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Hands-on science to sustain Madagascar's resources and people

Insect CollectionValBio Data Hub

Centre ValBio has collected an extraordinary amount of conservation, biological, human health, economic, and environmental data over the last 30 years from not only Ranomafana National Park, but from across Madagascar.  It is our pleasure to share that data freely to further our conservation-focused mission. Data contained in the ValBio Data Hub  has been collected by both individuals and groups researching within Madagascar. We are humbled by our community and its effort to assemble this massive, community curated and maintained, data repository. We expect the new web frontend interface for the datahub to be completed in Q3 of 2021.


 Accessing  the ValBio Data Hub

ValBio does require individuals and groups wishing to use the Data Hub to register. Registration is free and open to any scientist with appropriate academic or scientific credential such as an academic / professional email address, ORCID iD or by directly emailing us at to provide alternative credential. This verification process is in place to prevent misuse of the data for non academic, explotive purpose. To begin the registration process, click the Register Now Link at the bottom of this page. Existing registered uses may access the Data Hub by clicking the Access Data Hub button at the bottom of the page, or from your profile dropdown link at the top of the page, once logged in.

Available Data Formats

Data Hub offers a number of formats for data access and interface. All data is avalbile both in raw text, CSV, and direct MySQL database access.  We feel these three options provide a modern and diverse array of access methods suitable for modern research use. Those wishing to help develop tools and software to expand the Data Hub's capabilities to further access are encouraged to contact us  at and we can discuss adding you to our development team

Data Ownership and Use

Data within the Data Hub belongs solely to the original mouse lemur on a slideresearcher(s)  that collected the data. ValBio has gone to extrodinary lengths to ensure that the intelectual property concerns of indivudals and institutions are protected when sharing with the ValBio Data Hub.

Data owners reserve the right to mark part or all of their data as private, leaving only a brief description of the data and a request to access link displaying to the general users of the Data Hub. Once requested by an interested party, data can be fully / selectively unlocked from within the Data Hub and viewable / usable by the requester through the Data Hub portal.

Datasets used in any derivitive work must be fully cited and credit attributed to the original researchers(s) of the data. Additionally, we ask that individuals using data from the Data Hub also insert a reference to the Data Hub as a source within their deritivive works. Citation for each set will be automatically generated by clicking the (cite) link next to each set's description cover page.  

Sharing New Data

Those wishing to add data to the ValBio Data Hub  are invited to do so. All data owners retain ful, fine grain control of their data. Once registered, login to the CVB Data Hub homepage and click on the Share Dataset Tab for directions on sharing data and setting data permissions. We do ask individuals submitting data to do your best to follow our Data Validation Recommendations before submitting. This is done to ensure data integrity. For researchers that have been collecting data within Madagascar  in book format only, that wish to have it digitized for submission into the Data Hub, CVB does offer Data Entry / Digitizing as a paid service. 


Access the CVB Data Hub