmerican Philosophical Society Description
Program: APS/British Academy Fellowship for Research in London, APS/Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Fellowship for Research in Edinburgh

Deadline: October/December

A scholarly organization of international reputation, the American Philosophical Society promotes useful knowledge in the sciences and humanities through excellence in scholarly research, professional meetings, publications, library resources, and community outreach.

Program: Library Fellowships ,Long-Term Pre-Doctoral Fellowships

Deadlines: March

One-year resident fellowships to assist in the completion of doctoral dissertation research. One fellowship is offered in each of three areas of study: Native American and Indigenous Research Early American History (to 1840) History of Science, Technology and Medicine.

Program: Digital Humanities Fellowship

Deadlines: March

This two-month fellowship is open to scholars who are comfortable creating tools and visualizations, as well as those interested in working collaboratively with the APS technology team. Scholars, including graduate students, at any stage of their career may apply. Special consideration will be given to proposals that present APS Library holdings in new and engaging ways. Examples include (but are not limited to) projects that incorporate timelines, text analytics, network graphs, and maps.

Program: Library Resident Research Fellowship

Deadlines: March

The American Philosophical Society Library offers short-term residential fellowships for conducting research in its collections. We are a leading international center for research in the history of American science and technology and its European roots, as well as early American history and culture.

FunderAmerican Political Science Association Description
- Congressional Fellowship Program
- Minority Fellows Program
- Ralph Bunche Summer Institute - Small Research Grant Program
- APSA Centennial Center Visiting Scholars Program
- Supplemental Research Support APSA Awards

Deadlines: Varies by Program

APSA sponsors several programs to support individual research and training endeavors and also maintains lists of non-APSA sources of funding opportunities for study and research in political science and related disciplines.

FunderAmerican School of Classical Studies at Athens Description
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
- Senior Fellowship
- Research Associate

Deadlines: Varies by Program

The Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science provides funding for scholars pursuing interdisciplinary research on archaeological questions pertaining to the ancient Greek world and adjacent areas. Three different types of Fellowship funding are offered Post-Doctoral (3 year), Pre-Doctoral (2 year term), and Senior (5-10 months), as well as shorter duration, more focused Research Associate positions. Applicants are welcome from any college or university worldwide.

FunderAmerican-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) Description
Program: Grants and Fellowships

Deadlines: October

The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers fellowships (up to $23,000) and grants (up to $5,000) to individuals to pursue research, study or creative arts projects in one or more Scandinavian country for up to one year. The number of awards varies each year according to total funds available. Awards are made in all fields.

FunderAndrew W. Mellon Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadlines: Prospective grantees should review program area guidelines before inquiring about a particular project. Must be invited to propose.

Funds programs focused on higher education and scholarship in the humanities; museums & art conservation; performing arts; conservation and the environment.

FunderAndy Warhol Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadlines: March/September

Funds programs for scholarly exhibitions at museums; curatorial research; visual arts programming at artist-centered organizations; artist residencies and commissions; arts writing; and efforts to promote the health, welfare and first amendment rights of artists.

FunderAssociation for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Description
Program: Grants and Fellowships

Deadlines: Varies by program

A nonprofit, non-political, scholarly society - is the leading international organization dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about Central Asia, the Caucasus, Russia, and Eastern Europe in regional and global contexts.

FunderBancroft Prizes Description
Program: Research Award

Deadlines: November

The Bancroft Prizes are awarded annually by Columbia University in the City of New York. Under the terms of the will of the late Frederic Bancroft, provision is made for two annual prizes of equal rank to be awarded to the authors of distinguished works in either or both of the following categories: American History (including biography) and Diplomacy.

FunderBerlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies Description
Program: Research Grant/PhD/ABD Dissertation Grant

Deadlines: December

The program at Freie Universität Berlin supports scholars in all social science and humanities disciplines, including historians working on the period since the mid-18th century.

FunderBlakemore Foundation Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadlines: December

The Blakemore Foundation was established in 1990 by Thomas and Frances Blakemore to encourage the advanced study of Asian languages and to improve the understanding of Asian fine arts in the United States. Language Refresher Grants are short-term grants available to former Blakemore Freeman Fellows and other post-graduate professionals.

FunderBogliasco Foundation Description
Program: Research Grant/PhD/ABD Dissertation Grant

Deadlines: January

Each year, the Bogliasco Foundation awards approximately 50 Fellowships, without regard to nationality, age, race, gender, or religion, in any subject area of the following disciplines: archaeology, architecture, classics, dance, film/video, history, landscape architecture, literature, music, philosophy, theater, visual arts.

FunderBritish Academy Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadlines: Varies by Program

Visiting Scholars: Early career post-doctoral fellowships for 2-6 months of collaborative research with a UK host. Other awards also available for a wide variety of projects in the humanities and social sciences.

FunderCanadian Federation of University Women - Canadian Scholars Description
Program: Dissertation Fellowship/Canadian Women

Deadlines: November

CFUW is committed to improving the status of women, promoting quality education and advancing the status of women, human rights, justice and peace. The Federation awards numerous fellowships to Canadian women for study in Canada, the US and elsewhere.

FunderCenter for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University Description
Program: Residential Fellowship

Deadlines: July/November

Offers a residential fellowship program for scholars from this country and abroad. These include the five core social and behavioral sciences (anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology) as well as humanistic disciplines, education, linguistics, communications, and the biological, natural, health, and computer sciences.

FunderCenter for Craft, Creativity & Design Description

Deadlines: October(Annually)

Graduate Research Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to support research for a Master’s thesis or dissertation relating to craft in the United States by students enrolled in a graduate program at any accredited college or university. No capital equipment purchases, tuition or living expenses are eligible for support. This category is not for PhD dissertations, PhD candidates are welcome to apply in the Project Grant category.

FunderChamber Music Network (ACMP) Description
Program: Grant

Deadlines: Varies by Program

Small grants for programs that encourage and create opportunities for chamber music activities.

FunderCharolette W. Newcombe Fellowship Description
Program: Dissertation Fellowship

Deadlines: November

In addition to topics in religious studies or in ethics (philosophical or religious), dissertations appropriate to the Newcombe Fellowship competition might explore the ethical implications of foreign policy, the values influencing political decisions, the moral codes of other cultures, and religious or ethical issues reflected in history or literature.

FunderChiang Ching-kuo Foundation Description
Program: Research, Scholars & Fellows Grants

Deadlines: Varies by program

The Foundation’s programs encompass four regions: the Domestic Region (Taiwan), the American Region (the United States, Canada and Mexico), the European Region, and the Asia-Pacific Region (including Hong Kong and Macau). Grant programs differ among the four regions. Please follow the appropriate links for your own location. Developing Region covers the European and Asia-Pacific regions. In 2012, NED funded about 1236 projects in 92 countries around the world. Grant amounts vary depending on the size and scope of the projects, but the average grant lasts 12 months and is around $50,000.

FunderChildren's Literature Association Description
Program: Grants

Deadlines: February

ChLA Faculty Research Grants have a combined maximum fund of up to $5,000 per year, and individual awards may range from $500 to $1,500, based on the number and needs of the winning applicants. The grants are awarded for proposals dealing with criticism or original scholarship with the expectation that the undertaking will lead to publication and make a significant contribution to the field of children's literature in the area of scholarship or criticism.

FunderColumbia Society of Fellows in the Humanities Description
Program: Fellowship Competition 2018-2019

Deadlines: October

The Columbia Society of Fellows in the Humanities, with grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the William R. Kenan Trust, will appoint a number of postdoctoral fellows in the humanities for the academic year 2018-2019. Fellows newly appointed for 2018-2019 must have received the PhD between 1 January 2016 and 1 July 2018. The Fellowship Stipend for 2018-2019 is $63,000. Medical benefits are provided, and subsidized housing is available. There is a $7,000 research allowance per annum.

FunderColumbia University, Teachers College Minority Fellowship Description
Program: Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Deadlines: February

The program promotes the recruitment and retention of a diverse faculty at the College by advancing the careers of individuals from groups in US society that have been historically underrepresented in the academic profession.

FunderCompton Foundation Description
Program: Multiple Programs

Deadlines: Online Inquiry; invite to propose

Support transformative leadership and courageous storytelling, inspiring action toward a peaceful, just, sustainable future. Their mission highlights a sense of urgency and a willingness to take risks in order to transform the way we live. A positive future requires innovative ways of understanding and naming the problems we face, as well as new methods for collaborating to solve them.

FunderCoordinating Council for Women in History Description
Program: Fellowships at Cornell University

Deadlines: March

The College of Human Ecology at Cornell University invites faculty members, research scholars, and advanced graduate students (must be eligible to work in the United States) with demonstrated background and experience in historical studies to apply for this post-graduate opportunity. The fellowship recipient will receive an award of $6,500 for a summer or sabbatical residency of approximately six weeks to use the unique resources available from the College and the Cornell University Library system in pursuit of scholarly research in the history of Home Economics and its impact on American society.

FunderCouncil for International Exchange of Scholars Description
Program: Core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

Deadline: August

Traditional Fulbright Scholar Program Grants for U.S. faculty and professionals to lecture and conduct research abroad in a wide variety of academic and professional fields.

Program: Fulbright Specialist Program

Deadline: January

The Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) promotes linkages between U.S. scholars and professionals and their counterparts at host institutions overseas. Grant Duration: Two- to six-weeks.

FunderDAAD (German Studies Research Grant) Description
Program: Research Grants

Deadlines: Continuous

The program is designed to encourage research and promote the study of cultural, political, historical, economic and social aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs from an inter- and multidisciplinary perspective.

Program: Dissertation/Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Deadline: November/May

DAAD Short-term Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Grants are awarded to qualified PhD candidates and recent PhDs. Ten-month scholarships must take place during the German academic year (October 1 through July 31).

FunderDan David Prize Scholarships Description
Program: Dissertation Scholarship

Deadlines: March

Advanced doctoral and postdoctoral students of excellent achievement and promise studying topics related to the fields chosen for each year, are invited to apply for the Dan David Prize Scholarships that particular year

FunderDolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowships Description
Program: Dissertation Fellowship

Deadline: January

Liebmann Fellowships support graduate study in any field of the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences (including law, medicine, architecture,and other formal professional training programs).

FunderDavis Putter Social Justice Scholarships Description
Program: Dissertation Fellowship

Deadline: April

The Fund provides grants to students actively working for peace and justice. These need-based scholarships are awarded to those able to do academic work at the university level and who are part of the progressive movement on the campus and in the community. Recent grantees have been active in: the struggle against racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of oppression; building the movement for economic justice; and creating peace through international anti-imperialist solidarity.

FunderDirksen Congressional Center Gateway Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: Applications are accepted at any time, but the deadline is April 1 for the annual selections, which are announced in May.

The Dirksen Congressional Center invites applications for grants to fund research on congressional leadership and the U.S. Congress. The Center, named for the late Senate Minority Leader Everett M. Dirksen, is a private, nonpartisan, nonprofit research and educational organization devoted to the study of Congress. Since 1978, the Congressional Research Grants program has invested more than $998,026 to support over 451 projects.

FunderThe Edward F. Albee Foundation Description
Program: In Residence - room only

Deadline: January

Serve writers and visual artists from all walks of life, by providing time and space in which to work without disturbance.

FunderFoundation for Endangered Languages Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: Last two months of the calendar year

FEL is committed to raising awareness of endangered languages and supporting revitalization and preservation of endangered languages throughout the world. We award grants to projects consistent with our aims as and when our funds permit.

FunderFurthermore Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: March/September

Furthermore grants assist nonfiction books having to do with art, architecture, and design; cultural history, the city, and related public issues; and conservation and preservation. We look for work that appeals to an informed general audience, gives evidence of high standards in editing, design, and production, and promises a reasonable shelf life.The grants, ranging roughly from $1,500 to a maximum of $15,000.

FunderGeorge A. & Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadline: November

Awards fellowships for independent projects in selected fields of the liberal and creative arts for early mid-career individuals, those who have achieved recognition for at least one major project.

FunderGilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize Description
Program: Research Award

Deadline: November

The Gilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize is awarded annually for the finest scholarly work in English on Abraham Lincoln, the American Civil War soldier, or a subject relating to their era.

FunderGlady's Krieble Delmas Foundation Description
Program: Departmental Grant

Deadline: Continuous

The Foundation intends to further the humanities along a broad front, supporting projects which address the concerns of the historical studia humanitatis: a humanistic education rooted in the great traditions of the past; the formation of human beings according to cultural, moral, and aesthetic ideals derived from that past; and the ongoing debate over how these ideals may best be conceived and realized.

FunderGraduate Women International (GWI) Description
Program: Fellowships and Grants

Deadline: Check the website

Offers international fellowships and grants to women graduates for postgraduate research, study and training awards. May be used in any country other than the one in which the applicant was educated or habitually resides.

FunderGraham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: September/February

Project-based grants to individuals and organizations and produces public programs to foster the development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society.

FunderHagley Museum and Library Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: Varies by Program

All grants require applicants to explain how their project will contribute new information to previous scholarship, and how Hagley’s research materials are pertinent to their project. Exploratory grants are limited to one week and Henry Belin du Pont research grants may be up to 8 weeks. Often researchers first apply for an exploratory grant and then ask for a longer research grant if our collections warrant more attention. Anyone can apply for one of these research grants, but only advanced graduate students are eligible for our Henry Belin du Pont dissertation grant and Miller Center/Hagley Library fellowship.

FunderHarry Frank Gugenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Description
Program: Dissertation Fellowship/Final PhD year

Deadline: February

The Guggenheim Foundation sponsors scholarly research on problems of violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects.

FunderHarry Ransom Center at U Texas, Austin Description
Program: Research Fellowships

Deadline: Application instructions for 2018–2019 fellowships will be posted in the summer

For projects that require substantial on-site use of its collections. The fellowships support research in all areas of the humanities, including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history.

FunderHorowitz Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: January

The Foundation makes targeted grants for work in all major areas of the social sciences, including anthropology, area studies, economics, political science, psychology, sociology, and urban studies, as well as newer areas such as evaluation research. Preference is given to projects that address contemporary issues in the social sciences and issues of policy relevance. Applicants are not required to be citizens or residents of the United States. Awards are based solely on merit, not to ensure a representative base of recipients or disciplines.

FunderHumboldt Research Award Description
Program: Research Grant/PhD 

Deadline: Continuous

Academics from abroad, regardless of their discipline or nationality, may be nominated for a Humboldt Research Award. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation particularly encourages the nomination of qualified female academics.

FunderHuntington Library Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadline: November (annually)

Short-term and long-term fellowships available. The Huntington is an independent research center with holdings in British and American history, literature, art history, and the history of science and medicine.

FunderIndependent Social Research Foundation Description
Program: Fellowships and Grants

Deadline: Varies by program

The ISRF seeks to fund innovative research which breaks with existing explanatory frameworks so as to address afresh empirical problems with no currently adequate theory or investigative methodology. Innovation may also come from controversial theoretical approaches motivated by critical challenge of incumbent theories. Interdisciplinarity in the generation of new investigative initiatives may be achieved by combining, cross-fertilising, and so transforming empirical methods and theoretical insights from the social sciences. Projects ranging across the breadth of the social scientific disciplines and interdisciplinary research fields are welcome, and relevant applications from scholars working within the humanities are also encouraged.

FunderIthaca College Humanities Dissertation Diversity Fellowship Description
Program: Dissertation Fellowship

Deadline: December

The fellowships support promising scholars who are committed to diversity in the academy in order to better prepare them for tenure track appointments within liberal arts or comprehensive colleges/universities.

FunderJapan U.S. Friendship Commission Description
Program: Exchange Fellowships

Deadline: February (annually)

Candidates must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Candidates must be professional creative artists (contemporary or traditional) working as architects, choreographers, composers, creative writers, designers, media artists, playwrights, librettists, visual artists and solo theater artists who work with original material (including puppeteers, storytellers and performance artists). Artists who create original work in a multidisciplinary form are also eligible.

FunderJohn Dana Archbold Fellowship Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadline: February

Fellowships are offered to Americans and Norwegians for a year of graduate, post-doctoral, or professional study/research. Americans may apply to come to Norway in even-numbered years (2014, 2016, 2018…) and Norwegians may apply in odd-numbered years (2013, 2015, 2017, 2019…). The primary purpose of the program is to increase understanding between scholars from the two countries.

FunderThe Infinity Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: No deadline

The Infinity Foundation is calling for project proposals to do research and/or develop educational materials, whose objective would be to improve the authenticity of portrayal of Indic traditions in the educational system.

FunderJohn Simon Guggenheim Foundation Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadline: July

The Guggenheim Foundation seeks to further the development of scholars and artists by assisting them to engage in research in any field of knowledge and creation in any of the arts. Often characterized as “midcareer” awards, Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for those who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.
FunderJohns Hopkins-Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Humanities Description
Program: Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Deadline: November

The Mellon Postdoctoral Program encourages innovative teaching, enriches educational and

FunderJosephine de Karman Foundation Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadline: January

Open to students in any discipline, including international students, who are currently enrolled in a university or college in the US. Only candidates for the PhD who will defend their dissertation in or about June 2019 and undergraduates entering their senior year (will receive bachelors degree in or about June 2019) are eligible for consideration.

FunderJohn W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress Description
Program: Residential Fellowships

Deadline: July

Invites qualified scholars to conduct research using the Library of Congress collections and resources for a period of 4 to 11 months. Encourages humanistic and social science research that makes use of the Library's large and varied collections. Interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, or multi-lingual research is particularly welcome.

Program: Kluge Fellowships in Digital Studies

Deadline: December

The John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress announces a new Kluge Fellowship in Digital Studies to examine the impact of the digital revolution on society, culture and international relations using the Library’s collections and resources.

Program: Jay I. Kislak Fellowships for the Study of the History and Cultures of the Early Americas

Deadline: October

The Kislak Fellows Program supports scholarly research that contributes significantly to a greater understanding of the history and cultures of the Americas. It provides an opportunity for a period of 3 months of concentrated use of materials from the Kislak Collection and other collections of the Library of Congress, through full-time residency at the Library. The program supports research projects in the disciplines of archaeology, history, cartography, epigraphy, linguistics, ethno-history, ethnography, bibliography and sociology, with particular emphasis on Florida, the circum-Caribbean region and Mesoamerica. We encourage interdisciplinary projects that combine disciplines in novel and productive ways.

Program: David B. Larson Fellowship in Health and Spirituality

Deadline: April

The fellowship is designed to continue Dr. Larson's legacy of promoting meaningful, scholarly study of these two important and increasingly interrelated fields. It seeks to encourage the pursuit of scholarly excellence in the scientific study of the relation of religiousness and spirituality to physical, mental, and social health. The fellowship provides an opportunity for a period of six to twelve months of concentrated use of the collections of the Library of Congress, through full-time residency in the Library's John W. Kluge Center. The Kluge Center is located in the splendid Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library, and it furnishes attractive work and discussion space for its scholars as well as easy access to the Library's specialized staff and to the intellectual community of Washington. If necessary, special arrangements may be made with the National Library of Medicine for access to its materials as well.

Program: Lomax Fellowship Description

Deadline: March 1st

The Alan Lomax Fellows Program provides an opportunity, for a period of up to 8 months, for concentrated use of materials from the Lomax Collection and other collections of the Library of Congress, through full-time residency at the Library. The program supports research projects in the disciplines of anthropology, ethnomusicology, ethnography, ethno-history, dance, folklore and folklife, history, literature, linguistics, and movement analysis, with particular emphasis on the traditional music, dance, and narrative of the United States, England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and the Caribbean, as well as methodologies for their documentation and analysis. We encourage interdisciplinary projects that combine disciplines in novel and productive ways.

FunderKress Foundation Fellowships Description
Program: Grants and Fellowships

Deadline: Varies by program

Program focus is on advancing the history, conservation, and enjoyment of European art, architecture, and archaeology from antiquity to the early 19th century.

FunderKristeller-Popkin Travel Fellowships Description
Program: Travel Grant/PhD within last 6 years

Deadline: December

This grant is designed to pay for cost incurred by new PhD's pursuing research in the history of philosophy.

FunderLaw School Admission Council (LSAC) Research Grant Program Description
Program: Grant

Deadline: August 15 of each year.

The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) Research Grant Program funds research on a wide variety of topics related to the mission of LSAC. Specifically included in the program’s scope are projects investigating precursors to legal training, selection into law schools, legal education, and the legal profession. To be eligible for funding, a research project must inform either the process of selecting law students or the process of legal education itself in a demonstrable way. Projects will be funded for amounts up to $200,000.

FunderLeo S. Rowe Pan American Fund Description
Program: General Scholarship

Deadline: No deadline

The Rowe Fund helps citizens from Latin America and the Caribbean OAS Member countries finance their studies or research in accredited universities across the United States.

FunderLewis Walpole Library of the Yale University Library Description
Program: Fellowships and Travel Grants

Deadline: Varies by Program

Supports visiting fellowships for advanced research in most aspects of British 18th century studies.

FunderMacArthur Foundation Description
Program: Grants and Fellowships

Deadline: Varies by program

MacArthur develops grantmaking strategies designed to meet very specific goals. We encourage you to closely read information about each program to determine whether your project falls within MacArthur’s grantmaking guidelines. 

The Foundation awards the majority of its grants to organizations identified by our staff. Each year we also award grants to individuals through the MacArthur Fellows program, which does not accept applications or nominations. Areas of focus are aging, arts & culture, climate change, community development, conservation, debt/deficit, education, health, housing, human rights, justice, media, migration/immigration, peace & security, policy, population, research, science, technology, youth.

FunderMacDowell Colony Description
Program: Artist In Residence

Deadline: January/April/September

Residency Program: To nurture the arts by offering creative individuals of the highest talent an inspiring environment in which they can produce enduring works.

FunderMahindra Humanities Center Description
Program: Post-Doctoral Fellowship/PhD

Deadline: December

Welcome applications from scholars in all fields whose work innovatively engages with slow violence in relation to areas such as: environment, labor practices, human rights, privacy/security/migration, citizenship, cultural transmission, secularism, fundamentalism.

FunderMetropolitan Museum of Art Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadline: Varies by Program

The Metropolitan Museum of Art annually welcomes a vibrant group of graduate students, museum professionals, and senior scholars from around the world to undertake research and independent study as Metropolitan Museum fellows. The diversity of fellows' projects reflects the historic and geographic diversity of the Museum's collection. The community of fellows becomes immersed in the life of the Museum and takes part in a robust program of colloquia, round-table seminars, research-sharing workshops, behind-the-scenes tours, conversations with Museum staff, and tours of the collection and exhibitions. As they discuss research questions, look closely at objects, and share the experience of living in New York City, fellows form long-lasting professional and personal relationships.

FunderNAEd/Spencer Description
Program: Dissertation Fellowship

Deadline: October

The Dissertation Fellowship Program seeks to encourage a new generation of scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education. These $27,500 fellowships support individuals whose dissertations show potential for bringing fresh and constructive perspectives to the history, theory, analysis, or practice of formal or informal education anywhere in the world. This highly competitive program aims to identify the most talented researchers conducting dissertation research related to education.

Program: Postdoctoral Fellowship

Deadline: Novmember

The National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports early career scholars working in critical areas of education research. This non-residential postdoctoral fellowship funds proposals that make significant scholarly contributions to the field of education. The program also develops the careers of its recipients through professional development activities involving National Academy of Education members.

FunderNational Academies Description
- Research Fellowships 
- Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs 
- Jefferson Science Fellowship 
- Optical Society of America Foundation Fellowships

Deadline: Varies by Program

The Fellowships Office (FO) of the National Academies administers predoctoral, postdoctoral, and senior fellowship awards on behalf of government and private/foundation sponsors; these fellowship awards play an important role in the career development of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers and scholars for the academic, federal, industrial and international workforce.

FunderNational Endowment for Democracy (NED) Description
Program: Fellowships and Grants

Deadline: January/April/June

Each year the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) makes direct grants to hundreds of nongovernmental organizations worldwide working to advance democratic goals and strengthen democratic institutions. In 2012, NED funded about 1236 projects in 92 countries around the world. Grant amounts vary depending on the size and scope of the projects, but the average grant lasts 12 months and is around $50,000.

FunderNational Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Description
- Art Works
- Challenge America
- Our Town
- Research: Art Works

Deadline: Varies by Deadline

Through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector, the NEA supports arts learning, affirms and celebrates America’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, and extends its work to promote equal access to the arts in every community across America.

FunderNational Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Description
Program: Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions

Deadline: May

Preservation Assistance Grants help small and mid-sized institutions—such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities—improve their ability to preserve and care for their significant humanities collections.

Program: Humanities Collections and Reference Resources

Deadline: July

The Humanities Collections and Reference Resources (HCRR) program supports projects that provide an essential underpinning for scholarship, education, and public programming in the humanities

Program: Media Projects: Development Grants

Deadline: January

Media Projects: Development Grants support film, television, and radio projects for general audiences that encourage active engagement with humanities ideas in creative and appealing ways.

Program: Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations: Planning Grants

Deadline: January

This grant program supports projects for general audiences that encourage active engagement with humanities ideas in creative and appealing ways.

Program: Museums, Libraries, and Cultural Organizations: Implementation Grants

Deadline: January

This grant program supports projects for general audiences that encourage active engagement with humanities ideas in creative and appealing ways.

Program: Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions

Deadline: August

Grants for Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions (FPIRI) support fellowships at institutions devoted to advanced study and research in the humanities.

Program: Summer Stipends

Deadline: October

Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.

Program: Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections

Deadline: December

Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections (SCHC) helps cultural institutions meet the complex challenge of preserving large and diverse holdings of humanities materials for future generations by supporting sustainable conservation measures that mitigate deterioration and prolong the useful life of collections.

Program: Collaborative Research Grants

Deadline: December

Collaborative Research Grants support interpretive humanities research undertaken by a team of two or more scholars, for full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years.

Program: Scholarly Editions and Translations Grants

Deadline: December

Scholarly Editions and Translations grants support the preparation of editions and translations of pre-existing texts and documents of value to the humanities that are currently inaccessible or available in inadequate editions.

Program: National Digital Newspaper Program

Deadline: January

NEH is soliciting proposals from institutions to participate in the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). NDNP is creating a national digital resource of historically significant newspapers published between 1836 and 1922, from all the states and U.S. territories.

Program: Digital Humanities Implementation Grants

Deadline: February

This program is designed to fund the implementation of innovative digital-humanities projects that have successfully completed a start-up phase and demonstrated their value to the field.

Program: Preservation and Access Education and Training

Deadline: May

The Preservation and Access Education and Training program is central to NEH’s efforts to preserve and establish access to cultural heritage collections.

Program: Arts Engagement, Cultural Planning, and Design Projects, Projects that Build Knowledge About Creative Placemaking

Deadline: September

The Our Town grant program supports creative placemaking projects that help to transform communities into lively, beautiful, and resilient places with the arts at their core. Creative placemaking is when artists, arts organizations, and community development practitioners deliberately integrate arts and culture into community revitalization work - placing arts at the table with land-use, transportation, economic development, education, housing, infrastructure, and public safety strategies. This funding supports local efforts to enhance quality of life and opportunity for existing residents, increase creative activity, and create a distinct sense of place.

FunderNational Gallery of Art Description
Program: Visiting Senior Fellowship Program

Deadline: March

The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts announces its program for Paul Mellon and Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellowships. Fellowships are for full-time research, and scholars are expected to reside in Washington and to participate in the activities of the Center throughout the fellowship period. Lectures, colloquia, and informal discussions complement the fellowship program. Each visiting senior fellow is provided with a study.

Program: Ailsa Mellon Bruce National Gallery of Art Sabbatical Curatorial Fellowships

Deadline: November

The fellowships are reserved for qualified art historians who have worked at least five years in one of the departments of the National Gallery of Art and who have held the appropriate terminal degree in their field for at least five years. In exceptional cases, an equivalent record of professional accomplishment may fulfill the latter requirement.

Program: Predoctoral Dissertation Fellowship Program

Deadline: November

The fellowships are reserved for qualified art historians who have worked at least five years in one of the departments of the National Gallery of Art and who have held the appropriate terminal degree in their field for at least five years. In exceptional cases, an equivalent record of professional accomplishment may fulfill the latter requirement.

Program: Predoctoral Fellowships for Historians of American Art to Travel Abroad

Deadline: November

The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts offers up to four fellowships to doctoral students in art history who are studying aspects of art and architecture of the United States, including native and pre-Revolutionary America. This fellowship is for a period of four to six weeks of continuous travel abroad in areas such as Africa, Asia, or South America, as well as Europe, to sites of historical and cultural interest, including museums, exhibitions, collections, and monuments. The travel fellowship is intended to encourage a breadth of art-historical experience beyond the candidate's major field, not for the advancement of a dissertation.

FunderNational Historical Publications and Records Commission Description
- Access to Historical Records
- Digital Dissemination of Archival Collections
- Literacy and Engagement with Historical Records
- Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions
- State Board Programming Grants
- State Government Electronic Records

Deadline: Varies by Program

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), a statutory body affiliated with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), supports a wide range of activities to preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, created in every medium ranging from quill pen to computer, relating to the history of the United States.

FunderNemmers Prizes Northwestern University Description
Program: The Michael Ludwig Nemmers Prize in Music Composition

Deadline: February

The Prize is international in focus and therefore open to any classical composer without regard to citizenship or institutional affiliation. Former or present members of the Northwestern University faculty and employees of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra are not eligible for this prize. The person receiving the award must be available for a four-week residency at Northwestern University (the weeks may be non-consecutive) and able to interact with faculty and students.

FunderNewberry Library Description
Program: Long-Term Fellowships

Deadline: November

Long-Term Fellowships are available to postdoctoral scholars who wish to be in residence at the Newberry for periods of 4 to 12 months. Unless otherwise noted, applicants must hold a PhD at the time of application. Long-Term Fellowships are intended to support individual scholarly research and promote serious intellectual exchange through active participation in the Newberry’s scholarly activities, including fellows’ seminars and a weekly colloquium. Unless stated otherwise, stipends for Long-Term Fellowships are $4,200 per month.

FunderNY Council for the Humanities Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: On a rolling basis; 3 mos before project start date

Help groups brainstorm, connect, research, strategize, and design engaging public humanities programs. Help launch public programs that use the humanities to activate conversations within a community.

FunderPembrooke Center (Brown) Description
Program: Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Deadline: December

The Pembroke Center is awarding one-year residential postdoctoral fellowships to scholars from any field whose research relates to the theme of "Anti-War! Theaters of War/Politics of Refusal."

FunderPrinceton University Library Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: January

These Library Research Grants, which have a value of up to $3,500 each, are meant to help defray expenses incurred in traveling to and residing in Princeton during the tenure of the grant. The length of the grant will depend on the applicant’s research proposal, but is ordinarily up to one month.

FunderPuffin Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: December

The Puffin Foundation has sought to open the doors of artistic expression by providing grants to artists and art organizations who are often excluded from mainstream opportunities due to their race, gender, or social philosophy. 2016 year focus is music, photography, and theater.

FunderRadcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Description
Program: Fellowship Porgram

Deadline: Varies by Program

Fellowships in the creative arts, humanities, and social sciences, in residence in Cambridge, MA.

FunderRice University-Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality Description
Program: Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Deadline: January

The Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality announces two postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities or social sciences for scholars pursuing research and publication projects that focus on gender and health; gender and urban studies; women in the global economy; sex, race, and nation; or sexuality studies. The Center is particularly interested in applicants who demonstrate a record of innovative teaching and the potential to make a solid contribution to the Center’s program in engaged feminist research.

FunderRobert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities Vanderbilt University Description
Program: Visiting Faculty Fellowship

Deadline: January

Invites applications from scholars in all disciplines whose lively presence will help to focus our work and stimulate discussions. The seminar meets weekly and will allow the Visiting Fellow ample time to pursue a major research project. The combined interests of the Visiting Fellow and the Vanderbilt Faculty Fellows will determine the form and content of seminar discussions.

FunderThe Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Description
Program: Residency

Deadline: December

Arts & Literary Arts and Academic Residencies.

FunderRussell Sage Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: June,Sept,Jan

Areas of research focus on Behavioral Economics, Future of Work, Race, Ethnicity & Immigration, and Social Inequality; new program on the Social, Economic and Political Effects of Health Care Reform.

FunderSchomburg Center Description
Program: Lapidus Center Fellowships

Deadline: December

Fellowships funded by the Center will allow recipients to spend six months in residence with access to resources at the Schomburg Center and other centers of The New York Public Library. The program encourages research and writing on black history and culture, facilitates interaction among participating scholars, and provides widespread dissemination of findings through lectures, publications, and colloquia and seminars. It encompasses projects in African, Afro-American, and Afro-Caribbean history and culture.

Program: Schomburg Center Scholars-in-Residence Program

Deadline: December

Fellowships funded by the Center will allow recipients to spend six months in residence with access to resources at the Schomburg Center and other centers of The New York Public Library. The program encourages research and writing on black history and culture, facilitates interaction among participating scholars, and provides widespread dissemination of findings through lectures, publications, and colloquia and seminars. It encompasses projects in African, Afro-American, and Afro-Caribbean history and culture.

FunderSinging for Change Description
Program: Grant

Deadline: Accepting letters of interest until May (annually)

Singing for Change focuss its resources on inclusive, community-based organizations that rely strongly on volunteer efforts, where foundation support can make a significant difference. Most likely to be considered are organizations that keep their overhead low and collaborate with other groups in their community to find innovative ways of solving a common problem. SFC is interested in programs that empower individuals to effect positive change in their communities.

FunderSmithsonian Institute Description
Program: Fellowships and Internships

Deadline: Varies by Program

Smithsonian fellowships are awarded competitively to graduate, pre-doctoral, or post-doctoral students – or granted non-competitively to visiting professionals, students, scientists, or scholars – are offered to individuals who design and develop proposals for independent study or collaborative research in fields pursued by and of interest to Smithsonian staff.

FunderSocial Science Research Council Description
Program: DPDF Student Fellowship Competition

Deadline: October

The Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) Program helps early-stage doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences formulate innovative dissertation research proposals through workshops, exploratory summer research, and writing guided by peer review and faculty mentorship. The program seeks young scholars who are interested in strengthening their dissertation research plans through exposure to the theories, literatures, methods, and intellectual traditions of disciplines outside their own.

FunderSociety for Historians of American Foreign Relations Description
Program: Fellowships and Grants

Deadline: Varies by Program

SHAFR offers a variety of research fellowships and travel awards for historians- these should be available to journalism historians as well as other types.

FunderStanford Humanities Center Description
Program: External Faculty, Residential Fellowships

Deadline: October

Faculty fellowships are awarded across the spectrum of academic ranks and a goal of the selection process is to create a diverse community of scholars. There are no citizenship requirements for these fellowships. Research projects must be in the humanities, creative arts projects are not eligible. The Center is open to projects employing information technology in humanities research.

FunderThe Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadline: November

Every year, The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans supports thirty New Americans, immigrants or the children of immigrants, who are pursuing graduate school in the United States.

FunderThe Story Prize Description
Program: Research Award

Deadline: July/November

The Story Prize is an annual book award honoring the author of an outstanding collection of short fiction with a $20,000 cash award. Each of two runners-up will receive $5,000. Eligible books must be written in English and first published in the United States during a calendar year.

FunderTanner Resident Fellowships – University of Utah Description
Program: Research Award

Deadline: July/November

The Story Prize is an annual book award honoring the author of an outstanding collection of short fiction with a $20,000 cash award. Each of two runners-up will receive $5,000. Eligible books must be written in English and first published in the United States during a calendar year.

FunderTempleton Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: Online inquiry February - April; invite to propose

Areas of focus are Natural and Human Sciences, Philosophy, and Theology; Science and the Big Question; Character Virtue Development; Individual Freedom & Free Markets; Exceptional Cognitive Talent & Genius; Genetics.

FunderTerra Foundation Description
Program: Exhibitions, Academic programs, Publications Public programs, K–12 education

Deadline: Varies by Program

The Terra Foundation actively supports and initiates historical American art exhibitions, academic programs, and programs in Chicago, the United States, and throughout the world. They fund projects that focus on art (circa 1500–1980) of what is now the geographic United States. engage with these works.

FunderTrust for Mutual Understanding Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: Online Inquiry twice per year; invite to full application

Provides grants specifically for international travel associated with professional exchanges in the arts and environmental sciences. Activities common to both fields include advanced training programs, workshops, conferences, seminars, joint research projects, and exchanges intended to aid organizations seeking greater institutional stability.

FunderU.S. Department of State Bureau of Democracy Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: August

The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for long-term, core support for proven anti-censorship technologies. In support of the U.S. International Strategy for Cyberspace, DRLA’s goal is to promote fundamental freedoms, human rights, and the free flow of information online by supporting civil society actors to achieve open, reliable, secure access to the global Internet through support for anti-censorship technologies. DRL invites organizations interested in potential funding to submit proposals outlining program concepts that reflect this goal.

FunderUCLA Center for 17th and 18th-Century Studies Fellowships Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadline: August

Supports postdoctoral, predoctoral, and undergraduate research in areas of interest to the Center and the Clark Library.

FunderUnited States Institute of Peace Description
Program: Grants and Fellowships

Deadline: Varies by Program

Supports innovative projects, involving academic and applied research, the identification of promising models and effective practices, and the development of practitioner resources, tools, and training programs related to conflict management, international peace and security and peace building.

FunderUniversity of Connecticut Humanities Institute Description
Program: Faculty Residential Fellowships

Deadline: January

Residential Fellowships are opportunities for individuals to pursue advanced work in the humanities. Applicants may be faculty or staff members of colleges or universities, or independent scholars and writers. Projects may contribute to scholarly knowledge or to the general public’s understanding of the humanities. Recipients might eventually produce scholarly articles, a monograph on a specialized subject, a book on a broad topic, an archaeological site report, a translation, an edition, or other scholarly tools.

FunderUS-Indonesian Society Description
Program: Fellowships and Grants

Deadline: Varies by Program

In addition to several Fellows programs, USINDO awards grants of up to $2,000 to fund travel to Indonesia or to the United States to promote academic and professional exchanges between the two countries.

FunderVirginia Foundation for the Humanities Resident Fellows Program Description
Program: Fellowships and Grants

Deadline: Varies by Program

Provides time, space, and resources to scholars applying the tools of history, philosophy, ethics, cultural studies, and literary criticism to matters of public concern.

FunderVolkswagen Foundation (Germany) Description
Program: Fellowships and Grants

Deadline: Varies by Program

Provides time, space, and resources to scholars applying the tools of history, philosophy, ethics, cultural studies, and literary criticism to matters of public concern.

FunderWabash Center Grants Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: October/March

Funds projects that enhance teaching and learning in the fields of religion or theology and that promote a sustained conversation about pedagogy through the improvement of practical applications of teaching and learning methods, the encouragement of research and study of pedagogical issues, and the creation of a supportive environment for teaching. All proposals should maintain a reference to specific classroom practices and challenges.

FunderWashington Center for Equitable Growth Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: January/February

Academic grants program aims to build a portfolio of cutting-edge scholarly research that investigates the various channels through which economic inequality may (or may not) impact economic growth and stability, including both direct and indirect pathways. They consider economic inequality across wages, incomes, wealth, job quality, and benefits, though they are open to proposals that examine the effects of inequality in other ways, such as by gender, race,or ethnicity.

FunderWenner-Gren Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: Varies by Program

The Foundation has a variety of grant programs for anthropological research and scholarship that are open to applicants irrespective of nationality or country of residence

FunderWhite House Historical Association and the Organization of American Historians Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: Varies by Program

Provides support for research projects focusing on the roles of the White House as home, workplace, museum, structure, and symbol.

FunderWilburforce Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: No specific deadline

Wilburforce Foundation helps conserve important lands, waters and wildlife in Western North America by supporting organizations and leaders advancing strategic solutions.

FunderWilliam T. Grant Foundation Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: January/May/August

Improving the lives of children and youth, reducing inequality, understanding the use of research evidence, connecting research, policy & practice.

FunderWinterthur Description
Program: National Endowment for the Humanities Dissertation Fellowships Winterthur Research Fellowships

Deadline: January

Winterthur welcomes researchers. Academic, independent, and museum scholars, as well as advanced graduate students are invited to apply for short and long-term residential research fellowships. Research fellows conduct research in many areas of social and cultural history, including material culture, architecture, decorative arts, design, consumer culture, garden and landscape studies, Shaker studies, travel and tourism, the Atlantic World, and objects in literature.

FunderWittner Bynner Foundation for Poetry Description
Program: Grants

Deadline: December

Organizations may apply for grant support from $1,000 to $10,000 for a maximum of three years. The foundation does not support indirect costs for grant administration, endowment funds, capital improvements, or general operating expenses.

FunderWoodrow Wilson International Center Description
Program: Fellowships and Grants

Deadline: October

The Woodrow Wilson Center awards approximately 20-25 residential fellowships annually in an international competition. Topics and scholarship should relate to key public policy challenges or provide the historical and/or cultural framework to illuminate policy issues of contemporary importance. Fellows should be prepared to interact with policymakers in Washington and with Wilson Center staff who are working on similar topics.

FunderWoodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Description
Program: Fellowships and Grants

Deadline: December

The Nancy Weiss Malkiel Scholars Award is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. The Malkiel Scholars Award offers a $17,500 stipend—$10,000 to be used for summer research support and $7,500 for research assistance during the academic year. The award is structured to free the time of junior faculty who have passed their midpoint tenure review—including those from underrepresented groups and others committed to eradicating disparities in their fields—so that they can both engage in and build support for systems, networks, and affinity groups that make their fields and campuses more inclusive.

FunderYale Institute of Sacred Music Description
Program: Fellowships

Deadline: October (annually)

Scholars and practitioners whose work is in sacred music, liturgical/ritual studies or religion and the arts are invited to apply.