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Core Facilities at Stony Brook University

Division of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR)

The DLAR at Stony Brook University is fully committed to the judicious, humane use of animals in research and teaching. The DLAR supports all Stony Brook University animal related research through the provision of laboratory animal management and veterinary medical care and assures institutional compliance with all federal, state and local regulations and policies. Services include:

  • Animal procurement
  • Animal husbandry
  • Veterinary care including health surveillance, preventative medicine programs, animal quarantine, personnel training and special technical support
  • Maintenance of animal facilities and equipment

Flow Cytometry Facility

The laboratory is equipped with several high-end instruments including a BD LSR Fortessa and a BD FACS ARIA IIIU high speed cell sorter. The LSR Fortessa instrument is equipped with four lasers and is capable of 15 parameter analysis. Additionally, it is equipped with a high throughput sampler that automates sample acquisition from 96- or 384-well plates. The FACS ARIA IIIU cell sorter is equipped with five lasers and can sort up to 5 populations based on 13 parameters. It is enclosed in a Biobubble which facilitates analysis and sorting of potentially biohazardous samples. Services include:

  • Flow acquisition 
  • Cell sorting
  • Analysis workstations
  • Free consultations

Central Microscopy Imagining Center (CMIC)

The CMIC is home to a number of high-end microscopes and considerable expertise in imaging. Microscopes at CMIC include the Zeiss LSM 510 Meta NLO 2-Photon Laser Scanning Confocal System, an Olympus BX61WI In Vivo 2-Photon Confocal Microscope System, a Nikon Structured Illumination Microscope (N-SIM) Super Resolution Microscope system, a Nikon Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (N-STORM) Super Resolution Microscope System, and a FEI BioTwinG2 Transmission Electron Microscope. The Zeiss LSM 510 Meta has a CO2 and temperature controlled chamber for live cell imaging and the Olympus BX61WI has a custom built stage for small live animal imaging. The CMIC also provides multiple computer workstations with software for image analysis and instrumentation/facilities for sample preparation.

Micro Computed Tomography (CT) Facility 

The Micro CT Facility is equipped with VivaCT75, a high-resolution microCT scanner that reconstructs 2D images into a 3D tomography to describe the morphology and micro-architecture of hard/soft tissues and fluids in small animal models.

Genomics Core Facility 

The Genomics Core Facility provides a number of genomic technologies and expertise.

  • DNA sequencing services
  • Microarray services
  • Luminex bead assays
  • Pyrosequencing
  • Single cell genomics
  • BioAnalyzer/Qubit
  • QIAxcel System

Bioinformatics Facility

The Bioinformatics Facility provides a strong combination of life science principles and computer skills. The facility is committed to helping researchers handle information in a more efficient way.

  • Data Analysis and Bioinformatics Consultation
  • Sequence analysis (DNA/RNA/Protein)
  • Function and pathway analysis
  • Microarray data analysis (genomic, mRNA, miRNA, protein)
  • Custome array design
  • Next generation sequencing data analysis (RNA-Seq, Chip-Seq)
  • SNP and CNV analysis
  • Data visulization and presentation
  • Data mining and meta analysis

Molecular Cloning Facility

The molecular cloning facility provides numerous services including traditional subcloning, insertion of tags, point mutations and deletions, LentiCRISPR vectors, and protein expression construct design and expression. Additionally, the facility provides consultations for all molecular cloning related proposals.

Research Histology Core 

The Research Histology Core provides histology support for research investigators. Services include paraffin processing and sectioning, frozen tissue processing and sectioning, histological and immunofluorescent staining, training, and comprehensive project consultation.

Stony Brook Proteomics Center

The Proteomics Core Facility at Stony Brook University School of Medicine supports basic and clinical research programs by performing mass spectrometry-based analyses of proteins and peptides. The facility offers state-of-the-art instrumentation and software for qualitative (e.g. protein identification), quantitative proteomics analysis (e.g. relative quantification), and post-translational modification (PTM) analysis. The Proteomics Center also supports small molecule analysis. We offer services of sample preparation, LC-MS/MS analysis, statistical analysis, and data mining for large-scale proteomic projects. Instruments include:

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific LTQ Orbitrap XL ETD
  • Applied Biosystem Voyager DE-STR workstation
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific LTQ XL
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific TSQ Quantum Access
  • Biacore 2000
  • 2-D Gel Electrophoresis (Bio-Rad)