Announcements and Opportunities
- Ad for Faculty Position in Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases
Living World 2016, 7:30pm Spet. 16, 2016 by Prof. Jeffery Levintion (PDF)
Entomology Course in Costa Rica for January 2017 (Costa Rica 2017 Flyer)
Cyber Security - March 2016 Newsletter. (PDF)
Tinker Field Research Grants (deadline April 6th, 2016). (URL)
A new program, Plant Biotic Interactions was just announced by NSF. (URL)
Important changes in eligibility to the NSF GRFP (Dear Colleague Letter and FAQ).
As conference registration starts, we are continuing the effort from last year to try to document who is going where for conferences. Please add your name and conference for anything you are attending. (Google Docs)
NEWS RELEASE: New Study Reveals Patterns in Antarctic Tourism (IAATO)