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Title IX states “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance[.]”

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states that: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (gender) in any federally funded education program or activity. Title IX applies to educational institutions such as Stony Brook University.   Under Title IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972, colleges and universities are required to develop procedures to respond to claims of sexual harassment

Stony Brook University is committed to complying with Title IX and it related guidance and to enforcing university policies that prohibit all forms of sexual misconduct.

Stony Brook University, Stony Brook Medicine, and the Long Island State Veterans Home (LISVH) Title IX Coordinator is Marjolie Leonard, who can be reached at titleix@stonybrook.edu or by calling 631.632.6280.

SBU Prohibits Sexual Misconduct 

Stony Brook University is committed to creating an inclusive environment free of discrimination and sexual harassment. Within our commitment, we have developed preventative services, investigative services, and resources for victims of sexual violence.

Stony Brook University's  Sexual Misconduct & Reporting Policy  and the Code of Student Responsiblity prohibit sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and sexual violence.  The Office of Equity and Access is charged with addressing complaints that violate these policies.   

Important Information

Stony Brook University is committed to responding to reported allegations of sexual assault or sexual harassment that are prohibited by Stony Brook University policy, including those that may not fall within the scope of the Title IX regulations promulgated in 2020.  The Office of Equity and Access (OEA) will continue to address reports of sexual and gender-based harassment and violence in a fair and equitable manner using Section VII: Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure or Section VIII: Title IX Grievance Policy and Procedure of the Code of Student Responsibility, as appropriate.   

In order to best meet our own commitment and comply with the regulations issued in 2020 Stony Brook University revised Code of Student Responsibility and implemented a paralell framework.   Section VIII:Title IX Grievance Policy and Procedure is the procedure for responding to reports and Formal Complaints that fall within the scope of prohibited behavior covered by Title IX.  Section VII: Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure.remains in the CSR in order to equitable address reports received that contain allegations of violations of Stony Brook policy that may fall outside the scope of Title IX.   This allows Stony Brook University to fairly and equitably address all allegations of violations University sexual misconduct policy and comply with Title IX..

More information about these policies and procedures is available on the OEA’s Sexual Misconduct and Title IX website

We anticipate that new regulations will be issued by the Department of Education’s Office of CIvil Rights (OCR) before the end of 2023 that may impact the parallel procedure framework .   You can check back to this website for information on updates to these policies and procedures at any time.

If you have questions or concerns, you may contact the Title IX Coordinator at 631.632.6280 or reportit@stonybrook.edu. 

Incidents Prohibited and Governed by Title IX 

As stated above, reported incidents of sexual misconduct may also be prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the procedures Stony Brook University employs may therefore be governed by regulations and guidance issued by the Department of Education.  Stony Brook has adopted a Title IX Grievance Policy and Procedure which applies in such situations.

The Title iX Home Page is intended to provide student, faculty and staff with information required under regulations and guidance issued by the  US Department of Education, including  our Title IX Grievance Policy and Procedure.   

Title IX Grievance Policy and Procedure

Relevance Policy

Rules of Decorum

Informal Resolution

Printable Title IX Grievance Policy and Procedure

File a Sexual Misconduct Complaint

If you wish to file a complaint of sexual misconduct, contact Stony Brook’s Title IX Coordinator or Assistant Title IX Coordinator both can be reached by emailing reportit@stonybrook.edu or by calling 631.632.6280.  More information on filing a sexual misconduct complaint, or a complaint of another form of discrimination is available at www.stonybrook.edu/reportit.

Related Links:
Sexual Misconduct Initial Report (Online)

Other Required Information

Title IX Staff Training Information

Student and Faculty & Staff Title IX Training Information

Information on Student Activities

SBU Organizations SBU Upcoming Events  
You have the right to make a report to University Police, local law enforcement and/or state police or choose not to report; to report the incident to the University, to be protected by the University from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from the University.

N.Y. Educ. Law 129-B §6444 

Stony Brook offices and employees who cannot guarantee confidentiality will maintain your privacy to the greatest extent possible.  The information you provide to a non-confidential resource will be relayed only as necessary for the Title IX Coordinator to investigate and/or seek a resolution.

N.Y. Educ. Law § 129-B §6446

At Stony Brook University, we value all students, employees, and job candidates as unique individuals, and we welcome the variety of experiences they bring to our institution. As such, we have a strict non-discrimination policy. It is the policy of Stony Brook University not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, genetic information, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Stony Brook University Notice of Non-Discrimination