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Diversity & Equity Bulletin Fall 2019

October 30, 2019 to the Campus Community

OIDE is charged with ensuring that the Stony Brook University experience provides equal opportunity and is safe, welcoming, accessible and free from discrimination.  We serve most of the University community, including students, staff and faculty on West Campus, Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook Children's, the Long Island State Veteran’s Home and Stony Brook Southampton as well as all other Stony Brook University programs. 

October is Disabilty Awareness Month

Creating a University community that is welcoming of the talents of all people, including people with disabilities, is a critical part Stony Brook University's commitment to diversity and equity.

Did you know?

61 million adults in the United States (more than 1 in 4) have some type of disability?* Over 30% of disabled Americans of working age (under 65) work with or without accommodation?**

But the US still has a long way to go -- the unemployment rate for individuals (% of disabled individuals actively looking for a job) is more than twice that of non-disabled Americans.**

Stony Brook University is proud to have many working disabled individuals (and brilliant students with disabilities!) contributing to our University community everyday.

* Disability lmRact All of Us, Center for Disease Control, SeRtember 9, 2019.

**News release, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Februa[Y. 26, 2019

Scholarships Available


Full-time Student GPA 3.0 or higher Demonstration of:

  • Financial Need
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Community Involvement
  • Potential & Promise



February 6, 2020


About the Dr. William McAdooMemorial Scholarship

The Dr. William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship was established in 2004 to honor the former Chair of the Africana Studies Department, who was an ardent

supporter of diversity, equality, and social justice. The Dr. William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship was created in his name to acknowledge exceptional undergraduate students who excel in their studies while actively advocating for social justice issues; display their interest and commitment by participating, organizing and coordinating a variety of extracurricular and community outreach or organizing activities; demonstrate leadership qualities; and make contributions to diversity related programs on the Stony Brook University campus or in their communities.

McAdoo Scholoarship Application

About the Mr. Ralph WatkinsMemorial Scholarship

The Ralph Watkins Memorial Scholarship was established in 2006 in memory and honor of the former Director of Special Projects at Stony Brook University in the late 1970s which included the supervision of EOP/AIM, Upward Bound, and Disabled Student Services. Once serving as a Tuskegee Airman in WWII, he became a zealous supporter of social justice, and served as the Chairman of Suffolk County Human Rights Commission. The Ralph Watkins Memorial Scholarship was established for underrepresented students who are eligible for admission under regular criteria but due to financial constraints may be unable to complete their education.

Watkins Scholarship Application

ReportIt Thank You Over 30,000 Have Participated!

Morethan30,000UniversityFacultyandStaffand Students (and over 80% assigned) have participated in Reportlt. Ending Sexual Misconduct, the online program designed by OIDE specifically for the Stony Brook University community, during its inaugural year. We would like to thank those who have participated in helping to make the debut year of Reportlt so successful. Whether you are student, faculty or staff, we hope that the information included in Reportlt will encourage you to become active participants in our prevention efforts.

But we are not at 100% yet! Under NYS law and Stony Brook University Policy sexual misconduct training for all employees, on-boarding students, students athletes and student leaders is required. if you are an employee or a student who has been assigned the program and has not yet participated, please do so as soon as possible to avoid any action.

All employeesMUST complete this program annually to avoid administrative action: 

Reportlt. Faculty & Staff

Students newly enrolled at Stony Brook in theacademic year, Student Leaders and StudentAthletes must complete the program.

Reportlt. for Students

Do you use an Accessibility Device? OIDE is Looking for Volunteers

OIDE makes every effort to ensure that all of its programs are accessible for all of our employees and students. In an effort to ensure we reach this goal, we are looking for employee and/or student volunteers who access technology-based content via an accessibility device(s) to work with us to test our programs, trainings, websites and other electronic media.

If you are interested in participating, please contact OIDE at with your name and what type of device(s) you are using.

Thank you!

"Revenge Porn" Prohibition Provides Criminal and Civil Penalties


On July 23, 2019, Governor Cuomo signed into law a bill that makes the unlawful dissemination of intimate images a class A misdemeanor. The law also creates a civil

The law is intended to address the unauthorized sharing of sexual or intimate images often created during the course of an intimate relationship and later distributed without the consent of some or all of the parties depicted.

Often referred to as "revenge porn," distribution of intimate photos and videos has become more and more common as technology has made doing so easier and virtually free. The impact "revenge porn" has on its victims is often devastating. The problem of unauthorized electronic distribution of sexual intimate images is particularly acute on college campuses.

The law took effect on September 21, 2019.

Allstudents should be aware that, as stated in the Preamble of the Code of Student Responsibility, any action taken by a student of Stony Brook University that is a violation of New York State law may be subject to the University's student conduct process. Students who are victims of "Revenge Porn" may report the action to the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity or University Community Standards.

Stony Brook University Non-Discrimination Statement and Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination

Stony Brook University's administration, faculty, staff, and students are all responsible for helping to create and maintain welcoming environments. It is important that we familiarize ourselves with the policies that effect our daily interactions with others on campus. Please take time to review the University's Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy {P105) and Sexual Misconduct and Reporting Policy (P106). Both policies are vital to creating and maintaining a community, in which our diverse population can live, work, study, and recreate in an atmosphere of tolerance, civility, equity, equal employment opportunity, and respect for every individual.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Stony Brook University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, age, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, disability, marital status, familial status, genetic predisposition, criminal conviction, domestic violence victim status, veteran status and/or military status and all other protected classes and groups under Federal and State Laws in the administration of its policies, programs, activities, or other Stony Brook University administered programs or employment. For additional information regarding Stony Brook University's Policy on non-discrimination, please see: PlOS: Egual Q1rnortunity/Affirmative Action Policy.

Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination

Stony Brook University prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, and/or gender identity or expression, which includes: discriminatory harassment and sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual violence/assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

In an effort to address allegations of sexual misconduct in  a prompt, effective and equitable manner, Stony Brook University has charged certain employees with the obligation to report. The following employees have reporting obligations and must report any incident of sexual misconduct they become aware of to the Title IX Coordinator:

  1. Senior Administrators (Directors and above and in the hospital, Nurse Managers and above)
  2. Chairs of Academic Department
  3. Supervisors
  4. Ombudsmen
  5. Quad Directors
  6. Residence Hall Directors
  7. Athletics Coaching Staff
  8. University Recognized Sport Club Coaches
  9. Deputy Title IX Coordinators (outlined below)
  10. Academic Faculty Members
  11. Professional Staff In:
    • Academic Advisement
    • Career Services
    • Continuing Education
    • Financial Aid
    • Instructional Support
    • Athletics
    • Residential Life
    • Student Activities or Affairs

For more information regarding the Sexual Misconduct and Reporting Policy, please see our Sexual Misconduct and ReP-orting Policy.,_

The Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity (OIDE) is charged with the responsibility of monitoring these notices. Marjolie Leonard serves as the Senior Director for OIDE as well as the University's Title IX and ADA Coordinator. To file a discrimination comP-laint. contact OIDE at 201

Administration Building, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-0251, (631) 632-6280,, (

Diversity Outreach - Job Fairs

Upcoming Event - Wang Center - November 19, 2019

In our effort to increase outreach to Veterans and people with disabilities OIDE along with Human Resource Services (HRS) and Long Island State Veteran's H attended the Veterans Job Fair at the Sachem Public Library on Friday Oct 11 and the Disability Job Fair at Suffolk County One Stop Employment Center in Hauppauge on Friday, Oct 25.

We enjoyed meeting with individuals to discuss how they may contribute to the success of the Stony Brook University community.

In addition, the non teaching staff and HRS Diversity Working Group will be hosting its first Job fair at the Wang Center on Tuesday November 19th. More details will be upcoming on the HRS website.

OIDE New Hires!

Paulene K. Toussaint

ADA Specialist

Paulene K.. Toussaint has come to OIDE as our ADA Specialist. In this role Paulene manages all employees (west campus, hospital, and LISVH) ADA-related accommodation requests. She will spearhead OIDE's initiative into looking at Stony Brook's accessibility structure from the ADA perspective.

Coming from Human Resource Services, Paulene was already working to help West Campus employees requesting ADA-related accommodations. She has a wealth of knowledge not just in ADA, but in other areas such as FMLA, benefits, and leave, which can often overlap with ADA.

Briana Mangiacapra

Investigation Support Specialist

OIDE is pleased to announce that Briana Mangiacapra has joined the OIDE team. As Investigative Support Specialist, Briana provides administrative support to our investigators and maintains communications between the investigators and parties and witnesses.

Briana is a crucial member of the OIDE team. We are excited to have Briana here, and know that with her background and experience we will be able to further streamline our investigative process.