Stony Brook Chorale
Shoshana Hershkowitz, director
The Stony Brook Chorale is a 75-voice choral ensemble that incorporates members of
the student body and campus community.
Monday, December 2, 2024
Monday, May 5, 2025
Tickets: $15/$10 seniors (62+)/$5 students. Both performances take place at 7:30 pm
the Staller Center Recital Hall.
Stony Brook Chorale - MUS 261
Monday evenings
Stony Brook Chorale and Camerata Singers will hold in-person auditions the first Monday and Wednesday of the semester. You can audition on either day for either ensemble. Only one audition is necessary. Sign up for your audition time here with your Stony Brook email address.
Auditions will take place in Staller 2342 (second floor of the music building).
Placement in the Chorale is guaranteed, this audition is simply to place singers in the correct voice part. Returning members do not need to re-audition. All new members should prepare any song that they are comfortable singing unaccompanied.
Singers must audition for placement in Camerata Singers, where space is limited. Singers
should prepare a song to sing unaccompanied. Singers will also be asked to sight read
in the audition.