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OIDE Video Contest

As part of our on-going commitment and efforts toward making Stony Brook a safe and welcoming environment for all members of the Stony Brook community, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity (OIDE) is in the process of producing an on-line prevention and awareness program focusing on gender and/or sex based discrimination, including sexual violence.   

OIDE is looking for creative Seawolves to help out with this effort.   We hope the videos we receive will help us to provide students new to the Stony Brook community with healthy reference points in the areas of consent and being an active bystander.   ENTRIES SHOULD BE RECEIVED BY MAY 16, 2018.

You may use fellow students (with their permission), animation, or stills with a voice over of any other type of video -- put your crativity to work.   Have fun with it.

We are looking for three videos.  Video 1 is an introduction to the problems faced by college students today in the area of Title IX.  Video 2 will focus on consent.   Video 3 fill focus on Bystander Intervention.   Any Stony Brook student or group of students may submit entries for 1, 2 or 3 of the topics covered.

Winners of the contest will receive a prize, credit in our program and bragging rights.  

See OIDE Video Contest Rules and Acknowledgements below for more information.  All videos must be submitted by May 16, 2018.

OIDE Video Contest Submission Form

Photo/Video Consent Form

Video 1


The national statistics are unacceptable; sexual violence is occurring far too often on college campuses. As Seawolves, we have the power to change this.   We can make the commitment to do our part to make a Stony Brook a safe campus for everyone.   All of us have a part to play in the prevention of sexual violence.  Including you. 

Report it.   Get help for yourself or anyone who needs it.   Whether it is reporting an incident to the Title IX Coordinator or University Police, helping someone get home safely or supporting a friend– we all can make a difference.     


Please use this script without alteration.   Videos that change dialogue may be disqualified.

Video 2: Consent


Asking for consent doesn’t have to be awkward.   There are ways you can ask your partner for consent without making things weird.

Ask “is this okay?” when you’re starting to initiate sex with your partner. 

If you invite someone over to watch Netflix, they may really just want to watch stranger things and chill, with pants on.

[Feel free to use these examples above or other examples.]

Getting consent is everyone’s responsibility.   There are a bunch of ways to ask for consent in any situation but the most important part is that you and your partner are both consent and are comfortable.


Video should focus on shared stories about ways to ensure affirmative consent.   You may use this script in full or in part or not at all.   Winning entries will focus on debunking the myth that affirmative consent is awkward or not spontaneous.   This 30 second to 2 minute video should express to the viewer that getting consent should not only be a regular part of physical and/or sexual contact but can be a fun part, too.   

Video 3:  Bystander Empowerment


[Student stories of how bystanders and friends helped them in the past.]

An empowered bystander helped me when someone made me feel unsafe in my residence hall

An empowered bystander made sure I got home safely last weekend after I had had too much to drink

An empowered bystander helped me find the support I needed to end an unhealthy relationship

Feel free to use these examples or add your own.

[One or more students continue]

As Seawolves, we know how lucky we are to be a part of such a great campus community. As members of this community, we get to pursue our dreams, meet new people, and we know that our community always has our back. As you saw at the start of this training, sexual violence is occurring far too often on college campuses across the nation. We have the power to change that.

That change starts with me.  It starts with you.  It starts with us.

Here at Stony Brook University, we are encouraged to be active, positive bystanders and through empowered Green Dot and Red Watch Band bystander training.  By participating in these programs we are provided with the tools we need to safely and effectively intervene in sexual violence before, during, and after it happens. 

Do you part to create a safer Stony Brook.  Become an empowered bystander.


Video should focus on shared stories about bystander intervention.   You may use this script in full or in part or not at all.   Winning entries will focus on demonstrating that bystander intervention can be a powerful tool for both the bystander and the assisted party.   This 30 second to 2 minute video should express to the viewer that being an active participant in prevention and awareness of sexual misconduct is a way that everyone can participate in ending sexual violence.   

OIDE Video Contest Rules & Acknowledgements

 Entrants and any persons appearing in the submitted video must be students of Stony Brook University.

Entrants and any persons appearing in the submitted videos must be at least 18 years of age.

Any persons appearing in entrant’s video must be informed of the intent and purpose of video and have signed the Photo/Video Consent Form.

IMPORTANT: In extreme cases, entrants submitted that violate in any manner the Stony Brook University’s Code of Student Responsibility may result in conduct action. 

IMPORTANT: Entrants submitted that include video or testimonials that purport to describe actual incidents of sexual violence that occurred at any University related program or event and have not been previously reported to the University may prompt an investigation into any alleged incident described.

Entrants must be the submitting entrant’s original work; entries may not infringe on another person’s copyright, trademark or any other intellectual property right.

Winning entries will become the exclusive property of Stony Brook University and by submitting an entry and being bound by these rules, winners assign all of their right, title and interest in and to their winning entries to Stony Brook University.

Stony Brook University grants back a license to such winner to display their winning entry on their personal or professional portfolio and to identify such entry as a winning entry in this contest.

Stony Brook University will have the right to adapt, edit, modify, or otherwise use the winners’ entries in part or in their entirety in whatever manner it deems appropriate.

Entries must be received during the contest period.

Videos may not have been entered into any other contest or won any other award.