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Submission Guidelines

Local (SBU) IACUC Submission Guidelines

An IACUC application must be submitted by any investigator using vertebrate animals in any activity regardless of the source of funding.

If any or all of the animal work is to be done at another institution, then proof that the proposal has been reviewed and approved by that institution’s animal care and use committee must be provided. If some work will be performed at Stony Brook University by a Principal Investigator from another institution or if Stony Brook University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee will perform the IACUC review, a Memorandum of Understanding must be submitted with the application in myResearch IACUC.

Pre-submittal consultation with the veterinary staff is available and should be sought if proposed procedures may cause more than momentary or slight pain or distress to the animal. Contact the Division of Laboratory Animal Resources at 631.444. 2194 for an appointment. 

Triennial reviews should be submitted approximately 60 days prior to expiration. This allows the study to be reviewed at the next IACUC meeting; for any reviewer comments to be sent to the Principal Investigator and for those comments to be received back to the IACUC office for final review and processing.

Amendments must be submitted if changes are made to the protocol. Allow approximately 30 days for processing of a major amendment i.e., change in species and 2 weeks for processing a minor amendment, i.e., requesting personnel additions.

In order to submit an initial review, triennial review, or an amendment, for a study in myResearch, see the applicable submission instructions in the myResearch Training Manual. 

myResearch IACUC Submission Instructions

myRESEARCH IACUC Training Manual 12.11.20 revised on 10.24.2023

In lieu of the electronic signature requirement as in IRBNet, the Department Chair/designated signatory, must complete a brief form prior to submitting the review certifying approval or disapproval of the proposed submission. 

myResearch IACUC YouTube Training Videos

Creating a Research Team

Creating a Substance

Creating a Procedure

Creating a Protocol

Responding to Modifications

Designated Member Review

Full Committee Review (Primary and Secondary Reviewers)