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Minor in Korean Studies

Completion of the minor requires 18 credits. At least 9 credits must be taken in courses numbered 300 or higher. All courses must be completed with a letter grade of C or higher. 

Requirements for the minor:

I. Korea-focused courses chosen from the following (9 credits)

Course DEC SBC Course Title
CourseKOR 331 DECF SBCSBS+ Course TitleSocial Sciences Topics in Korean Studies
CourseKOR 332 DECG SBCHFA+ Course TitleHumanities Topics in Korean Studies
CourseKOR 426 DEC  SBCSBS+, SPK Course TitleStructure of Korean
CourseAAS 217 DEC SBCGLO, HUM Course TitleIntroduction to Korean Culture
CourseAAS/ HIS 247 DECF SBCGLO, SBS Course TitleModern Korea through Visual Culture
CourseAAS 321 DECG SBCHFA+ Course TitleKorean Literature
CourseAAS 323 DEC SBCGLO, SBS+ Course TitleLanguage and Society in Korea
CourseAAS 324 DECJ SBCGLO, SBS+ Course TitleLanguage and Society in North Korea
CourseAAS/ HIS 337 DEC SBCSBS+ Course TitleHistory of Korea
CourseAAS 400  DEC  SBC  Course TitleSeminar in Korean Studies
CourseARH 355 DEC  SBCGLO, HFA+ Course TitleModern and Contemporary Korean Art

II. Three courses chosen from 2A and/or 2B (9 credits)

2A Korean Language Courses: 

Course DEC SBC Course Title
CourseKOR 111 DEC  SBC  Course TitleElementary Korean I
CourseKOR 112 DECS3 SBCLANG Course TitleElementary Korean II
CourseKOR 120 DECS3 SBCLANG Course TitleElementary Korean for Heritage Speakers
CourseKOR 211 DECS3 SBCLANG, GLO Course TitleIntermediate Korean I
CourseKOR 212 DECS3 SBCLANG, HUM, GLO Course TitleIntermediate Korean II
CourseKOR 220 DECS3 SBCLANG, HUM, GLO Course TitleIntermediate Korean for Heritage Speakers
CourseKOR 311 DECS3 SBCLANG, HFA+ Course TitleAdvanced Korean I
CourseKOR 312 DECS3 SBCLANG, HFA+ Course TitleAdvanced Korean II
CourseKOR 411 DECS3 SBCHFA+ Course TitleAdvanced Korean III
CourseKOR 412 DECS3 SBCHFA+ Course TitleAdvanced Korean IV

2B Korea Related Courses: 

Course DEC SBC Course Title
CourseAAS/ KOR 475 DEC  SBCEXP+  Course TitleUndergraduate Teaching Practicum I
CourseKOR 476 DEC  SBCEXP+ Course TitleUndergraduate Teaching Practicum II
CourseAAS/ KOR 487 DEC  SBC  Course TitleSupervised Research in Asian and Asian American Studies*
CourseKOR 488 DEC  SBCEXP+ Course TitleInternship
CourseAAS 240 DECJ SBCGLO, HUM Course TitleConfucianism and Daoism
CourseAAS 300 DECG SBCHFA+ Course TitleIntellectual History of East Asia
CourseAAS/ HIS 340 DECJ SBCGLO, SBS+ Course TitleTopics in Asian History
CourseAAS 344 DECJ SBCGLO, SBS+ Course TitleLearning of Asian Languages
CourseAAS 385 DEC  SBCCER Course TitleTranslation Studies of Asian Languages
CourseAAS 391 DECG SBCHFA+ Course TitleHumanities Topics in Asian and Asian American Studies
CourseAAS 392 DECF SBCSBS+ Course TitleSocial Science Topics in Asian and Asian American Studies
CourseAAS 401 DEC  SBCSPK, WRTD Course TitleSeminar in Asian and Asian American Studies
CourseAAS 440 DEC  SBCGLO, HFA+  Course TitleInter-Asia Cultural Studies
CourseARH 203 DECJ SBCARTS, GLO Course TitleArts of Asia


  1. Up to six credits taken in Korean Studies-related courses from other institutions and other programs may count for Korean courses with approval of the Director of the Program in Korean Studies.
  2. Only one course graded with the S/U credit option may be used toward the minor requirements.
  3. Students may be allowed to take more Category 1 courses than Category 2 courses if they wish. Consult with the program director about this option.