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Living at Stony Brook Southampton

Students choosing to live on campus at Stony Brook Southampton will be placed in Amagansett, Greenport or Southold Residence Halls. 

These buildings offer a single-gender cooking suite consisting of two (2) double-occupancy rooms and three (3) single-occupancy rooms, housing a total of seven (7) people per suite.  A full kitchen is available in the suite for the residents to share and prepare meals. Each suite shares a common bath and shower area. Spaces are gendered according to who is living in the suite. 

Please note: Southampton does not currently offer a meal plan. There are kitchens in each suite for students living in the residence halls to utilize. 

For University rules and policies, please consult the Terms of Occupancy and Student Code of Responsibility.

The Residence Life Office will make every effort to meet the medical needs of students who demonstrate a need for a single room. Each building does have a small number of ADA accessible rooms for students who utilize wheelchairs. A student wanting to request a single room for medical reasons must contact Student Accessibility Support Center to make an appointment to discuss specific needs, and if appropriate, this Office will make a referral to the SB-Southampton Residence Life Office.

Included in the Room
Virtual Tours
Floor Plans
Maintenance, Custodial, IT Concerns


Housing Forms & Requests

Spring 2025 Room Selection Information (Returning Student Agreements)
Undergraduate Semester by the Sea Academic Year Requests
New Graduate Student Housing Requests
Summer Housing Requests
Health Professions Stony Brook Summer Housing for A/P Course
Summer MAR 104 Course Housing Request
Summer MAR 106 Course Housing Request
Summer MAR 110 Course Housing Request
Housing Cancelation Requests


Contact Us

Student Life Team