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MUS 502: Proseminar in Tonal Analysis – Analysis of Tonal Music (Barnson)
MUS 502: Proseminar in Tonal Analysis – Music of Beethoven and Ellington (Sheehy)
MUS 504: Analysis of Music in the 20th and 21st Centuries – Analysis of Music of the 21st Century
MUS 507: Studies in Music History – Gender, Sexuality and Music during the Long 19th -Century(Instructor: Deborah Heckert)
MUS 507: Studies in Music History – Proseminar in Baroque Music (Instructor: Erika Honisch)
MUS 507: Studies in Music History – Music, Modernism and Nature(Instructor: Stephen Smith)
MUS 517, Introduction to Computer Music
MUS 536, Area Studies in Ethnomusicology – Music and Belief
MUS 537, Research Methods in Ethnomusicology
MUS 541, Topics in the Cross-Cultural Study of Music – BlaQueer Sounds: Queer Navigations in African-American
MUS 553, Topics in 19 th Century Music – Race, Casting, and Operatic Dramaturgy
GER 500: Intensive Reading German