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About the Conference

Welcome to the thirteenth International Conference on Electron Spectroscopy and Structure: ICESS-15, to be held in Stony Brook, New York, Sept 28th.  This conference will bring together scientists interested in the properties of electrons and their interactions in systems ranging from atoms and molecules to complex condensed matter materials. Specific topics for discussion will include Atomic and Molecular Science, Photochemistry, Quantum Materials, Imaging Spectroscopies, Novel Instrumentation, and Nanomaterials.   The conference will highlight new developments in the use of synchrotron radiation and Free Electron lasers.

Electronic structure is one of the fundamental properties of matter, and as such has been the subject of scientific investigation for more than a century.  However the last two decades have witnessed important new discoveries in all areas ranging from the atomic level through to that of complex materials.  There have also been significant developments in new methods, both theoretical and experimental, for investigating these properties.   New experimental techniques have often evolved at the large scale facilities and by 2015 it is anticipated that the new state-of-the-art synchrotron radiation source at BNL, the NSLS II will be operational.  It is anticipated that attendees will have the opportunity to tour this important facility.