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Sexual Violence Prevention Survey Results

In February and March 2021, Stony Brook University conducted a survey about the prevention of sexual violence to comply with New York State Education Law 129-B, which requires public universities to survey students, faculty and staff about a variety of issues related to the prevention of sexual violence.* By SUNY policy this uniform survey ascertains faculty and staff awareness of policies and resources, and student experience with and knowledge of reporting and college adjudicatory processes for sexual harassment, including sexual violence and other related crimes. It is important to observe that this survey was administered in the middle of the COVID-19 global pandemic during which most employees were working remotely and about 80% of student class registrations were online.

Both the student version and employee versions of the survey were conducted at the population level and were respectively sent to all students, faculty, and staff. The survey administrations yielded a 9% response rate for students (2,335 responded out of 25,596 surveyed) and a 19% response rate for employees (1,441 responded out of 7,558 surveyed).

Results indicated that students, faculty, and staff are well aware of the policies and laws, and resources. There are also findings to suggest that still more information, outreach and follow-up is needed to provide up-to-date access and resources to students, faculty, and staff.

Summary Findings


Faculty and Staff

  • 95% of faculty and staff indicated they know how to report incidents of sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic/dating violence, or stalking.
  • 99% of faculty and staff recalled one or more on-campus and community resources related to sexual assault.
  • 97% of faculty and staff indicated they were aware of policies and procedures at the University addressing sexual assault.
  • 92% of faculty and staff strongly agreed or agreed that Stony Brook would take the report seriously if they reported a student complaint of sexual violence
  • 91% of faculty and staff indicated it was very likely or likely they would call for help (e.g. call 911) if they hear a neighbor yelling for help; 62% indicated they were very likely or likely to talk to a student they suspect is in an abusive relationship.
  • 3% of faculty and staff indicated that in the past year they themselves had received unwanted sexually suggestive digital communications, letters, or written communications.



  • 94% of students were able to identify on-campus and community resources related to sexual assault.
  • 87% students were aware that consent cannot be given by someone who is incapacitated.
  • 88% of students indicated they were aware of policies and procedures at the University addressing sexual assault.
  • 74% students stated they knew how to report an incident of sexual violence to the University.
  • 84% of students indicated they were aware of SUNY’s affirmative consent definition.

A campus committee has reviewed all results and will hold a meeting with various University leaders to review specific results and to further detail recommendations based on the findings.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Stony Brook’s Office of Equity and Access (website:, email:

For information regarding reporting sexual misconduct, please visit our website at

* In 2021, SUNY changed the title of this survey from "The SUNY Sexual Violence Prevention Survey" to the "Climate Survey"; Stony Brook University continues to refer to this instrument using its original name because of the narrow focus of the survey instrument on sexual violence prevention.