Continuing and Transfer Housing
For our residents who choose to live with us beyond their first year and for newly admitted transfer students, we have primarily suite-style housing with limited corridor-style housing. Our suites provide opportunities for residents to form a smaller community with a more private living room and bathroom room. For those with junior standing or higher, we have apartment-style housing. Additionally, we have three living-learning communities for continuing students looking for a housing option around a theme beyond their first year.
Kelly Community
Suite Style, two to three bedrooms per unit double rooms. These include: Baruch Hall, Dewey Hall, Eisenhower Hall, Hamilton Hall, and Schick Hall.
VIRTUAL TOURLiving Learning Community
Suite Style, three bedrooms per unit, double rooms. These include Lauterbur Hall and Yang Hall. This area is reserved for undergraduate students of U3 and U4 University standing and who are not on residential probation. Four to five bedrooms per unit, single rooms. Also home of the Second Year Living Community, Chávez Community Changers, and Socially Just Seawolves.
VIRTUAL TOURRoth Community
Suite Style, two to three bedrooms per unit double rooms. These include: Cardozo Hall, Gershwin Hall, Hendrix Hall, Mount Hall, and Whitman Hall.
VIRTUAL TOURTabler Community
Suite Style, two to three bedrooms per unit double rooms. These include: Douglass Hall, Dreiser Hall, Hand Hall, Chinn Hall, and Toscanini Hall.
VIRTUAL TOURWest Apartments
Generally contains 4 bedrooms with 6-7 total occupants. Apartments generally have 2 single bedrooms and 2 double bedrooms with 2 full bathrooms. West buildings: A, B, C, D. Generally contains 7 bedrooms with 6-7 total occupants. Apartments generally have single bedrooms with 2 full bathrooms. West buildings: E, F, G, H, I, J, K.
VIRTUAL TOUREleanor Roosevelt Community
Corridor Style, primarily double rooms with limited design three-person rooms and single rooms. This would include Stimson Hall.
VIRTUAL TOURRoom and Apartment Style Details:
Corridor Style
- Generally houses two residents.
- Shared bathroom for the entire floor and is cleaned daily.
- Rooms are furnished with two beds, dressers, desks, and closets. Rooms are generally 180 square feet in size.
- Each floor has a public lounge for students to socialize and relax in.
- No air conditioning in bedrooms except on the fourth floor of Roosevelt Community
- General room layout can be found here.
Suite Style
- Houses between four to six residents.
- Shared bathroom for the suite and cleaned weekly.
- Each suite has a private living room area that contains two sofas and a table.
- Double occupancy rooms are furnished with two beds, dressers, desks, and closets. Rooms are generally 130-165 square feet in size.
- Single Occupancy rooms in Chávez and Tubman are furnished with one bed, dresser, desk, and closet. Rooms are generally 110 square feet in size.
- To accommodate the suite bathroom and private living area bedrooms are smaller in suite-style housing.
- Air conditioning in Roth Community and Living Learning Community suites.
- Hand Hall and three-bedroom units in Gershwin Hall have cooking units instead of a living room and do not require continuing students to have a meal plan.
- General suite layout can be found here.
For information about housing rates, please visit the Rates and Fees Page. If you need to contact your area office or building staff, see our contact information. If you choose to live with us beyond your first year, see our expanded housing options for continuing students. (link to new page)
Apartment Style
- Features single and double rooms in an apartment-style setting.
- Offer all year-round housing.
- Shared bathroom for the apartment and cleaned weekly.
- Each apartment has a private living room & kitchen area.
- Typically houses graduate and undergraduate upperclassmen students (U3+ Standing).
- Air conditioning:
- West Apartments are fully air-conditioned.
- Schomburg Apartments most bedrooms are air-conditioned.
- Chapin Apartments some bedrooms are air-conditioned.
Economy ROOMS
- Economy rooms are a designed room type and are not a temporary configuration.
- Each economy room resident has their own desk and wardrobe or closet space.
- Lofted and bunked beds are permanent and cannot be changed.
- Two-person economy rooms have both beds lofted.
- Three-person economy rooms have one bed lofted and the other two beds bunked.
- Economy three-person rooms are not the same as temporary triple rooms. Furniture such as desks, wardrobes and dressers are smaller in these rooms than in non-economy rooms.
- Due to the room configuration and furniture, these rooms are at an economy rate compared to our traditional double or three-person rooms. Residents are eligible to request a room change or swap during designated periods that all students besides those in temporary triples can participate in.
Additional Housing Options:
Gender Inclusive Housing
Gender Inclusive Housing (GIH) is a housing option in which two or more students share a bedroom, suite and/or apartment regardless of the students' sex, gender identity or gender expression. In other words, this option allows for students of any gender identity to live together regardless of sex assigned at birth.
Gender Inclusive Housing is not recommended or intended for: living with significant others, only specific people, and/or to get to a specific location within housing. Choosing to live in GIH is an agreement for the whole year, and you will not be permitted to room change to a non-GIH space after being approved. Similarly, if you do not choose to live in GIH for the upcoming year, you will only be able to choose rooms based on the gender identity listed on your student record. We strive to balance the clustering of GIH suites next to each other while providing options across all housing inventory room types at a similar availability to those in gender-designated housing. Gender Inclusive Housing represents about 125 bed spaces across our residential communities, with approximately 2% of continuing and new transfer students participating in GIH. Appeals to leave or join GIH mid-year can be made in the housing portal. If you are interested, you will need to review and agree to all items below in your housing application before being approved for Gender Inclusive Housing.
- I understand choosing to live in Gender Inclusive Housing means I will have roommates and/or suitemates of any gender identities.
- I understand that the only options I will have access to are gender inclusive spaces, and that I am committed to living in GIH for the academic year.
- I understand that only people who have been approved for the Gender Inclusive Housing environment will be allowed to move into my space.
- I understand that if I live in GIH with the plan to live with a specific person, and that person leaves the space, that the room will be filled by only individuals who are GIH approved.
- I affirm and feel comfortable living with LGBTQ* people, specifically trans and non-binary people.
- I understand my role in creating and affirming a bias free environment for everyone living in this community.
For more information, please contact:
Campus Residences at (631) 632-6750 or at
LGBTQ* Services at (631) 632-2941 or at