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Center for Service Learning and Community Service Awards 2024-2025

President’s Volunteer Service Award

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) recognizes the important role of volunteers in the United States and honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation. Led by the Americorps and managed in partnership with Points of Light, this program allows certifying organizations including the Center for Service Learning and Community Service (CSLCS) to recognize exceptional volunteers.

Volunteer Eligibility

  • United States citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States
  • Completes eligible service within a given 12-month period (for annual Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards) and over a lifetime (for Lifetime Achievement Awards)
  • Serve the hours required to earn an awards in your age group


Age Group Bronze Silver Gold Lifetime Achievement
Age GroupKids (5-10) Bronze26-49 hours Silver50-74 hours Gold75+ hours Lifetime Achievement4,000+ hours
Age GroupTeens (11-15) Bronze50-74 hours Silver75-99 hours Gold100+ hours Lifetime Achievement4,000+ hours
Age GroupYoung Adults (16-25) Bronze100-174 hours Silver175-249 hours Gold250+ hours Lifetime Achievement4,000+ hours
Age GroupAdults (26+) Bronze100-249 hours Silver250-499 hours Gold500+ hours Lifetime Achievement4,000+ hours

Eligible Service

  • Unpaid acts of volunteer service benefiting others 
  • Service through National service programs that provide a stipend (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) may count towards the Lifetime Achievement Award, but not for the annual awards

Eligible Service Does Not Include:

  • Donating funds
  • Political lobbying (Non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity)
  • Religious instruction
  • Conducting worship service
  • Proselytizing
  • Volunteer service performed as part of court-ordered community service
  • Serving only family members

To Apply Through the CSLCS

  1. Service hours must be logged and verified on GivePulse. Hours must be completed between the Summer 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters. If hours are anticipated to be completed by the end of the Spring 2025 semester that would make you eligible for an award, please note this in your application. The CSLCS will follow up to verify these hours were completed.
  2. Once you have confirmed your service hours are all logged and verified, complete the form due March 2, 2025.
  3. The CSLCS will confirm the completion of service hours and reward eligible students with PVSA Awards.

For questions regarding the PVSA, contact or schedule a Volunteer Positions and Service Projects appointment on Handshake (with CSLCS staff or Peer-to-Peer).


Service Cord

The CSLCS recognizes students dedicated to serving their community with a cord to wear at graduation.


  • Students must be graduating during the current academic year in order to apply
  • Eligible service hours must be completed during your current academic program
  • Complete 150 hours of community service 
  • Attend a CSLCS workshop, event, or appointment
  • Log and verify your community service hours in GivePulse

The Service Cord recognizes community service hours (the “time” impact type on GivePulse) as opposed to other forms of community engagement such as funds raised or goods donated.

To Apply Through the CSLCS

  1. Service hours must be logged and verified on GivePulse
  2. Once you have confirmed your service hours are verified and you have attended a CSLCS workshop/event/appointment, complete the form due March 30, 2025. If hours or event attendance are anticipated to be completed by the end of the Spring 2025 semester that would make you eligible for the cord, please note this in your application. 
  3. The CSLCS will confirm the completion of service hours and reward eligible students with Service Cords.

For questions regarding Service Cords, contact or schedule a Volunteer Positions and Service Projects appointment on Handshake (with CSLCS staff or Peer-to-Peer).