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Winter in Singapore

  • Details and Cost

    About the Program

    Modern Singapore is widely acclaimed for its economic development and forward-thinking social policies. The nation's transformation from a third-world city to a global financial center has been attributed to the contributions of its diverse population, guided by government policies and laws regulating ethnic representation in housing, education, civil service, and other forms of socioeconomic participation. The 21-day study tour will explore the cultural traditions of the Chinese, Malay, Indian and European populations against the backdrop of post-colonial nation-building.  Excursions will include heritage sites, museums, places of worship, government agencies and historic landmarks as well as popular sightseeing attractions. The experience will provide students with an understanding of the factors that transformed Singapore from a trading village into a 21st-century model for nation-building.

    See pictures of previous programs on Instagram:  @singaporeusb

    Location Singapore, Singapore
    Program Type Faculty-Led Program
    Program Term Winter
    Program Dates  Thursday, January 1st - Wednesday, January 21st, 2026
    Language of Instruction English
    Budget View Budget
    Living Arrangements

    Hotel-style accommodation

    Additional Information Faculty-Led study abroad programs may require group travel. Please reach out to your IAP Coordinator prior to making any travel arrangements.
    Program Housing Statement: Stony Brook University is required to comply with the housing policies of the host country, partner institution and/or hotel/hostel. These policies may include requirements such as sex-based housing placement.


    GPA 2.0
    Other Requirements

    Students must be matriculated in an undergraduate degree program and in good academic standing.

    Application Deadline October 1
  • Academic Information

    Course Information

    Participants will register for a total of 3 credits. 

    AAS /HIS 340: Topics in Asian History: Ethnicity, Pluralism and Nationhood in Singapore - 3 credits ( SBC: SBS+)


    Academic Policies

    • Credits earned on this program will calculate toward a student's GPA at Stony Brook University. Non-SBU students are advised to check their home university policy on grade and credit transfer.
    • Students following the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) may request for GLO and EXP+ in addition to requirements fulfilled by their coursework.

  • Apply