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Affiliated, Joint and Non-Salaried Appointments

Guidelines for Cross-Departmental Secondary Academic Appointments of Regular Full-Time Stony Brook University Faculty

This documents covers the following types of appointments:


The following Table of Secondary Appointment Types outlines categories and descriptions for appointing current Stony Brook University faculty with primary appointments [in the Arts and Sciences Senate constituency areas (College of Arts and Sciences, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, School of Journalism, Stony Brook Southampton, etc. )] to a secondary appointment in a department, program, or school [within these same areas].

These Guidelines establish consistency of nomenclature across departments and programs.  Each department or program sets its own further criteria within these broad appointment categories.  Any specific criteria for secondary appointments with these titles should be defined and made explicit in departmental by-laws (or the equivalent specification of procedural practices for those departments without governing by-laws).

Table of Secondary Appointments

Name of Appointment Type of Appointment Title of Designation [e.g. Professor of X and Y] Rights & Responsibilities
Name of Appointment

Affiliated Faculty

Type of Appointment


(budgetary line entirely in primary dept. or program)

Title of Designation [e.g. Professor of X and Y]

No title of designation

Listed on Secondary department’s roster as Affiliated Faculty (i.e. as a “friend” of the department, with intellectual or research interests in the work of the Secondary department or program.)


Primary department should agree, and Dean shall be notified by Secondary department or program.

Rights & Responsibilities

Involvement by formal invitation of secondary department or program only.

No formal rights or responsibilities in secondary department. 

All involvement in secondary department or program shall be voluntary. 

No voting rights

Name of Appointment

Joint Title Faculty

Type of Appointment


(budgetary line entirely in primary dept. or program)

Title of Designation [e.g. Professor of X and Y]

Title of designation

Recommended by both departments, appointed upon recommendation by the Dean and confirmed by Provost. 

Official letter of Joint Title Appointment shall be sent by Provost to appointee and to each department to be kept in all relevant personnel files. 

Example: Title shall be Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of X and Y (where X = the Primary department or program name and Y = the Secondary department or program name).

Rights & Responsibilities

Limited involvement as set by conditions of initial appointment, or by departmental by-laws or established departmental practices.

Serves as “inside reader” on doctoral dissertations in both departments. 

Voting and other rights as determined by initial appointment and/ or established by departmental by-laws.

Name of Appointment

Joint Appointment (Budgetary)

Type of Appointment

Primary in both depts. or units.

(budgetary line divided between two different Departments or Programs)

Title of Designation [e.g. Professor of X and Y]

Title of designation

Appointed (upon the recommendation of the Dean and Provost) by the President in the same manner as a regular appointment to a single department.

Rights & Responsibilities

Full rights and responsibilities in both primary departments (unless limited at the time of appointment)

Formulated by the Arts and Sciences Senate Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Policy Committee, endorsed by the Arts & Sciences Senate Executive Committee, and adopted overwhelmingly by the Arts & Sciences Senate at its meeting of 23 March 2009. 


I. Affiliated Faculty Appointments

An Affiliated Faculty appointment is granted by the Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs (Provost or SVP HSC) to an active member of the faculty of Stony Brook University. The affiliated appointment confers limited faculty standing in a second department, program, or school on a member of another department, program, or school. Such an affiliation should not be confused with a Joint Appointment (q.v.), which only the President may make.

The Provost or SVP HSC may grant an Affiliated Faculty appointment upon the recommendation of the appropriate Vice President, Dean or Director. It will be a temporary appointment granted for a definitive period of three to six years for junior faculty, or a ten year term for tenured and full professors.  This temporary appointment may be terminated at any time upon the request of either the designated faculty member, the director or chairs of either the primary or secondary programs / departments or the appropriate Vice President or Dean.  

The granting of an affiliated appointment to a faculty member of another department, program, or school entitles that faculty member to indicate his or her affiliated membership in the secondary department, program, or school in all official correspondence. Affiliated Faculty status does not include the use of the secondary department, program or school’s name in the faculty member’s faculty title of designation.

Since the Affiliated Faculty appointment confers only limited faculty standing, the extent of the affiliated faculty member’s functions and privileges in the affiliated department, program, or school should be mutually agreed upon at the outset and specified in the memo to the Dean or Provost/SVP HSC requesting the affiliated appointment. Normally, affiliated faculty appointments do not include voting rights in the secondary department, program, or school. They may be invited to participate and vote in specific program committees or deliberations.

 The granting of an affiliated appointment in no way affects or limits the nature of the faculty member’s appointment in his primary department, program, or school as governed by the Policies of the Board of Trustees. All personnel actions including promotions and leaves will be initiated by the primary department, program, or school. The primary department should inform the secondary department, program, or school of the substance of its recommended personnel actions regarding the affiliated faculty member and may invite its endorsement or comment. Both departments, programs, or schools shall retain a copy of the letter of appointment in the faculty member’s personnel file. The termination of the appointment of a faculty member who also holds an affiliated appointment automatically terminates the affiliated appointment as well. 

II. Joint Title Faculty Appointments

A Joint Title Faculty appointment is granted by the Academic Vice President (Provost) to an active member of the faculty of Stony Brook University. The Joint Title Faculty appointment confers limited faculty standing in a second department, program, or school on a member of another department, program, or school. The Joint Title Faculty appointment entails a greater involvement in the secondary department, program, or school than an Affiliated Faculty appointment.  A Joint Title Faculty appointment should not be confused with a budgetary Joint Appointment (q.v.), which only the President may make. 

The Academic Vice President may grant a Joint Title Faculty appointment upon the recommendation of the appropriate Vice President, Dean or Director. It will be granted for an indefinite period and may be terminated at any time upon the request of either the designated faculty member, the director or chairs of either the primary or secondary programs/departments or the appropriate Vice President or Dean. 

The granting of a Joint Title appointment to a faculty member of another department, program, or school entitles that faculty member to include the title of the secondary department, program, or school along with the faculty member’s professorial rank and title of designation in all official correspondence in the same manner as is done for his or her membership in the primary department, program, or school.   

Since the Joint Title Faculty appointment confers limited faculty standing, the extent of the Joint Title faculty member’s functions and privileges in the secondary department, program, or school, including whether the Joint Title Faculty member shall have voting rights in the secondary department, program, or school (or in one or more of its programs) should be mutually agreed upon at the outset and specified in the memo to the Dean or Provost requesting the Joint Title Faculty appointment.

The granting of Joint Title Faculty appointment in no way affects or limits the nature of the faculty member’s appointment in his primary department or school as governed by the Policies of the Board of Trustees. All personnel actions including promotions and leaves will be initiated by the primary department or school. The primary department, program, or school should inform the secondary department, program, or school of the substance of its recommended personnel actions regarding the affiliated faculty member and may invite its endorsement or comment. Both departments, programs, or schools shall retain a copy of the letter of appointment in the faculty member’s personnel file. The termination of the appointment of a faculty member who also holds a Joint Title Faculty appointment automatically terminates the Joint Title Faculty appointment as well.

III. Joint Appointment (Budgetary)

A Joint Appointment (budgetary) confers full faculty standing upon the appointee in both appointed departments or schools. The joint appointee enjoys all the privileges and incurs all the responsibilities in each department or school of a normal faculty member in either. It is normally expected that the workload of the joint appointee will be divided between the two departments or schools in a manner commensurate with the budgetary commitment of each unit contributing to the position. Budgetary Joint Appointments that cross colleges are not permitted to be 50:50, to ensure that a college can be identified for personnel actions that involve college-level committees. It is recommended that Budgetary Joint Appointments that cross colleges be structured as 75:25 appointments, although 51:49 appointments are permitted.

A budgetary Joint Appointment is made by the President upon the recommendation of the Academic Vice President (Provost), who in turn bases their recommendation upon the recommendations of the departments and units involved and the appropriate Vice President, Dean or Director. In addition, if the proposed Joint Appointment involves a completely new appointment, and if the rules of the appropriate college or center require it, the appointment will also be reviewed by the appropriate faculty committee on personnel policy. As with all academic appointments, a Joint Appointment must conform to the Policies of the Board of Trustees and applicable local campus policies.

In the case of a Joint (budgetary) appointee, personnel actions that involve recommendations of department-level committees, such as tenure and promotion, will be conducted by a committee of no less than seven members, appointed by the chairs of each unit, which includes representatives from both departments or units. The committee will submit its recommendation to the chairs of both departments or units, who will prepare a joint letter with their recommendation. Reviews and actions at the college or school level will be conducted by the college-level committee (e.g., the A&S PTC or CEAS PPC) and Dean of the College or School contributing a greater share of the budgetary line. It is recommended that the Dean of the other academic unit also review and have input into the Dean’s letter for tenure and promotion. Other personnel actions such as leaves should be processed in the normal manner by the college or school that holds the larger share of the budgetary line, in consultation with the chairs and Deans of both units. 


IV. Non-Salaried or Courtesy Appointments

A non-salaried appointment is made by the Dean or Provost upon the recommendation of the chair of the department involved and the appropriate Directors, Vice Presidents, Deans, and Provost. As with all appointments, a non-salaried appointment must conform to the Policies of the Board of Trustees and applicable local campus policies.

A non-salaried appointment confers limited, non-salaried faculty standing in a department or school on an appointee who does not otherwise enjoy faculty standing on the campus. Normally, such appointments will be made for a term of up to three years and may be terminated at any time upon the request of either the appointee or the appointed department or school.

A non-salaried appointment may be granted concurrently in more than one department or school but one department must be identified as the primary department.

The department or school in which a non-salaried appointment is made may determine the extent of the functions and privileges which the appointee may exercise within the department.

A non-salaried appointee may be promoted upon the recommendation of the department or school to the Dean or Provost without the necessity for review by a faculty personnel policy committee.


Sample Requests

Sample A - Affiliated Faculty Appointment Request (2017)

Sample B - Joint Title Faculty Appointment Request (2010)

Sample C - Non-Salaried Appointment Request (2010)

