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Events at the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook


2017 - 2018


Multi-Day Conference:

“Caribbean Cosmopolis: Timeports of Modernity", Oct 12-13, 2017

Fall 2017 Events

All event are at 4pm in 1008 Humanities unless otherwise noted

September 14

Jennifer Christine Nash, Northwestern University -- "Love Letter from a Critic, or Notes on the Intersectionality Wars". Part of the Q/F/T* Series. Co-sponsored by Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies and HISB.

September 21

Richard Steigmann-Gall, Kent State -- "Resistance and Bystanding: Does the History of Fascism Provide Lessons for Today?"

September 26

Women's Gender & Sexually Studies book launch/discussion for The Hormone Myth: How Gender Politics, Junk Science, and Lies About PMS Keep Women Downby dept alumni Robyn Stein DeLuca. Co-sponsored by WGSS and HISB.

September 28

Steven Pincus, Yale -- “The Ideological Origins of the Irish Revolution”

October 4

Faculty Lunchtime Lecture Series: Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies, 1:00-2:30pm.

October 5

Christina Sharpe, Tufts University -- "Reflection on In the Wake: On Blackness and Being"

October 12-13

Conference,"Caribbean Cosmopolis: Timeports of Modernity”, 9:00am - 6:00pm Oct 12, 9:00am -1:00pm Oct 13. Co-sponsored by the Hispanic Languages & Literature, Latin American & Caribbean Center and HISB.

October 18

Jason Oliver Chang, University of Connecticut, Storrs -- "Anti-Chinese Racism and the Making of the Mexican Mestizo".  Co-sponsored by the Confucius Institute and HISB.

October 19

Human Rights film festival -- showing of The Great Wall. Co-sponsored by the Confucius Institute and HISB.

October 26

Bilingual reading by Italian poet Maria Attanasio, author of Blu della cancellazione.  Co-sponsored by European Languages & Literatures and HISB, 5:30pm.Co-sponsored by European Languages and Literatures and HISB.

November 3

Conference , "Culture and Identity: The Legacy of Herman Lebovics", 9:00am - 5:30pm.  Co-sponsored by History, SBU Alumni Association and HISB.

November 9

Lectures by Environmentalists J. Drew Lanham, "The Color of the Land --Southern History and Hang-ups in Conservation"; and Lauret Savoy, "Trace: Memory, History, Race, and the American Landscape", Rm 1006 Humanities. Co-sponsored by Sustainability Studies, Environment for the Humanities and HISB.

November 14

Human Rights film festival -- Silvered Water. Co-sponsored by the Confucius Institute and HISB.

November 16

Jason Farr, Texas A&M; Ula Klein, Texas A&M; Rachel Adams, Columbia Univ -- "Fictions of Queerness and Disability" -- panel workshop

December 7

Jhasikarn Dhillon, New School -- “Reflections on Prairie Rising:  Indigenous Youth, Decolonization, and the Politics of Intervention”

 Spring 2018



Fall 2016 Events

Date Event
DateSep 14 EventE. Ann Kaplan and Marita Sturken on "Traumatic Futures"
DateSep 29 EventJennifer Wenzel, “Utopian Histories and Post-Anthropocene Futures: From Thomas More to The WetLand Project”
DateOct 4 EventConstance Penley, "Utopia/Dystopia: The Uses of Time Travel"
DateOct 20 EventJack Halberstam (lecture), “Becoming Feral: Sex, Death and Falconry”
DateOct 21 EventJack Halberstam (seminar), “Wild Things—Queer and Feminist Theory at the End of the World”   --  10:00 am
DateOct 27 EventBen Carrington “Forgivable Whiteness: Race, Family and the Last of the Great White Hopes”
Brenda Elsey, “Unbearable Whiteness of Women’s Soccer”
DateNov 3-4 Event"Romanticisms Futures" Symposium, 2:00 pm on Nov 3, 10:00 am on Nov 4
DateNov 7 EventThe Great Debate --“Be it resolved, the present system for choosing Presidential party nominees is broken: bring back the political party bosses to choose future candidates”  -- 1006 Humanities
DateNov 10 Event"Untimely Bodies: Race, Temporality, Queerness" Symposium, 2:00 pm
DateNov 17 EventLucas Foglia, “Photographing People in Nature”
DateNov 30 EventRacial Temporalities Series symposium: “The Past, Present and Future of Global White Supremacy”, 3:00 pm

2015 - 2016

(Under construction)

2014 - 2015

Conferences and Symposia

“Age Studies” and “Aging Today: Literature, Film, and Social Change”

“‘Do you Remember Me?’: Constructions of Alzheimer’s Disease in Literature and Film”
E. Ann Kaplan, Departments of English and Cultural Analysis and Theory, SBU
 “Narratives, Indicators, and concepts in Changing European Welfare Societies.”
 Anne-Marie Mai, Department of Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark
“‘In a Dream you are never eighty’: Wordsworth in Youth and Age.”
Peter Manning, Department of English, SBU
“Developments in age Studies Research and Organizations in the U.S. and Europe.”
Cynthia Port, Department of English, Coastal Carolina University
“Well Being as a Concern for the State”
Camilla Schwartz, University of Southern Denmark
“Lifelong Lives? Aging in the Welfare State in Recent Interventions in Dementia Care”
Peter Simonson, Department for Study of Culture, University of southern Denmark
“Healing Words: Critical Inquiry of Poetry Interventions in Dementia Care”
Aagje Swinnen, Departments of Literature and Art, Maastricht University

“cDACT Conference: f(Glitch)”

“Noise after the Apocalypse.”
Joanna Demers, Chair of Musicology, UCS’s Thornton School of Music
“Seeing Voices: Optical Scanning Applied to Early Recorded Sound Preservation.”
Carl Haber, Physicist
 “McGurk and Other Disturbances.” And “Data in the Wild: From Basic Biology to the Real World.”
Seth Horowitz, Neuroscientist
“Software Takes Command” 
Lev Manovich, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Degenerative Design.” 
Antonio Roberts, Video Artist
“Erasing the Glitch.”
Ann Warde, Bio-Acoustician
Andrew Bernstein
Matthew Blessing
Max Carmack
Chanda Chan
Ken Fehling
Jesse Hopkins
Jesse Hopkins
Evangelia Jeong
 Derek Kwan
 Grace Lin
Jay Loomis
Paula Matthusen
Cristyn Magnus
Grace Lin
Jay Loomis
Paula Matthusen
 Cristyn Magnus
Robert Medearis
 Janie Ou Yang
Charles Pan
Tom Richards
 Antonio Roberts
Thecla Schiphorst
Kate Schwarting
Yunqing Shan
Dantong Xu
Kim Yaeger

“Grad Symposium: Cognitive Science in the Arts and Humanities: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives.”

 “Music and Language in the Brain: Shared or Separate Processing?”
Nicole Calma, Cognitive Science/Linguistics
“Neural Bases of Bistable Percepts.”
Naz Dikecligil, Neurobiology and Behavior
“On the Affective Nature of Implicit Biases and the Influence of Selective Empathizing on Epistemic and Ethical Agency.”
Lori Gallegos, Philosophy 
“Human 2.0: Toward and Integrated Operating System.”
John Griffin, Psychology/Dance
 “Reading-in-the-Body, Reading-in-the-World: A Dynamic System Approach to Narrative Theory.”
Daniel Irving, English
 “Art and Cognition: A methodological Critique of the Pre-Atonal Arnold Schoenberg.”
Antonio Pellegrino, Art History
 “Elements of Surprise: Narrative Twists, the Curse of Knowledge, and the Magic of Retrospection”
Vera Tobin, Cognitive Science, Case Western Reserve University
“Memory and Loss in Kerry Tribe’s H.M”
Scott Volz, Art History
“Narrative Mysteries Prompt Creative Participation.”
Bill Wenzel, Cognitive Science

 “Northeast Victorian Studies Association: Victorian Senses.”

 “Sound, Music, and Affect”

“The 'Quick of Life' as Affect of the Political: Blanchot, Speech, and World Disclosure”
Anthony Abiragi, Humanities, University of Colorado, Boulder
“An Orchestra of Nobodies: Daniel Barenboim and the Affective Disciplines of Musical Life”
James Currie, Musicology, University at Buffalo
“Work's End” 
Murray Dineen, Musicology and Music Theory, University of Ottawa
“Whitehead’s Process, Music’s Reality: On Some Potential Modifications to Affect Theory”   
Ryan Dohoney, Musicology, Northwestern University 
"Melancholy and the Politics of Vocal Materiality in Helmut Lachenmann's Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern"
Benjamin Downs, Musicology, Stony Brook University 
“Affect and the Melancholic Modalities of Turkish Classical Musicians” 
Denise Elif Gill, Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Washington University in St Louis 
 “’High in the Custerdome’: Steely Dan’s Split Libido” 
Ted Gordon, Musicology, University of Chicago 
“After the Natural Sign: Affect Theory’s End?” 
 Roger Mathew Grant, Music Theory, University of Oregon 
“Tinnitus: Sound, Suffering, and Remediation” 
 Mack Hagood, Media, Journalism, and Film, Miami University, Ohio 
“Music Listening and Autobiographical Memory in Thomas Bernard’s Correction” 
Christopher Haworth, Music, University of Calgary 
“Nietzsche’s Ariadne in Barraqué and Deleuze: Dionysian Affects of the Avant-Garde Voice” 
Aaron Hayes, Musicology, Stony Brook University 
"Film, Music, Affective Economies"
Berthold Hoeckner, Music and the Humanities, University of Chicago
“The Gender of Silence: Chōra and the Voice of Women in Ancient Greece”  
Adam Knowles, Philosophy, New School for Social Research 
"Playing Dead: Charlotte Moorman, Nam June Paik, and the Uncanny Body" 
Sophie Landres, Art History, Stony Brook University 
"’What do you want?' Noise and Political Desire on the Cusp of Black Power" 
Sara Marcus, English, Princeton University 
“Affect and Belonging: Four Ways of Listening to Noise” 
John Melillo, English, University of Arizona 
"The Philosopher’s Voice: The Prosody of Logos" 
Eduardo Mendieta, Philosophy, Stony Brook University 
“Miscegenating Sound” 
Julie Beth Napolin, Literary Studies, The New School 
“Semiotic Expectations and the Transformation of Emotional Experience in Mhongo Drumming in Zimbabwe” 
Tony Perman, Ethnomusicology, Grinnell College 
“Gesture, Empathy, Affect: The Adverbial Expression of Emotion in Music” 
Deniz Peters, Music Aesthetics, University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz, Austria
“How ‘Abstract’ an Opera? : Stereotyped Emotion and the Political Poetics of Nonsense” 
Emily Richmond Pollock, Music and Theater Arts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
"Loudness, Excess, and the Affect of Sovereignty and Abjection in a Neoliberal Frontier Zone (Buenaventura, Colombia)"
Michael Birenbaum Quintero, Ethnomusicology, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine/ Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia 
Delivering Affect: Sound and the Divine in the Harmonie universelle 
André Redwood, Music Theory, University of Notre Dame 
“From Autonomous Listening to Automatic Listening: Music, Software, Affect” 
Martin Scherzinger, Media Culture and Communications, New York University 
“Affect and Improvising Bodies” 
Chris Stover, Music Theory and Composition, New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music
“Labor of Love: Psalter Recitation and the Affective Rhythm of Contemplatio” 
Kris Trujillo, Rhetoric, U.C. Berkeley 
“Mimesis and the Affective Ground of Baroque Representation” 
Daniel Villegas Vélez, Musicology, University of Pennsylvania 
“Skepticism’s Moods” 
Dan Wang, Musicology, University of Chicago 
"The Recorded Voice in Seventeenth-Century Italy”
Emily Wilbourne, Musicology, Queens College and the Graduate Center CUNY  
“Blackface and the Voice of Elvis Presley” 
Peter Winkler, Composition, Stony Brook University 
“Affect and Temporality: Maurice Merleau-Ponty on Depth and Movement in Music” 
Jessica Wiskus, Music, Duquesne University          

Translation Studies Lecture

“William Carlos Williams: and the “Carlos” Effect on American Modernism”
Jonathan Cohen

 Q/F/T Inaugural Lecture

“Queer Method and the Postwar History of Sexuality Studies.” 
Heather Love

Provost’s Lecture Series

Distinguished Lecture Series

“Disability Cultures International Disability Arts Practices.”

Petra Kuppers

Faculty Lecture Series

Dean’s Lecture Series

“Natural History and Translation.”
Alan Bewell
“Painting (and Sounding) the Nineteenth-Century Metropolis”
Roger Parker

Journeys Through the Enlightenment Series

“Betting Against Oneself: A Textual and Contextual Reading of Cosi fan tutte.”
Giuseppe Gazzola
“From Arcana Imperii to Statistics: G.M Galanti, Political Information and Science in the Age of Enlightenment.”
Barbara Naddeo
“Romantic Exchange in the Age of Exploration”
Vanessa Smith
“Reputation Management in Enlightenment England: Angelica Kauffman, the Women and the Men.”
Amanda Vickery

Humanities for the Environment

“Gender Justice and Climate Justice: Making the Connections.” 
Greta Gaard
“Coastal Cartography’s Four Shorelines: From Christopher Columbus to Hurricane Sandy.”
Mark Monmonier
“The Welikia Project: Mapping Frontiers in New York City Ecology”
Eric Sanderson
“Invisible Hands, Carbon Footprints: Corporate Bodies, Undead Metaphors, and the Anthropocene.”
Jesse Oak Taylor

 Great Debate: “Be It Resolved that the Fire Island Breach Opened by Super Storm Sandy be Closed.”

Adrienne Esposito, Jeff Kassner, Chris Soller, and Aram Terchunian

Community Outreach- Port Jefferson Village – Go Green

Film Series

Co-Sponsored Events

2013 - 2014

Conferences and Symposia

“Memory: Culture, Media, Cognition”

“Home Movies and Memory”
Thomas Elsaesser
“Why Journalism has Always Been Part of Memory’s Landscape”
Barbie Zelizer

 Provost’s Lecture Series

“Economic Outlook for the U.S. and Long Island”
William C. Dudley
“From Sorrow to Indifference”
Catherine Malabou, Modern European Philosophy
“A Superstition of Brains.” (Science & Metaphor: At Play Workshop)
Alice Major

Distinguished Lecture Series

“Chasing Sustainability: Visualizing Change”
David Chameides
“Environment, Justice, & Innovation: What makes A sustainable Planet”
Michel Gelobter
“Remediation: Pharmikons and the Politics of Environmental Health"
Leerom Medovi
“Rifling Through Books”
Andrew Piper
“Chemical Exposure and Human Health.”
Sandra Steingraber

 Faculty Lecture Series

“CAT Colloquium”
"International Belongings: Genet and the Black Panther Party.”
Dr. Kadij Amin 
“The Fall of (wo)Man: Gender and Narrative Ordering in Genesis and Antichrist.”
Danielle Early
“The Elusive Hermes”
Peter Carravetta, Department of Italian Studies, SBU 
“Feeling Women’s Liberation”
Victoria Hesford, Department of Cultural Analysis and Theory, SBU

Great Debate: Be it Resolved that “Universal Health Care is a Right and not a Priviledge.”

Norman Edelman, School of Medicine, SBU
Raymond J. Keating, Small Business and Entreprenurship Council, SBU
Reuven Pasternak, Chief Executive Officer and Vice President for Health Systems of Stony Brook University Hospital, SBU
Mark J. Shikowitz, Vice Chairman of the ENT Department, School of Medicine, Northshore LIJ.

 Dean’s Lecture Series

“Gandhi as Environmentalist”
Ramachandra Guha
“Fukushima Radioactivity in the Pacific and Risks to Marine Life and humans”
Nicholas Fisher, Department of Marine Sciences, SBU
“Welcome to the Anthropocene”
Elizabeth Kolbert
“Getting Real: Meeting the Challenge of Public Engagement When Climate Change Comes Home.”
Susanne Moser

Journeys Through the Enlightenment Series

“The Unsustainable Estate: Imagining Nature in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park.”
Robert Markley, Department of English, University of Illinois
“The Occult Revival in Late 18th-Century England”
Paul Monod

Community Outreach- Port Jefferson Village – Go Green, “Bringing Nature Home”

Film Series

Co-Sponsored Events

2012 – 2013

Conferences and Symposia

“Race and Representation: The Black Body in Literature, Media, and the Arts”

“America is in the Managed Heart: The anger of Carlos Bulosan and Audre Lorde as critique of alienation at Work.”
Jeffrey Santa Ana, Department of English, SBU
“BUTCH. FEM. QUEEN.: Reshaping Social media Depictions of Black Masculinity.”
Marcus Brock, Cultural Analysis and Theory, SBU
“Sarah Baartman, Female Circumcision and a Swedish Cake: A Traumatic Misrepresentation.”
Natasha Chipembere, Department of English, SBU, Medgar Evers College
“We Have Been Made Ugly by Our Enemies: Elijah Muhammad, White Supremacy, and the Re-representation of Black Bodies.”
Stephen Finley Philosophy and Religious Studies, Louisiana State University
“Race Through the Transatlantic Lens: The Significance of African American Popular Culture for Caribbeans in France.”
Crystal Fleming, Sociology Department, SBU
“Vanishing Love Songs and the Blackness of Film Noir”
Krin Gabbard, Cultural Analysis and Theory, SBU
“Representing the Black Male Nude as Artist, Model, and Subject.” 
Patrick Earl Hammie, Art, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignz
“Through the Eyes of a Mother: Reflections of the Rites of Passage of Black Boyhood.”
Carol Henderson, Black American Studies, University of Delaware
“Dark Precursors and the Virtual Body.”
Tavia Nyong’o, Cultural Studies, NYU

“A Metaphilosophy Symposium on Charles W. Mills, The Racial Contract”

“The Death of Trayvon Martin and Public Space in China: Why The Racial Contract Still Matters”
Darwin Fishman, SBU
“Prosecuting The Racial Contract: Procedural Entrapment and Mass Incarceration.” 
Brady Heiner, California State University
“The Typology of Race: Foucault Through Agamben to Mills.” 
Eduardo Mendieta, SBU
“Blue People: Uncovering The Racial Contract in Europe’s Oldest Colony.” 
Anne O’Bryne, SBU
“The Racial Contract and the Epistemology of Indifference.” 
Falguni A. Sheth, Hampshire College

Provost’s Lecture Series

“Women: Essential for Peace and Security.”
Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury
“Narrative and Intimacy in the Documentary”
Andres Di Tella
“Closing the Gaps: Promoting College Access and Success for Low Income Students.”
Jennifer Engle

Distinguished Lecturer Series

 “Vernacular Science of the New Madrid Earthquakes: Creating Knowledge in the Early United states.”
 Conroy Bolton-Valencius, Department of History, University of Massachusetts Boston
“Bakhtin and the Intra-Humanities”
Caryl Emerson, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Princeton University
“Why We Are Not All Novelists”
Shaun Gallagher, Department of Philosophy, University of Memphis
“Rethinking Energy Histories and Landscapes”
Ann Green, Department of History and Sociology of Science, University of Pennsylvania
“Monuments and Documents: On the Object of Study in the Humanities”
John Guillory, Department of English, New York University
“Rights, Realities, and the Ethics of Care”
Virginia Held, Department of Philosophy, CUNY Graduate Center
In Treatment: Mental Illness, Health, and Modern Sexuality”
Regina Kunzel, Departments of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies and History, University of Minnesota
“The Meaning of Digital Humanities”
Alan Liu, Department of English, University of California, Santa Barbara
“Spaces of Violence: History, Horror, and the Cinema of Kiyoshi Kurosawa”
Adam Lowenstein, Department of English and Film Studies, University of Pittsburgh
“Migrant Archives and Multidirectional Memory: Immigrating into the Past”
Michael Rothberg, Department of English, University of Illinois
“Haunted Chambers: Literature, Neuroscience, and the Extended Mind”
Jane Thrailkill, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
“Eve’s Triangles: Queer Theory Without Anti-Normativity”
Robyn Wiegman, Department of Literature and Women Studies, Duke University

Faculty Lecture Series

“‘Memory for the Future/the Future for Memory’ in John Hillcoat’s The Road”
Ann E. Kaplan, Department of English and Cultural Analysis and Theory, SBU
Journey Through the Enlightenment: “British Union and American Revolution: Union, Empire, and Enlightenment”
Ned Landsman, SBU
“Wordsworth on the Continent: Beyond Enlightenment?”
Peter Manning, Department of English, SBU
“The City of Black Gold: Caracas and the Geopolitics of Oil”
Eduardo Mendieta, Department of Philosophy, SBU

Great Debate

Malcolm Bowman, School of Marine Atmospheric Sciences, SBU
Robert Keeler
James Klurfield, School of Journalism, SBU
Charles Levine
Jonathan Sanders, School of Journalism, SBU
Harry Withers

Dean’s Lecture Series

“Global Ethics, Human Rights, and Historical Memory”
“Human Rights, Historical Dialogue, and Conflict Resolution”
Elazar Barkan, Department of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
“Neoliberal Reproductive Governance in the Americas: Bodies, Race and Politics from Sandra Fluke to Struggles Over Adoption in Post-Genocidal Guatemala”
Laura Briggs, Department of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies, University of Massachusetts
“The Multiple Temporalities of Memory: The Contested Memory of the Spanish Civil war in Contemporary Spain”
Jo Labanyi, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages, New York University
“Justice, Violence, and the Ethics of Care.”
Virginia Held, Department of Philosophy, CUNY Graduate Center

In-Dialogue: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Human Evolutionary Biology: Three Facets of the Same Enterprise

Paul Bingham, Pamela Block, Eva Kittay, and Joanne Souza

Film Series

The Last Capitalist, Directed by Eduardo Bernard

Co-Sponsored Events

“Hometree: Blockbuster Films, Climate Justice and the Environmental Humanities”
Joni Adamson, Departments of English and Environmental Humanities, Arizona State University
“If English was Good Enough for Jesus…: Monolinguism and mala fe.
Mary Louise Pratt, Departments of Spanish and Portuguese Languages, and Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University

2011 – 2012

Conferences and Symposia

“Memory, Emotion, and the Disciplines”

“Music, Narrative, and Emotion”
Richard Ashley, Northwestern University
“Not My Memories”
Bat-Ami Bar On, Binghamton University
“Heritage Conservation and the Dialectic of Mission Change”
Diane Barthel-Bouchier, SBU
“Back to the Future: Self-Identity, and Future Thinking in Clinical Disorders”
Adam D. Brown, New York University
“Braiding Threads at the End of the Day”
Patricia Clough, Queens College
“Lavinia’s Tongue: Memory, Pain and Empathy in Shakespeare”
Amy Cook, Indiana University
“Dispatches from the Aerial Empire: Memory, Networks, and Neuroscience as Future Applications of War”
Michael K. Hill, SUNY at Albany
“Memories of September 11 after Ten Years”
William Hirst, The New School
“Provincializing Trauma: Academic Perceptions and Transcultural Experiences of Meditated Violence”
Wulf Kansteiner, Binghamton University
“Prospects for Interdisciplinary Research: The Case of Trauma Theory”
E. Ann Kaplan, SBU
“‘Holocaust Fatigue’ at the Jewish Museum in Berlin”
Herman Lebovics, SBU
“Linking Memoir and Neuroscience to Explain Drug Addiction”
Marc Lewis, University of Toronto
“Postdramatic Performance and the Aesthetics of Aftershock”
John Lutterbie, SBU
“Mourning, Memory, and Moral Standing”
Max Pensky, Binghamton University
“The Ethic of Oblivion: Personal, National and Cultural Memories in the Films of Pedro Alvodóvar”
Adrián Pérez-Melgosa, SBU
“Collaborative Learning and Remembering”
Suparna Rajaram, SBU
“Trauma Cues and Post-traumatic Distress Influence in the Processing of Alcohol Information”
Jennifer Read, University at Buffalo
“The Visual Culture of Memory: The Politics of Visuality and Erasure of the Iraq War”
Marita Sturken, New York University
“Performances of Black Cultural Trauma in Contemporary Theatre”
Lisa Thompson, SUNY at Albany

Provost’s Lecture Series

W.E.B. Du Bois: The Unforgotten Founder of American Sociology”
Aldon Morris, Sociology and African-American Studies
“How Fossils Reveal the Evolution of Birds from other Dinosuars.”
Mark Norell, Paleontology
“What is Memory Studies? Intellectual and Institutional Conditions for Interdisciplinarity”
Jeffrey Olick, Sociology and History, University of Virginia
“Art and Poetry in the Struggle for Human Rights”
Lourdes Portillo, Documentary Filmmaker

 Distinguished Lecturer Series

“Writing and Publishing Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Workshop”
Wendy Laura Belcher, African Literature, Princeton University
“Book Publishing 101, for Scholars”
Marc Favreau, Editorial Director, The New Press
“Revolutionary Nostalgia”
Kevis Goodman, English, University of California at Berkeley
“Who Gains from Immigration”
Jennifer Hunt, Economics, Rutgers University
“Occupy Climate Change”
Nicholas Mirzoeff, Media Culture and Communication, New York University
“The Horse Who Drank the Sky: Film Experience Beyond Narrative and Theory”
Murray Pomerance, Department of Sociology and Director of Media Studies, Ryerson University
“Racializing Area Studies, Defetishizing China”
Shu-mei Shih, Comparative Literature, Asian Languages and Cultures and American Studies, UCLA

 “Editors’ Roundtable”

Ilene R. Kalish, Executive Editor, NYU Press

Leslie Mitchner, Associate Director and Editor in Chief, Rutgers University Press

Naomi Schneider, Executive Editor for Social Sciences, University of California Press

Frieder Schnock and Renata Stih, “The Art of Memory”

Faculty Lecture Series

“Emotions as Landscapes: Commodification and Historical Memory in the Picture Books of Shaun Tan”
Jeffrey Santa Ana, English, SBU
“The Erotics of Modernities: Fin-de Siècle Mexico and the United States
Nerissa S. Balce, Asian and Asian-American Studies, SBU
“The Quantum Moment”
Robert Crease, Alfred Goldhaber Departments of Philosophy and Physics, SBU
The Surrealist Legacy of Jean Potocki’s Enlightened Journeys to the Orient
Izabela Kalinowska-Blackwood, Department of Cultural Analysis and Theory, SBU
“Talk This Way”
Susan Brennan & Lori Repetti, SBU
“The Erotics of Modernities: Fin-de-Siècle Mexico and the United States”
Melissa Forbis, Women’s and Gender Studies, SBU

Journeys Through Enlightenment Series

“East and West in the Arabian Nights”
Sue Bottingheimer, SBU
“America, Britain, and the Rewritings of Written Constitutions”
Linda Colley, Princeton University
“Scandals of Colonial Rule: Louise Calderon, Trinidad and British Imperial Power in the Age of Revolution”
James Epstein, Department of History, Vanderbilt University
“Writing Gender: Negotiating Female Lives in the 18th century”
Ula Klein & Nicole Garret, SBU
“Who invented Russia, and What in the World Were They Thinking? An Exploration into Empire, Nation and Ethnicity”
Gary Marker, Department of History, SBU
“A Singular Gift from a Savage: The Presentation of Books in Captivity Narratives”
Andrew Newman, Department of English, SBU
“Performing ‘Variety’ on the 18th-Century London Stage: A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
Kristina Straub, Carnegie Mellon’s Center for the Arts in Society
“The Lure of the Other: Performance Beyond the Nation”
Kathleen Wilson, History and Cultural Studies, SBU

Dean’s Lecture Series

“The Surprising Performance of Infants”
Shaun Gallagher, Philosophy, University of Memphis
“The Philosopher, the Flâneur, and the Streetwalker”
Sharon Meagher, Latin American Studies and Women’s Studies, University of Scranton
“Embodiment and the Organization of Conceptual Knowledge in the Brain”
Alex Martin, National Institute of Mental Health

 Film Series

“Liquid Identities: Hispanic Languages Mini Film Festival”

Viva Cuba (2005) Directed by Juan Carlos Cremata

La Sombra del Caminante (2004) Directed by Ciro Guerra

Terra Vermelha/Birdwatchers (2008) Directed by Marco Bechis

Tambien La Lluvia/Even the Rain (2010) Directed by Iciar Bollain

Community Outreach: “Port Jefferson Village – Go Green!”

The Times Beacon, Press Release, “Our Own Backyard: PJV Go Green on Nov. 5”

 Co-Sponsored Events

“Save Our Children”: Conservative Politics and Sexual Conflict in the 1970s"
Gillian Frank, Department of History, SBU
“Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence”
Dr. Christian Parenti


2010 - 2011

Conferences and Symposia

“Rival Sisters: Art and Music at the Birth of Modernism”

Le Chant d’Amour: Pre-Raphaelitism and the Sister Arts”
Tim Barringer, History of Art, Yale
“Strums the Word: Edouard Manet’s The Spanish Singer”
Therese Dolan, Art History, Temple University
“Just how sisterly are the sister arts?”
Lydia Goehr, Philosophy, Columbia
“Musique et Arts plastiques,” Observatoire musical français, “Maurice Denis and Music: A New Approach to Art and Music (Musique et Arts plastiques Group)”
Delphine Grivel
“The Musical Imagination of Henri Fantin-Latour”
Anne Leonard, Curator and Mellon Program Cooardinator, Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago
Notre Beethoven: Auguste Rodin and Music”
Olivia Mattis, musicologist, SBU
“Debussy’s Masque of Meaning”
Charlotte de Mille, Visiting Lecturer at Courtauld
“Caspar David Friedrich and Music: A ‘Divine Kingdom of Hearing’?”
Julie Ramos, Universite de Paris I, Institut national d’histoire de l’art
“Gustave Courbet and Music: Soundscapes and the Total Work of Art”
James Rubin, Art History, SBU
Opsis Melos Lexis: Before and Around the Total Work of Art”
Simon Shaw-Miller, History of Art and Music, University of London
“Stony Brook University Hosts Conference on Art, Music and the Birth of Modernism.”
Stony Brook University News, Press Release

 “The Scandals of Susan Sontag

 “The Mouth of the Volcano”
Barbara Ching, English, Iowa State University
“Facing the Screen: Sontag’s Journals and Films” 
E. Ann Kaplan, Director of the Humanities Institute, English, Comparative Literature, Cultural Studies, SBU
“The Scandals of Susan Sontag”
Nancy Kates, independent filmmaker, Regarding Susan Sontag
“The Seductive Certainties of Fascinating Fascism”
Laura Kipnis, Radio/Television/Film, Northwestern University
“Insiders and Outsiders: The Question of Tone”
Susie Linfield, Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute
“More Thoughts on X”
Heather Love, English, University of Pennsylvania
Discussion of Regarding Susan Sontag
Nancy K. Miller, English and Comparative Literature, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Dyke Devil: Sontag’s Singularity, Sontag’s Plurality”
José Muñoz, Performance Studies, NYU
“Passionate Detachment: Sex, Suffereing, and the 1970s”
Deborah Nelson, English Language and Literature, University of Chicago
 “Sempre Susan” a reading from the unpublished memoir
Sigrid Nunez, writer
“Describing a Sensibility”
Ann Reynolds, Art History, University of Texas at Austin

“Evaluating (Art-) Work and Vocation in Reborn

Jennifer Wagnor-Lawlor, Women’s Studies, Penn State University

“Conference on Susan Sontag CO-Presented by the City University of New York And the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook.”

Stony Brook University News, Press release 

“Unsettled Concepts: Disturbing Memory and Emotion”

“’That winged host’: Music, Memory, and the Autobiographical Self”
Richard Ashley, Music, Northwestern University
“Praying and Playing to the Beat of a Child’s Metronome”
Patricia Clough, Sociology and Women’s Studies, Queens College, City University of New York
“Memory and Emotion in Readers’ Narrative Experiences”
Richard Gerrig, Psychology, SBU
“Science and the Arts: Talking Across the Disciplines”
Judith Lochhead, Music, SBU
“Science and the Arts: Talking Across the Disciplines”
John Lutterbie, Theatre Arts, SBU
“Emotion and Memory”
Elizabeth Phelps, Psychology, NYU
“Science and the Arts: Talking Across the Disciplines”
Anthony Phillips, Mathematics, SBU
“Muscle Memory and the Somaesthetic Pathologies of Everyday Life”
Richard Shusterman, Philosophy and English, Florida Atlantic University
“Stony Brook University’s Humanities Institute To Hold Interdisciplinary Conference.”
Stony Brook News, Press Release

Provost’s Lecture Series

“Eye on the Ball: An Exploration of Trust and the Motion/Emotion Connection”
Mark Mitton, professional magician
“The Cultural Impact of the Book of Revelation”
Elaine Pagels, Religion, Princeton University
“Borders, Borders Everywhere, and Not a Drop to Drink”
Immanuel Wallerstein, Senior Research Scholar, Yale University

Distinguished Lecturer Series

“Intercultural Storytelling”
Mieke Bal, Academy Professor, Dutch Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences, University of Amsterdam
“In the Belly of the Beast: Scientific Study of Whales and Dolphins in the 20th Century”
Graham Burnett, History of Science, Princeton University
“Thinking Cinema Across Fault Lines: André Bazin and the Influence of the French School of Geography on Film Theory”
Ludovic Cortade, Department of French, NYU
“The Painter’s Knowledge Art and Science in 17th Century Italy”
Paula Findlen, Italian History and History, Stanford University
“Fish Tales and Oyster Stories: Historic Precedents and Marine Resource Management”
Christine Keiner, Science, Technology, and Society, Rochester Institute of Technology
“Ecological Imaginings in the 16th-Century Atlantic World”
Peter C. Mancall, History and Anthropology, University of Southern California
“Fish Tales and Oyster Stories: Historic Precedents and Marine Resource Management”
Matthew McKenzie, History and American Studies, University of Connecticut
“Transnational Film Theory”
Kathleen Newman, Spanish, Cinema, and Comparative Literature, University of Iowa
“Plastic Archives: Documenting the Cinema/City, Bombay”
Bhaskar Sarkar, Film and Media Studies, University of California Santa Barbara
Seminar: Writing a Book Proposal and Choosing a Press
Helen Tartar, Editorial Director, Fordham University Press

Visiting Fellows Series

“American Bouillabaisse: The Ecology, Politics, and Economics of Fishing the Atlantic Coast, 1870-Present”
Elizabeth Pillsbury, History, HISB and SoMAS

 Faculty Lecture Series

“In Dialogue: Nuclear Expansion is Essential if the U.S. is to Wean Itself from Fossil Fuels in the Next 25 Years” Series

  • Malcolm Bowman, Physical Oceanography, SBU
  • Paul Firbas, Hispanic Languages and Literature, SBU, “Moral Geographies: The Strait of Magellan in the Early 17th Century”
  • Heidi Hutner, English, SBU, “Living Downstream: Film Screening and Discussion”
  • James Klurfeld, School of Journalism, SBU
  • Lee Koppelman, Political Science, SBU
  • Linwood L. Lee, Physics Department and Director of the Experimental Nuclear Physics Lab, SBU
  • *David Manning*, Executive Director of New York State’s Smart Grid Consortium
  • Peter Manning, English, SBU, April Masten, History, SBU, and Susan Scheckel, English, SBU, 
  • Discussion,“Currents in Transatlantic Exchange: Medicine, Music, and Dance”
  • Joseph Monteyne, Art History and Criticism, SBU, “The Print Shop Window as Cultural Screen in 18th-Century London”
  • Zaira Pirzada, Undergraduate Student, SBU
  • Elizabeth Pillsbury, HISB and SoMAS, SBU; Donna Rilling, History, SBU; and Christopher Sellers, History, SBU, “Boundary Crossing: Between Purity and Pollution in Environmental History”
  • “Be It Resolved That: Human Intervention Can Control Climate Change in the Next 25 Years” Series
  • Malcolm Bowman, Physical Oceanography, SBU
  • James Klurfield, School of Journalism, SBU
  • Lee Koppelman, Political Science, SBU
  • Carl Safina
  • Howard Schneider, School of Journalism

Dean’s Lecture Series

“Who Gains from Immigration”

Jennifer Hunt, Economics, Rutgers University

“Art and Poetry in the Struggle for Human Rights”

Lourdes Portillo, Documentary Filmmaker

 Film Series

“Men & Masks: Hispanic Languages Mini Film Festival”

Duck Season (2004), directed by Fernando Eimbcke

Odete/Two Drifters (2005), directed by Joao Pedro Rodrigues

Gigante/Giant (2009), directed by Adrian Biniez

Who’s Next (2008), directed by Manuel Gutierrez

Heidi Hutner, English, SBU, and Patti Wood, Adelphi, Grassroots Environmental Education, Living Downstream: Film Screening and Discussion

Belief: A documentary miniseries by Mani Garcia

Co-Sponsored Events

“Sounding Labyrinths, Dancing Threads: Unfolding Cretan Music”
Maria Hnaraki, Director of Greek Studies, Drexel University

2009 - 2010

Conferences and Symposia

“Beyond Opera: Staging Theatricality”

Carolyn Abbate, Yale University, “Film Operetta and the Resistance to Frivolity”
Bettina Brandl-Risi, Ryan Minor, SBU, Clemens Risi, Freie University, Berlin, Heather Wiebe; Screening and Panel Discussion: Mozart’s Requiem
Mauro Calcagno, SBU, “Performance and Multimediality in Monteverdi’s Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda”
Alessandra Campana, Tufts University, “That Subversive Movement of Comedy: Film Operetta and the Resistance to Frivolity”
Berthold Hoeckner, University of Chicago, “Songs and Things”
David Levin, University of Chicago, “Beyond Opera? Staging Theatricality in Wagner’s Götterdämmerung (Stuttgart Opera, Peter Konwitschny)”
Clemens Risi, Freie Universität Berlin, “Opera: Live – Fetishized - Mediatized”
Marc Robinson, University of Pennsylvania, Einstein on the Beach: The Hand of Robert”
Emanuele Senici, Università La Sapienza, Rome, “Porn Style? Space and Time in Live Opera Videos”
George Steel, General Manager and Artistic Director, New York City Opera, Keynote Address
Downing Thomas, University of Iowa, “From Authenticity to Mediatization: Early Opera And the DVD.”
Christopher Morris, University College Cork, “Beyond the Fourth Wall: Music, Theater and Video in The Tristan Project”

“Fall 2009 Calendar of Events”

“Spring 2009 Calendar of Events”

 “CLCS Colloquium”

David Blake, 2nd Year Ph.D. Candidate, Musicology "Timbre as Differentiation in Indie Pop"
Sue Bottigheimer, Lecturer, CLCS "Imps, Fairies, and Fairy Tales"
Claire Burrows, 4th Year PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature "The Graphic Memoir: A cartoonist's self-portrait"
Sean Connolly, Visiting Professor, CLCS "Fetishism, or Facing the Other"
Kristin Hole, 3rd Year Ph.D. Candidate, Cultural Studies "Does Dress Tell the Nation's Story: Fashion and the Politics of History in the Films of R.W. Fassbinder"
E. Ann Kaplan, Professor, English and CLCS "Unfashionable Age: Clothing the Older Woman's Body on Screen with Reference to Mitchell's The Mother and Dayan's Cet-Amour-La"
Patrice Nganang, Associate Professor, CLCS "What is an island? Sir Halford John Mackinder and the Origins of Geoanalysis"
Laine Nooney, 3rd year Ph.D. Candidate, Cultural Studies "All I Want for Christmas: Joe Lando and the Vicissitudes of Fandom"
Jacqueline Reich, Associate Professor, CLCS "Slave to Master: The Racial Metamorphosis of Maciste in Italian Silent Cinema"
I-Te Rita Sung, 3rd Year PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature "Audrey Hepburn and Otono-Kawaii (Adult-cutesy): Style of the Child-Woman in Japanese OL (Office Lady) Fashion Magazines"
Ken Wishnia, CLCS Alum "Researching and Writing the Historical Novel"
Marta Yatsenko, 2nd Year Ph.D. Candidate, Comparative Literature "Bulgakov's Margarite: An Adultress, A Muse, A Witch"

 “Going Green from the Black Perspective: The Significance of Environmental Issues in Communities of Color”

“Bambara’s Got Something to Say: Environmentalism in the Salt Eaters”
Jessica Edwards, Rhetoric and Composition, Washington State University
“Before Environmental Justice: Black Environmentalism in the 1970s”
Robert Gioielli, Towson University
“Images of “Green” Blacks: Utilizing Nigerian Film to Interrogate the Reciprocal Relationship Between Black Persons and the Earth”
Sharron Greaves, Communications, Nyack College
“Addressing Environment Injustice: A Community Benefits Agreement and Community Activism”
Emma Lucas-Darby, Social Work, Carlow University
“The Greener Side of Hip-Hop: A Case Study of the use of Hip-Hop as an Educational and Community Organizing Vehicle to Encourage Grassroots Activism in the Green Movement among Urban Youth”
Ayana A. Meade, Environmental Journalist
“Environment and Culture in African Literature: An Ecocritical Reading of Isidore  Okpewho’s Tides and James Ng’ombe’s Sugarcane with Salt”
Rene Nyah, University of Buea, Cameroon, Africa
"Green Guide to Black Thought on Van Jones, Jerome Ringo and Majora Carter”
Jennifer Oladipo, Pan African Studies
“The Good Fight: Environmental Racism and the Pursuit of Environmental Justice”
Simran Sethi, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of Kansas

“Migrations and Transitional Identities: Crossing Borders, Bridging Disciplines”

Angela Biancofiore, University of Montpellier Armando Gnisci, University of Rome
Norma Bouchard, University of Connecticut Pierre Joris, SUNY Albany
Frederick Buell, Queens College, CUNY Yolanda Martinez-San Miguel, Rutgers University
Peter Carravetta, Stony Brook University Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco, New York University
Iona Man-Cheong, Stony Brook University Martin A. Schain, New York University
Juan Flores, New York University  

“Rethinking Secularism: The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere”

Judith Butler, “Why Judaism and not Zionism: Religious Sources for the Critique of Violence.”
Jürgen Habermas, “The Political: The Rational Sense of a Questionable Inheritance of Political Theology.”
Charles Taylor, “Why We Need a Radical Redefinition of Secularism”
Cornel West, “Prophetic Religion and The Future of Capitalist Civilization.”

Distinguished Lecturer Series

“Society of Security.”
Michael Denning and the Yale Working Group on Globalization and Culture, Yale University
“Sembène Ousmane and the Aesthetics of African Cinema”
Manthia Diawara, Chair of the Africana Studies Department, NYU
“Longing and Belonging: The Idea of Home in Asian-American Literature”
Luis Francia, Asian American Studies, NYU
“The Trauma of Slavery in Kara Walker’s Eight Possible Beginnings”
Vivien Green Fryd, Art, Vanderbilt University
“Foreign Bodies: Diplomacy, Performance, and Identity in the Renaissance”
Timothy Hampton, French, Bernie H. Williams Chair of Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley
“On the Concept of Human Dignity and the Realist Utopia of Human Rights”
Jürgen Habermas, Distinguished Visiting Professor, SBU
“The Untimely Mammet of Verona”
Gil Harris
“Airy Bodies: Cymbeline and Early Modern Pneumatics”
Elizabeth Harvey, English, University of Toronto
“Transnational Melville”
Amy Kaplan, Edward W. Kane English, University of Pennsylvania
“West of Poetry: Poetic Form and the Transmission of Culture in Margaret Fuller’s Summer on the Lakes, in 1843
Meredith McGill, English, Director of the Center for Cultural Analysis, Rutgers University
“Border Trouble: Scottish Romanticism Before and After World Literature”
Maureen McLane, English, NYU
“Scriptural Conflict, Scriptural Community: Judaism, Christianity, Islam”
David Nirenberg, Deborah R. and Edgar D. Jannotta Medieval History and Social Though, University of Chicago
“Animal Pedagogy”
Kelly Oliver, W. Alton Jones Philosophy and Women’s Studies, Vanderbilt University
“The Enclave Society: Resentment, Religion, and the Breakdown of the Social”
Bryan S. Turner, Alona Evans Distinguished Visiting Sociology, Wellesley College
“In Memory’s Kitchen: Preservation and Early Modern Recipes”
Wendy Wall, English, Northwestern University
“Community Murals in New York City: Protest and Celebration”
Jane Weissman, Artmakers Inc.

Faculty Lecture Series

“Language and Group Legitimation”
Mark Aronoff, Linguistics, SBU
“Existential Angst in the Age of the Clone”
Anne O’Byrne, Philosophy, SBU

 “In Dialogue: Interdisciplinary Exchanges” Series

“Heritage Tourism and Its Vicissitudes.”
Diane Barthel-Bouchier, Sociology, SBU, Daniela Flesler, Hispanic Languages and Literature, SBU, and Adrián Pérez-Melgosa, Hispanic Languages and Literature, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, SBU
“The Politics of Torture”
Eduardo Mendieta, Philosophy, SBU, and Michael Schwartz, Sociology, SBU
“Be it Resolved That: Human Intervention Can Control Climate Change in the Next 25 Years: A Parliamentary Debate”
Malcolm Bowman, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, SBU, James Klurfeld, School of Journalism, SBU, Lee Koppelman, Political Science, Director of the Center for Regional Policy Studies, SBU, Carl Safina, SoMAS SBU, and Howard Schneider, Dean of the School of Journalism, SBU

 Film Series

“Migrations On-Screen”

La Promesse (1996), directed by Jean-Pierre Dardenne, and Luc Dardenne

In This World (2002), directed by Michael Winterbottom

“Belief: A Documentary Miniseries,” Mani Garcia, undergraduate SBU

“Climates On-Screen”

The Day After Tomorrow, presented by Malcolm Bowman, Physical Oceanography, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, SBU

An Inconvenient Truth, presented by E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, and Malcolm Bowman, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, SBU

“New York, New Wave”

Eukiah (2006 Short), directed byFilippo Conz

Concerto (2009 Short), directed byFilippo Conz

DeComposition D’un Meurtre (2007 Short), directed byFilippo Conz

Long Table Discussion:

Professor Raiford Guins, “New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory”

2008 - 2009

2008-2009 Annual Report”

 Conferences and Symposia

“Archives & Affects: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cultural Studies”

“The Right Story: Tensions, re-visions and contradictions in the construction of trans/national citizenship”
Marisa Belausteguigoitia, University of Mexico
“Bodies, affects and ghost: paranormal narratives and the life beyond the grave in a Mexican radio program”
Nattie Golubov, University of Mexico
“Figuring Feminism; Feeling Woman’s Liberation”
Victoria Hesford, SBU
“Encounters in Cuidad Juárez: Femicide and Resistance Beyond the Name”
Lucia Melgar, University of Mexico
“Inter Romances in Film: Contact, Affective, and Political Zones”
Adrian Perez Melgosa, SBU
“The Court’s Archive and Public Somatology: How NOT to Change Society”
Eduardo Mendieta, SBU
“The Queens of Hispaniola: Atrocity, Memory and Sexuality in Narrative Fiction by Junot Diaz and Edwige Denticat”
Ricardo Ortiz, Georgetown University
“Reading from Children of Fire, Children of Water”
Simon Ortiz, Native American Writer
“Bodies, Affects and Ghosts: paranormal narratives and the life beyond the grave in a Mexican radio program”
Rodrigo Parrini, University of Mexico
“Splitting the Screen”
Zabet Patterson, Art, SBU
“Reading from Children of Fire, Children of Water”
Gabriela Schwab, University of California

 “Changing Climates, Changing Minds: Storms, Trust and Public Perception”

"Building Trust Across the Science-Culture Divide”
Peter Adler, The Keystone Center
“Seeing the Climate, Believing the Change”
Heidi Cullen, Princeton University
Kerry Emanuel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Hurricanes and Climate Change” and “Recent Advances in Hurricanes”
"Long Island Snowstorms in a Changing Climate”
Paul Kocin, National Centers for Environmental Prediction
“Going Costal: Risk and Vulnerability Along our Shorelines”
Burrell Montz, SUNY Binghampton
“Factors Controlling the Intensity of Idealized Hurricanes in Numerical Models”
Richard Rotunno, National Center for Atmospheric Research
“Bringing Public Trust to the Sciences: Why Do Scientists Cling Stubbornly to Explaining Data Rather than Telling the Story?”
Carl Safina, Blue Ocean Institute
“My Telescope Needs Your Mountain: Why Can’t I Use It?”
Gary H. Sanders, Thirty Meter Telescope Project
“Community Trust and Superconducting Super Collider: Discussion is a Two-Way Street”
Glenn Sandiford, University of Illinois
“The Role of the West African Monsoon on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity”
Christopher Thorncroft, SUNY Albany
“Advancing the Operational Prediction of Rapid Cyclogenesis”
Louis Uccellini, National Centers for Environmental Prediction
“Warm Weather and Heated Debate: A Short History of Beliefs about Global Warming”
Spencer Weart, American Institute of Physics
“How Green is My Town? Local Leadership on Climate Change, Sustainability and Environmental Health”
Patti Wood, Grassroots Environmental Education

“Fall 2008 Calendar of Events” 

“CLCS Colloquium”

Evren Akaltun, 2nd year Ph.D. Candidate, Comparative Literature "Istanbul: Home for the Exiled Comparatist?"
Claire Burrows, 3rd Year PhD Candidate, Comparative Literature "Explosive Visibility: Time, Space, and Graphic Text"
Elena D'Amelio, 1st year PhD Candidate, Cultural Studies "The Myth of Hercules in Italian '60s Film"
Krin Gabbard , Professor, CLCS "'A Boy's Best Friend Is His Mother': Idealized Women in Some Films by the Coen Brothers"
Raiford Guins, Assistant Professor, CLCS "Back to Alamogordo, NM: E-waste as Nostalgia"
Kristin Hole, 2nd year Ph.D. Candidate, Cultural Studies "The Legacy of Joseph Wagenbach: Wonder and Narrative Encounter in Visual Culture"
Don Ihde, Professor, Philosophy "Postphenomenological Machines"
Joana Moura, 1st year Ph.D. Candidate, Comparative Literature "Writing and Storytelling: Peter Handke's repetition(s) in Der Himmel über Berlin."
Ben Van Overmeire, MA student, Comparative Literature "The Monosyllabicness of the Cuckoo: Jacques Hamelink and the Past"
Sandy Petrey, Professor, CLCS "Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies: The Example of Princess Marie-Caroline."
Jacqueline Reich, Associate Professor, CLCS “Rudolph Valentino, Strong Man?"
Sean Springer, 1st Year PhD Candidate, Cultural Studies "The Big Lebowski: A Mass-Produced Fantasy for Wimps"
E.K. Tan, Assistant Professor, CLCS,  "(Un)Consciously Writing: Metanarrative and the Poetics of Return in Zhang Guixing's The Elephant Herd"

“Fall 2008 Newsletter”

 “The Eighteenth-Century Cosmopolis: Global Cities and Citizens in the Age of the Sail”

Eric Beverley, History, SBU, “Halcyon Worlds: Surat in the 18th Century”
Christopher Leslie Brown, History, Columbia University, “Saint-Louis du Senegal, 1758- 1782, A French Port Town in English West Africa”
Jorge Canizarres-Esguerra, History, University of Texas at Austin, “The Sacred, the Secular and the Pagan: Cosmopolitan Mappings”
Paul Firbas, Hispanic Languages and Literature, SBU, “Text and the City: Lima in the Early 18th Century through Printed News”
Jenna Gibbs, History, Florida International University, “Slaves in Algiers: Susanna Rowson’s Abolitionist and Feminist Ideals in Transatlantic Translation”
Suvir Kaul, English, University of Pennsylvania, “Georgic Cosmopolitanism: The Sugar Cane (1764)”
Iona Man-Cheong, History, SBU, “Macau: City of Liminality, Transience and Drift”
Eduardo Mendieta, Philosophy, SBU, “Konigsberg, Capital of Cosmopolitanism: Immanuel Kant and the Geography of the Enlightenment”
Marcus Rediker, History, University of Pittsburgh, “’The Reports of Illiterate Men’: Sailors, Seaports, and Global History”
James Robertson, History and Archeology, “University of the West Indies, “Cosmopolis in Competition: Spanish Town and its Rivals”
Bethel Saler, History, Haverford College, “Of Captives and Consuls: Americans and North Africa, 1780-1820”
Linda Sturtz, History, Beloit College, “Guilty Honors: Music and Leadership in the Role of the Queen of the Set Girls in Pre-Emancipation Jamaica”
Carol Watts, English, Birkbeck College, “China Maxism, Entrepot Imaginaries in 18th-Century London” 

“Remembering Freud: Psychoanalysis Today”

Alan Bass, “Psychoanalytic Process, the Paradoxes of Self Reference and Intermediacy”
E. Ann Kaplan, “Trauma and Affect Future Tense: Children of Men
Ranjana Khanna, “Psychoanalysis Today: the Belated, the Perpetual, and Futurity”
Julia Kristeva, “Adolescence: A Syndrome of Ideality”
Gabriele Schwab, “Cannibalism and Its Discontents: On Memory, Mourning, and Incorporation After Freud”
Stony Brook University News, Press Release, “Freud Conference at Stony Brook Manhattan Presented by Humanities Institute.”

“Spring 2009 Calendar of Events”

Distinguished Lecturer Series

“Maximalist’ Art in Shanghai Since 1991”
Norman Bryson, Visual Arts, UC San Diego
“Fury, Iridescence, Hermeneutics”
Alexander Galloway, Author/Programmer, New York University
“Mary Pickford: Icon of Stardom”
Christine Gledhill, Cinema Studies, University of Sunderland, UK
“Design Cities: Brand Cities”
Guy Julier, Design, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK
“Making Trouble: A Political Memoir.”
Lynne Segal, Professor of Psychology and Gender Studies, Birbeck College, University of London
“Brain Systems for Learning and Controlling Skilled Behavior”
Russ Poldrack, Departments of Psychology and psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, UCLA
“Memory Tourism”
Marita Sturken, Professor in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University
“Why do so few humanities faculty commit suicide? Reflections on an old joke and new trajectories”
Jay Semel, University of Iowa

 Point of View Cinema

John Lutterbie, Theatre Arts, SBU, discussed Half Nelson

Adrián Pérez Melgosa, Hispanic Languages, SBU, discussedThe Visitor

Faculty Lecture Series

“Immigration and Naturalization of Eucalypts to California”
Jared Farmer, History
“A War of Worlds: Maps and Metaphysics in Early Modern Europe”
Ayesha Ramachandran, English
“Intermedia Assemblage”
Andrew V. Uroskie, Modern and Contemporary Art

Community Outreach: “Port Jefferson Village – Go Green!”

Malcolm Bowman, SBU, “Working Locally But Thinking Globally: Why Recycling is Important”
Jon Maletta and Dawn DeLeonardis, Port Jefferson High School
Chris Sellers, SBU
Larry Swanson, SBU
Times Beacon Record, Press Release, Naomi Solo “Greening of Port Jeff gains Momentum”
The Port Times Record, Press release, Dave Willinger, “The Village Green”


Conferences and Symposia

“Brilliant Corners: Jazz and its Cultures”

“Saving Stachmo’s Stuff”
Michael Cogswell, The Louis Armstrong House and Archives
“Divine Frivolity: Jazz Dance and Embodiment”
Robert Crease, SBU
“The Unheard Voice of Black Paris”
Robert Crease, SBU
“Improvising at the Kitchen: Rapprochements with Jazz in the Bastion of Downtown Classical Music”
Bernard Gendron, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
“Writing ‘with bits and pieces of character off the central theme’: Sam Shepard’s Jazz Plays”
Gary Grant, Bucknell University
“She Lives in Music: Ntozake Shange, Jazz, Poetry, and Politics”
Farah Jasmine Griffin, Columbia University
“Hazel Scott’s Jazz Cosmopolitanism”
Monica Hairston, Center for Black Music Research
“Jackson Pollock and Jazz: Inspiration or Imitation?”
Helen Harrison, Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center
“Building the Hipster: A Bit of Business”
Michael Jarrett, Penn State York
“Jazz Acting: Billie Holiday and the Performance of Modernism”
David Krasner, Emerson College
“Curating Community at the Jazz Museum in Harlem”
Frederick Moehn, SBU
“Is Africa in the Diaspora: A View from Mali”
Ingrid Monson, Harvard university
“Circe’s Empty Bed Blues: Romare Bearden Collages The Odyssey
Robert G. O’Meally, Columbia University
“Harmony in Harlem”
Loren Schoenberg, The Jazz Museum in Harlem
“A Queer Question for Jazz Studies: When Did Jazz Go Straght?”
Sherrie Tucker, University of Kansas
“Jazz and Cocktails: Reassessing the Black and White Mix in Film Noir”
Jans Wager, Utah Valley State College
“The Blues and Jazz Aesthetic in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet”
Tracey Walters, SBU
“Jazz Re/Bordered: Nationalism and Cultural Policy in Danish Jazz”
Chris Washburne, Columbia University
“’What is the Music?’: Mingus, Melville and the Sounds of Covert Revolution”
David Yaffe, Claremont McKenna College
“Indisciplinary Study: Festival Explores Jazz and its Intersection with other Arts.”
The New York Times, Press Release, Karin Lipson
“Talking about jazz and playing it, too”
Newsday, Press Release, Aileen Jacobson

“Fall 2008 Newsletter”

 “CLCS Colloquium”

"Of Friendship: Revisiting Friendships between Men in Cultural and Literary History"
Jose M. Armengol
"Subversive Dreaming: Reconstituting Science Fiction"
Charlotta Beavers
Dabashree Dattary, Visiting Scholar, CLCS
"Singing the Demise of the Classical Musical"
 Krin Gabbard, Professor, CLCS,
"Women, Trauma and Late Modernity (1960-1980): Themes of Silence and Voluntary Mutism in Select Films of Sontag and Duras"
E. Ann Kaplan, Professor, CLCS
"1 Tongue, 2 Speakers, and 3 Modes: Imagery of the Mouth in La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas"
John Larson, Graduate Student, CLCS
"The Map of Love to Imaginary Orients: 'Sheik Romances' from E.M. Hull to Ahdaf Soueif"
Elizabeth Mannir, Graduate Student
"Recalling 9-11: Kitsch, Consumerism and Patriotism in Television and Hollywood Representations of 9/11"
Lisa Manz
"Towards a Theory of Instruments"
Patrice Ngannang, Assistant Professor, CLCS
"Western European Films and Their American Remakes"
Amanda Shapiro
"Dystopia in Reality: Restructuring Human Relations in Lee Kang-Sheng's The Missing"
E.K.Tan, Assistant Professor, CLCS

 “Cosmopolitanism and Globalization”

Title Unknown
Kwame Anthony Appiah, Princeton University, Lecture
“Monolinguism and Cosmopolitanism”
Srinivas Aravmudan, Duke University
“Two Cheers for Tolerance: E.M. Forster’s Ironic Liberalism and Living in a Mongrel World”
Paul B. Armstrong, Brown University
“From Cosmopolitanism to Cosmopolitics”
Etienne Balibar, Paris X Nanterre
“Historic Urban Landscapes and Cosmopolitan Memories”
Diane Barthel-Bouchier, SBU with Dean Bond, SBU
“Zombies, Specters and Multitudes: A Question for Literature in the Age of Failed States”
Roman de la Campa, University of Pennsylvania
“The Lively Futures of Cosmopolitanism”
Michael M. J. Fisher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Black Screens and Cultural Citizenship: Indigenous Media and Cosmopolitanism”
Fay Ginsburg, NYU
“Violence, Race, and the Cosmopolitan.”
David Theo Goldberg, UC Irvine
“Manifesto for a Queer Anti-Anti Utopianism”
Judith M. Halberstam, University of Southern California, and Jose Esteban Munoz, NYU
“Coercive Cosmopolitanism”
Suvir Kaul, University of Pennsylvania
“Speaking German Like Nobody’s Business: Anna May Wong and Walter Benjamin on the Possibilities of Asian American Cosmopolitanism”
Shirley J. Lim, SBU
“Cosmopolitan Legacies”
Ania Loomba, University of Pennsylvania
“Cosmopolitan Identity, Universalist Rhetoric, and Political Contingency”
Steven J. Mailloux, UC Irvine
“In the Aftermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture, and the Movement of Women”
Angela McRobble, Goldsmiths College, London
“Full Spectrum Chaos: The Work of Culture and the War in Iraq”
Nicholas D. Mirzoeff, NYU
“The 21st Century Medieval City”
Robert Neuwirth, Author of Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World
“Beyond the Industrial Paradigm: Market-Embedded Labor and the Gender Organization of Global Service on Labor in China”
Eileen Otis, Sociology
“Anna May Wong, Marlene Dietrich and Leni Riefenstahl”
Patrice Petro, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
“Colour Me English”
Caryl Phillips, Yale University
“Brain Systems For Learning and Controlling Skilled Behavior”
Russ Poldrack, Psychology and Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA
“Cosmopolitanism as a Term of Praise”
Bruce Robbins, Columbia University
“Philosophy for Sale, Learned Ignorance and Pascal’s Wagner
 Boaventura de Sousa Santos, University of Coimbra
“The Global City: Strategic Site/New Frontier”
Saskia Sassen, University of Chicago
“Violence, Race and the Cosmopolitan”
Gabriele Schwab, UC Irvine, and David Theo Goldbery, UC Irvine
“Why Do So Few Humanities Faculty Commit Suicide? Reflections on the Old Joke and on New Trajectories”
Jay Semel, University of Iowa
“Along the Archival Grain: On Epistemic Practice and Colonial Common Sense”
Ann Laura Stoler, Willy Brandt University
“Twenty Questions”
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Columbia University
“Where the High Five Originated: Kongo Impact on American Popular Culture”
Robert Farris Thompson, Yale University
“The Air Gaze and the Global”
John Urry, Lancaster University

“Spring 2008 Calendar of Events”

“Fashion and Film” A symposium in honor of E. Ann Kaplan
“What to Wear in a Vampire Movie”
Mary Ann Caws, CUNY Graduate Center
“Marie Antoinette, or Thrid-Wave Feminism Starts on the Runway”
Diana Diamond, City College, CUNY, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
“Wanting to Wear Seeing: Gilber Adrian at MGM”
Jane Gaines, School of the Arts, Columbia University
“Slave to Fashion: Maciste, Suits, and Early Italian Cinema”
Jacqueline Reich, SBU
“Ornamental and Sexual Restraint: Reading the Victorian Costume”
Maura Spiegel, Columbia University and Barnard College
“If ‘Costumes are not Clothes,’ Then What is Fashion in Film?”
Drake Stutesman, editor of Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media

“Voices In Cultural Studies”

“From Bhopal to the Informating of Environmentalism, and the Asthma Files”
Kim Fortun
“Metaphors of Globalization”
Lisa Lowe
“The Cinematic Life of the Gene: Cloned Bodies on the Screen”
Jackie Stacey, Manchester University
“How to Make Us Think That We Know What Other People Think”
Lisa Zunshine, Arts and Sciences, University of Kentucky

 Faculty Lecture Series

Alain Badiou, École Normale Supérieure

Helen Lemay, Department of History, SBU, “Using History to Teach About HIV/AIDS in the Inner City”

Daniel Levy, Department of Sociology, SBU, “Memory and the Holocaust in a Global Age (Revised Version)”

Eileen Otis, Sociology, “Beyond the Industrial Paradigm: Market Embedded Labor and the Gender Organization of the Global Service Labor in China.”

Zabet Patterson, Art, “Splitting the Screen”

Russ Poldrack, UCLA Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, “Brain Systems for Learning and Controlling Skilled Behavior”

Exhibition: “Pops to the Lady Day: Portraits in Jazz” curated by Olivia Mattis


2006-2007 Annual Report”

 Conferences and Symposia

“Civic Performance: Building Bridges to a Better Tomorrow”

Andreaus 13, African-American Media Network, panelist for “Seeking Alternatives”

Sergio Argueta, STRONG, panelist for “Seeking Alternatives”

Paul Arfin, Intergenerational Strategies, Moderator for panel “Immigrants and the Economy”

Daniel Banks, Department of Undergraduate Drama, New York University, panelist for “Seeking Alternatives”

Chris Castro, Solymar Corporation, panelist for “Long Island Environmental Issues”

James Claffey, Long Island Immigrant Alliance, Long Island Community Fund, panelist for “Farmingville Four Years Later”

Antonia Darder, Professor, Educational Policy Studies and Latino/a Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Keynote, Radicalizing Immigration Globalizing Human Rights in the Quest for Community Sustainability, panelist for “Sustainability: Immigration and the Long Island Economy"

Michael Dorsey, Environmental Studies, Dartmouth University, Keynote, Environmental Justice in Hot Times, for panel “Protecting Long Island’s Ecosystem: Competing Interests for Improving the Environment”

Theresa Drozd, Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention Coordinator, Riverhead, New York Moderator for panel “Seeking Alternatives”

Patrick Duggan, Deputy County Executive, Nassau County Office of Economic, Keynote, Sustainable Development: State of the Island, panelist for “Sustainability: Immigration and the Long Island Economy"

Margarita Espada-Santos, Teatro Experimental Yerbabruja, panelist for “Immigrants and the Economy”

Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director, Citizens Campaign for the Environment Keynote, Environmental Activism on Long Island, for panel “Protecting Long Island’s Ecosystem: Competing Interests for Improving the Environment”

James Fallarino, Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth, panelist for “Seeking Alternatives”

Grady Gebracht, Department of Art, Stony Brook University, Curator for gallery talk “Ecology and Art for Social Change”

Maria Georgiou, Executive Director, Huntington Youth Bureau, panelist for “What Youth Face Growing Up on Long Island”

Ed Hernandez, Suffolk County Deputy Commissioner for Social Services, LI for Action, Moderator for “Farmingville Four Years Later”

Mary Kenny, Affordable Housing, panelist for “Farmingville Four Years Later”

David Kilmnick, Executive Director, Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth, Keynote for “Surviving the Teenage Years: Youth and Violence”

Merle Levine, Long Island Resident, panelist for “The Church Lane Community Action Project: A Case Study” Pia Lindman, performance
Eleanor Lingo, Long Island Resident, panelist for “The Church Lane Community Action Project: A Case Study”

Stewart Lowrie, The Nature Conservancy, panelist for “Long Island Environmental Issues”

Louis Medina, Executive Director, Suffolk County, Youth Bureau, Moderator for panel “What Youth Face Growing Up on Long Island”

Carolyn Peabody, School of Social Welfare, Stony Brook University, Moderator for panel “The Church Lane Community Action Project: A Case Study”

Alfred “Coach” Powell, Motivational Speaker and Author, Stony Brook University, Keynote, The Marketing of Violence to Hip Hop Youth, for “Surviving the Teenage Years: Youth and Violence”

Chris Sellers, Department of History, Stony Brook University, Moderator for panel “Long Island Environmental Issues”

Sister Mary Margaret Smyth, Hispanic Apostolate in Riverhead, panelist for “Immigrants and the Economy”

Irma Solis, The Workplace Project, panelist for “Immigrants and the Economy”

Linda Steffens, Response Long Island, Inc., panelist for “What Youth Face Growing Up on Long Island”

Larry Swanson, Marine Sciences, Stony Brook University, panelist for “Long Island Environmental Issues”

Barbara Taylor, Long Island Resident, panelist for “The Church Lane Community Action Project: A Case Study”

Veronica Tredwell, Community Liaison and Fiscal Officer for Community Block Grant for the Unkechaug Nation on the Poospatuck Reservation, panelist for “What Youth Face Growing Up on Long Island”

Luis Valenzuela, Long Island Immigrant Alliance, panelist for “Immigrants and the Economy”

 “CLCS Colloquium”

Neda Atanasoski, Professor, CLCS, "The Politics of Terror and Redemption: Race and Spirituality in Hollywood's 9/11"

Helen Cooper, Professor, English Department, "From Idol to Buddha: Buddhism, from the Imperial Heart of Darkness to Contemporary Multicultural Britain"

Ashar Foley, Graduate Student, CLCS, "She'll Come Through it, the True Golden Gold: Charles Dickens' Our Mutual Friend and Edwin Chadwick's Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britain"

Juan A. Gomez, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Desire, History, Language: The Balladizing Calligraphies of Pedro Lemebel"

Robert Harvey, Professor, CLCS, "Beckett's Nohow-on: Onset or Dead end?"

Ling Hon Lam, Visiting Professor, CLCS, "An Unmemorable Name List at the End of the Phonetic Quest in The FLowers in the Mirror (Jin Hua Yuan) "

Ira Livingston, Professor, CLCS, "Dumb Luck versus Intelligent Design in Origin-of-Life Metaphors"

Xiaoning Lu, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Big Li, Young Li, and Old Li: Mass Sport and Meta-Narrative of the New Physical Culture in Maoist China"

John Lutterbie, Professor, Theater Department, "The Blink of an Eye: The Performing Body in Everyday Life"

Kristin Pape, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Girl, Knife, Tooth, Tongue: A Love Story"

Sandy Petrey, "What is Comparative Literature Methodology?"

Jacqueline Reich, Professor, CLCS and European Languages, "Men, Italian Style: The Male Body, National Identity, and 20th Century Visual Culture”

Agnes Skrodzka-Bates, Graduate Student, CLCS, "How East Central Europe Is Sabotaging the European Union: Embracing Periphery Against Modernity"

Ketty Thomas , Graduate Student, CLCS, "Lazarus, Zombie of the West: The Emergence of Resurrection Narratives in Haiti"

“Voices in Cultural Studies” Series

Saidiya Hartman, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, “Lose Your Mother: A Journey Along the Atlantic Slave Route”

Lydia Liu, Comparative Literature, Columbia University, “Figures of Life in the Imperial Coding Machine”

Saba Mahmood, UC Berkeley, “Feminism, Democracy, and Empire”

 Co-Sponsored Events

“Feminist Campus Colloquium” Series

Heidi Hunter, English, Ecofeminism, Motherhood, and the Post-Apocalyptic Utopia in Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Talents, and Into the Forest.”

Gabriela Polit, Hispanic Languages and Literature, “The Ecology of Words: A Genealogy of Andean Cultures in the Cocaine Era.”

Faculty Lecture Series

Peniel Joseph, Africana Studies, SBU, “Revolution in Babylon”

Frances Moore Lappé, “The War on Democracy- How to Take Back the America We Love, Lessons From the Citizens of the World”

Herman Lebovics, History, SBU, “The Art of Darkness”

Marty C. Rawlinson, Philosophy, “The Right to Life: Rethinking Universalism and Bioethics.”

Roger Rosenblatt, English, SBU, “Why Write? Horses Run, Beavers Build Dams, We Tell Stories”

 Humanities Institute Courses

E. Ann Kaplan and Susan Scheckel, “Theorizing the Archive”

John Lutterbie, “The Phenomenology of Performance”

Lantern Procession



“CLCS Colloquium”

Emily Bakla, Graduate Student, CLCS, "How to do Conspiracy Theory with Fetishism: Oliver Stone's JFK"

Phillip Baldwin, Theater Department, "Telematic Nomadology"

Sue Bottigheimer, Adjunct Professor, CLCS, "An Archaeology of Fairy Tales"

Ruby Chen, Graduate Student, CLCS, "The Search and Loss of Island Paradise"

Alexander Coller, Visiting Scholar, CLCS, "Ladies and Courtesans in Late Sixteen-Century Commedia Grave"

Lou Charnon Deutsch, Professor, Hispanic Languages and Literature, "Calling All Men: Political Cartoons andd the Spanish-American War"

, Professor, Department of European Languages, "From Wiseguys to Wise Men: Masculinities and the Italian American Gangster"

Celina Hung, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Spatializing Urban Narratives: Politics of Space in Tsai Ming-Liang's Films"

Donald Ihde, Professor, Philosophy Department, "Imaging Technologies: Plato Upside Down"

Marta Kondratyuk, Graduate Student, CLCS, "The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown: Historical and Religious Undercurrents of the Contemplorary Detective Plot"

Wan-chi Lee, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Oscar Wilde's Subversion of Childness in Fairy Tales"

Elizabeth Mannir, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Strange and Stranger in Yamina Bachir Chouikh's Rachida"

Andrienne Munich, Professor, English Department, "Jews and Jewels "

Rongrong Pan, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Trauma, Memory and National Reconciliation: the Cultural Revolution in Two Chinese Movies"

Kristin Pape, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Getting to the Bottom of Race and Gender: The Bustle and the Hottentot Body in Victorian England"

Nicholas Rzhevsky, Professor, European Languages, Literatures and Cultures, "Russian Theater: Beyond Postmodernism"

Ketty Thomas, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Public Secrets: Tracing Speech in Jean Robert Cadet's 'Restavec: From Haitian Slave Child to Middle-Class American"

 “Farmingville Revisited: Hispanic Immigration on Long Island”

Regina Casale, Spanish teacher at Longwood High School, Suffolk County Long Island, “The American Dream”

Yesenia García, Farmingville Revisited Planning Committee member, Introduction

Margaret Gray, Rockefeller Resident Fellow, Stony Brook University, “Redefining the American Dream”

Albert Rojo, The Workplace Project, “Redefining the American Dream”

Sister Margaret Smyth, The North Fork Spanish Apostolate, “Redefining the American Dream”

Ruth Trujillo, Farmingville Revisited Planning Committee member, Closing Remarks

 “Human Rights, Language, and Imperialism”

Ousseina Alidou, African Languages and Literature, Rutgers University, “Linguistic Hypotheses and the Quest for Epistemological Renewal in Africa in the Era of Globalization”

Alice Harris, SBU, “Imperialism and Caucasian Languages”

Eduardo Mendieta, Women’s Studies, SBU, “Of Language and Encyclopedias: On the Institutions of Philosophy and the Geopolitics of Knowledge”

Robert Phillipson, Communications and Cultural Studies, Copenhagen Business School, “The New Linguistic Imperial Order”

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Department of Languages and Culture, Rosklide University, Denmark, and Department of Education, Abo Akademi University, Vasa Finland, “Respect or Harm—the Role of Intellectuals: Revisiting Some Linguistic Human Rights Discourses”

 “Jacques Derrida Memorial Symposium”

Rodolphe Gasché, SUNY Buffalo

Peggy Kamuf, University of Southern California

Leonard Lawlor, University of Memphis

Shireen Patell, New York University

Avital Ronell, New York University

 Distinguished Lecturer Series

Antoinette Burton, Catherine C. and Bruce A. Bastian Global and Transnational Studies, History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “The East as a Postcolonial Career: Santha Rama Rau and the History of the Cosmopolitan Expert”

Mike Davis, Creative Writing, UC Irvine, “Planet of Slums”

Simon Gikandi, English, Princeton University, “Colonialism and Cultural Studies”

Ania Loomba, Catherine Bryson English, University of Pennsylvania, “Crossing Boundaries – Disciplines, Periods, and the Question of Race”

 “Public Feelings” Lecture Series

Lauren Berlant, English, University of Chicago, “Capitalism, Compassion and theChildren: Rosetta and La Promesse”

Wendy Brown, Political Science, UC Berkeley, “The American Nightmare: De-Democratization, Neoliberalism, and Neoconservatism”

Elizabeth Povinelli, Anthropology, Columbia University, “Cleverness, Grace, and the Risk of Belonging”

“Civic Performance” Lecture Series

Robert D. Bullard, Ware Sociology and Director of the Environmental Justice Center, Clark Atlanta University, “Environmental Justice for All”

David Harvey, Distinguished Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center, “Neoliberalism and the Freedom of the City”

Alphonso Lingis, Emeritus Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, “Contact”

Nobuho Nagasawa, Art, SBU, “Reflections on Creative Collaboration: Art as a Social Action”

 Additional HISB Guest Speakers

Themis Chronopoulos, History, SBU, “Neoliberal Reform and Urban Space: The Carteneros of Buenos Aires, 2001-2005”

Daniela Flesler, Hispanic Languages and Literature, SBU, “Ghostly Presences: the ‘Moor’ and the North African Immigrant in Contemporary Spain”

Robert Harvey, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, SBU, Julien Piat, Univeriste de Grenoble III, “Two Short Talks on Samuel Beckett”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, “Trauma Culture: Viewing Images of Catastrophe”

Robin Kelley, Columbia University, “Africa Speaks, America Answers: The Drum Wars of Guy Warren”

David Kolb, Bates College, “Links and Limits: Digital Writing Over the Borders of Disciplines and Documents”

Peter Manning, English, SBU, “Cobbett’s Chopstick Festival: Event, Representation, Context”

 Co-sponsored Events

Sefi Atta, Creative Writing, Mississippi State University, “Everything Good Has Come”

Lisa Gail Collins, Associate Professor in Art History and Africana Studies, Class of 1951 Chair, Vassar College, “Activists Who Yearn for Art That Transforms: Parallels in the Black Arts and Feminist Art Movements in the United States”

Victoria Cooke, Curator of Painting, New Orleans Museum of Art, “Coping with Katrina: Saving the New Orleans Museum of Art”

Lisa Diedrich, Women’s Studies, SBU, “An Ethics of Failure: Negotiating Error and Suffering in Medicine”

Nathan Katz, Religious Studies, Florida International University, “Religion in the Diaspora: Models, Metaphors and Mechanisms of Acculturation Suggested by the Case of The Jews of Cochin”

Annemarie Mol, Philosophy, University of Twente, the Netherlands, “The Logic of Care: Active Patients, Capricious Technology and the Limits of Choice”

Max Page, Architecture, Design and Urban History, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, “The City’s End: Two Centuries of Fantasies, Fears and Premonitions of New York’s Destruction”

Joel Rosenthal, Distinguished History, “Exploring the Social in the Later Middle Ages”

Charles Shepherdson, Anthropology, University of Albany, “Pity, Fear, and Anxiety: Catharsis from Aristotle to Lacan”

Nancy Tomes, History, SBU, “Who Speaks for ‘the Patient’?: Historical Reflections and Contemporary Challenges”

Oscar Torres, co-writer of film Innocent Voices, discussed the legacy of the civil war in El Salvador in the 1980s

 Humanities Courses and Seminars

E. Ann Kaplan, “Global Trauma: Imagesof Catastrophe and Hope” and“Public Feelings and Cinematic Emotion: New Theories and Practices”

John Lutterbie, “Theories of Theatre”


 Conferences and Symposia

“CLCS Colloquium”

David Anshen, Graduate Student, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, "Alphaville: A Neorealist, Science Fiction Fable About Hollywood"

Robert Chi, Assistance Professor, CLCS, "China's Taiwan: Cinema and Inter-Nationality"

William Chittick, Professor, AAAS, "The Imagery of Wine in Early Persian Sufism"

Marlene DuBois, Gruduate Student, CLCS, "Winedrinking in the Poetry of Ibn al-Farid"

Krin Gabbard, Professor, CLCS, "The Sexiest Man Alive: Richard Gere's Male Trouble"

Izabela Kalinowska-Blackwood, Assistant Professor, European Languages and Literature, "Male Trouble: Masculinity in Recent Polish Cinema"

E. Ann Kaplan, Professor, CLCS & English, "Desire, Shame and Trauma in Inter-ratial Cinema"

Ira Livingston, Associate Professor, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, "What is Visual Complexity? The Radical Middleground"

Xiaoning Lu, Graduate Student, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, "Shining Red Star: Zhang Ruifang and the Transformation of Chinese Cinema"

Clyde Lee Miller, Professor,Philosophy, "Literal and Metaphorical in Cusan Conjecture”

Adrian Perez-Melgosa, Lecturer, CLCS, "Dancing in the Pan-American Cabaret: Archeology of a Cinematic Common Place and its Role in Hemispheric Hegemony"

Sandy Petrey, Professor, "Balzac's Unknown Masterpiece and the Real in Realism"

Maya Shanbhag, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Bodily Betrayals: Rushide's Shame, Freud's Dora, and the Case of the Symptom"

Agnieska Skrodzka-Bates, Graduate Student, CLCS, "History From Inside Out: The Magical Cinema of Jan Jakub Kolski"

Hans Staats, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Jose Padhila's Bus 174: Intention in the System of Representation"

Stephen Szolosi, Graduate stuent,Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, "Paul AusterÁ's City of Glass A Labyrinth of Failed Detection"

Lilla Toke, Graduate Student, CLCS, "Nervous Laughter and the Trauma of the Holocaust"

Ching-Ling Wo, Graduate Student,Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, "Quasi-Object as Counter Memory: China and the Material History of Simulation"

 “Feminism and Film I”

Lucy Fischer, University of Pittsburgh, “Beauty and the Beast: Female Desire and its Double in Repulsion

Paula J. Massood, Brooklyn College, CUNY, “Remembering the Past, Seeing the Future: History and Visuality in Julie Dash’s Daughters of the Dust and Zeinabu Irene Davis’ Compensation,” and “Speaking with Ancestors”

Patrice Petro, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “Cities of Women/Cultures of Impermanence” –D

Susannah Radstone, University of East London, “Psyche, Time, Culture: Revising Psychoanalytic Film Theory”

“Public Feelings/Affective Difference: An Interdisciplinary Colloquium Feminism, Film, and Culture”

Sarah Ahmed, University of Lancaster, “The Politics of Bad Feeling in Australian Public Culture”

Marisa Belausteguigoitia, National Autonomous University of Mexico, “Slits, Splits and Sutures: Public Feeling and Politics of Affect in Mexico’s Southern and Northern Borders: Zapatistas and Maquiladora Women”

Purusottama Bilimoria, Deakin University/University of Melbourne, “Grief and Morning”

David Kiu, University of San Francisco, “Asian American Assimilative Practices and Emotion

José Muñoz, NYU, “The Souls of Brown Folks: W.E.B. Dubois with Latina/o Studies”

Simon Ortiz, University of Toronto, and Gabriele Schwab, UC Irvine, “Visions of Heaven and Hell: Memories of Catholic Childhoods”

Gabriele Schwab, UC Irvine, “Identity Trouble: Guilt, Shame and Idealization”

 Distinguished Lecturer Series

Susan Buck-Morss, Political Science and Social Theory, Cornell University, “Global Imagination”

Mary Louise Pratt, Spanish and Portuguese, NYU

Michael Taussig, Anthropology, Columbia University, “What color is the Sacred?”

Eliot Weinberger, Poet, Translator, Essayist, “Republicans: A Prose Poem”

Deborah Willis, NYU, “Imaging Black Culture”

Jay Wright, Yale University, “Reading from His Book Transfigurations: Collected Poems”

 Faculty Colloquium Series

Gallya Lahav, Political Science, SBU, “Reinventing Borders: Thinking about Immigration in the ‘New’ Europe”

John Lutterbie, Theatre Arts, and Robert Crease, Philosophy, “N+1: Rethinking Discourse and Discursive Structures”

Julia Meier, Visiting Lecturer, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, “Painting Forces and Detecting Them: An Approach to the Cinematic Oeuvre of David”

Lynch Based on Gillies Deleuze’s work "Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation

Wolf Schafer, History, “Towards Global Contemporaneity: On the Rise and Fall of Temporal Discrimination”

Susan Scheckel, English, “Body Parts and Bodies Politic: Reading Walt Whitman with the Army Medical Museum”

 “Feminist Campus Colloquium” Series

Catherine Belling, Assistant Preventive Medicine and the Associate Director for the Institute for Medicine in Contemporary Society, SBU, “The Purchase of Fruitfulness: Infertility and Assisted Conception in Middleton’s ‘A Chaste Maid in Cheapside,’” and “An Epistemology of the Luteal Phase: Narrative, Knowledge, and Conception”

Mary Jo Bona, Italian American Studies, and European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, SBU, “Confessing the Self: Italian American Woman Authors and the Catholic Church”

Ritch Calvin, Women’s Studies, “Science Fiction, Representation and Femininity: Modifying the Female Body”

Bonnie Gordon, Music, SBU, “The Renaissance Courtesans’ Sung Capital”

Marci Lobel, Psychology, SBU, “Psychosocial Factors in Women’s Reproductive Health: Stress, Coping, and Their Effects in Pregnancy”

Anne Moyer, Psychology, SBU, “Choice of Surgical Treatment for Breast Cancer: Psychosocial Issues”

 Co-Sponsored Events

“Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (CLCS) Student-Faculty Colloquium”

David Anshen, Graduate Student, CLCS, Alphaville: A Neorealist, Science Fiction Fable About Hollywood”

Robert Chi, Assistant Professor, CLCS, “China’s Taiwan: Cinema and Inter-Nationality”

William Chittick, Professor, Asian and Asian-American Studies, “The Imagery of Wine in Early Persian Sufism”

Marlene DuBios, Graduate Student, CLCS, “Winedrinking in the Poetry of Ibn-al-Farid”

Krin Gabbard, Professor, CLCS, “The Sexist Man Alive: Richard Gere’s Male Trouble”

A Patriot Act – a film featuring Mark Crispin Miller

E. Ann Kaplan, Professor, CLCS and of English, “Desire, Shame, and Trauma in Inter-racial Cinema

Ira Livingston, Associate Professor, CLCS, “What is Visual Complexity? The Radical Middle Ground”

Xiaoning Lu, Graduate Student, CLCS, “Quasi-Object as Counter Memory: China and the Material History of Simulation”

Adrian Perez-Melgosa, Lecturer, CLCS, “Dancing in the Pan-American Cabaret: Archeology of a Cinematic Common Place and its Role in Hemispheric Hegemony”

Clyde Lee Miller, Professor, Philosophy, “Literal and Metaphorical in Cusan Conjecture”

Sandy Petrey, Professor, CLCS, “Balzac’s Unknown Masterpiece and the Real in Realism”

Maya Shanbhag, Graduate Student, CLCS, “Bodily Betrayals: Rushide’s Shame, Freud’s Dora, and the Case of the Symptom”

Agnieszka Skrodzka-Bates, Graduate Student, CLCS, “History From Inside Out: The Magical Cinema of Jan Jakub Kolski”

Hans Staats, Graduate Student, CLCS, “Jose Padhila’s Bus 174: Intention in the System of Representation”

Stephen Szolosi, Graduate Student, CLCS, “Paul Auster’s City of Glass: A Labyrinth of Failed Detection”

Lilla Toke, Graduate Student, CLCS, “Nervous Laughter and the Trauma of the Holocaust”

 Humanities Courses and Seminars

Robert Chi, Assistant Professor, CLCS, “Introduction to Cultural Studies”

Frederick Moehn, Assistant Professor, “Music, Music and Race”

Performing Interdisciplinary, Gypsies, Scientists – Activists

E. Ann Kaplan, “Transmission of Cultures”



“CLCS Colloquium”

Michelle Auster, Graduate Student, English Department, "The Englishman Abroad: D.H. Lawrence in Australia."

Daniel Chiasson, Assistant Professor, English. "Reading Robert Lowell Reading."

Steve Edwin, Graduate Student, Comparative Literature, "Colonialism, Gender and Healing in Cherrie Moraga's Loving in the War Years."

Robert Harvey, Professor and Chair, Comparative Literature. "Beckett's Wit."

Julia Meier, Visiting scholar from University of Hannover. "La Vie Crie a la mort' The Aesthetics of Director Chris Cunningham: An Approach With the 'Logic of Sensation' by Gilles Deleuze."

Lauren Neefe, Graduate Student, English. "Underneath the Lamp and Doily: Lafcadio Hearn's Chinese Ghosts."

Gabriela Polit-Dueas, Visiting Assistant Professor, Hispanic Languages and Literature, "Writing Hysteria: Women's Voices in Caudillo Novels."

Aga Skrodzka-Bates, Graduate Student, Comparative Literature. "(Re)Covering the Music of Language: The Trajectory of Maternal Loss in Eva Hoffman?s Lost in Translation."

“Europe and the Gypsies: An Interdisciplinary Colloquium”

Stephen Michael Best, UC Berkeley, “Speculative Law”

Ian Hancock, University of Texas, “Romani and Gypsies: One People, Two Personas”

Timothy Mitchell, Texas A&M University, “Ecstatic Identity Construction and the Performance of Waste”

Deborah Epstein Nord, Princeton University, “Children of Hagar: Gypsies in the 19th Century British Imagination”

Carol Silverman, University of Oregon, “Trafficking the Exotic with ‘Gypsy’ Music: World Music’ Festivals and Romani Identities”

The Yuri Yunakov Ensemble with Guest Artist Ivo Papazov, performing Romani music

Ban Wang, Rutgers University, “The Banality of Everyday Trauma: Globalization, Migration, and Nostalgia”

Wim Williams, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Amsterdam, “Writing Gypsies into European History: Myths, Facts, and New Concepts”

Screening of Vengo, Tony Gatlif, France/Spain

 “The Gangster Life and Violence in the United States: A Symposium”

Fred Gardaphé, SBU, “From Ancient Archetype to American Obsession: The Italian American Gangster Figure”

Josephine Gattuso Hendin, NYU, “Heartbreakers: Violent Women in Modern American Literature and Culture”

Introduction by Mary Jo Bona, SBU

Rachel Rubin, University of Massachusetts, Boston, “Jewish Gangster/American Century”

Introduction by Joseph Kraus, Kings College

William Anthony Nericcio, San Diego State University, “Sexually Evil: A Lurid, Abbreviated History of Latino Gangsters of the Silver Screen”

 “A Global Renaissance: A Symposium”

Barbara Fuchs, University of Pennsylvania, “Traveling Epic: Translating Ercilla’s Araucana in the Old World”

Jean Howard, Columbia University, “Mediterranean Cities on the Early Modern Stage”

Ania Loomba, University of Pennsylvania, “Early Modern Traffick – Trade, Difference and the Making of Colonialism”

Bridget Orr, Vanderbilt University, “Creoles, Captives, and Renegados: Historicizing Hybridity”

Shankar Raman, Massachusetts institute of Technology, “The Brome-an Empire”

 “Interdisciplinary Literature” Colloquium

Michelle Auster, “The Englishman Abroad: D.H. Lawrence in Australia”

Daniel Chiasson, “Reading Robert Lowell Reading”

Steve Edwin, “Colonialism, Gender and Healing in Cherrie Moraga’s Loving in the War Years/Lo que nunca paso por sus labios”

Robert Harvey, “Beckett’s Wit”

Julia Meier, “La Vie Crie a la mort’ The Aesthetics of Director Chris Cunningham” An Approach with the ‘Logic of Sensation’ by Gilles Deleuze”

Lauren Neefe, “Underneath the Lamp and Doily” Lafacadio Hearn’s Chinese Ghosts Gabriela”

Polit-Duenas, “Writing Hysteria: Women’s Voices in Caudillo Novels.”

Agnieszka Skrodzka-Bates, “(Re) Covering the Music of Language: The Trajectory of Maternal Loss in Eva Hoffman’s Lost in Translation”

SBU English Department Graduate Conference

Co-sponsored with the English Department

 Distinguished Lecturer Series

Stephen Best, UC Berkeley, “Speculative Law”

Dipesh Chakrabarty, University of Chicago, “Literature after Globalization: Romanticism as History and Memory”

Donna Haraway, UC Santa Cruz, “From Cyborgs to Companion Species: Dogs, People, and Technoculture,” and “We Have Never Been Human, Part I: Companion Species and Other Mess Mates”

Michael Hardt, Duke University, “War and Democracy in the Age of Empire”

N. Katherine Hayles, UCLA, “Literature in the Digital Age: Rethinking Textuality as Intermediation”

Geoffrey Hartmen, Yale University, “Like Niobe, All Tears: Monuments and Memorials in the Wake of 9/11”

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, UC Irvine, “Language, Translation, and the Future of African Literature”

 Faculty Colloquium Series

Robert Chi, Comparative Studies Department, “The Greatest ‘Shaw’ on Earth: Remapping Chinese Cinemas”

Shirley Lim, History, SBU, “Subversive Sirens: Anna May Wong and Josephine Baker”

Eduardo Mendieta, Philosophy and Women’s Studies, SBU, “Plantations, Ghettos, Prisons: US Racial Geographies”

Nicholas Mirzoeff, Art Department, “Watching the War in Babylon, Long Island”

 Co-Sponsored Events

“Art History and Criticism” Lecture Series

Emily Apter, NYU, “Theory and Terror: Ethical Militance and the Group Subject”

Edward Casey, SBU, “Earth-Mapping: Concerning Certain Artists who Map the Landscape”

Abigail Solomon-Godeau, UC Santa Barbara, “Taunting and Haunting: Critical Tactics in a Minor Mode”

 “Bodies, Language, and Memory/Cuerpos, Lenguajes, Memorias”: A Bilingual Conference

Yuri Yukanov Ensemble Performance

Robert Bly, Poetry Reading “The Night Abraham Called to the Stars”

Angela Davis, UC Santa Cruz, “Abolition Democracy in the 21st Century”

Judith Ezekiel, American History, University of Toulouse-le-Mirail, “‘Les Americanies’ and the French Culture Wars: Franco-American Traffic from Anita Hill to Beveiled Scholars”

Yiorgos D. Kalogeras, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, “Translating Ethnicity from Fiction to Film: Albert Isaac Bezzerides”

Luis Reygadas, Rockefeller Foundation Fellow, Latin American and Caribbean Center, SBU, “The Symbolic Construction and De-Construction of Inequalities”

Hartmut Wilke, Sociology, SBU

Jeffrey Williams, University of Missouri, “Against the Idea of the University”

Humanities Courses and Seminars

Ira Livingston, English Department/CLT, and Nicholas Mirzoeff, Art Department, “Cultural Studies: Theories/Methods”

E. Ann Kaplan, Director of HISB, Seminars: “Transmission of Cultures,” “Science and Art,” and “Trauma, Cinema and Postcolonialism”


Conferences and Symposia

“The Forbidden Eakins: The Sexual Politics of Thomas Eakins and His Circle”

Martin Berger, Art History and English, SUNY Buffalo, “Man Made: Thomas Eakins and the Construction of Gilded Age Manhood”

Deborah Bright, Photography and Art History, Rhode Island School of Design, “The Passionate Camera: Photographies and Bodies of Desire”

Jennifer Doyle, English Department, University of California, Riverside, “Sex, Scandal and Thomas Eakins’s The Gross Clinic”

Michael Hatt, History of American Art, University of Nottingham in England, “Eakins’ Arcadia: Sculpture, Photography and the Redefinition of the Classical Body”

Jonathan Katz, Art, Stony Brook University, “Jess: Picturing Sexuality”

Michael Moon, English Professor, Johns Hopkins University, “A Small Boy and Others: Imitation and Initiation in American Culture from Henry James to Andy Warhol”

James Smalls, Visual Arts, University of Maryland at Baltimore, “Escalve, Negre, Noir: The Black Presence in French Art from 1789 to 1870”

Jonathan Weinberg, Artist and Art Historian, Senior Fellow in-residence, the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, “Ambition and Love in Modern Art”

“Politics and Filiation V: ‘Politics of Friendship: Then and Now’”

Geoffrey Bennington, Emory University

Simon Critchley, Collège International de Philosophie

Jacques Derrida, Distinguished Visiting Philosophy, Stony Brook, “Betrayal Out of Fidelity,” respondent to all

Paula Marrati, Collège International de Philosophie

François Noudelmann, President of the Collège International de Philosophie, Paola, “A Non-Genealogical Community”

Catherine Perret, Modern and Contemporary Aesthetics, Nanterre University, “A Non-Genealogical Transmission: A Question of Modernity

Jacob Rogozinski, Universitè de Strasbourg

Laurence Simmons, University of Auckland

David Wills, French, SUNY Albany, “Full Dorsal: Turns of the Amorous and Political”

“Queer Visualities: The First International Conference on Queer Visual Culture”

Welcome by E. Ann Kaplan, Director of HISB, and Jonathan Katz, Executive Coordinator, Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, Associate Professor (Adjunct) History of Art

Henry Aronson, English Department, UC Riverside, “Disco, Surrogation and Rodney King: Alex Donis’s WAR”

Rosemary Betterton, Women’s Studies, Lancaster University, “Queering Motherhood? Un-Maternal Embodiments in the Work of Cindy Sherman”

Sarah Betzer, Department of Art History, UC Santa Cruz, “Strange Bedfellows: Ingres, Courbet, and The Lesbian Body”

Michael Bronski, Women’s Studies and Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College, “The Queer Masculinity of Pulp Covers”

Laura Christian, History of Consciousness Program, UC Santa Cruz, “On the Question of Queer Aesthetics: Revisiting the Early Work of Todd Haynes”

Sheila Crane, Department of Art History, UC Santa Cruz, “Androgynous Architectures: Romaine Brooks, Natalie Clifford Barney & the Reshaping of Interior Space”

Whitney Davis, Department of Art History, UC Berkeley, “Queer Beauty”

Mark Dobbins, Department of Art History, University of Delaware, “Something Queer Here? Andy Warhol’s Wanted Men”

Steve Edwin, Department of Comparative Literature, SBU, “Queer Revisions: Audre Lorde and the Politics of Seeing”

David Getsy, Department of Art History, Dartmouth College: "Recognizing the Homoerotic: the Use of Intersubjectivity in John Addington Symond’s 1887 Essays on Art”

Jens Richard Giersdorf, Department of Dance Studies, University of Surrey, “Guildford: Representations of East German Gernder Deviations and National Identities in Independent Films”

Roger Hallas, English Department, Syracuse University, “The Queer Dynamics of Gay and Lesbian Film Festivals”

Women’s Studies, Simon Fraser University, “Bi/Trans Subjectivity and Queer Visuality in Hong Kong Cinema”

Nancy San Martin, Hitory of Consciousness Program, UC Santa Cruz, “Love Bug: Hybridity, Queer Desire, and Contamination in Dark Angel”

Kim-Ly Nguyen, Art History Department, University of British Columbia, “Cultural Drag: Rereading the “Nomad” in Tseng Kwong Chi’s East Meets West Series”

Weena Perry, Art, SBU, “‘Real Sex’ or Subcultural Tourism? The Politics of Lesbian Performance in Real Sex: 25’s Strap-On Party”

Erica Rand, Art Department, Bates College, “Will Butch Liberty Rock Your World?”

Chris Reed, Art Department, Lake Forest College, “Designs for [Queer] Living: ‘Amusing’ Interiors of the 1920s”

Thomas Roach, Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society, University of Minnesota, “The Levity of Excess: Kenneth Anger’s Scorpio Rising”

Clare Rogan, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, “‘Good Nude Photographs’: Images for Desire in Weimar Germany’s Lesbian Journals”

James Saslow, Department of Art, Queens College, “‘Sodoma, Sodoma,’ thus cried the boy: A Reappraisal of Gianantonio Brazzi’s Life and Work”

Paul Sternberger, Art History Department, Rutgers University, “Aberration and Gender in the Critical Resistance to Late 19th Century American Art Photography”

Susan Stryker, Executive Director, GLBT Historical Society, “Christine in the Cutting Room: Image, Narrative, and Transsexual Self-Representation” 

“Trauma at Home: Remembering 9/11”

Michele Bogart, Art History, SBU –V

Judith Greenberg, Visiting Assistant Professor at Williams and Dartmouth, “Wounded New York”

Marianne Hirsch, French and Comparative Literature, Dartmouth College, “Mementos Mourning”

Claire Kahane, English, SUNY Buffalo, “Uncanny Sights: The Anticipation of the Abomination”

E. Ann Kaplan, Director of HISB, SBU

Nancy K. Miller, Department of English and Comparative Literature, CUNY Graduate Center, “Reporting the Disaster”

Lorie Novak, Photography and Imaging Department, Tisch School of the Arts, NYU, “Photographic Memorials”

James Young, Departments of English and Judaic Studies, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, “Remember Life with Life: The New World Trade Center”

 Visiting Lecturer Series:

Seyla Benhabib, Eugene Meyer Political Science and Philosophy, Yale University, “On Hospitality – From Kant to Derrida and to International Law”

Noam Chomsky, Philosophy, SBU, “Violence and Justice: Some Useful Truisms”

Jacques Derrida, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Philosophy, SBU, “The World of Enlightenment to Come: Sovereignty, Exception, Calculability”

Paul Gilroy, Chair of African American Studies, Yale University, “British Culture and Postcolonial Melancholia”

Judith Halberstam, Literary and Cultural Studies, UC San Diego, “Shadows on a Dime: Queer Temporality and Subcultural Lives”

Michelle Wallace, Department of English, The City College, New York, “Olympia’s Servants: The Problem of the Visual in Afro-American Culture, or Black is Beautiful”

Internal Fellows Team Program

“‘The World’s Most Perfectly Developed Man’: Charles Atlas, Whiteness, and American Masculinity”

Jacqueline Reich, Assistant Professor, Italian and Comparative Literature

Michele Tedesco, Senior, European Languages and Literature

 Faculty Colloquium Series

Roman de la Campa, Professor and Chair, Hispanic Languages and Literature, SBU

Daniel Levy, Assistant Professor, Sociology, “Cosmopolitan Memories and the Globalization of Human Rights”

Maiko Kawabata, Assistant Professor, Music, “‘Harold’s’ Absent Virtuoso” and “Postcolonial Marketing and Global Nostalgia: The Case of the Buena Vista Social Club”

Adrián Pérez Melgosa, Visiting Professor, Hispanic Languages and Literature and Comparative Studies, “The Monological Global Imagination: Visual Representations of the Argentinean Crisis”

Rowan Philips, Assistant Professor, English, “Poetry Reading for Black History Month”

 Co-Sponsored Events:

Giuliana Bruno, Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard University, “Atlas of Emotion,” Co-sponsored with the Art History & Criticism Lecture Series

Women’s Studies Colloquium: “Cultural Sites of Critical Insight,” Co-sponsored with Women’s Studies

Max Kozloff, Independent Author and Curator, “Portrait Photography: A Neglected Idiom”

Music department Graduate Conference “Hearing the Technological Sublime,” Co-sponsored with the Music Department

Interdepartmental Literature Colloquia Co-sponsored with the Comparative Studies Department

David Anshen, Graduate Student, Comparative Literature

Robert Chi, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature

Rafe Dalleo, Graduate Student, Comparative Literature

Daniela Flesler, Assistant Professor, Hispanic Languages and Literature

Tim Johns, Graduate Student, English

Jason Meyler, Graduate Student, Hispanic Languages and Literature

Coleen Nilsen, Graduate Student, English

Laurence Simmons, Department of Film, Television and Media Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand, “Michel Foucault and Captain Bligh’s Bottom” 

Courses and Seminars

E. Ann Kaplan, Director of HISB, SBU, “Postcolonial Theory and Transculturalism in Visual Culture”

Ira Livingston, English Department/CLT, and Nick Mirzoeff, Art Department, “Historical Cultural Study”



“Film Studies: Where Next?”

Dudley Andrew, Yale University, “The Ins and Outs of World Cinema”

Raymond Bellour, Centre National des Recherches Scientifique, “The Body of Cinema/About and other Cinema”

Mary Ann Doane, Brown University, “’The Representability of Time’: Early Cinema, Contingency, Modernity”

Thomas Elaesser, University of Amsterdam, “What’s Classical and What’s Not: Reperiodizing Film History”

Ana Lopez, Tulane University, “South of the Digital Divide”

Philip Rosen, Brown University, “Film and the Global: Reformulating Hollywood”

“The Forbidden Eakins: The Sexual Politics of Thomas Eakins and His Circle”

Deborah Bright, Rhode Island School of Design

Jennifer Doyle, UC Riverside

Michael Hatt, University of Nottingham, England

Michael Moon, Johns Hopkins University

James Smalls, University of Maryland Baltimore

Jonathan Weinberg, Senior Fellow in residence, The Getty Museum

“New Developments in Interdisciplinary Humanities Research Lecture Series”

Nandini Bhattacharya, Valparaiso University, “James Cobb and Colonial Cacophony: Doing the Enlightenment in Different Voices”

Josh Cohen, Goldsmiths College, University of London, “Interrupting Redemption: Art, Religion and the ‘New Categorical Imperative’”

Madeleine Dobie, Tulane University, “Displaced Colonies: the Orient and the Caribbean in Pre-Revolutionary French Culture”

Dana Heller, Old Dominion University, “Does the Future Need Us?: Feminism and Popular Memory”

Catherine Liu, University of Minnesota, “To Catch a Falling Star: Political Ambiguity or Jacques Lacan meets Andy Warhol”


“Politics and Filiation III: An Open Seminar”; co-sponsored with le Collège International de Philosophie, Paris

Diane Barthel-Bouchier, Sociology, SBU, “Heritage: Familial, National, Universal”

Alain David, CIPh, Philosophy, “Colchicum and Politics”

Jean-Yves Guerin, CIPh, Literature, Université de Marne-la-Vallée, “Fatherless Sons, Landless Men (Camus)”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, “Sisterhood and the Politics of Gender in Maya Deren’s Meshes of an Afternoon

Jean-Pierre Marcos, Maitre de conferences de Philosophie, Université de Paris VIII, “Brotherhood and Affiliation According to Rousseau: The Political Question of Identification”

François Noudelmann, CIPh, Professeur de Philosophie esthètique, Université de Marne-la-Vallée, “Incestuous Brotherhood: The French Revolution According to Sartre”

Mary Rawlinson, Philosophy, SBU, “Liminal Ethics: Impossible Agencies and the Necessity of Violence”

Antonia Soulez, CIPh, Professeur de Philosophie, Université de Philosophie a l’Université de Paris VIII, “Die Sprache as a Labyrinth of Family Portraits”

Patrick Vauday, CIPh, Professeur de Philosophie, “Hobbes, Capra, On Power and Laughter”

“Politics and Filiation IV: ‘La Transmission’” co-sponsored with le College International de Philosophie, Paris

Alia al-Salji, “Le Parcours de la Memoire: Le passé-present”

Janine Altounian, “Laq function de l’institution tierce dans la transmission post-traumatique”

Robert Damien, “Conscience: Mission et Transmission”

Jean-François Foucaud, “Le bibliothecaire, internediare du savior et sa traduction dans l’architecture”

François Gaillard, “La réinvention du transmis”

Thierry Grillet, “Filiation, génération dans l’oeuvre de Pierre Guyotat”

Robert Harvey, “Risquer une Transmission?: le CIPh à l’age adult”

Christian Jacob, “La transmission du texte, lieux, acteurs et pratiques”

E. Ann Kaplan, “Trauma collectif et échange transculturel”

Raymond-Josué Seckle, “Disperser les savoirs et conserver les catalogues”

Valerie Tesniere, “Politique éditoriale et diffusion en philosophie (XIXe-XXe siecle)”

Bernard Verneir, “La question du nom et de la resemblance”


“Rethinking African Diasporic Literature: Celebrating the Literary Contributions of African Peoples From Europe, Canada and Latin America”

Cherron Barnwell, Howard University, “Shirley Chisholm and her Contribution of a Transatlantic Identitiy”

Margaret Bass, St. Lawrence University, “Connections: African Canadian and AfricanAmerican Literature”

Josie A. Brown-Rose, SBU, “The Sea as Slavery: Redefining the Black Atlantic”

Dr. Mark Christian, Miami University at Hamilton, Ohio, “Double Consciousness andBlack British Writing”

George Elliot Clarke, University of Toronto, “First Printings: Reading the First African-‘Canadian’ Writers Right”

Helen Cooper, SBU, “We are a Long Memoried People: Slavery in Contemporary Black British Writing”

Dr. Susan Alice Fischer, CUNY Medgar Evans College, “Women Writers of the African Diaspora in London”

Josh Gosciak, CUNY Graduate Center, “Claude McKay and the Invention of a Black Diasporic Imagination”

Meta Jones, George Washington University, “Colonialism and Canon Formation in the African-Canadian Diaspora: Siting African-America’s North American Neighbors”

Dr. Maghan Keita, Villanova University, “Africa and the Construction of the World: ‘Afrocentrism’ and ‘Post-Discourse’”

Peggy Piesche, University of Utrecht, Germany, “’Showing Our Arts’ The Contribution of Black German Artists to the German (Literary) Canon”

Animesh Rai, CUNY Graduate Center, “Investigating the Differences and Similarities Black Diasporic Writing”

Aisha Tinnermon, SBU, “Refusing to Write Black: Caribbean British Writers Imagining Whiteness”

Tracey L. Walters, SBU, “Recognizing, Redefining, and Reexamining the Black BritishLiterary Canon”

Michelle M. Wright, Macalster College, Canada by proxy, read by Dr. Gillian Johns, SBU, “The Nation and the Subject in ‘African European’ Literature”

Susan Yearwood, Sheffield Hallam University, England, “Black British Literature and the Signification of Britishness”


Visiting Lecturer Series

Herbert Blau, University of Washington, “Theorizing Performance, Performing Theory”

and “Virtually Yours: Presence, Liveness, Lessness”

Judith Butler, UC Berkeley, “Ethical Violence”

Sander Gilman, University of Chicago, “Cut What Off? A Hundred Years of Aesthetic Surgery and Psychiatry”

Marin Jay, UC Berkeley, “Somaesthetics and Democracy: John Dewey and Body Art”

Deborah McDowell, University of Virginia, “The I/Eye of Record: Remembering the Civil Rights Movement”

Valerie Smith, Princeton University, “Memory and the Civil Rights Movement”


Faculty Seminar Series

Philip Baldwin, Art, SBU, “Dystopia and Modernism: City as Text and Digital Theory, History, and Practice” and “Design, Dystopia, and Digital Culture”

Jacqueline Reich, European Languages and Literature, SBU, “Beyond the Latin Lover: Marcello Mastroianni, Masculinity and Italian Cinema”

Lorenzo Simpson, Philosophy, SBU, “Alterity and Discontents”

Tracey Walters, African Studies, SBU, “Challenging Hierarchies: Black Women and the Classical Tradition”


Internal Fellows Team Program

Iona Man-Cheong, History, SBU, Workshop: “Lost in Transit?: Working the Space between Diaspora and Nomadism”

Dan Monk, Assistant Architectural History and Theory, Art Department, SBU, Lecture: “On the Fate of Pragmatic Image: ‘Instrumental Photography’ and the Arab Israeli War of June 1967”


Co-sponsored Events

Jill Bennett, University of New South Wales, Australia, “Face to Face Encounters: Testimonial Imagery and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission”

Eduardo Cadava, Princeton University, “Music on Bones”

Carol Duncan, Ramapo College, School of Contemporary Arts, “Shopping the Museum: The Newark Museum in the Early Twentieth Century”

Mary Beth Edelson, Artist and Activist, “Re-scripting the Story, 1970-2000: Posters, Photographs, Drawings, Videos, Large Scale Transfers, and More”

Lydia Goehr, Columbia University, “In the Shadow of the Canon”

Tom Gunning, Philosophy, University of Chicago, “Inside Out: Walter Benjamin’s Arcades and the Detective Story”

Jürgen Habermas, Emeritus Philosophy, Goethe Institute, Germany

Klaus Kropfinger, Berlin, “Beethoven: for what is difficult is also beautiful, good, great”

Kalpana Sheshardi-Crooks, Boston College, “Blackface Politics: Identity and Nostalgia in Spike Lee’s Bamboozled

Meredith Tax, author of Rivington Street and Union Square, “Working Class Voices: Research, Responsibility, and Imagination in Fiction and History”


“Queer Studies Lecture Series”

“Sleep in the Nest of Flames”, presented and directed by Jim Dowell and John Kolomvakis

Peter Hegarty, Larry Kramer Visiting Lesbian and Gay Studies, Yale University, “Homosexual Signs and Heterosexual Silences: A History of Rorschach Studies of Male Homosexuality From 1922 to 1967”

Cristina Mathews, Department of Comparative Studies, SBU, “Making the Nuclear Family: Kinship, Homosexuality, and La Regenta”

Esther Newton, Anthropology and Kempner Distinguished Professor, SUNY Purchase, “My Butch Career: A Memoir”

James Saslow, Chair of Art Department, Queens College, “Inventing Michelangelo: The Historical Construction of the Creative Homosexual”

Liese van der Watt, Art Department, University of Cape Town, “Imagining Alternative Masculinities: White Identitiy in South African Visual Culture


Other Events

“EuroFilm Week”


The Harmonists

II Postino

Kirikou et la sorciere

La Fille sur le Point

Le gout des autres (The Taste of Others)


Musime si pomahat (divided we fall)

Ressources Humaine

Todo sobre mi madre (All about my mother)

Train de vie (Train of Life)


“HISM 16MM Film Series”

David Anshen presented 42nd Street

Andrea Fabry presented Follow the Fleet

Krin Gabbard presented Swing Time

Caitlin McGrath presented Meet Me in St. Louis

Lidija Milic presented Cabaret

Jacqueline Reich presented Singin’ in the Rain –V

Chris Stachowicz presented Mary Poppins


Humanities Courses

Dana Heller, Old Dominion University, “’Does the Future Need Us?’ Feminism and Popular Memory”

E. Ann Kaplan and Krin Gabbard, “Film History, Theory, and Practice: From the Silent Era to the Present”

E. Ann Kaplan, “Problematizing Transitional and Postcolonial Theory”


Course Development

Nandini Battacharya, Valparaiso University, “James Cobb and Colonial Cacophony: Doing the Enlightenment in Different Voices”

Josh Cohen, Goldsmiths College, University of London, “Interrupting Redemption: Art Religion and the ‘New Categorical Imperative”

Madeline Dobie, Tulane University, “Displaced Colonies: the Orient and the Caribbean in Pre-Revolutionary French Culture”

Catherine Liu, University of Minnesota, “To Catch a Falling Star: Political Ambiguity Meets Andy Warhol”



Conference and Symposia

“History and Imperialism: Complications and Contexts”

Laurent Dubois, History, Michigan State University, “The Boundaries of the Republic and the Politics of History in the French Caribbean”

Peter Ekeh, African-American Studies, SUNY Buffalo, “The Common Origins of Sociology and Imperialism in European History”

Philippa Levine, History, UCLA, “The Colonial Brothel”

Emmanuelle Saada, Assistant Director, Institute of French Studies, NYU, “The Colonial Will-to-Knowledge: Inquiries on the Métis (1908-1937)”

Robert J. C. Young, Wadham College, Oxford University, “Gandhi’s Counter-Modernity”


“Jewish Visual Culture: Images, Identities, Intersections”

Ken Aptekar, Painter, New York City, panelist, “Jewish Visual Culture: Images, Identities, Intersections”

Sandi DuBowski, Filmmaker, panelist, “Jewishness on Film”

Judith Halberstam, English, UC San Diego, panelist, “Jewishness on Film”

Alan Kaufman, Poet and Editor of, performance, “Jew Boy”

Norman Kleebatt, Curator, The Jewish Museum, New York, panelist, “Jewishness in Art History”

Eunice Lipton, Art Historian and Author, Keynote, panelist, “Jewishness in Art History”

Rachel Schreiber, Video/Web Artist, Maryland Institute, College of Art, Baltimore, panelist, “Imagining Jewishness”

Susan Silas, Photographer/Installation Artist, Brooklyn, NY, panelist, “Imagining Jewishness”

Stephanie Snyder, Sculptor, San Francisco, panelist, “Imagining Jewishness”

Catherine Soussloff, Art History and Visual Culture, UC Santa Cruz, panelist, “Jewishness in Art History”

Albert Winn, Photographer/Installation Artist, Los Angeles, panelist, “Imagining Jewishness”


“Politics and Filiation II: An Open Seminar”; co-sponsored with le College International de Philosophie, Paris

Robert Harvey, SBU, “The Milkman Always Rings Twice”

E. Ann Kaplan, SBU, HISB, “Genealogies and Psychoanalysis: Mothers and Daughters”

François Noudelmann, Université de Marne-la-Vallée, “Choosing a Father: A Question of Resemblance”

Kelly Oliver, SBU, “Psychic Space and Social Melancholy”

Catherine Perret, University of Paris X, Nanterre, “Marcel Duchamp: A Non-Genealogical Transmission”

Jacob Rogozinski, University of Paris VIII, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, “Stigmata: The Passion According to David Nebrada”

François-David Sebbah, Université de Compiegne, “Levinas: Father/Son/Mother”

Pierre Taminiaux, Georgetown University, “The Question and the Naming of Evil”


“Seeds of Liberation: Sowing Radical Ideas in Conservative Times” – A Conference in Honor of Michael Sprinker

Perry Anderson, UCLA, debater, “Relaunching the New Left Review”

David Anshen, SBU, debater, “What’s Wrong with Cultural Studies?”

Crystal Bartolovich, Syracuse University, Chair, panelist, “Beyond American Exceptionalism”

Malini Bhattacharya, Jadavpur University, panelist, “Beyond American Exceptionalism”

Román de la Campa, SBU, panelist, “Beyond American Exceptionalism”

Thomas Cohen, SUNY Albany, panelist, “Radical Teaching”

Jamie Owen Daniel, University of Illinois Chicago, Chair, panelist, “The Politics of Affiliation”

Richard Daniels, Oregon State University, Oregon State University

Lennard J. Davis, University of Illinois Chicago, panelist, “Radical Teaching”

Michael Denning, Yale University, debater, “What’s Wrong with Cultural Studies?”

Barbara Harlow, University of Texas Austin, panelist, “Future of Marxist Literary Studies”

Mike Hill, SUNY Albany, panelist, “Subverting Whiteness/Subverting Academia”

Tony Jarrells, SBU, panelist, “Reading Michael Sprinker”

Timothy Johns, SBU, panelist, “Reading Michael Sprinker”

Benjamin Kim, SBU, panelist, “Future of Marxist Literary Studies”

John Krapp, Hofstra University, panelist, “Reading Michael Sprinker”

Chi She Li, SBU, panelist, “Beyond American Exceptionalism”

Joy Mahabir, SBU, panelist, “Future of Marxist Literary Studies”

Nicholas Mason, Brigham Young University, panelist, “Radical Teaching”

J. Hillis Miller, UC Irvine, panelist, “Reading Michael Sprinker”

Nicholas Mirzoeff, SBU, Chair, debater, “What’s Wrong with Cultural Studies?”

Rastko Mocnick, University of Ljubljana, panelist, “Future of Marxist Literary Studies”

Bryan Palmer, Queen’s University, panelist, “Beyond American Exceptionalism”

Benita Parry, University of Warwick, Luncheon Speaker, panelist, “Reading Michael Sprinker”

Jame Paxson, University of Flordia, panelist, “Future of Marxist Literary Studies”

Bruce Robbins, Rutgers University, debater, “What’s Wrong with Cultural Studies?”

David Roediger, University of Minnesota, keynote, “Guiliani, the ‘Holy Virgin Mary’ and the Critical Study of Whiteness”, panelist, “Radical Teaching”

Ellen Rooney, Brown University, panelist, “Future of Marxist Literary Studies”

Modhumita Roy, Tufts University, Chair, panelist, “Radical Teaching”

Shailja Sharma, Depaul University, Chair, panelist, “Subverting Whiteness/Subverting Academia”

Clifford Sisken, University of Glasgow, Presentation

Michelle Stephens, Mount Holyoke College, panelist, “Future of Marxist Literary Studies”

Roger Stephenson, University of Glasgow, debater, “What’s Wrong with Cultural Studies?”

Tim Walters, Chair, panelist, “Reading Michael Sprinker”

Jon Weiner, UC Irvine, debater, “Relaunching the New Left Review”

Robert Wess, Oregon State University, panelist, “Reading Michael Sprinker”

Jeff Williams, University of Missouri, Chair, panelist, “Future of Marxist Literary Studies”


“T-Utopia: A Performative Symposium on Technology and Utopia”

Phillip Baldwin, Theater, SBU, panelist for “Desiring Technology”

Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Brown University, panelist for “Digital Activism/Digital Criticism,” “Is There a Difference? What Does Activism Mean in a Digital Context?”

Ricardo Dominguez, Electronic Disturbance Theater, panelist for “Digital Activism/Digital Criticism”

Christa Erickson, Art, SBU, panelist for “Desiring Technology”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, panelist for “Desiring Technology”

Nicholas Mirzoeff, Art and Comparative Studies, SBU, panelist for “Desiring Technology”, corporate sabotage artists, panelist for “Digital Activism/Digital Criticism”

Drive-By Theory, performance by Sandy Stone, Advanced Communication Technologies

Laboratory, UT Austin


“Art and Philosophy” Lecture Series

Michael A. Holly, University of Rochester, “Of Origins Known and Unknown”

Kobena Mercer, Visiting Scholar, Princeton University, “Trauma and Aura in Diaspora Photography”


“Culture and Globalization” Lecture Series

Steven Reisner, International Trauma Studies Program, NYU, “Private Trauma, Public Drama: A Report on the Work of Theatre Arts Against Political Violence in New York City and the Altrimenti Theater of Milan in Pristina, Kosova”


“Issues in Literary Studies” Lecture Series

Marjorie Garber, Harvard University, “Historical Correctness: The Use and and Abuse of History for Literature” - Seminar: “Writing Cultural Criticism”

Cheryl A. Wall, Rutgers University, “Black Women Writers: Worrying the Line”


Resident Fellow Program

Basem L. Ra’ad, Jerusalem, Primal Scenes of Globalization: Legacies of Canaan and Etruria” Lecture: “Of Canaan and ‘Canaanites’: Ancient and Modern Identities (On the Uses and Abuses history in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict) Seminar: Scholarship on Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations: Issues and Controversies (The Use of the “Holy Land” and Other Place Names) –


Faculty Colloquium Lecture Series

Ruth “Sue” Bottigheimer, Comparative Studies, SBU, “Literary Fertility and Narrative Fate: Pregnant Heroines from 1200-1800”

Robert Harvey, Comparative Studies, SBU, “Dirty Looks: Vitreous Humor in Beckett and Duchamp” –

Jonathan Levy, English and Theatre, SBU, “Reflection on the Educational Value of Dialogues”

Adrienne Munich, English, SBU, “’Games for a Dead Man’: Trophies, Diamonds, and Imperial Exploits”

Jane Sugarman, Music, SBU, “Diasporic Dialogues: Mediated Musics and the Albanian Transnation”


Co-sponsored Lectures

Malini Battacharya, Jadavpar University, “The Violence of Faith: Women in their Communities”

Robin Becker, poet, Pennsylvania State University, reading from “The Horse Fair”

Chen Chen, writer, reading from Come Watch the Sun go Home: A Memoir of Upheaval and Revolution in China

Andreas Huyssen, Columbia University, “Memory Practices in Sculpture, Architecture, and Monuments”

Catherine Vasseleu, University of Technology, Sidney, “The Moving Image and Spectacular Animation”

Ivan Zassoursky, Moscow State University, “Reconstructing Russia: Recent Media, Politics, and History”


Humanities Courses

E. Ann Kaplan, “The Politics and Aesthetics of Trauma”

Nicholas Mirzoeff, “Technology and Utopia”



Conferences and Symposia

“Aesthetic States: A Symposium on the Culture of Security and the Security of Cultures”

Oleg Kharkardin, European University at St. Petersburg, Russia, “Naming the State: History of the Concept and [of] the Constellation”

Colleen Wai Lye, “Toward a Political Economy of the Yellow Peril: Alien Land Laws, Japanese Internment, and Popular Fiction”

Mike McGovern, Emory University, “Unmasking the State: The Guinean Demystification Program 1959-1960”

Ido Oren, University of Florida at Gainesville, “America’s Wars, Harold Lasswell, and the Scientific Study of Propaganda”


“Apocalypse and Millennium in the Middle Ages”

Sarah Fuller, Department of Music, SBU

Andrew Gow, History and Classics, University of Alberta, Keynote,“Disappointed Hopes, Shattered Dreams: Millennial Fallout and Scapegoating in Christian Apocalypticism”

Jacqueline Jung, Department of Art History (Emeritus), “‘Some strange region of the universe’: The Gothic Church as Eschatological Space” Presentation and Response

Murray Lamond, Program in Writing and Rhetoric, SBU, “Apocalypse…”

Michael McGrade, Department of Music, Williams College, “The Revelation of John in the Medieval Liturgy: A Reconsideration”

Andrew Scheil, Ohio State University, “The Footsteps of Israel: Jews and Final Judgment in Anglo-Saxon England,” and “Millennium…” and Response


“Art and Philosophy” Lecture Series

Tamsin Lorraine, Swarthmore College, “Lines of Flight: Irigaray and Deleuze”

Charles Sheperdson, Institute for Advance Studies, Princeton University, “The Atrocity of Desire: Lancan’s Antigone”

Bernhard Waldenfels, Ruhr University, Germany, and Distinguished Visiting Philosophy, SBU, “Responding to the Other”


“Culture and Globalization” Lecture Series

Melissa Hacker, Filmmaker, “My Knees Were Jumping

Lisa Lowe, English, UC San Diego, “Other Humanities: The Politics of Knowledge in Late Modernity”

Seminar: “Modernity and Literature: Whose Modern” Who’s Modern?”

Pratibha Parmar, Filmmaker, “The Color: Culture, Identity, and Artistic Practice”

Seminar: “Brimful of Asia”

Renato Rosaldo, Anthropology, Stanford University, “Reflections on Interdisciplinarity”

Seminar: “Relativism and Committed Anthropology”


IAPL Conference: Crossing Borders

VII European Experimental Film Session

Introduced by Nicholas Mirzoeff, Art, SBU, Acting Director, HISB

Two Films by Martin Arnold

Passage ‘a l’acte (12 min)

Alone: Life Wastes Andy Hardy (15 min)

Discussion with:

Martin Arnold, Filmmaker, Vienna

Akira Mizuta Lippit, Film Studies, San Francisco State University

Wilhelm S. Wurzer, Philosophy, Duquesne University


“Issues in Literary & Media Studies” Lecture Series

Joseph Roach, English, Theatre Studies, and African-American Studies, Yale University, “Death Takes a Holiday: Jazz Funeral in New Orleans”

Seminar: “Jazz Funerals in New Orleans”

Andrew Wernick, Cultural Studies and Sociology, Trent University, Canada, “From Acephale to Columbine: Rupture and the Symbolic”

Seminar: “Bataille and Baudrillard”


“Self and the Other: The Individual in Contemporary African Art”

Catherine Bernard, Long Island University, Southampton College, “Presence and Memory: Portraits in Contemporary Caribbean and African American Art”

Bernard Gendron, Philosophy, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, “Is There a Jazz Aesthetic? Does it Matter?”

Salah Hassan, Cornell University, “Insertion as Self-portrait in Contemporary African Art”

Iken Okoye, Northwestern University, “Scratching History: An African’s Photograph of a Modern House as Portrait of Invisible Human Subjects”

Vera Viditz-Ward, Bloomsburg University, “Constructing the Self for the Other: African Studio Photography”


“Singing the Body Electric: A Symposium on Music, Multi-Media & Digital Culture”

Laurie Anderson, Artist/musician/performer, Keynote 2, “Digital Narratives

Philip Baldwin, Theater, SBU, “Grace Space”

Christa Erickson, Art, SBU, “Phantom Limbs: Bodily Obsessions in New Media Art”

Katherine Hayles, English, UCLA, “The Materiality of the Link: Hypertext Narratives in Print News Media” Keynote

Stan Link, Music, Vanderbilt University, “Noise as Memory, Memory as Noise: Aesthetic Models and Metaphors for Computer Music”

Sheila Silver, Music, SBU, “Merging Music and Images: A Practical Discussion”

Alexander Weheliye, English, SBU, “Digital Voices: Towards a Posthuman Soul”

Dan Weymouth, Music, SBU, “Multimedia and Hyperreality”


“Transforming the Cultures of Death and Dying in America”

Chris Amirault, Modern Culture and Media, Brown University, “Real Death in the E.R.”

Anne Hawkins, Humanities, Penn State University College of Medicine, “A Long Day’s Dying: Choreographing Death in America”

E. Ann Kaplan, English and Comparative Literature, SBU, “Imag(in)ing Aging and Death in America and Beyond”

Peggy Phelan, Performance Studies, NYU, “Andy Warhol and Performances of Death in America”

David J. Rothman, Social Medicine, Columbia University, “Framing the History of Death in America”

Marion Secundy, Director, National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care, Tuskegee University, “Palliative Care and Narrative: African America Perspectives”

Eve Sedgwick, English, CUNY, “Come As You Are”

Louise O. Vasvari, Comparative Literature and Linguistics, SBU, “The Macabre Material Body: Visual Texts of Medieval Death Culture”


Resident Fellows Program

Lucia Viera Sander, “Scenes of Historical Misfire: The Biographical Writings of Susan Glaspell and Antonio Vieira, or Of Wives and Mules in the Shaping of Brazilian and U.S. History” Seminar: “Clarice Lispector and The Stream of Life


Faculty Colloquium Lecture Series

“Science Studies Forum” Lecture Series

Albert Borgmann, Philosophy, University of Montanna, “Information, Nearness and Farness”

Mike Davis, History, SBU, “The Mystery of the Monsoons: A Scientific Detective Story”

Ann Pellegrini, Women’s Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University, “Judy Garland’s Body: Passionate Attachments Out of Order”

Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, Philosophy, University of Oregon, “On Bacteria, Corporeal

Representation, Neanderthals, and Martha Graham, or, Tentative Conclusions about the Origin of Signs and the Origin of Symbols”


Javier Auyero, Sociology, “The Wueen and the Cop: Ethnography and the (Lost) Meanings of Protest” –D, A,V

Harvey Cormier, Philosophy, SBU, “White Wrongs and Animal Rights”

Eric Haralson, English, SBU, “’Lesbians Under Their Skin’: The Modern Romance of Gertrude and Ernest”

Sara Lipton, History, SBU, “What I Did For Love: Pedro II of Aragon and the Gendering of Heresy in the Albigensian Crusade”

Iona Man-Cheong, History, SBU, “State + Empire = Nation?: Multi-Ethnic Rule in Eighteenth-Century China”

Lloyd Whitesell, Music, SBU, “Twentieth-Century Tonality, or, Breaking Up is Hard to Do”


Visitor’s Lecture Series

George Levine, Department of English, Kenneth Burke College, “Dying to Know Descartes.”


Co-sponsored Lectures

Aziz Al-Azmeh, Philosophy, University of Alexandria/Beirut Arab University, “Globalization Culture and the New Barbarians”

Timothy Burke, History, Swarthmore College, “Irresponsible, Irrelevant, and Proud of it: Adventures in Cultural History from African Commodities to American Cartoons”

Thomas Crow, Art, Yale University, “Robert Rauschenberg and Allegory”

Coco Fusco, Tyler School of Art, Temple University, “At Your Service: Latino Performance in Global Culture”

Ivan Karp, NEH Distinguished Anthropology, Emory University, “Real Objects – Simulated Contexts: Rethinking Primitivism”

Jill McCorkle, novelist, Final Vinyl Days

Diana Martinez Taylor, Performance Studies, NYU, “Downloading Grief: Princess Diana and the Latina Muralists of the Lower East Side”

Paul Teller, UC Davis, “Twilight of the Perfect Model”

C.K. Williams, poet, Repair

Patricia Williams, Columbia University Law School, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”


Humanities Courses

E. Ann Kaplan, “Melodrama, Trauma, and Performing Age”

Nicholas Mirzoeff, “1800 / 1900 / 2000: Ends of the Centuries”

Lucia Vieira Sander, “Drama, Gender, and Genre: The Performance of Myths”



Conferences and Symposia

“Jean-Francois Lyotard Memorial Symposium”

Paul B. Armstrong, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, SBU

Geoff Bennington, French, University of Sussex, “Before”

Tom Conley, Romance Languages, Harvard University, “Figuring Psychogenesis – Going Back to Discourses”

Robert Harvey, Comparative Studies and European Languages and Literature, SBU, “Passages: Styles and Witness”

E. Ann Kaplan, English & Comparative Literature, SBU, and HISB Director

François Noudelmann, Université de Poitiers, “Intellectual of the Eighties”

Mark S. Roberts, Philosophy, SBU

Hugh J. Silverman, Philosophy and Comparative Literature, SBU

Anne Tomiche, Associate Professor Comparative Literature, Univerité Blaise Pascal

Clermont Ferrand II, “Phrasing the Disruptiveness of the Visible in Freudian Terms: Lyotard and the Visual”

Serge Trottein, Associate Director of the Center for the History of Modern Philosophy (CHPM) of the Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique (CNRS) in Villejuif, “Lyotard Before and After the Sublime”


“Pedagogy and Postmodernism” Symposium

Bruce Bashford, English, SBU

Patricia Belanoff, English, SBU

Ping Chong, 1998 Recipient, Stony Brook Visionary in the Arts Award for Lifetime Achievement, “Vampires, Doppelgangers and Aliens, Resident and Otherwise”

Jose Colmeiro, Romance Languages, Michigan State University, “Misreading Carmen: Mistaken Identity and Orientalist Discourse”

Patricia Greene, Romance and Classical Languages & Women’s Studies, Michigan State University, “Picturing Women at War: Visual Culture and the Spanish Revolution”

Min-Zhang Lu, Humanities, Drake University in Des Moines: “The Politics of Critical Affirmation” and Workshop: “The Teaching of Style: Politics and Theory”

Peter McLaren, Education and Information Studies, UCLA, “Revolutionary Pedagogy in the Age of Global Capitalism”

David Sherman, Graduate Student, SBU, “Rhizomes, Extensions, Interventions: Embodying Knowledge in Cultural Studies and Cultural Studies Composition”

Ji-Moon Suh, English, Korea University, Seoul, “Warriors or Lovers: Korean Women Writers in the 1990s”

Henry Taylor, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Poet, Reading from The Flying Change and other works

Leanne Warshauer, Graduate Student, SBU, and Jessica Yood, Graduate Student, SBU, “Experiencing Theory and Practicing Pedagogy: A Workshop on Teaching and Writing about Teaching”

John William Holman, Novelist, Reading from Luminous Mysteries


“Women in Asian Cinema”

Kristine Harris, History, SUNY New Paltz

Emily Liu, Taiwanese film director and producer

Ban Wang, Comparative Literature, SBU

Li Xun, HISB Visiting Fellow


Two-Day Distinguished Fellows Lecture Series

“Issues in Literary Studies” Lecture Series

Jane Gallop, Distinguished English and Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “Observations of a Photographed Mother”

Bettyann Kevles, The Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA, “The Graphic Arts in the Light of X-Rays nad its Daughter Technologies”

Michael Rogin, Robson and Chancellor’s Research Political Science, UC Berkeley, “‘What’s the Matter with Capra?’: Sullivan’s Travels and the Popular Front”

Yvonne Speilmann, Professor in Media Studies, University of Paderborn, Germany, “From Time to Space: Features in Electronic Images”

Roger Stephenson, William Jacks Chair of Modern Languages, University of Glasgow, Scotland, “What is Weimar Classicism?”


Visiting Lecturer Series

Dr. Haleh Afshar, University of York, UK, “Women and Islam”

Arjun Appadurai, Samuel N. Harper Anthropology, University of Chicago

Lecture: “Globalization and the Idea of Research”

Seminar: “Eras, Periods, and Breaks: Marking Global Time”

Roman De La Campa, “Revolution and Post-Modernity: A Central American Case Study:

Carol Clover, Class of 1936 Humanities, UC Berkeley

Lecture: “Triads and the Adversarial Imagination”

Seminar: “Triads, Movies, and the Paranoid Process”

Bernadine Evaristo, Poet, Playwright, Novelist, “Why Black Theatre is in Decline Just as Black Literature is Gaining Popularity”

Catherine Gallagher, English, UC Berkeley

Lecture: “Dickens’ Hard Times: A Variation on a Benthamite Theme”

Seminar: “Materialism and Fictionality in the Victorian Novel”

W. J. T. Mitchell, Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service English and Art History, University of Chicago

Lecture: “Landscape and Idolatry: Palestine, Israel, and America in the Wilderness”

Seminar: “What Do Pictures Want? Dinosaurs, Totems, and Other Monsters”

Mary Poovey, English, NYU

Lecture: “A History of the Modern Fact: Reflections on Writing a History of Abstraction”

Seminar: “History of the Fact in Literary Studies”

Virgil Suarez, English, Florida State University, “Readings from You Come Singing and Garabato Poems

Diana Taylor. New York University “Downloading Grief: Princess Diana and the Latina Muralists of the Lower East Side”

Ewa Plonowska Ziarek, English, Notre Dame, “The Politics of Black Subjectivity: bell hooks on Performativity, Trauma, and the Ethos of Becoming”


Resident Fellow Program

Li Xun, Visiting Fellow from the China Film Art Center in Beijing, “The Images of Women in Chinese Films”

Seminar: “Behind and Before the Camera: Women’s Roles in Contemporary Filmmaking”


Faculty Colloquium Series

Joseph Auner, Music, SBU, “Making Old Machines Speak: Images of Technology in Recent Music”

Daniel Bertrand Monk, Art History, “Aesthetic Occupations and ‘Totemic Wars’: Architectural Priorities in British Palestine”

Edward Casey, Philosophy, SBU, “The World at a Glance”

Lee Edelman, English, SBU, “White Skin, Dark Meat: Race and Masculinity in Pressure Point

Iona Man-Cheong, History, Women Studies, SBU, “The Complexity of Women’s Identities in Eighteenth-Century China.”

E. Ann Kaplan, Department of English, SBU, “Professional and Ethical Issues for Women in Academia,” –D

Kelly Oliver, Women’s Studies and Philosophy, “Beyond Recognition: Towards a Theory of Othered Subjectivity”

Nancy Tomes, History, SBU, “Making the Modern Health Consumer”

Benigno Trigo, Hispanic Studies, SBU, “Memory in Octavio Paz and Elena Garro: On Tendentious History and Willful Testimony”


Film Series: Focus on Women in Asian Cinema

Amaneceres, directed by Edgar Gil

A Taxing Woman, directed by Juzo Itami

Autumn Moon, directed by Clara Law

Kangaroo Man, directed by Emily Liu

Secuestro, directed by Camila Motta

Woman, Demon, Human, directed by Huang Shuquin

Office Girls, directed by Bao Zhifang



E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, and Don Ihde, Philosophy, SBU, “Postmodernism, Imaging, and the Millennium”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, “Representing Race, Ethnicity and Immigration in Film & TV”


Conferences and Symposia

“Cosmopolitanism and Globalization: Memory, Spaces, Cities, Images”

Joe Amato, Illinois Institute of Technology, “What a Little Moonlighting Can Do, Seriously”

Dean Armstrong

Judith Barry, Video and Installation Artist, New York City, “Public Fantasies”

Tim Brennan, English, SBU

Jason Brown, Clinical Professor, Neurology, New York University Medical Center, “Neuropsychology and Concepts of the Self”

Cathy Caruth, Comparative Literature, Emory University

Rey Chow, Comparative Literature, UC Irvine, “King Kong in Hong Kong”

Carolyn Cooper, English, University of West Indies, Jamaica, “Identity in the Humanities”

Mike Davis, Southern California Institute of Architecture, “Los Angeles and the Coming Racial Apocalypse”

Christa Erickson, Respondent, Art, SBU

Ann Gibson, Chair, Art, SBU

Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Performance Artist, “Visual Activists: Chicago Art at the End of the Century”

Jack Goody, Anthropology, Cambridge University: “Is Lover a Euro-American Invention?”

Robert Harvey, Chair, Comparative Literature, SBU

Kevin Janner, Respondent, Director of Neuropsychological and Cognitive Rehabilitation Services, St. Johnland’s Nursing Center, Kings Park, New York

Mary Kelly, Chair, Art, UCLA, “Miming the Master: Boy Thing, Bad Girls, and Femmes Vitales”

Ira Livingston, English, SBU, “From Sociobiology to Cultural Physics”

John Lutterbie, Theater, SBU

Manning Marable, History, Columbia University, “Multicultural Democracy: Meeting the Challenges of America’s Culturally Diverse Future”

William McAdoo, Africana Studies, SBU

Juliet Mitchell, Cambridge University, “Feminism and Psychoanalysis in the Millennium.”

Suparna Rajaram, Psychology, SBU, Introduction to Film Fire, Directed by Deepa Metha

Lee Smolin, Physics, Pennsylvania State University, “Reconciling Plurality with Objectivity”


Gayatri Spivak, English, Columbia University, “Teaching the History of Literary Criticism”

Susan Squier, English, SBU, “From Omegas to Mr. Adam: The Importance of Literature for Feminist Science Studies”

Catherine Stimpson, Dean, NYU, “The Language of the University – the Languages to Come”

Victoria Vesna, Studio Arts, UC-Santa Barbara, “The Art Marketplace as a Knowledge Network: Defining a New Field”

Ban Wang, Comparative Literature, SBU


“Debates on Trauma, Memory, History”

Craig Calhoun, Sociology, NYU, “Forgetting and Remembering Tiananmen”

Peter Hitchcock, HISB Visiting Fellow, SBU

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBI

Yuan Liu, producer of The Gate of Heavenly Peace

Iona Man-Cheong, History, SBU

Michael Roth, Getty Research Institute, “Why Trauma Now?”

Greg Ruf, Chinese Studies, SBU


“Terrains: Landscapes/Bodyscapes”

English Department Graduate Student Cultural Studies Conference

Richard Dellamora, Director of Program in Methodologies at Trent Universities

Paul Hunter, English and Director, The Humanities Institute at the University of Chicago: “Sound Argument: Rhyme, Reason, and the Cultural Structure of Early Modern English Verse”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU

Ira Livingston, English, SBU, “Millennial Terrains, Millennial Bodies”

Anne McClintock, English, Columbia University: “Transexions: Crossdressing, Race and Cyberbodies”


“New Millennium, New Humanities?”

Joe Amato, Writing and Literature, Illinois Institute of Technology, “Bookend: Anatomies of a Virtual Self”

Judith Barry, Video and Installation Artist, New York City, “Rouen: Touring Machines, Intermittent Futures”

Jason Brown, Clinical Professor, Neurology, New York University Medical Center, “Neuropsychology of Visual Perception”

Cathy Caruth, Comparative Literature, Emory University, “Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative and History”

Rey Chow, Comparative Literature, UC Irvine, “Ethics after Idealism”

Carolyn Cooper, English, University of West Indies, Jamaica, “Noises in the Blood: Orality, Gender, and the ‘Vulgar’ Body of Jamaican Popular Culture”

Helen Cooper, English, SBU, “Elizabeth Barring Browning: Woman and Artist”

Mike Davis, Southern California Institute of Architecture, “The Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster”

Christa Erickson, Art, SBU

Ann Gibson, Art, SBU, “Issues in Abstract Expressionism: the Artist-Run Periodicals”

Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Performance Artist, “The New World Border”

Robert Harvey, Comparative Literature, SBU, “Search for a Father: Sartre, Paternity, and the Question of Ethics”

Kevin William Janner, Director of Neuropsychological and Cognitive Rehabilitation Services, St. Johnland’s Nursing Center, Kings Park, New York

E. Ann Kaplan, English and Comparative Studies, SBU, “Looking for the Other: Feminism, Film and the Imperial Gaze”

Mary Kelly, Art, UCLA, “Desiring Images/Imagining Desire”

Ira Livingston, English, SBU, “Arrows of Chaos: Romanticism and Postmodernity”

Manning Marable, History, Columbia University, “Speaking Truth to Power: Essays on Race, Radicalism and Resistance”

Suparna Rajaram, Psychology, SBU

Clifford Siskin, English and Comparative Literature, SBU, “The Historicity of Romantic Discourse”

Lee Smolin, Professor at the Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry, Pennsylvania State University

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, “Don’t Call Me Postcolonial: From Kant to Kawakubo”

Susan Squier, English, SBU, “Babies in Bottles: Twentieth-Century Visions of Reproductive Technology”

Catherine Stimpson, Dean, NYU, “Class Notes”

Victoria Vesna, Director of EAT Lab at the Department of Arts Studio, UC Santa Barbara


“Pursuing the Abstract”

Edward Casey, Philosophy, SBU

Veronique Foti, Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University

Peter Pinchbeck, Painter, NYC

Edwin Ruba, Painter, NYC

Hugh Silverman, moderator


“Rhetoric, Knowledge, Mediation: The Social Role of Intellectuals and Scholars.”

Ken Baynes, Philosophy, SBU, “The Role of Intellectuals in the Public Sphere”

Lawrence Besserman, English, Hebrew University, “Ideology and the Prioress’s Tale”

Eleanor Antin, Lecture

Jostein Gripsrud, University of Bergen, Norway, “Public Sphere, Public Intellectuals: About Scholars and the Media”

Beverly Haviland, Comparative Literature, SBU, “Henry James’ Last Romance: Making Sense of the Past and the American Scene”

Paul Hunter, English and Director, The Humanities Institute at the University of Chicago, “Sound Argument: Rhyme, Reason, and the Cultural Structure of Early Modern English Verse”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, “Popular Culture and the Public Sphere”


“Art and Philosophy” Lecture Series

Janos Bekesi, Philosophy, University of Vienna, “Parergonal Aesthetics: Phenomenology and Art Theory”

John Russon, Department of Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, “Barbarian Landscapes: Art and Phenomenology in the Later Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty”

Daivid Antin, Eleanor Antin, Making Art: “Making History” “Making Art


“Art History and Criticism” Lecture Series

Diane Barthel, Sociology, “Back to Utopia: Staged Symbolic Communities”

Darcy Grimaldo Grisby, UC Berkeley, “Delacroix’s Massacre at Chios and the Risks of Heterosexual Conquest”

Norman Kleeblatt, Curator, The Jewish Museum, “The Aesthetics of the Institutional Critic: Recent Exhibitions that Interrogate Museum Display”

Robert Morgan, Rochester Institute of Technology, “Between Modernism and Conceptual Art”

Keith Moxey, Barnard College and Columbia University, “Art History’s Hegelian Unconscious”

James Smalls, Assistant Art History, Rutgers University, “That Characteristic Lip, That Mystic Eye: African American Self Portraiture”

Jack Spector, Rutgers University, “Rebus: The Fusion of Word and Image in the Education and Mature Productions of the French Avant-Garde”


“Technology and Millennium” Lecture Series

A joint presentation on “Computers and Linguistics”

Richard Larson, Linguistics, SBU

Yacov Shamash, Dean of Engineering, SBU

Alvy Ray Smith, Graphics Fellow, Microsoft Corporation, “The Post-Turning World: Contributions of Computation to the Arts”

David Warren, Chair and Computer Science, SBU


“Trauma, Aging, Ethnicity: Twentieth-Century Paradigms and the Future” Lecture Series

Sue Ellen Case, Drama, UC-Davis, “From Performance to Performativity: Body Plays on the Trans-National Stage”

Mary Ann Caws, English, French and Comparative Literature, CUNY Graduate Center, “Looking at Surrealist Women”

Anne McClintock, English Columbia University, “Transexions: Crossdressing, Race and Cyberbodies”

Juliet Mitchell, Cambridge University, England, “Feminism and Psychoanalysis in the Millennium”

Peggy Phelan, Performance Studies, NYU, “Performance and Death”

Kathleen Woodward, English and Director of the Center for 20th Century Studies, University of Wisconsin, “Generation Models: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Literature”


“Trauma, Memory, History: The Case of China and Beyond” Lecture Series

Cathy Caruth, Comparative Literature and English, Emory University, “The Claims of the Past.”

Leo Ou-fan Lee, East Asian Languages and Civilization, Harvard University, “War and Memory in the Popular Imagination: China 1937-1945”

Robert Jay Lifton, Psychology and Psychiatry, John Jay College, CUNY, “Apocalyptic Violence: The Case of Aum Shinri Kyo”

Robert Markley, English, West Virginia University, “China and the European Imagination: History, Cartography and Trade, 1500-1700”

Ban Wang, Comparative Literature, SBU, “Trauma, Memory, History: Visions of the Past in Contemporary Chinese Cinema”

Haoyuan Xu, Physician and Professor, University of Pennsylvania, “The Cultural Revolution in Retrospect”

Xudong Zhang, Rutgers University, “National Trauma, Global Allegory: The Invention of Historical Time in Post-revolutionary China”


Resident Fellows Program

Peter Hitchcock, visiting fellow from Baruch College, CUNY, Seminar: “Mao to the Market”

Lecture: “The Art of the Commodity: Cynicism and Abstraction in Chinese Art”


Film Series

“Chinese Film Series”, Co-Sponsored with the Staller Center

Army Nurse, directed by Hu Mei

Blue Kite, directed by Tian Zhuangzhuang

The Gate of Heavenly Peace, directed by Garma Hinton

A Girl from Hunan, directed by Xie Fei

Hiroshima Mon Amour, directed by Alain Resnais

Hisbiscus Town, directed by Xie Jin

The Joy Luck Club, directed by Wayne Wang

A Mongolian Tale, directed by Xie Fei

Shanghai Triad, directed by Zhang Yimou

To Live, directed by Zhang Yimou

Yellow Earth, directed by Chen Kaige


“Closely Watched Trains”: A Mini Series of Central European Socialist Film

Closely Watched Trains, directed by Jiri Menzel

The Firemen’s Ball, directed by Milos Forman

Love, directed by Karoly Makk

My Twentieth Century, directed by Ildiko Enyedi

The Shop on Main Street, directed by Jan Kadar and Elinar Klos

Sound Eroticism, directed byPeter Timar

The Witness, directed by Peter Bacso


Seminars and Courses

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, “Trauma, Aging, Ethnicity: Twentieth Century Paradigms and the Future”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, and Ban Wang, Comparative Literature, SBU, “Trauma, Memory, and Cultural Politics”



Themes: “Conceiving the Nation” and “Bordering Sex”



“The Horror! The Horror!” Pat Kahana


Visiting Lecturer Series

“Bordering Sex”

Jill Dolan, Executive Director of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies and the Executive Officer of the PhD Program in Theatre, “Difficult Relations: Academics and Activists, Performers and Critics, in Gay/Lesbian/Feminist/Theatre/Performance Studies”

Brad Epps, Harvard University, “Passing Lines: On Immigrations, Exclusion and Sexual Passing,” and “Passing Lines: On the Ideology of Immigration”

Rosemary Geisdorfer Feal, HISB resident fellow visiting from University of Rochester, “Sex Beyond Borders: Women’s Pornography en español

Jim Mandrell, Brandeis University, “’I Feel Pretty’: Carmen Miranda, Little Richard, and Liberace: The Necessary Queerness of American Culture”

Sylvia Molloy, New York University, “The Politics of Posing”

Louise Vasvari, SBU, “To Discipline and Punish: The Sexual Politics of Shrew Taming”


“Conceiving the Nations: Theories and Practices of Pre- and Post-Nation Formations”

Nestor García Canclini, Anthropology, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico,“Cultural Studies in the United States and Latin America: A Comparative Agenda for the Turn of the Century”

David Damrosch, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, “A Traitor to her Racists: Rigoberta Menchú and the Myth of Mayan Culture”

Faye Ginsburg, Anthropology, Director of the Center for Media, Culture and History, New York University, “First Nations Media and National Imaginaries”

Daniel James, History, Duke University, “Poetry, Factory, Labor, and Female Sexuality in Peronist Argentina”

Neil Larson, Modern Languages and Latin American Studies, Northwestern University, “The Hybrid Fallacy, or, Culture and the Question of Historical Necessity”

George Lipsitz, Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego, “Dangerous Crossroads: Culture, Politics, and Globalization”

Doris Sommer, Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, “Proceed with Caution: A Rhetoric of Particularism”

Gary Tomlinson, Music, University of Pennsylvania, “Montaigne’s Cannibals’ Songs”

Tomas Ybarra-Frausto, Associate Director of the Arts and Humanities, “Contemporary Latino Culture: Aqui y Alla


Co-sponsored event with the Art History and Criticism Series

Darcy Grimaldo Grisby, UC Berkeley, “Delacroix’s Massacre at Chois and the Risks of Heterosexual Conquest”

Donald Kuspit, Art, SBU, “The Psychoanalytic Construction of Art”

Catherine Sousloff, UC Santa Cruz, “Historiography of Technocriticism”


Two-Day Visiting Fellows Program

Nestor García Canclini, Anthropology, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, “Cultural Studies in the United States and Latin America: A Comparative Agenda for the Turn of the Century”

Stephen Greenblatt, English, UC Berkeley

Lecture: “Ghostly Memories”

Seminar: “Reflections on New Historicism”

Julia Kristeva, Psychoanalyst, Philosophy, Université de Paris, “Proust and Issues of Identity” and “Proust and the Dreyfus Affair”

Adrian Piper, “A Kantian Analysis of Xenophobia”

Doris Sommer, Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University, “Proceed with Caution: A Rhetoric of Particularism”


Resident Fellow Program

Rosemary Geisdorfer Feal, University of Rochester, “Sex Beyond Borders: Women’s Pornography en español

Nicholas Mirzoeff, Art History, University of Wisconsin, Madison, “On the Passage of a Jewish Artist through a Rather Dangerous Moment in Time”


Faculty Colloquium Series

Ursula Appelt, English, SBU, “Hybrid Formations: Contending Nationhood in Early American Literature”

Michele Bogart, Art, SBU, “Norman Rockwell, Commercial Artist”

Louise Vasvari, Comparative Literature, SBU, “To Discipline and Punish: The Sexual Politics of Shrew Taming”

Kathleen Vernon, Hispanic Languages and Literature, “The Two Maria’s Framing Race, Gender and Revolution in Spanish and Mexican Cinema”


Faculty Seminars

“Art and Philosophy: A Lecture Series”

Andrew Benjamin, Philosophy, University of Warwick and Visiting Professor, Columbia School of Architecture, “The Logic of Chora”

Thomas P. Brockleman, Philosophy, Le Moyne College, “Collage/City”

Slavoj Žižek, Senior Researcher, Institute of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, UAT, Visiting Professor, The New School, “From Sublime to Ridicule, or, Sexual Act in Cinema”


Rosemary Geisdorfer Feal (see Resident Fellows Program)

Nicholas Mirzoeff (see Resident Fellows Program)


Co-sponsored events with Women’s Studies Department

“Interdisciplinary Feminist Studies Colloquium”

Debra Castillo, Cornell University, “Border Lives: Narratives of Female Prostitution in Tijuana”

Nancy K. Miller, Distinguished English, The Graduate School and Lehman College, CUNY, “Memoirs of a Parent’s Death: Bequest and Betrayal”

Kate Millett, Sculptor, Author of Sexual Politics and Visiting Women’s Studies, SBU, “Conversations with Kate Millett”

Ann Snitow, Feminist Activist and faculty member for the Committee for Gender Studies and Feminist Theory, New School for Social Research, “Activist Anxieties: The Damaged Citizenship of Women in East and Central Europe”


Julio Ramos, UC Berkeley, “Memorial de un accidente: Contingencia y tecnologia en los exvotos quitenos

Leonardo Romero Tobar, Catedratico of the University of Zaragoza, “La presencia del topoi desde Espronceda hasta Antionio Machado atendiendo tambien su manifestacion paralela en cuadros y grabados


Co-sponsored events

Jill Dolan, “Executive Director of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies and the

Executive Officer of the PhD Program in Theatre, “Difficult Relations: Academics and Activists, Performers and Critics, in Gay/Lesbian/Feminist/Theatre/Performance Studies”

Frederick A. Lubich, Graduate Director and Chair of German, Rutgers University, “Patriarchy vs. Matriarchy: The Dialectics of Modernity in German Culture”

Kathleen Weil-Garris Brandt, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, “Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Frescoes­—Yesterday and Today”


HISB Courses

Professors E. Ann Kaplan and Jane Sugarman, Graduate level culture studies core seminar




Themes: “Traveling Cultures: Gender, Race and Media” and “Gender and Technology”



“Gender/ Technology”

Philip Auslander, Professor, School of Literature, Communication and Culture, Georgia Institute of Technology, “The Surgical Self: Orlan’s Theatre of Operation”

Lisa Cartwright, English and the Program in Visual and Cultural Studies University of Rochester, “Gender, Cultural Identity, and Criminality in The Visible Human Project”

Mark Dery, “Cenobite Centerfold: A Dissected Corpus on Post-human Body Modification, The Fate of the Flesh, and the Politics of Excess in Millennial Culture”

Alice Rayner, Drama, Stanford University, “The Bountiful Mother: Buying into Cyberchase”

Vivian Sobchack, Film and Television, Associate Dean of the School of Theater, Film and Television, UCLA, “The Morphological Imagination: Cinema, Surgery and Special Effects”

Susan Stryker, “Christine Jorgensen’s Atombomb, and The Surgeon Haunts My Dreams


“Migrating Words and Worlds: Pan-Africanism Updated”

Ama Ata Adioo

Amiri Baraka, moderator

Dany Bebel-Gisler (Guadeloupe)

Dr. Kamau Brathwaite (Barbados)

John Cameron, director of Africa Atunbi

Shimmer Chinodya (Zimbabwe)

Dr. Nawal el Sayed el Saadawi (Egypt)

Dr. Fred Preston, VP Student Affairs

Sonia Sanchez (U.S.)

Cheick Oumar Sissoko, Mali film director, presented his award-winning film Guimbathe Tyrant


Visiting Lecturer Series

“Gender, Media, Technology”

Laura Kipnis, Radio-Television-Film, Northwestern University, “The Eloquence of Pornography”

Ruby Rich, Visiting Rockefeller Fellow at the Center for Media Culture and History, New York University, “Historical Perspectives on Women in Film”


“Race, Media and Colonialism”

Christine Choy, March Film Festival

Radha Kumar, Feminist Colloquium Series

Eric Lott, American Studies, University of Virginia, “The Whiteness of Film Noir”

Lesley Marx, English, University of Capetown, “Ebony, Egoli and the Academy: The New World in the New South Africa”

Nicholas Mirzoeff, Art History, University of Wisconsin-Madison “Bodyscaping: The Body in Visual Culture”

Nikhil Singh, Faculty Colloquium Series, “Cola and Democracy in the American Century”

Cheick Oumar Sissoko, Mali film director, African Literature Association conference

Hortense Spillers, English, Cornell University, and Arif Dirlik & Dominick La Capra, “Psychoanalysis and Race”

George Yudice, Latin American Literature and Culture Studies, Hunter College, “The Privatization of Culture, North and South”


Additional Visiting Lecturers

Mary Caruthers, English, New York University, “The Mystery of the Bed Chamber: MnemonicInvention and the Late Medieval Dream Vision”

Catherine Clément, Université de Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne, “How History’s Voices Speak Through Opera”

Norberto Codina, Award-winning poet and Editor of La Graceta de Cuba, “Literary Journals in Cuba Today”

James Hay, Media and Cultural Studies, University of Illinois, “Thinking about the PLACE of Cinema and Cinema Studies (While Trying to Duck the Fireworks of Another Centennial Celebration of the Cinema)”

Allessandra Ponte, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Princeton University, “Landscape and Architecture: The Case of the American Desert”, “Cactus Columns: or Aesthetics at the ‘O.K.’ Corral, Landscape and the Structure of Westerns”

Paul Julian Smith, Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Cambridge, “The Lorca Cult: Theatre, Cinema, and Print Media in the 1980’s”

Stephen Tyler, Herbert S. Autrey, Anthropology, Rice University, “Vile Bodies”

Jonathan Weinberg, Art, Yale University, “Staged Artist: Sally Mann’s Immediate Family”


Two-day Visiting Fellows Program

Herbert Blau, Distinguished English and Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Lecture: “Afterthoughts from the Vanishing Point: Theater at the End of the Real”

Seminar: “On Fashion”

Theresa Brennan, Acting Director of Psychoanalytic Studies and Visiting Philosophy, New School for Social Research

Lecture: “Postmodern Politics and the Power of Conviction”

Seminar: “The Foundational Fantasy”

Arif Dirlik, History, Duke University

Lecture: “The Past as Legacy and Project: Ethnic/Indigenous Constructions of Identity”

Seminar: “Work and Culture in the Age of Global Capital”

Dominick La Capra, History and Director of the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University

Lecture: “Lanzmann’s Shoah: Here There Is No Why”

Seminar: “History and Memory: In the Shadow of the Holocaust”

Hortense Spillers, English, Cornell University, Lecture: “Psychoanalysis and Race”

Seminar: “On themes of Psychoanalysis and Race”


Interdisciplinary Feminist Studies Colloquium \

Isobel Armstrong, English, Birkbeck College, University of London, “Revolutions in Glass Technology, Revolutions in Gender in 19th-Century Culture”

Muriel Dimen, Clinical Psychology, New York University, “Strange Hearts: On the Paradoxical Liaison Between Psychoanalysis and Feminism”

Jane Flax, Political Science, Howard University, “The Clarence Thomas Hearings and the Revenge of the Repressed: Changing Subjects and the Limits of Liberal Political Institutions”

Radha Kumar, MacArthur Fellow at the War and Peace Center, Columbia University, “Women and Nationalism in Subaltern Theory”

Jane Marcus, Distinguished English and Women’s Studies, CUNY, “A Very Fine Negress: Race in A Room of One’s Own


Faculty Colloquium Series

Mark Aronoff, Linguistics, SBU, “Natural Language: The History of a Term”

Temma Kaplan, History and Women’s Studies, SBU, “Back from Beijing: The NGO and All That”

Barry McCoy, Physics, SBU, “Metaphysics”

Nikhil Singh, History, SBU, “Color and Democracy in the ‘American Century’”


Faculty Seminars on Cultural Studies

Ruth Hubbard, Biology, Harvard University, Seminar and lecture with faculty and graduate students

Nicholas Mirzoeff, of Art History, University of Wisconsin, Madison, “Bodyscaping: The Body in Visual Culture”


Film Series

“African Literature Association Conference”

This Land is Ours, directed by Saddik Belawa

Rouch in Reverse, directed by Manthia Diawara

Herdsman of the Sun, directed by Werner Herzog

Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask, directed by Isaac Julien

A Place of Rage, directed by Pratibha Parmar

Monday’s Girls, directed by Ngozi Onwurah

The Desired Number, directed by Ngozi Onwurah

Guimba the Tyrant, directed and presented by Cheick Oumar Sissoko


HISB Festival of Film and CulturalEvents

Who Killen Vincent Chin? directed by Christine Choy

I Can’t Sleep, directed by Claire Dennis

Dominick La Capra, lecture on: Lanzmann’s Shoah: “Here There Is No Why”

Shoah, directed by Claude Lanzmann

The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love, directed by Maria Maggenti

Disgraced Monuments, directed by Laura Mulvey and Mark Lewis

Ruby Rich, lecture on: “Historical Perspectives of Women in Film”

When Night is Falling, directed by Patricia Rozema

Guimba the Tyrant, directed by Cheick Oumar Sissoko

Once Were Warriors, directed by Lee Tamahori

The Silence of the Palace, directed by Moufida Tlatli


“Traveling Cultures”

Army Nurse, directed by Hu Mei

Black Narcissus, directed by Basil Wright

The Body Beautiful, directed by Ngozi Onwurah

Cat People, directed by Jacques Tourneur

Chocolat, directed by Claire Dennis

Daughters of the Dust, directed by Julie Dash

Disgraced Monuments, directed by Laura Mulvey with Mark Lewis

Dyketactics and Sync Touch, directed by Barbara Hammer

Perfect Image? directed by Maureen Blackwood

Flag, directed by Linda Gibson

Guimba the Tyrant, directed by Cheick Oumar Sissoko

How to Kill Her, directed by Ana Maria Simo

Illusions, directed by Julie Dash

The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love, directed by Maria Maggenti

Jungle Fever, directed by Spike Lee

Khush, directed by Pratibha Parmar

A Man’s Woman and Marx: The Video, directed by Laura Kipnis

Memsahib Rita, directed by Pratibha Parmar

Mississippi Masala, directed by Mira Nair

Nice Colored Girls, directed by Tracy Moffatt

Not a Jealous Bone, directed by Cecelia Condit

On Cannibalism, directed by Fatima Tobing Rony

Pressure Point, directed by Stanley Kramer

Privilege, directed by Yvonne Rainer

Reassemblage, directed by Thi Minh-ha

Shoot for the Contents, directed by Thi Minh-ha

A Song of Ceylon, directed by Laleen Jayamanne

The Song of Ceylon, directed by Basil Wright

Territories, directed by Sandofa

Two Lies, directed by Pam Tom

Warrior Marks, directed by Pratibha Parmar

Who Killen Vincent Chin? directed by Christine Choy


Humanities Institute Courses

E. Ann Kaplan, “Traveling Cultures, Traveling Cameras: Conflicting Identities in Film and Theory” and “Women, ‘”Nation’, and Film”




Theme: “Performance and Performativity”



“The Ethics of Human Genetics: Real Issues and Red Herrings”

Elof Carlson, Bio-genetics, SBU, moderator for “Implications of Eugenics for Human Genetics”

Ruth Cowan, History, University of Pennsylvania, panelist for “Implications of Eugenics for Human Genetics”

Arthur Grollman, Pharmacology, SBU moderator for “Can We Know Too Much?”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, moderator for “Human Genetics and the Conception of the Self”

Eugene Katz, Microbiology and Biological Sciences, SBU, panelist for “Privacy and Human Genetics in the Workplace”

Ira Livingston, English, Pratt Institute, panelist for “Can We Know Too Much?”

Curt Naser, The Institute for Medicine in Contemporary Society, panelist for “Human Genetics and the Conception of the Self”

Wolf Schafer, History, SBU, moderator for “Implications of Eugenics for Human Genetics”, panelist for “Can We Know Too Much?”

Lawrence Slobodkin, SBU, Ecology and Evolution, panelist for “Human Genetics and the Conception of the Self”

Susan Squier, English, SBU, panelist for “Can We Know Too Much?”

Karyn Valerius, Graduate Student in English, panelist for “Privacy and Human Genetics in the Workplace”


“Reframing Psychoanalysis”

Leo Bersani, French, UC Berkeley, “Caravaggio’s Passion”

Juliet Mitchell, Visiting Professor, Cornell University, “Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and Hysteria”

Kaja Silverman, Department of Rhetoric, UC Berkeley, “The Active Gift of Love”


Visiting Lecturer Series

“Issues in Cultural Studies”

Ronald Armando Baró, salsa musician, “What Makes Salsa?”

Crystal Bartolovich, Literary and Cultural Studies, Carnegie Mellon University, “Mapping the New World Order”

Claudia Brodsky-Lacour, Comparative Literature, Princeton University, “Temporary Foundations: Architecture and the Discourse of Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Nietzsche”

Isaac Julien, Founder of Sankofa Film and Video Collective, “Confessions of a Snow Queen: Notes on Making The Attendant”

Ivan Karp, Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts, Emory University, “Cultural Diversity and the Politics of Display”

Philip Martin, Head of Humanities at Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education, “Authoring the Self: Reading Clare Being Byron”

Annette Michelson, Cinema Studies, New York University, “Lolita’s Progeny”

Clyde Taylor, New York University’s Center for Media, Culture and History, “Adventures in Pagan Modernism: Jazz, Black Popular Culture, and Cinema”


“Performance, Culture and Subversive Bodies: A Colloquium Series”

Abena Busia, Rutgers University, English, “Reflections on Performing Difference; or, Mediating the Body through the Politics of Culture”

Judith Butler, Rhetoric and Comparative Literature, UC-Berkeley, “States of Paranoia: Homophobia and Citizenship,” and “Future Kinship”

Ping Chong, Chinese Theatre Troupe, “Undesirable Elements”

Elin Diamond, Rutgers University, English, “Gestic’ Bodies: Performance and Cultural Politics”

Richard Dyer, Film Studies, University of Warwick, “The Light of the World: White People and the Film Image,” and “White Muscle Men”

Paul Gilroy, Sociology, Goldsmith College at London University, “Downtown and Doggie Style: Biopolitics and Etho-poetics in the Black Public Sphere,” and “The Black Atlantic and the Politics of Exile”

N. Katherine Hayles, English, UCLA, “Gender Trouble in Cyberspace”

Holly Hughes, Performance Artist, “Clit Notes”

Mary Louise Pratt, Spanish and Portuguese, Stanford University, “Writing Beyond Memory: Undoing the Culture of Fear in Chile,” and “Pia Barros’ Short Fiction”


Additional Visiting Lecturers

Rolena Adorno, Spanish Literature, Princeton University, “Latin American Colonial Discourse and The Twentieth Century Reader”

Robert L. Belknap, Columbia University, Russian, “The Theory of the Literary Plot”

Juan Flores, Africana & Puerto Rican/Latino Studies, Hunter College, “Researching Latino Culture Today”

Judith Halberstam, English, UC San Diego, “Bodies That Splatter: Queers and Chain Saws”

Bell Hooks, Women Studies, Oberlin College, “Forum on Black Women and the Criminal Justice System”

Tricia Rose, Africana Studies, New York University, “To Be Young, Blessed, and Black: Reading Black Women’s Sexuality on the IRT”

Jana Vizmuller-Zocco, Languages, Literature, and Linguistics, York University, Toronto, “Varieties of Italian in Toronto”

Susan Winnett, English and American Studies, Universitat-Hamburg, “You Need Not Drink the River to get Home Gendered: Interventions in the Theory of the Novel”


Fellows Program

Etienne Balibar, Philosophy, University of Paris X, Nanterre, “Universality and Hegemony”

Judith Butler, Rhetoric, UC Berkeley, “States of Paranoia: Homophobia and Citizenship”

Richard Dyer, Film Studies, University of Warwick, “The Light of the World: White People and The FilmImage”

Paul Gilroy, Sociology and Cultural Studies, Goldsmith’s College, London University, “Downtown and Doggie-Style: Biopolitics and Etho-poetics in the Black Public Sphere”

Amitava Kumar, English, University of Florida at Gainesville, “Trapped Between Epitaphs and Manifestos”

Mary Louise Pratt, Spanish and Portuguese, NYU, “Writing Beyond Memory: Undoing the Culture of Fear in Chile”

Kay Torney, EnglishLaTrobe University, Australia, “Babies in the Deathscape: Psychic Identity in Australian Autobiography”


Interdisciplinary Feminist Studies Colloquium

Elizabeth Grosz, Director, Institute of Critical and Cultural Studies, Monash University, “Animal Sex: Death and Desire”

Juliet Mitchell, Institute for Psychoanalysis and Visiting Professor, Cornell University, “Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and Hysteria”

Oku Oncora, Jamaican dub poet

Ellen Ross, History and Women’s Studies, “Historicizing Motherhood: Guilt, Gratitude, and Freedom”

Sheila Rowbotham, Author of Women’s Consciousness and Man’s World, “Consumption and Protest in Britain and the United States, Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century”


Faculty Colloquium Series

William Arens, Anthropology, SBU, “Rethinking Anthropology”

Samuel Baron, Music, SBU, “The Performer: Subversive or Indispensable?”

Helen Cooper, English, SBU, “Tracing the Route to England: Nineteenth-Century Caribbean Interventions in British Debates on Slavery, Race, and Empire”

E. Anthony Hurley, French and Italian Literature, SBU, “History and Authenticity in French Caribbean Literature”

Howardina Pindell, Art, SBU, “A Painter’s Autobiography”


Film Series

Geurillas in Our Midst, directed by Amy Harrison

Hairspray, directed by John Waters

Looking for Langston, directed by Isaac Julien

Seashell and the Clergyman, directed be Germaine Dulac

Tongues United, directed by Marlon Riggs




“Disorderly Disciplines: The State of Humanities Research and Teaching in the 1990s”

Jonathan Arac, University of Pittsburgh

Pete Brooks, Yale University

Ralph Cohen, University of Virginia

Johnaton Culler, Cornell University

Don Ihde, Philosophy, SBU

Cora Kaplan, Rutgers University

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU

Richard Kramer, SBU

Teorye Levine, Rutgers University

Wehneema Lubiano, Princeton University

Helene Moglin, UC Santa Cruz

Abdul Jan Mohammed, UC Berkeley

Bruce Robbins, Rutgers University

Mark Rose, UCHRI Irvine

Joseph Stanton, University of Hawaii

Simon Williams, UC Santa Barbara


Visiting Lecturer Series

“History and Narrative”: A Colloquium Series

Ralph Cohen, Commonwealth Center for Literary and Cultural Change at the University of Virginia, “History, Narrative, and Genre”

Amy Kaplan, English, Mount Holyoke College, “Imperial Triangles: Mark Twain’s Foreign Affairs”

Jonathan Spence, History, Yale University, “Catching the Past: Narrative and Diction in Chinese History”

Judith Walkowitz, History, John Hopkins University, “Going Public: Shopping, Sexual Harassment and Streetwalking in Victorian London”


“History and Narrative” Symposium

Aijaz Ahmad, Nehru Memorial Library, New Delhi, “Religio-Cultural Identities and the Nation-State”

Perry Anderson, History, UCLA, “European Union?”

Timothy Brennan, English, SBU, Respondent

Khachig Tölölyan, English, Wesleyan University, Respondent


“Issues in Cultural Studies”

Michael Bérubé, English, University of Illinois, “Entertaining Cultural Criticism”

Michael Denning, African Studies, Yale University, “Symbolic Acts and Cultural Apparatuses: The Origins of Cultural Studies in the U.S.”

Manthia Diawara, Center for Africana Studies, New York University, “Malcolm X and the Public Sphere: The Conversionists vs. the Culturalists”

Warren Robbins, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC, “Unmasking Picasso: A Slide Presentation on ‘The African Legacy in Modern Art’”

Marilyn Yalom, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Stanford University, “Women’s Memoirs of the French Revolution”


Additional Visiting Lecturers

Anindita Balslev, Cultural Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark, “Time Metaphors and Cross-Cultural Conversations”

Geoffrey Eley, History, University of Michigan, “Cultural Socialism and the Mass Public: Disciplinary Nightmare of Emancipatory Dream?”

Adrienne Kennedy, playwright, “A Conversation with Adrienne Kennedy”

John May, English, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, “Catholic Film Theory: A Proposal” And “Contemporary Theories of the Religious Interpretation of Film”

Kumkum Sangari, English, Indraprastha College for Women, Delhi University, “The Amenities of Domestic Life: Domestic Labor in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”


Fellows Program

Aijaz Ahmad, Professorial Fellow, Nehru Memorial Library, New Delhi, “Post-colonialism: What’s in a Name?”

Perry Anderson, History, UCLA, “Nationalism and Internationalism: Metamorphoses 1750-1990”

Jane Gallop, English and Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, “The Teacher’s Breasts”

Diane Kirkby, History, Latrobe University, Australia, “’The Photographer and the Barmaid’ Photographic Texts and Historical Narrative”

Tanika Sarkar, History, St. Stephen’s College, Delhi University, “Women of the Hindu Right”

Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, English, Duke University, “Shame and Performativity”

Paul Smith, Literary and Cultural Studies, Carnegie Mellon University, “Unified Capital: Uniculturalism, Multiculturalism, and Germany”

Patricia White, Women’s Studies, Barnard College, “Cinema, Theory, and Lesbian Representability”


Interdisciplinary Feminist Studies Colloquium

Anne Farnsworth Alvear, History, University of Pennsylvania, “Virginity and Paternalist Discipline: Factory Patriarchy and Its Discontents in Colombia”

Ruth Behar, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, “Writing in My Father’s Name”

Rosemary Geisdorfer Feal, University of Rochester, “Rape and the Reader: Textual Violence, Politics, and Representation in Contemporary Latin American Narrative”


Faculty Colloquium Series

Barbara Elling, German and Slavic Languages, SBU, “Multiculturalism: A European Perspective”

Krin Gabbard, Comparative Studies, SBU, “Trickster or Uncle Tom?: Reading Louis Armstrong and His Films”

Herman Lebovics, History, SBU, “How to Preserve a National Cultural Heritage and Kill off Cultural Creativity: André Malraux at the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, 1959- 1969”

Malcolm Read, Hispanic Languages and Literature, SBU, “Writing the Institution: Toward a History of Modern Hispanism”


Film Series

African Film Series at HISB

Afrique: Je Te Plumerai, directed by Jean-Marie Teno

Finzan, directed by Cheick Oumar

Lumumba: Death of a Prophet, directed by Raoul Peck

Quartier Mozart, directed by Jean-Pierre Bekolo


Co-sponsored Film Series with Village Cinema (at Theatre Three)

The Ballad of Little Jo, directed by Maggie Greenwald

Bopha, directed by Morgan Freeman

Forbidden Love, directed by Aerlyn Weissman and Lynn Fernie

Household Saints, directed by Nancy Savoca

Into the West, directed by Mike Newell

Searching for Bobby Fischer, directed by Steve Zaillan

The War Room, directed by D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus

The Wedding Banquet, directed by Ang Lee


Faculty Seminar on Cultural Studies

E. Ann Kaplan, “Introduction to Cultural Studies”




“Reproductive Technologies”

Betsy P. Aigen, The Surrogate Mother Program of New York, “Presentation of Surrogacy”

Radhika Balakrishnan, Ford Foundation, “Personal Account”

Martha Calhoun, Assistant Corporate Counsel, New York Department of Law, “Adoption/IVF/Law”

Elof Carlson, Biochemistry, SBU, “Comments”

Ruth Cowan, History, SBU, “Comments”

Helen Cooper, Acting Vice Provost for Graduate Studies, SBU, “Learning from Adoption”

Kathleen Droech, Obstetrics and Gynecology, SBU, “Case Presentation”

Siddarth Dube, MAPH, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, “Comments”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, “Comments”

Daniel Kenigsberg, L.I. Jewish Medical Center, “Medical Commentary”

David Kreiner, L.I. Jewish Medical Center, “Case Presentation”

Isabel Marcus, Law, SUNY Buffalo, “Comments”

Rayna Rapp, Keynote: The New School for Social Research, “Race, Class and Reproductive Technologies”

Barbara Katz Rothman, CUNY Baruch College, Keynote, “Listening to Women”

Ella Shohat, Performing Arts, CUNY Staten Island, “Laser Women: Endo Discourse and the Interpretation of Science”

Susan Squier, English, SBU, “Representation of the Reproductive Body” and “Comments”

Jennifer Terry, Comparative Studes, Ohio State University, “Criminalization of Pregnancy”

Nancy Tomes, History, SBU, Moderator

Kay Torney, English, La Troube University in Melbourne, “Nursing Narratives”

Carolyn Trunca, Specialist in Medical Genetics and Clinical Cytogenetics, “Case Presentation”

John Wiltshire, University of Melbourne, “Nursing Narratives”

Lisa Glick-Zucker, Attorney, ACLU Office, Newark, NJ, “Comments”


Visiting Lecturer Series

“Issues in Cultural Studies”

Nancy Armstrong, Comparative Literature, Brown University, “Foucault and Modern Nationality” Seminar: A discussion of her articles “Emily’s Ghost: The Cultural Politics of Victorian Fiction, Folklore, and Photography” and “The American Origins of the English Novel”

Stanley Aronowitz, Sociology, Director for the Center for Cultural Studies, CUNY Graduate Center, “The Future of Cultural Studies”

Michel Deguy, Literature and Philosophy, Université de Paris VIII, “Poetic Art”

Gerald Graff, George M. Pullman Humanities and English, University of Chicago, “Going Public: Academics Representing Themselves”

Oda Makota, Social and Literary Critic from Japan, Visiting Professor, Comparative Studies, SBU, “The USA, Japan, and the Others”

Benita Parry, “On J. M. Coetzee”

Janet Staiger, Department of Radio-Television-Film, University of Texas at Austin, “Violence, Re-enactment and the JFK Controversy”

Peter Stallybrass, English, University of Pennsylvania, “Clothes, Mourning, and the Life of Things”

Leo Treitler, Distinguished Music, CUNY Graduate School, “The Invention of a European Musical Culture in the Middle Ages: Meditations on the Past in the Present”

Dmitry M. Urnov, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Literature and Culture, Moscow Institute of Foreign Affairs. “Taking Sides in Russia Today”

Michael Warner, English at Rutgers University, “Something Queer about the Nation State”


“Ethnicity in the New America: The University of the Future”

Catherine Hall, Reader in Cultural Studies/Cultural History, University of East London, “A Jamaica of the Mind: White Visions/Black Lives in Nineteenth-Century England”

Trinh Minh-Ha, Women’s Studies, UC Berkeley, Cinema at San Francisco State University, “Discussion of films Reassemblage and Shoot for the Contents

Masao Miyoshi, Japanese, English and Comparative Literature, UC San Diego, “From Colonialism to Transnationalism”

Patricia J. Williams, School of Law, Department of Women’s Studies, University of Wisconsin, “The Rooster’s Egg”


Four-day Visiting Fellows Program

Sue-Ellen Case, English, UC Riverside

Lecture: “Windows 2.0: Lesbians and the Screen”

Seminar: “Seduced and Abandoned: Inclusionary and Exclusionary Critical Tactics

Among Chicana and Anglo Lesbians”

Sneja Gunew, School of Humanities, Deakin University, Australia

Lecture: “Multicultural Differences: The Australian Context”

Seminar: “Theorizing Agency Without Identity: Feminism/ Postcolonialism/ Multiculturalism”

Edward W. Said, English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University

Lecture: “The Eighteenth Century in Opera”

Seminar: “Comparative Studies: Then and Now”


Fellows Program

Estelle Cohen, London Polytechnic, “What the Women at all Times Would Laugh At: Representation and Authority in Medical Texts circa 1670-1730”

Helen Grace, University of Western Australia

Lecture: “The Surface of the Skin: Photography and the Post-Colonial Moment”

Seminar: “Economic Pleasure and Pain: Masculinity, Hysteria and the Market”

Jennifer Terry, Science, Technology and Values in the Division of Comparative Studies in the Humanities, Ohio State University, “Stories Animals Tell: Predicaments of Gender in Recent Biological Research on Sexual Orientation” Seminar: “Politics, Bodies, and Body Politics”

Helen Yeates, Lecturer and the School of Media and Journalism, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, “Victimless Crimes and Crimeless Victims: Women, Crime and the Australian Media”


Faculty Colloquium Series

William Bruehl, Theatre Arts, SBU, “The Actors’ Craft and the Interpretation of Text, or How Actors Use Action to Give Meaning to Words”

Ira Livingston, English, SBU, “Fractal Poetics”

John Lutterbie, Theatre Arts, SBU, “Approaching Difference: Subjection and the Discourse of the Other”

Anthony Rizzuto, French and Italian, SBU, “Albert Camus’ Nuptials: Questions of Sexuality”

Olufemi Vaughan, African Studies, SBU, “Traditional and Communal Politics in Africa”


Film Series

“Independent Filmmakers”

Enchanted April, directed by Mike Newell

Gas, Food, Lodging, directed by Allison Anders

Guerillas in our Midst, directed by Amy Harrison

Night on Earth, directed by Jim Jarmusch

Post No Bills, directed by Clay Walker

Proof, directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse

Simple Men, directed by Hal Hartley

Waterland, directed by Stephan Gyllenhaal


“Myths and Realities: American Films from the 1950s”

Born Yesterday, directed by George Cukor

The Defiant Ones, directed by Stanley Kramer

The Girl Can’t Help It, directed by Frank Tashlin

Invasion of the Body Snatchers, directed by Don Siegel

Salt of the Earth, directed by Herbert Biberman

On the Beach, directed by Stanley Kramer

Rebel Without a Cause, directed by Nicholas Ray


Co-Sponsored Events

“Images in Science and Humanities” Seminar Series

Krin Gabbard, Comparative Studies, SBU

Gene Gindi, Radiology, SBU

Don Harrington, Chair of Radiology, SBU, presentation of his research and clinical work

Don Ihde, Philosophy, SBU

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, images of the fetus in film, television and popular journalism

Terrence Netter, Director, Staller Center

Discussion of Bill Moyer’s “The Public Mind,” a PBS series


“Interdisciplinary Feminist Studies Colloquium”

Ann Gibson, Art History, SBU, “The Tools of the Master: Black Women, White Women and the Language of Abstraction”

Cecile Grayson, Oxford University and New York University, “Dante and Le Roman de la Rose”

Margaret Homans, English, Yale University, “Contemporary African American Women Writers and Postmodern Feminism”

Brenda R. Silver, English, Dartmouth College, “Imag(in)ing Virginia Woolf”

Patricia Wright, Anthropology, SBU, “Female Leadership in Madagascar”


Other Co-sponsored Lectures

Purushottama Bilimoria, Deakin University Geelong, Australia, “Modernism and Indian Art”

Peter Stallybrass, English, “A Life of Their Own: Clothes on the Renaissance Stage”

Pierre Taminiaux, French, Georgetown University, “Surrealism and the Community of Writing” –A

Ruth Weinreb, French and Italian, SBU, “Louise d’Epinay and the Eighteenth-Century Periodical Press (la Correspondance Litteraire)”


Humanities Institute Courses

E. Ann Kaplan, “Media, Race, and Society” and “White Skin, Black Masks: Feminist Film Theory Revisited, or Race/Gender/Genre/Psychoanalysis”




“Ethnicity in the New America: The University of the Future”

Hazel Carby, English, Yale University, “Multi-Cultural Wars”

Carlos Hortas, Professor and Dean of Humanities and Arts, Hunter College, “Cultural Diversity and Academic Consensus”

Amy Ling, English, University of Wisconsin at Madison, “Asian American Studies: Past, Present and Future”

Mario Valdés, Hispanic Languages and Literature, University of Toronto, “The Sense and the Fury of the Political Correctness Wars”


“Interdisciplinary Feminist Studies Colloquium”

Hester Eisenstein, American Studies, SUNY Buffalo, “Lessons from Australia: Strategies for Feminist Futures”

Susan McClary, Music, University of Minnesota, “Identity and Difference in Bizet’s Carmen

Diane Middlebrook, English, Stanford University, “Telling Secrets: The Ethics of Disclosure in Biography”

Sally Ruddick, Philosophy, The New School for Social Research, “Maternal Thinking: Towards a Politics of Peace”

Valerie Smith, Afro-American Studies, UCLA, “Telling Family Secrets: Narrative and Ideology in Suzanne, Suzanne by Camille Billops and James V. Hatch”


“Researching the Researcher: or How I Do It?” Roundtable

Dan Davis, Earth and Space Sciences, SBU

David Halle, Sociology, SBU

Patrick Heelan, Dean of Humanities, Philosophy, SBU

Richard Kramer, Music, SBU

Ira Livingston, English, SBU

Nancy Tomes, History, SBU

C. N. Yang, Director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics


Visiting Lecturer Series

John Beverley, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, “By Lacan: The Crisis of Marxism and Postmodernist Cultural Politics in Latin America”

Bernadette Fort, French, Northwestern University, “An Academician in the Underground: Ch. N. Cochin and the Politics of Art Criticism in Eighteenth-Century France”

Andreas Huyssen, German and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, “The Museum as Mass Medium”

Jacqueline Rose, University of Sussex, England, “Women and Psychoanalytic Inheritance: Melanie Klein and Anna Freud”

Valerie Smith, Afro-American Studies, UCLA, “Telling Family Secrets: Narrative and Ideology in Suzanne, Suzanne by Camille Billops and James V. Hatch”

Susan Squier, English, SBU, “Conceiving Difference: Reproductive Technology and the Construction of Identity in Two Contemporary Fictions”

Michele Wallace, City College, “Race, Gender, and Psychoanalysis in Forties Film: Lost Boundaries and Home of the Brave


Four-Day Visiting Fellows Program

Sandra Harding, Philosophy and Director of Women’s Studies, University of Delaware

Lecture: “Science in the World Community: The Need for ‘Strong Reflexivity”

Seminar: “Science, ‘Race’, and Remaking Democracy: The Project”

Bruno Latour, Professor at the Centre de Sociologie de I’Innovation, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris

Lecture: “From Postmodernism to Non-modernism.”

Seminar: “The Cultural Life of Technical Artifacts: About the Aramis Subway Story”


Resident Fellows Program

David Glover, The New School for Social Research, “Face to Face with the Vampire of Reason: Technology, Culture, Ethics”

Whetbee Mullen, University of Kent, Canterbury


Feminist Studies Colloquium

Sally Ruddick, Philosophy, The New School for Social Research, “Notes to a Feminist Politico”


Faculty Colloquium Series

Carol Blum, French and Italian, SBU, “Of Women and the Land: Legitimizing Husbandry in Eighteenth Century France”

Donald Ihde, Philosophy, SBU, “Technoscience and Pluri-Culture”

Richard Leven, English, SBU, “The Current Polarization of Literary Studies”

Kay Walkingstick, Art, SBU, “Paintings: 1975-1990”


Film Series

“Independent Filmmakers: Visions and Revisions”

An Evening with Carol Saft

Hanging with the Home Boys, directed by Joseph B. Vasquez

Iron and Silk, directed by Shirley Sun

Never Leave Nevada, directed by Steve Swartz

Poison, directed byTodd Haynes

Privilege, directed by Yvonne Rainer

The Unbelievable Truth, directed by Hal Hartley


“Viewing Japan: Films From the Past Decade”

Beijing Watermelon, directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi

The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On, directed by Kauo Hara

The Family Game, directed by Yoshimitsu Morita

The Go Masters, directed by Ji-shen Duan and Jun’ya Satô

Mystery Train, directed by Jim Jarmusch

Song of Exile, directed by Ann Hui

A Taxing Woman’s Return, directed by Juzo Itami

To Sleep as to Dream, directed by Kaizo Hayashi


Co-Sponsored Lectures

Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, History and Eleonore Raoul, Humanities, Emory University, “Of Quilts and Cape Jasmines: The Languages of Identity”

Geoffrey Fox, scholar and translator, “From Amadis de Gaula to Amanda Sabater: 500 Years of Soap Opera”


Co-Sponsored Events

“Culture and Society in the Eighteenth Century”

Iona Man-Cheong, History, SBU, “Eighteenth-Century Studies, and the Women’s Studies Program”

Nicholas Mirzoeff, Art History, University of Texas, “Signs and Citizens: Sign Language and Pictorial Sign in the French Revolution”

Jeremy Popkin, History, University of Kentucky, “Marat and the Eighteenth-Century Science of Violence”

Clifford Siskin, English, SBU, “The Lyricization of Labor”

Kathleen Wilson, History, SBU, “Empire of Virtue: Imperialism and Culture in Georgian England”


“Images in Science and Humanities Seminar”

Gene Gindi, Radiology, SBU

Don Harrington, Radiology, SBU, presentation of his clinical work and research

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, presented her research on images of the fetus in film, television and popular journalism

Terrence Netter, Director, Staller Center


Humanities Institute Courses

Tim Brennan, “Post-1945 British Culture” and E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU


Theme: “Culture and/as Politics: Travels, History, Feminism”



“Art, Technology and the Institution II”

James Boone, Anthropology, Princeton University, “Why Museums Make Me Sad”

Aldona Joanaitis, American Museum of Natural History, “From the Disappearing Indian to the Co-Curator: Representing Native Americans”

Donald Preziozi, Art History, UCLA, “Framing Modernity”

Marianna Torgovnik, Duke University, “Piercing: Contemporary Forms of Primitivism”

Peter Wollen, Film and Television, UCLA, “The Museum in the Context of the Heritage Industry and Rubbish Theory”


“Images of Jews in Hollywood – a retrospective”

Wanda Bershan, National Jewish Archives of Broadcasting, The Jewish Museum, New York, “Re-Presenting Ethnicity”

Lester Friedman, Syracuse University, “‘Stars’ of David”

Audrey Kupferberg, Yale University Film Study Center, “Images of Jewish Women in Hollywood Film”

Elisa New, University of Pennsylvania, “Stereotype and Filmic Stylization in Bernard Malamud and Films of the 80’s”


“Images of Jews in Hollywood II – a retrospective”

Lester Friedman, English and Humanities, Syracuse University, “Enemies: A Love Story”

Annette Insdorf, Professor and Co-Chair of Graduate Film Division, Columbia Univerity, “To Be or Not To Be”

Audrey Kupferberg, Director and Film Study Center Archivist, Yale University, American Film Institute, “Jewish Women in the Film Industry”


“Local and National Politics” Series

Gunter Frankenberg, Law, University of Darmstadt, and Harvard University Law School, “Euphoria and Memory: The Fragilities of United Germany after the December Elections”

Dick Howard, Philosophy, SBU, “The Gulf War: Politics by Other Means?”

Janusz Reykowski, Psychology, Polish Academy of Science, “Psychological Dimensions of a Socio-Political Change: The Polish Case”

Ian Roxborough, Stony Brook Sociology Department, “Inflation and Democracy: The Latin American Dilemma”

Herman Schwengel, Sociological Institute, University of Berlin, “A Divided Germany: German Choices”


Visiting Lecturer Series

Steve Cagan, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University, “Activist Photography: The Possibility of Social Intervention”

Drucilla Cornell, Cardozo School of Law, “Gender, Sex and Equivalent Rights”

Stephen Crofts, Griffith University, “‘Shame:’ An Introduction and Discussion.” (Cancelled Event)

Michael Holquist, Soviet and Eastern European Studies, Yale University, “Beautiful ‘Science’ and Cultural Relativism”

William Kerrigan, English, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, “The Renaissance Mechanism”

Maxine Hong Kingston, English, UC Berkeley, discussion

Ernesto Laclau, Political Theory, University of Essex, “Difference, Temporality and Representation”

Chantal Mouffe, Programme Director, Collège International de Philosophie, “Radical Democracy and Difference: The Limits of Pluralism”

Laura Mulvey, British Filmmaker and Theorist, “The Theme of Fetishism in Ousmane Sembene’s Xala

Janusz Reykowski, Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Science, “Who is my Neighbor? Cognitive and Affective Pre-Conditions for Helping in Extreme Conditions”

Robert Stam, Cinema Studies, New York University, “Bakhtin, Dialogism and the Mutual Illumination of Cultures”

Michele Wallace, Center for Workers’ Education, CUNY, “Problems of Afro-American Visibility in USA Culture”


“Interdisciplinary Feminist Studies Colloquium”

Nina Auerbach, English, University of Pennsylvania, “Between Ectoplasm and Evil: Women’s Ghosts”

Virginia Held, Philosophy, CUNY, “Women and War”

Jane Marcus, English, University of Texas at Austin, “Britannia Rules the Waves”

Nadine Taub, Rutgers University Law School, “How to Think About Care-Taking: Legal and Conceptual Issues”

Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Philosophy, Wesleyan College, “Re-Reading Freud on Female Psychology”


Four-day Visiting Fellows Program

Houston Baker, English and Center for Black Literature and Culture, University of Pennsylvania

Lecture: “Popular Culture and the Humanities in the 1990s”

James Clifford, History of Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz

Lecture: “Cultures of Travel”

Seminar: “On Traveling Theory”

Joan Wallach Scott, Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University

Lecture: “A French Feminist Claims Political Rights in 1848”

Seminar: “On Experience”


Resident Fellows Program

Krysztof Debnicki, Indology, Oriental Institute, Warsaw University, “Film and Society in India”

Caren Kaplan, English, Georgetown University, “Feminism and the Critique of Colonial Discourse: Amy Ling and Versions of The King and I


“Researching the Researcher: or How I Do It” Series

Dan Davis, Earth Sciences, Patrick Heelan, Philosophy and Humanities and Fine Arts, and Nancy Tomes, History, “How I Do It”

Mark Granovetter, Sociology, Dusa McDuff, Mathematics, and Sandy Petrey, Comparative Literature, “Opening Seminar on ‘How I Do It’

George Miller, Psychology, Princeton University, “On Methodology.”


Faculty Colloquium Series

Seyla Benhabib, Philosophy, SBU, “Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger: Philosophy, Politics and Eros”

Roman de la Campa, Comparative Literature, SBU, “Modernity and Latin America: Literacy Myth or Belated Destiny”

Teresa De Lauretis, the History of Consciousness, University of California, Santa Cruz, “Psychofeminisms”

Donald Kuspit, Art History, SBU, “A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of the Paradigmatic Esthetic Dualism”

Judith Lochhead, Music, SBU, “Alban Berg’s Lulu: Her Critics and Her Music”

Laura Mulvey, Filmmaker and Theorist, SBU Graduate Student, “Blue Velvet and Psychoanalysis.”

Nice Colored Girls, a Film by Tracy Moffatt, Introduced by E. Ann Kaplan


Film Series

“Images of Jews in Hollywood: A Retrospective”

Crossfire, directed by Edward Dmytryk

Enemies: A Love Story, directed by Paul Mazursky

Goodbye Columbus, directed by Larry Peerce

Hester Street, directed by Joan Micklin Silver

His People, directed by Edward Sloman

The Plot Against Harry, directed by Michael Roemer

Radio Days, directed by Woody Allen

To Be or Not To Be, directed by Ernst Lubitsch


Co-sponsored Film Series

“Festival of Soviet Arts”

John Bowlt, Art History, UCLA, “Avant-Garde Russian Art”

Vera Dunham, Professor Emeritus, Queens College, Keynote, “Glasnost and Cultural Change”

Leonard Quart, Film, CUNY Staten Island, “Glasnost in Soviet Film”

Lecture: On Soviet Film

Louis Menashe, Eastern European History, Brooklyn Polytechnic, “Glasnost in Soviet Film”

Come and See, directed by Elem Klimov

Jazz Man, directed by Karen Shakhnazarov

Little Vera, directed by Vesily Pichul

A Man with Connections, written by Alexander Gelman, Theatre Three

Mirror, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky

My Friend Ivan Lapshin, directed by Aleksei Gherman

Oblomov, directed by Nikita Mikhalkov

Scarecrow, directed by Rolan Bykov

Tchaikovsky Chamber Orchestra, Staller Center


Humanities Institute Courses

E. Ann Kaplan, “Cinema and Contemporary Literary and Film Theory”

Caren Kaplan and E. Ann Kaplan, “Post-Colonial Theories”




Theme: “Cross-Cultural Modes of Representation: Theories and Practices”



“Art, Technology and the Institution”

Mary Ann Doane, Brown University, “Information, Crisis, and Catastrophe”

Arthur Kroker, Concordia University, “Sacrificial America”

Mark Poster, UC-Irvine, “Derrida and Computer Writing”

Avital Ronell, UC Berkeley, “Opera and Technology”


“Diffusion of the Humanities”

Robert Boyers, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Salmagundi, “The Intellectual Journal and Adversary Culture”

Terry Cochran, Editor of University of Minnesota Press, “Publishing as Cultural Practice”

Michael Denneny, Editor, St. Martin’s Press, “Writing AIDS: Primary Discourse and the Creation of Culture”

Michael Lerner, Founder and Editor, Tikkun, “The Founding of a New Journal: Tikkun

Olivier Mongin, Director, Esprit, “Intellectual Journals and Journalism in France”


“Interdisciplinary Feminist Studies Colloquium”

Emily Apter, Williams College, “The Story of I: Female Masochism in Iragaray”

Winnie Breines, Northeastern University, “American Women in the Nineteen-Fifties”

Judith Butler, Johns Hopkins University, “Feminism and the Politics of Fantasy”

Drucilla Cornell, Benjamin Cordozo Law School, “Feminism Always Modified: A Critique of Catherine McKinnon”

Liz Grosz, University of Sydney, “Feminism and Literary Theory”

Jane Jenson, Carleton University, and the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, “Social Crisis and Gender Relations: Turn of the Century and Contemporary France Compared”

Linda Nicholson, SUNY Albany, “The Genealogy of Gender”


“Local and National Politics” Series

Andrew Arato, Sociology, The New School, “Eastern Europe and the Model of a New Civil Society”

Michael Barnhart, History, SBU, “U.S. – Japanese Relations”

Roman de la Campa, Hispanic Languages and Literature, SBU, “Political Trials in Cuba”

Hans Joas, Sociology, University of Berlin, “Recent Developments in Germany”

Gary Marker, History, SBU, “Recent Developments in the Soviet Union”

Alex Moytl, Research Institute on International Exchange, Columbia University, “Nationalities and the Future of the Soviet Union”

Robert Nixon, Columbia University and HISB Resident Fellow, “U.S. – South African Relations (with reference to representations of Mandela, recently released)”

Helmut Northport, Political Science, SBU, “Political Realignment in the United States”

Michael Schwartz, Sociology, SBU, “Racism on Long Island”

Fred Siegel, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University, “The Judicalization of Politics”


“Women Directors: From Hollywood to the Avant-Garde”

E. Ann Kaplan, “Women and Film: Where Are We? Where Do We Go From Here?”

Michelle Mattere, Associate Director, Women Make Movies, “Introduction to Films by Black Women Filmmakers”

Yvonne Rainer, Filmmaker, Discussion of Rainer’s Recent Works

Julia Reichert, Filmmaker, Discussion of Reichert’s New York

Patricia Rozema, Filmmaker, Discussion of Rozema’s Recent Works


Visiting Lecturer Series

Ken Berri, Skidmore College, “Moving Pictures: Diderot’s Hieroglyphs of the Mind”

Chen Mei, China Film Association, Beijing, “Chinese Politics and Culture in Relation to Recent Chinese Cinema”

Cheng Jihua, China Film Association, Beijing, “Chinese Film Historiography”

Stanley Fish, Duke University, “Milton’s Career and the Career of Theory”

François Gaillard, University of Paris-VII, “An Archaeology of Modernity: Zola and Courbet”

François Lyotard, University of Paris, “The Prescription: Kafka’s Essay The Penal Colony

Chen Mei, China Film Association, Beijing, “Chinese Politics and Culture in Relation to Recent Chinese Cinema”

Robert Nixon, Columbia University, “Crossing Over: South African Culture in American Context”

Diana Pacom, University of Ottawa, “Theoretical Perspectives on Popular Cultures”

Romolo Runcini, University of Naples, Italy, Istituto Orientale, “Word and Gesture: Between Futurism and Fascism”

Gianni Vattimo, University of Turin, Italy, “The Truth of Hermeneutics”

Albrecht Wellmer, University of Konstanz, “Adorno, Modernity and the Sublime”


Four-day Visiting Fellows Program

Homi Bhabha, Literature, University of Sussex, “Post-Colonialism and Representation”

Seminar: “Narrating the Nation”

Undergraduate Class: Discussion of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

Graduate Discussion: “The Commitment to Theory”

Donna Haraway, Professor, History of Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz, “The Promises of Monsters: Biopolitics, Cultural Studies and Feminist Theory”

Seminar: “Cyborgs, Primates and the Museum”

Graduate Class: “Questions about Feminism, Primates and Theory”

Graduate Discussion: “For Earth Day”

Meaghan Morris, Sydney, Australia; George A. Miller, University of Illinois, Visiting Professor, “Technology, Time and Tourism: The Idea of Pacific Rim”

Seminar: “Great Moments of Social Climbing: From King Kong to the Human Fly”

Graduate Class: “Shopping Mall Culture”


Resident Fellows Program

Chen Mei, Senior Editor, World Cinema, Rockefeller Fellow, University of Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research

Cheng Jihua, Film historian, China Film Association

Robert Nixon, English, Columbia University

Diana Pacom, Sociology, University of Ottawa,


Faculty Colloquium Series

Lou Deutsch, Hispanic Languages and Literature, “Masochism and the Rise of the Novel”

Tilden Edelstein, Provost and History, “Mixing Black and White: Historical Attitudes on Interracial Marriage”

Michael Kimmel, Sociology, “Men’s Responses to Feminism: 1820-1920”

Mary Vogel, Sociology, “Courts of Trade: Social Conflict and the Law in the Process of State Formation, 1803-1890”


Theme: “Theories of Culture, Literature and Society”



“The Althusserian Legacy”

Etienne Balibar, Philosophy, University of Paris, “Philosophy After Althusser”

Michèle Barrett, Sociology, City University of London, “Althusser and Theories of Ideology”

John Beverley, Hispanic Languages and Literatures, University of Pittsburgh, “Communist Representation”

Alex Callincos, Philosophy, University of York, Great Britain, “What’s Alive and What’s Dead in Althusser’s Thought”

Gregory Elliot, Royal Institute of Philosophy, London, “Althusser’s Influence: An Interim Balance Sheet”

James Kavanagh, English, Carnegie-Mellon University, “Althusserian Literary Theory”

Tom Lewis, Spanish and Portuguese, University of Iowa, “The Marxist Thing”

Alain Lipietz, Economics, CEPREMAP, Paris, “From Althusser to the Regulation School”

Rastko Močnik, Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, “Ideological Interpellation: The Process of Subjectivation”

Warren Montag, English, Occidental College, “Interpretation or Intervention: Spinoza and Althusser Against Hermeneutics”

Steve Resnick and Rick Wolff, Economics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, “Althusser and Marx: The Priority of Overdetermination, Contradiction, and Class”

Maria Turchetto, Philosophy, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, “History of Sciences and Science History”

Peter Schöttler, History, Free University, Berlin, “Althusser for Historians”


“Legacies of the 60’s: Theory Across the Disciplines”

Jean Franco, Latin American Studies, Columbia University, “Latin American Studies and Conservative Thought”

William Galperin, English, Rutgers University, “The New Historicism: Criticism or Critique?”

Rosalind Krauss, Art History, CUNY Hunter College, “Art and Illusion”

Bruce Robbins, English, Rutgers University, “The Narrative of Narrative Theory”

Cornel West, Religion, Princeton University, “The Politics of Theory”


“Politics and the Canon: The Humanities in the 1990’s”

Roman de la Campa, Hispanic Language and Literature, SBU, “Academic Fundamentalism and Cultural Alienation”

Stuart Hall, Sociology, Open University, “The Humanities and the State”

Don Ihde, Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts, SBU, “The Impact of Technologies on a Pluralistic Society”

Aldona Jonaitis, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies, SBU, “The Value of Ethnic Art in the Curriculum”

William Taylor, History, SBU, “Can the Canon be Salvaged?”


“Tradition, Politics and Style in New Chinese Cinema”

Nick Browne, UCLA, “The Melodramatic Forms of Chinese Films”

Brian Henderson, SUNY Buffalo, “Marriage in New Chinese Cinema”

Esther Yau, UCLA, “Difference and Definitions of the Cultured and Gendered Self”


Visiting Lecturer Series

Richard Bernstein, Philosophy, The New School for Social Research, “Foucault: Critique as Philosophical Ethos”

Jacques Derrida, Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, “Freud and Deconstruction”

Maurita Harney, Liberal Studies, Swinburn Institute of Technology, Australia, “Understanding Artificial Intelligence”

Julia Kristeva, Philosophy, University of Paris, “The Imaginary and Psychoanalysis”

Neil Larsen, Northeastern University, “Hegemony and Post-Modernism: Theory and Politics of the New Historicism”

Christopher Norris, English, University of Wales, “De Man and Kierkegaard”

Paul Julian Smith, Queen Mary College and University of London, “Visions of Teresa: Lacan, Irigaray, Kristeva”

John Sturrock, Editor, Times Literary Supplement, “How is Translation Possible?”


Four-day Visiting Fellows’ Program

Stuart Hall, Sociology, Open University, London, “Questions of Identity, Ethnicity and the Politics of Representation”

Seminar: “The Construction of ‘Thatcherism and Working Class Identity”

Graduate Student Session: “Politics and the Canon”

Barbara Johnson, French and Comparative Literature, Harvard University, “Moses and Intertextuality: Sigmund Freud, Zora Neale Hurston and the Bible”

Seminar: “Nella Larsen and Heinz Kohut’s Analysis of the Self

Graduate Student Session: “The State of Theory Today”

Gayatri Spivak, Andrew W. Mellon English, University of Pittsburgh, “Post-Coloniality as a Field of Value”

Seminar: “The Meaning of ‘Feminism’ in the 80’s”

Graduate Seminar: “Questions About In Other Worlds


Faculty Colloquium Series

Barbara Coley, “Popular Culture and the Canon”

Robert Harvey, French & Italian, SBU, “The Unbearable Weightiness of Being: Sartre on Paternity”

Dick Howard, Philosophy, SBU, “Parisian and USA Politics: May 68/88”

George Mike, “Researching, Researcher”

Sandy Petrey, French & Italian and Comparative Literature, SBU, and Elias Rivers, Hispanic Languages and Literature, SBU, “Speech Acts and Representation”

Clifford Siskin, English, SBU, “Displacing Literature: The Professional Politics of the New Historicism”


Special Funded Project

“Recent Chinese Cinema: Aesthetic, Political and Historical Perspectives”

Dr. Shi Ming Hu, “Women in China: Realities and Images”

The Black Cannon Incident, directed by Huang Jiamin

Army Nurse, directed by Hu Mei

A Good Woman, directed by Huang Jianzhong

Hibiscus Town, directed by Xie Jin

In the Wild Mountains, directed by Yan Xueshue

On the Hunting Ground, directed by Tian Zhuangzhuang

Sacrificed Youth, directed by Zhang Nuanxin

The Yellow Earth, directed by Chen Kaige


Other Film Events

Ally Acker, “Pioneers of the Cinema”

Dolly, Lotte and Maria, introduced by Rosa Von Praunheim

Yesterday Girl, introduced by Stuart Liebman, Queens College


Humanities Institute Courses

E. Ann Kaplan and Donald Kuspit, “Psychoanalysis, Literature and the Arts”

E. Ann Kaplan, “Popular Culture and the Canon: The Meaning of Cultural Literacy in the Postmodern Age”

Adam Knee, NYU, “Science Fiction Films”


Theme: “The Debate About Modernism”



“Mapping the War Zones”

Cora Kaplan, Sussex University, “Between Synchrony and History: Feminist Fiction 1968-88”

John McClure, Rutgers University, “Mapping the War Zones in Central America and Vietnam”

Andrew Ross, Princeton University, “The Libertarian Imagination and Pornography”


“Postmodernism and Feminism”

Nancy Fraser, Philosophy, Bunting Institute, “Social Criticism without Philosophy”

Ann Friedberg, Film Studies, UC-Irvine, “Flaneurs du mall: Cinema and the Postmodern Condition”

Elinor Fuchs, Performance Arts, NYU

Avery Gordon, Boston College, “Masquerading in the Postmodern”

Andrew Herman, Boston College, “The Aural Matrix”

Linda Hutcheon, English, McMaster University, “Politicizing Desire: The Problematic Politics of the Postmodern Erotic”

E. Ann Kaplan, HISB, SBU, “Theories of Postmodernism”

Annette Michaelson, Film Studies, NYU, “Time and Time Again”

Jackie Orr, Boston College, “Panic Diary”

Stephen Pfohl, Boston College, “Letter is Excess: Heterosexual Desire in the Postmodern”

Peggy Phelan, Performance Arts, NYU

Mira Schor, Artist, “Bluebeard’s Last Wife: Some Reflections on the Impact of Theory on Painting and Feminism”

Susan Suleiman, Romance and Comparative Literatures, Harvard University, “Playing and Modernity”


“Postmodernism and Marxism”

Jean Baudrillard, Philosophical Theorist, “Marxism and Postmodernism”

Arthur Kroker, Author of Postmodern Scene, “Cool Art: Sex in the Age of the Hyper-real”


“Postmodern Refigurings of the 60s: Fiction, Film and the Situationists”

Ed Bal, New York, “May 68 and the Situationists Taught Contemporary Art Everything It Knows”

Constance Penley, Rochester University, “Great Events and Ordinary People: Ruiz Remakes Marker”

Fred Pfeil, Trinity College, “Pleasurable Disintegrations: Or, Notes on Science Fiction, Utopia and Apocalypse Over Time”

Peter Wollen, London, “Film and The Situationists”


Visiting Lecturer Series

Raymond Bellor, Director of the National Center for Scientific Research, Paris, “Cinema and Video: Painting the Body”

Rosie Jackson, Bristol Polytechnic, “Mary Shelly and Romanticism”

Toril Moi, University of Bergen, “From Postfeminism to Feminism”

Dana Polan, Cinema Studies, University of Pittsburgh, “The Medicalization of the Academic in the Postmodern Age”


Faculty Colloquium Series

Kenneth Baynes, Philosophy, SBU, “Habermas and the Problem of Modernity”

Patrick Heelan, Philosophy, SBU, “Science, Art and Religion: A Post-Modern View”

Richard Kramer, Music, SBU, “The Aesthetics of Patricide: Carl Emmanuel Bach,”

Maynard Solomon, Visiting Professor, Music, SBU

Rose Zimbardo, English, SBU, “The King and the Fool: King Lear and a Self-Deconstructing Text”


Film Screening

Anita: Dances of Vice, directed by Rosa Von Praunheim and Lotte Huber


Co-Sponsored Events

“An Afternoon with Lukas Foss” Music performed by Graduate music students, followed by comment from Lukas Foss


“Literature and Politics: The Prague Kafka Conference of 1963 and Its Legacy”

Roman Karst, Professor Emeritus, SBU

Jan Kitt, Professor Emeritus, SBU

Antonin Liehm, École des Hautes Etudes

Rudolf Schenda, “Popular Narrative and Social History”

Seminar with Donald Woods


Course Development

Donald Ihde and E. Ann Kaplan, “Perception and Postmodernism”

E. Ann Kaplan, “Motherhood and Representation”

William Luhr, St. Peter’s College, “Hollywood and Its Alternatives: 1945 to the Present” and “Major Film Directors: Ford, Sirk and Blake Edwards”

Ella Shohat, CUNY Staten Island, “Politics, Race and Gender in the European and American Film”

Helen Cooper and Susan Squier, “Motherhood and Representation” Seminar