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Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection               

Collection Number
SC 285

Series 4, Sub-series 7: Miscellaneous Committees 

Box 1

  • Mars Satellite Probe. Aeronautical and Space Sciences. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Patent Rights and Provisions. Aeronautical and Space Sciences. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Agriculture. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Agriculture Marketing Service Program. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Donation of Surplus Food Commodities. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Honey Marketing. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Humane Slaughter Act. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Import Restriction on Walnuts and Dates. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Packer and Poultry Dealer Jurisdiction. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Purchase Additional World Sugar. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Special Milk Program for Children. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Sugar Manual. Agriculture and Forestry. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • A-10 Anti-Tank Aircraft Programs. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Agency for International Development. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1968
  • Agricultural Marketing Service. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Air Navigation Aids. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Appropriations. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Brussels World's Fair. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Buffalo Chamber of Commerce Statements. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Civil Defense. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Debris Collection at Buffalo Harbor. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Defense. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Department of State. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Department of State's Exchange of Persons Program. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Economic Development Administration. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Education Beyond High School. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Ellis Island. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1968
  • Employment Security Programs for Older Workers. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Follow Through Program for Education. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Foreign Aid and Overseas Operations. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Great Lakes Harbors. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Hexagon Building, Fort Monmouth. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Independent Officer Appropriations Bill. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Labor, Health, Education and Welfare. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Land and Water Conservation Fund. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Maritime Association's Quarantine Inspection Service. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Bill. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1968
  • National Science Foundation. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • New York Port Authority Projects. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • New York World's Fair. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Onondaga County Young Republican Club. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Potomac River Tunnel. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Pre-emptive War Concept. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Public Works, Buffalo Metropolitan Urban Study. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Public Works, Fire Island. Montauk Project. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Safety Car Project. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1968
  • Segregated Facilities. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Sewage Treatment Facilities. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1968
  • Surveys Investment Opportunities. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Trade Fair Hearings. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • United States Information Agency. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Veterans Administration Hospital, Northport, Long Island, New York. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Water Channel Improvements, New York State. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • World Health Assembly. Appropriations. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Forest Management, Forest Fire Control, and Reforestation. Appropriations. (House Committee), 1960
  • Active and Reserve Service Requirements. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Appropriation of Military Personnel. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Armed Services. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Army Policies. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Base Conditions in Honolulu. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Career Opportunities of Army Nurses and Medical Specialists. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Commissary and Post-Exchange Privileges. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Cordiner Committee Recommendation. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • End the Draft Bumper Sticker. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Exemplary Rehabilitation Certificates. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Federal Defense Act. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Highland Falls, New York, Reimbursement. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile Sites. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Involuntary Recall. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Judge Advocates and Lawyers. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Military Construction Bill. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Missile Defense. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Modernizing the Navy. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • National Service Life Insurance. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Navaho Guided Missile Program. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Pay Equalization Bill. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Commission on Naval Vessels. Armed Services. (House Committee), 1957
  • Early Release of Draftees. Armed Services. (House Committee), 1957
  • Expansion of West Point or Stewart Field. Armed Services. (House Committee), 1957
  • Retirement Pay. Armed Services. (House Committee), 1960
  • Rubber Disposal from the National Stockpile. Armed Services. (House Committee), 1960
  • Space Act, Patent Section. Armed Services. (House Committee), 1960

Box 2

  • Francis Gary Powers. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • General Walker Charges. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Personnel Training. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Procurement Hearings. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Promotion Policies of the Army Reserve. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Reader's Digest Article. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Reserve Officers Employment. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Retirement Eligibility. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Retirement Pay. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Strategic Air Command. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Universal Military and Training Service Act. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • USS Arizona Memorial. Armed Services. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Atoms for Peace. Atomic Energy. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1957
  • Catastrophic Accidents. Atomic Energy. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1957
  • Effects of Radioactive Fallout. Atomic Energy. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1957
  • Federal Atomic Indemnity Program. Atomic Energy. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1957
  • International Atomic Energy Agency Statute. Atomic Energy. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1957
  • International Atomic Energy Treaty. Atomic Energy. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1957
  • Nuclear Weapons. Atomic Energy. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1957
  • Abandoned Money Order and Checks. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Acknowledgement by Committee Staff. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Advisory Committee to Securities Subcommittee. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Albany Banking Laws Revisions. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Amend Securities Acts. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • American Economy in 1961: Problems and Policies. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • American Stock Exchange Comments. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Anchor Corporation Annual Report. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Anti-recession Actions of the Administration. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Appointment of Robert C. Weaver as Federal Housing Administration Administrator. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Appropriations for the Securities and Exchange Commission. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Area Redevelopment Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958 1962.
  • Area Redevelopment Act. Federal Indian Reservation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Area Redevelopment Act Wage Provision. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Area Redevelopment. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1959-1963.
  • Bank Collective Investment Fund Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Bank Collective Investment Funds. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Mortgage Market for Residential Properties. Banking and Currency. (House Committee), 1957

Box 3

  • Bank and Insurance Stocks Traded on Margin. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Bank Holding Company Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964 1969.
  • Bank Involvement in Equipment Leasing. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Bank Involvement in Personal Property Leasing. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Bank Involvement in the Travel Agency Business. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Bank Merger Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Bank Mergers, Business Loans, and Banking Structure. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Bank Registration Statements and Offering Circulars. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Bank Revenue Bond Underwriting Bills. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Bank Stock on National Exchanges. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Bankers Training for Political Action. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Battle Line, Republican National Committee, on John F. Kennedy. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Business Plans for New Plants and Equipment. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Chesapeake Bay Tunnel. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Chrysler loan. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1979 {Closed}
  • City and State Securities Marketing Assistance. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • City Savings Association in Chicago. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Coin Shortage. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Coinage Resolution. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Coins. Alteration and Defacement. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Commemorative Coinage. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Commemorative Coins. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Committee Agenda for Bill Considerations. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Committee for Human Rights. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Committee Hearings. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Committee Members. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Committee Staff. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Commodity Credit Corporation. Surplus Grain Use. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Community Development Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Community Facilities Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Company Takeover Bids. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Congressional Medal of Honor for Sandburg, Carl. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Consumer Protection Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Corporate Conflicts of Interest. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Corporate Equity Ownership of Securities. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Correspondence from Sylvia F. Porter. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Credit and Economic Situation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Credit Disclosure. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Credit Policy of Swiss Banks. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Credit Union Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964 1967.
  • Cumulative Voting. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Data Processing Services by Banks. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Defense Production Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961 1964.
  • Defense Production Act. Molybdenum Industry. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Depository Institutions Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1979
  • Development Loan Fund. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Disclosure of Interest Charges for Installment Purchases. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Dividend Payments to Stockholders. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Douglas Credit Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Douglas Credit Disclosure Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Duane, Morris and Heckscher. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Economic Future and Government Policy. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961

Box 4

  • Ellis Island Commemorative. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Employment in the Dynamic American Economy. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Exclude Life Insurance Company from Securities Acts. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Export Control Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Export-Import Bank. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Export-Import Bank Insuring Sales to Communist Countries. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Extend Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation to Over-the-Counter Market. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Insurance Amount. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Federal Credit Programs. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Act Assessment Law. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Federal Flood Indemnity Program. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Federal Housing Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee),
  • Federal Mortgage Investment Companies. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Federal Mutual Savings Bank Establishment. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Federal Reserve Banks Eligibility Requirements. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Federal Reserve Board Policies. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Federal Reserve Member Banks. Largest Stockholders. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Federal Reserve System Board of Governors Chairman on Economics. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Federal Reserve System Organization. Clark Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Federal Reserve System Revision. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Federal Savings and Loan Association Loan on Mobile Homes. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Federal Housing Administration Loans. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Federal Housing Administration Mortgages Service Charge. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Federal Housing Administration Vacation Home Financing. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Financial Institutions Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958 1964.
  • Foreign Bank Control. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Foreign Lumber. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Free Enterprise Letter to C.W. Post College. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Full Deposit Insurance for Public Funds. Banking and Currency (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Full Employment in One Year. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Gold Price. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Government Conflicts of Interest. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Hamer H. Budge Appointment to Securities and Exchange Commission. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Hillside National Bank Branch Application. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Housing. Dislocation of the Elderly. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Housing. Urban Renewal and Homes for the Aged. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Housing Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Housing Committee Hearings. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Housing Complaints to Veterans Administration. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Housing for Single Persons. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Housing for the Elderly. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Housing Lease-Sale Program. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Housing Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Housing Legislation Hearings Notification. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Housing Priorities in Urban Areas. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Housing Program Proposals. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Housing Subcommittee File. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Inflation and Economic Progress. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Inscription on United States Coin and Currency. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1957

Box 5

  • Independent Bankers Association Resolution. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Installment Buying. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Interest Increase for GI Bill Extension. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • International Development Association Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • International Home Loan Bank Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Interstate Commerce. Banking and Currency. (5), 1960
  • Interstate Land Sales Full disclosure Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Investment Companies Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Investments In Savings and Loan Association Accounts. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Javits Appointment to Banking and Currency Committee. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Javits Fact Sheet. Business, The Economy and the Consumer. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Javits Fact Sheet. Taxation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • John F. Kennedy Administration's Economic Record. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • John P. Lewis Interview. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Labor Article. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Labor Statistics. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Land. Prices, Economics, Use and Taxes. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Land Development Financing of Federal Savings and Loan Association. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • M. Monroe Kimbrel Statements On Profits, Banking, and The Nation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Manufacturers Trust Company Employment Contract. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Margin Buying and Short Selling of Securities. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Mass Transit Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Memorandum on William R. Haley Resume. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Michigan National Bank Branch Office Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Middle-Income Housing Hearings. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Mint Mark Re-establishment on United States Coins. Banking and Currency (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Monetary Guidelines. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Monetary System Dangers. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Morgan Holding Company, New York. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Mortgage and Interest Rates. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Mortgage Lending Limits. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Mortgage Market Facilities Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Mortgage Market for Residential Properties. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Mutual Funds Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Mutual Savings Banks. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Mutual Savings Banks Chartering. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Mutual Savings Institutions. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • National Negro Century of Progress Committee. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • National Planning Association. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • New Stagnation Theory and Current Economic Policies. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • New York State Lottery Tickets. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • New York Stock Exchange Relocation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Omnibus Housing Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Patterson Re-Nomination as Securities and Exchange Commission. Member. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Maguire, Paul J., Nomination for Assayer. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Pennsylvania Bankers Resolution on HR 8245. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • President's Reorganization Plan and Douglas Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Proposed Securities Legislation Hearings. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Public Audit of the Federal Reserve Board. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Public Facilities Loan Program. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Questions and Answers on the Economic Outlook. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Quinby Plan for Accumulation of Individual Stocks. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Quoted Constituent Correspondence. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Railroad Holding Companies Regulation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Registered Securities Association Membership Requirements. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Regulation Q. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Remove Old Currency from Public Debt. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Rent Control. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Reorganization Plan Hearings. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Report on Questioning of Walter W. Heller. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Reserve Requirement Revision of Member Banks. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Richard Ney and Associates Weekly Investment Letter. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Royal Canadian Mint. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964

Box 6

  • Securities and Exchange Commission. Jurisdiction Extension to Large Corporations. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Securities and Exchange Commission. Statement on Technical Animation, Inc. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Safe Medicine Cabinets. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Savings and Loan Association Accounts Insurance. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Savings and Loan Association Deposit Insurance. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Savings and Loan Associations Investments. Banking and Currency (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Savings and Loan Associations Reserve Requirements. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Savings and Loan Fact Book. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Savings and Loan Holding Companies. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Savings and Loan Holding Companies Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Savings and Loan Holding Companies Regulation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Savings and Loan Holding Company Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Savings and Loan Institutions Federal Statutes. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Securities and Exchange Commission and Tax Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Securities and Exchange Commission Legislative Programs. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Securities Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Securities Act Amendments. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Securities Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Securities Marketing. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Securities Regulation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Silver Coinage. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Silver Content in Coins. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Silver Dollars. Additional Minting. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Silver Dollar Auction. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Silver Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Silver Purchase Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Slum Clearance Project, Rockaways, New York. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Small Business Act Amendment Hearing. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Small Business Act Set-Aside Program. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Small Business Administration Purchasing and Lending Power. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Saint Germain Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Stage Productions Financing. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Stock Market Situation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Subcommittee on Housing. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Subcommittee on Securities. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Subcommittee Staff. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Synthetic Rubber Industry. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Tax. Walter Heller Proposals. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • The White House: Economic Policy. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • The White House: Making Interim Report Public. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • The White House: Record on Prices. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Theodore Roosevelt Centennial. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Transportation Tax. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Trust Investigations. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Truth-in-Lending Act. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Truth-In-Lending Bill. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • United States Steel Corporation on Business and Government. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Universal Savings, City Savings Association, Chicago. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Urban Renewal. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Urban Renewal Legislation. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Urban Renewal Program. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1958 1964.
  • Urban Renewal Project, Fairport, New York. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Urban Training Programs. Federal Support. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • United States Economics Speech. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • United States Economy Analysis. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Washington Financial Reports. Banking and Currency. (Senate Committee), 1963

Box 7

  • Air Route Deals with Foreign Countries. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Civil Aeronautics Act. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Florida Key Deer Refuge. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Foreign Import License Requirements. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Metric System. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • National Fire Fighting Academy. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Pay Television. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Public Broadcasting Financing. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Railroad Employees Retirement Legislation. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Renault Automobile Imports. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Small Passenger Carrying Vehicles. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Textile Labeling. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Toxic Substances Control. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Television Broadcasting for Education. Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Committee Assignments in the House. Committee on Committees, 1961 {See also legal-size files}
  • Committee Assignments of Senators. Committee on Committees, 1957-1980. {See also legal-size files} 4f.
  • Origins of the Subcommittee on Committee Assignments. Committee on Committees, 1963 {See also legal-size files}
  • Subcommittee on Committee Assignments. Committee on Committees, 1963 {See also legal-size files}
  • Death Certificate for the Veterans Administration. District of Columbia. (House Committee), 1960
  • Municipal Seafood Market. District of Columbia. (House Committee), 1960
  • Pharmacy Practice. District of Columbia. (House Committee), 1960
  • Real Estate Tax. District of Columbia. (House Committee), 1960
  • Redevelopment Act. District of Columbia. (House Committee), 1960
  • Subway Line Construction. District of Columbia. (House Committee), 1960
  • Transportation Agency. District of Columbia. (House Committee), 1960

Box 8

  • Anti-Dumping Policy. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Automobile Club of Syracuse. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Bond Rates. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Business Expense Deduction for Professional Entertainers. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Campaign Financing Reform. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Chairman Byrd. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Chicago Pneumatic Corporation Tax Refund. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Committee on Civil Rights Tax Exemption Application. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Customs Legislation On Valuation Limitations. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Cypress Novelty Corporation. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Disabled Persons Recertification Period for Supplemental Security Income Program. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Disposition of Abandoned Money Orders and Travelers Checks. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Equitable Taxation of Capital Transfers. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Excise Tax Exemption of Health, Welfare and Recreational Organization. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Federal Income Taxes. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Federal Pay Raise for Judges. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Federal Social Security for Physicians. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Finance. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Financial Institutions Holding Companies Obligations. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Foreign Bank Control Act. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Group Health Dental Plan. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Import Tariff Duties on Mica. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Import Tariffs. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Importations of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials Finance. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Imported Merchandise Aggregate Value Increase. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Initial Tax on Failure to Distribute Income. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Investigation of United States Financial Condition. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Istle Fiber Imports. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Medical Deductions. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Medical Reimbursement Plans for Corporations. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Ninth District Dental Society. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Origin of Imported Articles. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Pro-Rated Pension for Part-Time Private Employees. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Puerto Rico Offers "Tax Free" Oasis. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Railroad Retirement Act. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Redefine Long and Short Term Capital Investments. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Retail Sales Tax. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • School Tax Rates for Senior Citizens. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Social Security. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957-1960.
  • Social Security Payments Abroad. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Spanish American War Veterans Pension. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Statute of Limitations for Tax Refunds. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Stock Exchange Partnerships and Their Employee Trusts. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Supplemental Income Assistance Eligibility. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Supplemental Income Securities Proposed. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Tax on Job Agency Fees. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Tax-Exemption of Savings Bonds and Selective Service Board Benefits. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Temporary Unemployment Compensation. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Turner Hall Corporation. Finance. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Foreign Aid Bill. Foreign Affairs. (House Committee), 1964
  • Free Elections in European Communist-Controlled Countries. Foreign Affairs. (House Committee), 1960
  • Vote on a Bill. Foreign Affairs. (House Committee), 1959
  • Civil Defense. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Coal Research. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Colorado River Indians Reservation. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Dinosaur National Monument. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Interior and Insular Affairs. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Investigation of Gold Mining Industry. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Military Lands Bill. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Preservation of the Deer Population. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Statehood for Puerto Rico. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Uncle Sam Legislation. Interior and Insular Affairs. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Freedom of Association of Professional Personnel. Interior and Insular Affairs. (House Committee), 1960
  • Fuels Policy. Interior and Insular Affairs. (House Committee), 1960
  • Virgin Islands and Guam Congressional Representation. Interior and Insular Affairs. (House Committee), 1960
  • Internal Revenue and Taxation. Internal Revenue Taxation. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1958
  • Schoenfeld, Philip, Estate. Internal Revenue Taxation. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1960
  • Put-and-Call Legislation. Internal Revenue Taxation. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1960
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts. Internal Revenue Taxation. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1960
  • Short Sales. Internal Revenue Taxation. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1959
  • Internal Security. Internal Security. (Senate Committee), 1958

Box 9

  • Drug Enforcement Administration. Correspondence of Bensinger, Peter, Drug Enforcement Administration Administrator, with Tauro, Joseph L., United States District Court Judge, 1981
  • Air Safety. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Airplane Noises and Low Flying. Interstate and Foreign Commerce (House Committee), 1957
  • Arctic Wildlife Range. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Automotive Safety. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Bombs on Airplanes. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Broadcasting Legislation. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Broadcasting Time for Presidential Candidates. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Coastwise Trade. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Commission on International Trade. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Community Antenna Television Systems. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Cumulative Voting Pertaining to Banks. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Drug Prices. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Foreign Commerce Hearings. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Freight Rates to Alaska. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Great Lakes Pilotage Bill. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Hague Protocol to the Warsaw Convention. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Increasing Exports. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1958
  • Interstate Shipment of Laboratory Animals. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Labeling of Shoes. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Labeling of Simulated Wood Surfaces. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Negro Employment. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Patents and Progress. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Private Aircraft Owner's Financial Responsibility. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Railroad Accident Reporting. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Railroad Legislation. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Territorial Restrictions on Franchises. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Transit Problems. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960
  • Broadcast Frequencies. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Foreign Freight Forwarding. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • International Communications Mergers. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1958-1959.
  • Protection of Natural Resources. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Track Motor Car Bill. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Appropriations. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Arthur Miller. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Communist Political Subversion. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Fifth Amendment. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Investigating Committee. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Labor Hearings. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Labor Investigations. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Labor Legislation Reform. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Labor Union Corruption. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Labor Union Mergers. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • United Auto Workers Protest Against A Committee Member. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Unfair Labor Union Practices. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Union Welfare Funds. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Wages, Profits and Prices. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Waterfront Labor. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Wire Tap Evidence. Investigation. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Radio Payola Bill. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. (House Committee), 1960

Box 10

  • Committee Assignments of Jacob K. Javits, 1961-1964. 2f.
  • History of Jacob K. Javits Seniority and Committee Memberships. Jacob K. Javits Committee Assignments, 1973
  • Javits Republican Committee Leadership. Jacob K. Javits Committee Assignments, 1965-1966.
  • Abraham Lincoln Birthday Holiday. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Additional Circuit and District Judges. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Additional Juvenile Court Judges. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Administered Prices. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Administrative Practice and Procedure. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961 1965.
  • Administrative Procedure Act Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Admission Requirement for Attorney Practice. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Agriculture Marketing Association. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Alaska Appointments. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Alien Children Adoption. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Alien Property. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957-1961.
  • Alligator Hides. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • American Friends Service Committee. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • American Psychologist. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Anti-Gun Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Anti-Vietnam Agitation and Teach-In Movement. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Anti-Trust Subcommittee Hearings. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Anti-Trust Vertical Integration Amendments. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Appointment of United States Judges. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Army and Navy Union of the United States of America. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Army Discharge Case. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Auto Repair Industry. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Bail Laws and Presidential Authority. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Bankruptcy. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957-1967.
  • Bankruptcy Act Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958-1965.
  • Bankruptcy Law Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Bankruptcy of Mississippi Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Baseball Be Declared A Business. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Bill Peddling. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Bureau of Land Management. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • California Courts. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Carswell Appointment to Court of Appeals. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Central Computer Registry. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Charity Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Child Adoption Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Children's Adoption Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Christian Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Citizenship. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Civic Affairs Group Relief. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Compensation for Mothers of Drowned Marines. Judiciary. (House Committee), 1957
  • Item Veto. Judiciary. (House Committee), 1957
  • Lock Long Case. Judiciary. (House Committee), 1957
  • Marcina, Marijan, Refugee Status. Judiciary. (House Committee), 1957
  • National Children's Day. Judiciary. (House Committee), 1960
  • National Non-resident Fishing Stamp. Judiciary. (House Committee), 1960
  • Refugee Relief Act. Judiciary. (House Committee), 1957
  • War Claims. Judiciary. (House Committee), 1960
  • World Law. Judiciary. (House Committee), 1960

Box 11

  • Civil Liberties. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Civil Rights. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958-1962.
  • Civil Rights Commission. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Civil Rights Program. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Civil Rights Proposals. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Civil War Centennial Commission. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Claims. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Claims Against Federal Government. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Clayton Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Clayton Act Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Clayton Powell and Thomas Dodd. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Clothing Manufacturing Business. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Coca-Cola Company Lawsuits. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Code of Ethics and Conduct. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Coinage Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Committee Agendas. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Committee Appointment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Communications Disclosure. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Communist Propaganda Literature. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Communist Subversion. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Compensation for "Cold War" Casualties. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Compensation for Plant Quarantine Inspection. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Confessions of Criminal Trial. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Congressional Redistricting. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Congressmen Holding Reserve Commissions. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Constitutional Rights Subcommittee Staff Report. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Construction Contracts. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Copyright Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Copyright Law Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Copyright Law Revision. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962-1965.
  • Copyrighted Musical Compositions. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Court Facilities for Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Judiciary (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Court Review of Deportation Orders. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Certified Public Accountants-Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Crime Hearings. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Criminal Penalties for Subversive Activities. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Criminal Procedure. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Cuban Exiles. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Czechoslovakian Claim Fund. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • David G. Bress Nomination for District Attorney. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Daylight Savings Time. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Deceptive Packaging. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Department of State. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Desecration of the United States Flag. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Design Protection. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Design Protection Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Design Protection Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Direct Popular Election. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1979
  • Discrimination in Pre-Employment Inquiries. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Dismissal of Charges. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Drug Industry Investigation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Drug Inquiry. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Drug Manufacturing. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Drug Patents. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961-1962.

Box 12

  • Eastern Orthodox Faith. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Election Day on Sunday. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Electric Appliance and Equipment Business Investigation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Elwood Aristides Grissenger. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Embargo of Surplus Imported Arms. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Equal Rights Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957-1965.
  • Fair Labor Union Employment Practices Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Fair Trial and Free Press. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation Director's Term Limitation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Federal Boxing Commission. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Federal Commissioner for Boxing Commission. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Federal Construction Contract Procedures Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Federal Construction Procedures Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Federal Courts Requirement to Uphold State Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Federal Customs Officers. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Federal Land Jurisdiction. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Federal Prison Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee),
  • Federal Security Risk Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Federal Youth Correction Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Filibusters and Unlimited Debate. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Firearms Control Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Firearms Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962-1967.
  • Firefighters "Day of Recognition." Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • First Amendment Enforcement. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Food and Drug Administration Operations. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Food Industry Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Fourteenth Air Force Association Amendment, Inc. Judiciary (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Franchise Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Fraudulent Securities in Alaska, Louis Lefkowitz Correspondence Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Freedom Commission. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Freedom of Information. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957-1964.
  • Freedom of Information Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958-1965.
  • Full Employment for Refugees. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Funeral Parlor Fees. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Gambling Investigations. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Gas Pipeline Safety. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • General Electric Company Improvements, Schenectady. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Wessin y Wessin, Elias, General, Testimony. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • General von Steuben Memorial Day. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • George Washington Carver Commemorative Commission. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Government Vehicle Driver Protection. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Governor J. Lindsay Almond Appointment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Habeas Corpus. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Habeas Corpus Proceedings. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Harassing Communications To Military Members and Families. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Harassment of Vietnam Servicemen's Families. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Hearing Aid Costs. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Hearing Aid Prices. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Holidays. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Hungarian Communist Agents. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Hungarian Refugees. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Immigration. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Immigration and Nationality Act Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Immigration and Naturalization. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Immigration Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957-1962.
  • Immigration of United States Veterans' Children. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Industry Liberty. Benjamin A. Javits. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961

Box 13

  • Pauling, Linus. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960-1961.
  • Insert "Under God" in the Constitution. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Internal Security. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Internal Security Subcommittee. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Internal Security Subcommittee Appropriation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Internal Security Subcommittee Questioning. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • International Freedom Petition. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • International Rules of Judicial Procedure. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • International Security Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Interstate Compact on Juveniles. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Intervention in State and Local Affairs. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Invasions of Privacy. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Inventions and Patents. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Inventive Contribution Awards. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Investigation of Citizens Councils. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Investigation of Fascist Activities. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Investigative Contributions Awards Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Internal Revenue Service Invasion of Privacy. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Italian Claims Fund. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • John F. Kennedy Commemoration. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Lilly, Josiah K., Gold Coin Collection. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Judge Haynsworth Appointment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Judge John M. Imel Appointment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Judges for the District of Puerto Rico. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Judgeships in the South. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Judicial Procedure Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Juke Box Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957-1958.
  • Jury Duty. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Juvenile Delinquency. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958-1967.
  • Juvenile Delinquency Subcommittee Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Labeling and Packaging. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961-1964.
  • Labeling and Packaging Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Law Enforcement Assistance Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Legislation on Federal Courts. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Lewis Sewing Machine Refund Case. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Liability of Low-Flying Aircraft. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Liberty Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962-1967.
  • Liston-Clay Fight. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Holiday. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Frankel, Marvin, Nomination to United States District Court. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Masonic War Veterans. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Master Keys for Automobiles. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • McCarran Internal Security Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Meat Packers Jurisdiction. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Medical Detailer. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Medical Research Laboratory Inspection. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Medical Restraint of Trade. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Medical Restraint of Trade Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Methodist Federation for Social Welfare. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Microfilming of Naturalization Certificates. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Military Procurement. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Milk Marketing Order Program. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Monitoring Devices. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Monopolistic Practices of Large Electric Companies. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Monopoly Subcommittee Hearing. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Monthly Staff Report. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1966
  • Morgenthau, Henry, Diaries. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Morgenthau, Robert M., Resignation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Multi-District Litigation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967

Box 14

  • Narcotics and LSD. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Narcotics Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Nassau Council of the Churches of Christ. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • National Academy of Design. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • National American History Month. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960 1965.
  • National Arbor Day. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958-1965.
  • National Aviation Hall of Fame. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • National Coin Week. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • National Court Assistance Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • National Family Day. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • National Flower. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • National Foundation for Mental Health. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • National Holidays. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • National Literacy Week. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • National Parkinson Week. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • National Renaissance Party. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • National Shrine for Jewish War Dead. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • National Teachers Pay. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • National Tropical Botanical Garden in Hawaii. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • National Youth Council On Civic Affairs. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Naturalization of Korean War Veterans. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • New York City Legal Services Program. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Newspaper Failures. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Nomination Procedures for Senatorial Candidates. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Obscene and Pornographic Literature. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Obscene Literature. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Omar Decision. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Ombudsman Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Organized Baseball. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Otepka, Otto, Violations of Security. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Overpriced Drug Store Items. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Panama Canal Zone. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Passport Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Patent Fee Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Patent Fees. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Patent Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958-1965.

Box 15

  • Patent Office Fee Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Patent Office Fees. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Patent Protection for Propriety Keyways. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Patents. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Pawnbrokers Licensing Fee for Firearms. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Peace Officers' Memorial Day and Police Week. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Permanent Residence to Four Nuns. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Philippine War Claims. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Police Training. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Practice of Attorneys Before Federal Agencies. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Pre-Trial Publicity. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Presidential Assassinations. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Presidential Inability. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957-1967.
  • Presidential Succession. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Prison System. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Professional Team Sports Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Public Defenders. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Public Information. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Public Information Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Railroad Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Railroad Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Railway Telegraphers' Case. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Refugee and Migration Assistance. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Relief Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Relief Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957-1965.
  • Request for Staff Assistant. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Restaurant Employees Union. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Restraining Orders v. Banks. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Right of Dissent. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965-1967.
  • Right to Petition. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Rochester Iron and Metal Company. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Sales of Antibiotics by Foreign Suppliers. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Sane Nuclear Policy Groups. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • School Prayer Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • School Safety Patrol Week. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Science Service. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Secret Service Protection for Kennedy's. Judiciary. (Senate Committee),
  • Security Risks Testimony. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Separation of Church and State. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Serbian Orthodox Church. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Service Officers Retired Pay. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Sports Monopoly Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Staff Memorandum. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Star Spangled Banner. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • State Insurance Regulations. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1963
  • Statue of Liberty Centennial. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Steel Industry. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Steel Price Increase. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Stockbroker Relief. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Stockpile Dumping. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Stolen Domestic Animals Sale. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Subcommittee Assignments. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Submarine Veterans of World War II. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Subversion. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Subversive Activities Control Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961

Box 16

  • Subversive Activities Control Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Subversive Activities Control Board. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Successor to J. Edgar Hoover. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Supreme Court Appointments. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958-1969.
  • Supreme Court Decisions. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Supreme Court Jurisdiction Curbing. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Supreme Court Justice Nominations. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Supreme Court Justice Requirements. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Suspension of Deportation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Talking Books for the Blind. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Tax Priorities In Bankruptcy. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Tax Priority in Bankruptcy. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Tax Priority Limitation Bill. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Televising of College Football. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Televising Professional Football Games. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Television Programming. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Tenth Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Theft of Scientific Research Data. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Thurgood Marshall Appointment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Trademark Act Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Trademarks. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Trading Stamps. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Trading with the Enemy Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957-1962. 2f.
  • Traitors and Communists in Government. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Twenty-Second Amendment. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961-1962.
  • United Nations Fifteenth General Assembly Expenses. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Undertaking Practices. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • United States Commissioner Fees. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Veterans' Children Scholarship Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960 1962.
  • Visas. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Visitation Rights. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Visitor Visas. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Voluntary Prayer. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Voting Age. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Voting Requirements. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • War Claims. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1960

Box 17

  • Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Staff Report regarding alleged involvement of officials of the Government of Panama in Narcotics Trafficking, 1978 February 9
  • War Claims. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961-1965. 2f.
  • War Claims. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1961-1965. 2f.
  • War Claims Legislation. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1958-1962.
  • Water Filtration Plant, Highland Falls, New York. Judiciary (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Westchester Citizens Committeee of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency. Misdemeanant Survey. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • William B. Bryant Appointment to United States District Court. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Wiretapping. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Women's International Bowling Congress Week. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • World War Damage Claims Settlement Act. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Youth Temperance Education Week. Judiciary. (Senate Committee), 1965
  • Panama Canal. Merchant Marine and Fisheries. (House Committee), 1959
  • Panama Canal Workers Annuity. Merchant Marine and Fisheries. (House Committee), 1960
  • Shipbuilding Costs. Merchant Marine and Fisheries. (House Committee), 1960
  • Committee Funding. Nutrition and Human Needs. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Hearings on Private Industry, Witness List. Nutrition and Human Needs. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Project Head Start Nutrition and Food Program. Nutrition and Human Needs. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Bulk Rates for Regular Publications. Post Office and Civil Service. (House Committee), 1960

Box 18

  • Air Mail. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Basic Compensation Rates of Postal Workers. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Citizens Advisory Council Report. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Civil Service Commission. Post office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Civil Service Retirement Legislation. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Claims Authorizers Classification Appeals. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Dual Jobs. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Economic Utilization of Post Office Buildings. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Federal Employees Salary Legislation. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Hiss Bill for Government Pensions. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Labor-Management Personnel Legislation. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Mail Solicitation for Product Advertising. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Pay Scale of Postal Employees. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Post Office and Civil Service. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Postal Deficit. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Postal Pay Increases. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Postal Rates. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957 1960.
  • Retirement Benefits. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Retirement Fund. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Second-Class Mailing Privileges. Post Office and Civil Service (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Spending Waste. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Third Class Bulk Mail. Post Office and Civil Service. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Campaign Posters on Post Office Trucks. Printing. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1960
  • Revision of Regulations. Printing. (Joint Committee of the House and Senate), 1960
  • Air Pollution Control Bill. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Billboard Control. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Building Alterations and Improvements. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Davenport Center Dam. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Delaware River Deeper Channel. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Federal Water Pollution Act Amendment. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Flood Control. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Flood Plan Zoning Regulations. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Hells Canyon Dam. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Highway Construction. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Omnibus Rivers and Harbors Bill. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Public Works. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Public Works and Economic Development Act. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1979
  • Rainbow Bridge National Monument. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Safety and Order in Capitol Building. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1967
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Revenue Bonds. Public Works. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Committee Assignment Procedure. Republican Conference. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Conference Rules. Republican Conference. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Conference Rules. Republican Conference. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Economic Policies and Initiatives. Republican Conference. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Economic Program to Control Inflation. Republican Conference. (Senate Committee), 1980
  • Letter from Committee Chairman. Republican Conference. (Senate Committee), 1959
  • Memorandum of Informal Conference. Republican Conference. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Bush, Prescott S. Correspondence. Republican Conference. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Resolution Stating Conference Recommendations. Republican Conference. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Medical Expense Limitation. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957

Box 19

  • Bourke B. Hickenlooper Assuming Chairmanship. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Coffee Conferences. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Committee Functions and Staff Work. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1956
  • Committee Newsletter. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Committee Vacancies. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Lincoln Day Addresses. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • National Stockpiling Program. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Photographers on the House Payroll as Clerks. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Policy Statement on United States Economy. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Presidential Campaigns. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Presidential Requests of Congress for Money and Powers. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Presidential Requests of Congress for Money and Powers. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Republican National Senatorial Committee Correspondence. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Republican Policy Committee. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1958
  • Senate Republican Memorandum Request. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1961
  • Senator Strom Thurmond on Defense. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Smith Act Amendment. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • United States Aid Overseas. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1962
  • Vice President's Beliefs. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Voting Records of Republican Senators. Republican Policy. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Absentee Voting. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1973
  • Acceptance and Retention of the Order of Merit of Italy. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1975
  • Appalachia Development. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1964
  • Broadcasting Major Debates. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Hearings on Rockefeller's Confirmation. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1975
  • Mailing Limitations of Senators. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1969
  • Old Supreme Court Chamber Use. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Parking Space for Visitors to the Capitol. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Public Affairs Program Filming in Senate Dining Room. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Public Funding of Senate and House Campaigns. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1974
  • Republican Party. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Room Reservations. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1969 1974.
  • Rules and Administration. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1957-1959.
  • Senate Restaurant. Rules and Administration. (Senate Committee), 1957
  • Abolishment of the Committee. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1959
  • Committee Abolishment. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1960
  • Communist Infiltration of the New York Education System. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1960
  • Communist Party Membership. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1959
  • Constituent Correspondence. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1962
  • Contempt of Congress. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1959
  • Defense Industry Employees Loyalty Program. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1960
  • Investigations of Fascist Activities. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1957
  • O'Dwyer, Paul. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1959
  • Un-American Activities. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1958
  • Youth Groups Investigation. Un-American Activities. (House Committee), 1960
  • Investigation of Fund Raising Organizations. Veterans Affairs. (House Committee), 1957
  • National Service Life Insurance. Veterans Affairs. (House Committee), 1960
  • Hearings Regarding New York State. Water Resources. (Senate Committee), 1960
  • Chamber of Commerce. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Corporate Income Tax Elimination. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Excise Tax on Small Business. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Federal Tax Liens. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Federal Taxes on Police Officer Pensions. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1974
  • Health Hearings. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Housing and Redevelopment Bonds Tax Exemption Status. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Impact of Taxes on Cooperatives. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Import Excise Tax on Lead and Zinc. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Income Tax Deduction for Teachers. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Last In, First Out Inventories. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Non-Profit Organization Tax Exemption. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Paper Work Reduction of Business Firms. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Revenue Legislation to Protect Employment of Aged. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Roofers Local #8 Pension Plan. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Shrimp Importation. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Social Security Benefits for Federal Employees. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Tariff on Charcoal Imports from Canada. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957
  • Tariff on Imported Typewriters. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Tax Law Revision. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Tax on Home Rental Value. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Tax Rate Changes. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Tax Relief for Retirement. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Taxation of Mutual Fire and Casualty Insurance Companies. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Taxation of Pension Income. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1960
  • Wool Carpet Bill. Ways and Means. (House Committee), 1957