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The Undergraduate College of Global Health, Wellness, and Community (GWC) offers first and second year students insights into the notion of communities, while addressing the challenges and vulnerabilities that directly impact the wellness of the environment, exosystems, and people around the world. Whether responding to emerging pandemics, food insecurity, climate change, the continuing burden of infectious and noncommunicable diseases, and other threats to mental and physical health, the college will seek practical solutions to these challenges that consider culture, equity, and sustainability.

Possible topics of discussion may include, but are not limited to:
  • Global Public Health
  • Environmental and Planetary Health
  • Nutrition and Sustainable Food Systems
  • Mental Health and Overall Well-being
  • National and Global Health Concerns
  • Learning, Living, and Working Mindfully (Mindfulness)
  • Health and Wellness Policies
  • Sustainability of Communities, Cultures, and Climates


Affiliated with the H Community in Campus Residences


GWC Offerings


GLS Seminars

SBU First-Year Seminars

The First-Year Seminar 101 is a 1-credit course that supports first-year students in their transition to University life - academically, personally, and socially. The course aims to foster a sense of belonging; promote curricular and co-curricular engagement; help students clarify their plan and purpose; and involve students in a dialogue on social responsibility and inclusion.

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