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Diversity & Equity Bulletin Winter 2019

January 30, 2019 to the Campus Community 

OIDE is charged with ensuring that the Stony Brook University experience provides equal opportunity and is safe, welcoming, accessible and free from discrimination.  We serve most of the University community, including students, staff and faculty on West Campus, Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook Children's, the Long Island State Veteran’s Home and Stony Brook Southampton as well as all other Stony Brook University programs. 

Manadatory On-line Training

Mustbe completed by February 28, 2019.

ReportIt. Ending Sexual Misconduct is a new online education program designed by OIDE specifically for the Stony Brook University community. It is focused on preventing Sexual Misconduct and encouraging students, faculty and staff to report and become active participants in our prevention efforts.

This program is available for all Students, Faculty and Staff. New York State law requires annual sexual misconduct training for all Employees, new enrollees (Undergraduate, Graduate, Doctoral & Professional), Student Athletes and Students Leaders. Attendance at the October 9, 2018 Cultural Competency Seminar does not satisfy this requirement.

All employees must complete this program prior to February 28, 2019

Students newly enrolled at Stony Brook in the 18/19 academic year, Student Leaders and Student Athletes must complete this program by February 28, 2019.

OIDE Policy Updates


P106: Sexual Misconduct and Reporting Policy


Stony Brook University has updated P106 Sexual Misconduct and Reporting Policy in compliance with state and federal requirements and to reflect changes in collective bargaining agreements.

The updated policy has a more detailed definition of sexual harassment which includes examples of inappropriate conduct.

The update also expands the categories of employees that have reporting obligations in alleged incidences of sexual misconduct to include:

Supervisors, Ombudsmen, University Recognized Sports Club Coaches, Deputy Title IX Coordinators, Academic Faculty Members; and Professional Staff in Academic Advisement, Career Services, Continuing Education, Financial Aid, Instructional Support, Athletics, Residential Life and Student Activities or Affairs

 Please review the full text of P106: Sexual Misconduct and Reporting Policy for complete information.


P625: Accommodating Pregnant Students

Stony Brook University is committed to educational environments that are free from all forms of discrimination, including discrimination based upon pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy or recovery therefrom.In furtherance of this commitment, Stony Brook has issued P625: Accommodating Pregnant Students. As medically necessary, pregnant students will be treated as if they had a temporary disability in determining their eligibility for leave or other reasonable accommodation. This may allow pregnant students to continue in or resume their academic program whenever doing so is not an undue burden on the University.Students with questions about this policy may contact the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity at or 631.632.6280.To apply for medically necessary leave or accommodation as a result of pregnancy please contact the Student Accessibility Support Center at or 631.632.6748.Please review the full text of P625: Accommodating Pregnant Students for complete information.Scholarships Available


Full-time Student

GPA 3.0 or higher

Demonstration of:

Financial Need, Leadership Qualities, Community Involvement and Potential & Promise

About the Dr. William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship

The Dr. William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship was established in 2004 to honor the former Chair of the Africana Studies Department, who was an ardent supporter of diversity, equality, and social justice. The Dr. William McAdoo Memorial Scholarship was created in his name to acknowledge exceptional undergraduate students who excel in their studies while actively advocating for social justice issues; display their interest and commitment by participating, organizing and coordinating a variety of extracurricular and community outreach or organizing activities; demonstrate leadership qualities; and make contributions to diversity related programs on the Stony Brook University campus or in their communities.

About the Mr. Ralph Watkins Memorial Scholarship

The Ralph Watkins Memorial Scholarship was established in 2006 in memory and honor of the former Director of Special Projects at Stony Brook University in the late 1970s which included the supervision of EOP/AIM, Upward Bound, and Disabled Student Services. Once serving as a Tuskegee Airman in WWII, he became a zealous supporter of social justice, and served as the Chairman of Suffolk County Human Rights Commission. The Ralph Watkins Memorial Scholarship was established for underrepresented students who are eligible for admission under regular criteria but due to financial constraints may be unable to complete their education.

Simplified On-Line Reporting

Any member of the Stony Brook University Community can report a an incident of discrimination or sexual misconduct at Online complaints can be filed at any time via any internet connected device.On you can also view or print a copy of OIDE's Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Discrimination. This document provides an overview of prohibited conduct, a paper complaint form and information regarding on-campus and off-campus resources.If you have experienced or are aware of discrimination, including sexual misconduct, as a result of your participation in any university program or event we want to hear from you.So I Report It, What Happens Next?We understand that concern about an unknown process may impact an individual's decision to report or not to report. As part of our on-going effort to encourage all members of our community to report incidents of discrimination and/or sexual misconduct, OIDE has established a website that walks the user through the steps of the investigation, and for students, the review panel process. These simple click through guides are designed to help anyone understand the process after a report is filed. OIDE has developed a neutral complaint process that provides equitable treatment of all parties involved. Stony Brook University, Stony Brook Medicine, and the Long Island State Veterans Home (LISVH) have worked in partnership to develop this process that is in compliance with federal, state, and union guidelines.  

Additional and more detailed Information regarding filing complaints and the investigation process when the Respondent is an employee can be found in Stony Brook's Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Discrimination. Additional information regarding the student process can be found in the Code of Student Responsibility. A link to this page is available on to permit anyone who wants to quickly review an outline of the process prior to filing a complaint.

Employee Process: Investigation & Referral

Student Process: Investigation, Hearing & Appeal

Complaint Procedure Revised

The OIDE Complaint Procedure has been revised to reflect current changes in Stony Brook University policy, and federal and state laws.

The Complaint Procedure is available to print at or by stopping by OIDE's office at 201 Administration Building.

Campus-Wide Cultural Compentcy Event

OIDE was honored to participate in the Campus-wide "Cultural Competency Seminar: Implicit Bias and Sexual Misconduct" hosted by the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer on October 9, 2018 in the Island Federal Arena.

OIDE staff presented information regarding Stony Brook policy prohibiting and how to report Sexual Misconduct and other forms of discrimination to over 4,000 faculty and staff who participated in the event.

OIDE Sexual Miscondcut Reporting Posters

OIDE has created posters targeting either students or employees which explain options for reporting and other information regarding rights and resources in cases of sexual misconduct and other discrimination. These posters have been distributed to many departments and to Residence Hall staff.

Is there a poster displayed where you work, study or in your residence hall? Is there somewhere you think a poster should be available?

Please contact to request a poster or suggest a location.