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Hands-on science to sustain Madagascar's resources and people

Research Preparation Timeline

CVB highly recommends you complete the application to research 3-6 months before arriving as it can easily take that long in order to prepare all necessary requirements to conduct a sucessfull research season. Athough it is possible to research on a much shorter notice, following this guidance helps ensure that all necessary requirements are met before your arrival.  


Below we look at the complete timeline to doing research, from when you first reach out about your project, through your pre departure, departure, research, and in country research shutdown. This assumes the ideal six month research timeline pre-departure. 

Six Months Before Arrival


Three Months Before
One Month Before Arrival
Two Weeks Before Arrival
One Week Before Arrival
Two Weekdays Before Arrival
Arriving at Antananarivo Airport
Your First Night in Madagascar

Typically flights land in the afternoon, evening, or very early morning when arriving in Madagascar. Thus in almost all cases you will need to do at least one "overnight" before making the 12 journey to CVB. The AL hotel is typically where researchers stay as its near the MICET office and on the correct highway to avoid lots of the morning Tana Traffic Jam making departing for CVB quicker. Rooms there are basic, inexpensive and the breakfast is not bad. They have been accomodating us for many years. Many other hotel options exist in a variety of price ranges and quality. You are free to stay where you like, though researchers should clearly communicate where they are staying in Tana through our online application portal, so we make sure you end up at your proper accomodations. 


The Road to CVB
Arriving at CVB & Checkin