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Our Priorities, Key Objectives, and Success Measures

uniti centerStony Brook University will achieve its vision by pursuing four priorities: 

Each of these priorities contains multiple objectives that will serve to focus our attention and coordinate our activities over the next five years, and we will track our progress against each priority using several success measures.

Transforming Learning and Teaching

Evolving our world class education and student support by expanding high-impact and collaborative learning and providing comprehensive support from recruitment through graduation and beyond.


Growing Our Research Enterprise for Impact

Driving innovation and creativity in research and scholarship by increasing public-private partnerships, expanding intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration, and investing in infrastructure and support for our researchers.​


Serving Communities as a Public Flagship

Serving as a resource to New York State and beyond by promoting reciprocal engagement, advancing cultural and economic development, and increasing access to quality health care.


Reimagining the Way We Work

Strengthening operational maturity and effectiveness by modernizing our technology, developing consistent and equitable policies and procedures, and investing in our infrastructure and facilities.​