Eligibility and Billing
We offer a wide range of healthcare and counseling services for all Stony Brook students, many of which are covered by the counseling and health fee. As an accredited organization, we provide delivery of accessible, high quality counseling and healthcare.
Enrolled Stony Brook University students pay the Counseling and Health Fee. This fee is not a health insurance charge; it covers services provided by Student Health Services (SHS), Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), and other preventive health services. This fee covers all visits and most services we provide.
The fall and spring counseling and health fee cover services during the regular academic year. Students taking summer courses and
those seeking services but not enrolled in summer classes will incur a summer counseling and health fee.
Students in the following programs (SONGDO, SUTRA, OLLI, Certificate Programs), visiting
scholars, faculty, staff, or the general public are not eligible for services.
Billing & Payment
All visits and most services we provide are covered by the Counseling and Health fee. However, students may incur costs for certain services that will reflect on their student account.
The following charges may be billed to your student account. Our current fee schedule is
- Durable medical equipment such as splints and crutches.
- Insurance co-pays for medications filled at The Campus Pharmacy
- Vaccines or Immunizations not covered by an insurance plan
- Services received during the summer (unless the student is taking summer courses and has paid a summer student health fee as part of his/her tuition)
If you are leaving, graduating, or transferring from SBU at the end of the Fall semester
You can continue to receive care until the end of the winter add/drop period (typically the first week of January)
If you are leaving, graduating, or transferring from SBU at the end of the Spring semester
You can continue to receive care until the end of the Summer Session 1 add/drop period (typically the last week of May)
Parental Consent for Treatment
New York State law requires parental or guardian consent for medical care (excluding reproductive and sexual health care) for individuals under 18 years of age. Students under 18 cannot access health care from Student Health Services without a completed Minor Consent Form on file and/or without verbal consent witnessed by two staff members. The form should be completed if the student is under 18 at the time of arrival on campus or at the start of the semester, even if they turn 18 during the academic year. Completing this form will expedite the provision of medical treatment to students under 18.
For mental health treatment of students under 18, the Counseling Center requires signed consent from a parent or legal guardian before any services can begin. This Informed Consent for Treatment may be withdrawn at any time, in writing, by the parent or legal guardian. In emergencies, crisis intervention will be provided, with every effort made to contact the parent/legal guardian simultaneously.
Treatment without parental or guardian consent is permissible when:
- The minor is knowingly and voluntarily seeking counseling services.
- The services are clinically indicated and necessary for the minor's well-being.
- One or more of the following conditions apply:
- The parent or guardian is not reasonably available.
- Seeking parental or guardian consent or involvement would have a detrimental effect on outpatient treatment.
- Parental consent has been denied, and treatment is necessary and in the minor's best interests.
Your counselor will discuss these issues further with you.
For psychiatric services and medication management, parental consent is required.
For students 18 years old and over, consent is required before Student Health Services can release any medical information to another person.