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Travel to Iran requires the prior approval of the University's Export Compliance Officer

In most cases, travelers on official University business will need PRIOR U.S. government approval in the form of a license in order to conduct activities in Iran.   

Providing a service (something of value) or importing information or other goods requires an OFAC license (General or Specific) or General Authorization. 
Prior consultation  with the Export Control Administrator is required before providing any services.

Such examples include:

  • Attending a conference/seminar in Iran
  • Attending a conference/seminar virtually that is hosted by an entity in Iran
  • Hosting a conference that will include participants in Iran or ordinarily resident in Iran
  • Speaking at a conference/seminar in Iran
  • Speaking at a conference/seminar virtually that is hosted by an entity in Iran
  • Performing research in Iran
  • Performing research with a collaborator located in Iran
  • Teaching in Iran
  • Tearching virtual (on-line) courses to individuals in Iran or ordinarily resident in Iran
General  License

Iran General License (No. G) and Iran General License M-2 (extending Iran General License (No. M) )- Certain Academic Exchanges and the Exportation or Importation of Certain Educational Services Authorized  (see additional campus guidance here)

General Authorization

A limited number of activities are authorized under 31 CFR § 560.538 - Authorized transactions necessary and ordinarily incident to publishing.     In addition, OFAC issued Guidance on Certain Publishing Activities

Before engaging in these activities, other export regulations also need to be considered.

Guidance for Hosting Iranian Visitors at SBU

Generally, Iranian visitors (who are here in the U.S. under a valid visa ) are authorized by OFAC to engage in the activities for which that visa was issued.   However, please consult with an SBU Export Controls Officer BEFORE engaging in any of the following activities when hosting an Iranian visitor:

  • Providing access to any proprietary or restricted information to the Iranian visitor
  • Allowing the Iranian visitor to work on any projects that are NOT Fundamental Research
  • Providing items or materials to be taken back to Iran (whether via shipment or hand-carry)
  • Transferring anything (physically or electronically) to Iran
  • Transacting financially with an entity in Iran
  • Providing a service for an entity in Iran

It is also strongly encouraged for the Iranian visitor to cease any affiliations they have with an Iranian entity/institution while they are at SBU.

U.S. Department of Treasury information on Iran 

Iran Sanctions

U.S. Department of Commerce information on exporting to Iran

Iran Guidance