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Upcoming Events & Deadlines


August 2 - Summer Symposium-*features student research from BioPREP, Explorations in STEM, INDUCER, SUNY SOAR, REU, URECA, and Velay Fellowship summer programs
*Index of posters

May- Read about the URECA Symposium & VIP Showcase 

March 31- deadline for SUNY SOAR -  summer research opportunity for first-generation students or those with financial need

March 8 - application deadline for all URECA summer programs

January 24- Scharps Legal Essay contest deadline - See Awards, Division of Undergraduate Education



December 4 - 7 pm - Velay Fellowship Information Session (zoom) with Dr. Nagan and Karen Kernan - Find out more about this exciting summer research opportunity!

August - Read about SUNY SOAR - new program funded through Chancellor's Research Excellence Fund

August 4 - Summer Symposium - 10-11:30 AM - UNION Ballroom - featuring students in Bio-PREP, Explorations in STEM, INDUCER, REU programs (REU Chemistry, REU Nanotechnology for Health Energy & the Environment; REU Physics; Data + Computing =Discovery!), SUNY SOAR, &  Velay Fellowship programs - Index of Presentations

May - Read about the URECA Celebration & VIP inaugural showcase: Student Research Showcased in URECA/VIP Symposium



URECA ART show at Zuccaire Gallery - April 22nd through May 12th





Congratulations to Justin Chan, a graduating senior in the Honors College majoring in political science, and this year's 2nd place winner of the SUNY-wide Benjamin and David Scharps Award legal essay contest!  

March 31 - Congratulations to Andrew Bae (Mentor: Dr. Susu Xu, Civil Engineering, Computer Science) and Sarah Gunasekera (Mentor: Dr. Carlos Simmerling, Chemistry), two Stony Brook Honors College students who have participated in URECA and have been recognized nationally as 2023 Barry Goldwater Scholars! Read more here.

March 29 - Applications due for Scharps Legal Essay Competition. Topic:The Planet Protectors Protest. First and second prize awards of $1,500 and $1,000. Open to juniors and seniors who are interested in legal issues or in pursuing a career in the legal field. For more information, please see

Wednesday, February 15 - 1:15- 2pm - URECA / Career Center Information Session on Explorations in STEM summer program opportunity. Stony Brook , Suite 111-02 (Conference Room).

To register for this event, please go to:

Louis Leon
 was selected to receive the 2023 Jane & Armando Jannelli-URECA award of $1,000 to support his research project, 
"Aesthetics and Business Ethics: Impact on Leadership, Branding, Firm’s Moralewhich will be carried out under the supervision of Prof. Jadranka Skorin-Kapov (College of Business). This award is generously sponsored to facilitate research projects at the intersection of Business and Philosophy.


Take a look at this SoMAS project/storymap supported by URECA: "Public Perceptions of the Hudson River: A Story Map of Aesthetics and Values"

MAY 3 -
the URECA CELEBRATION is back to an in person format! All are welcome to celebrate the faculty-mentored research projects, and undergraduate artwork, displayed at URECA's Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity! For more information on the poster sessions (9-11, 1-3), departmental talks, Art show, Honors College and USG collaborative events, please view the URECA Celebration Schedule.

29 April - Congratulations to Benjamin Joffe and Justin Chan -1st and 2nd place winners ($1500, $1000) of the  Benjamin and David Scharps Award legal essay contest!

March 30 - Applications due for Scharps Legal Essay Competition. Topic: Hooligans at the Courthouse Door. First and second prize awards of $1,500 and $1,000. Open to juniors and seniors who are interested in legal issues or in pursuing a career in the legal field. For more information, please see


News from Ecology & Evolution. Working with postdoc Dr. Gena Sbeglia and Dr. Ross Nehm (Ecology & Evolution), former URECA participants Justin Goodridge and Lucy Gordon (who had presented in the 2019 URECA Celebration) finished their 3-year research study, which was just published in a high-impact journalCBE-Life Sciences Education, Vol. 20, No. 3.: The work uses quantitative simulations to examine how to best measure faculty teaching behaviors in biology, and how existing inferences are likely biased. The work has important implications for studying how institutions measure progress in evidence-based learning. Congratulations to Justin and Lucy!

August 6 - Summer Symposium (virtual)

10:00 am to 12 noon ET.
Featuring student participants in Biology Explorations, BioPrep, Data + Computing = Discovery, INDUCER, PSEG Explorations in STEM, REU Big Data, AI & Medical Informatics, REU Chemistry, REU Nanotechnology for Health Energy and the Environment, REU Physics & Astronomy.

May 5 - URECA Celebration (virtual)

Link to poster exhibits

Congratulations to the 3 finalists for the  Stony Brook Sigma Xi chapter Undergraduate Research award. Lexin Chen (Biochemistry major) was awarded the top $500 prize for her research presentation. Sydney Sirota (Biochemistry major) and Fnu Karan Kumar (Physics, Applied Math majors) were awarded $200 prizes in the amounts of $200 and $100, respectively, for their research presentations.

April - Congratulations to Neomi Lewis and Erika Nemeth - recipients of the 2021 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence (CASE)



August - Coming Back Safe & Strong Update 8/28/20 update : Undergraduate participation in research remains remote, but PIs can propose in-person presence, on a case-by-case basis, which Chairs and Deans would then need to approve. 

July 31 - Virtual Summer Research Symposium - 9 am - 12 noon
*organized by the Center for Inclusive Education (CIE) and  Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (URECA), showcasing the work of undergraduate students participating in department sponsored summer programs including PSEG Explorations in STEM, REU Nanotechnology for Health, Energy & the Environment, and REU Physics
Schedule of presentations--see >>

May - URECA hosts first virtual poster symposium  

Congratulations to all 3 finalists for the Stony Brook Sigma Xi chapter Undergraduate Research award. Jesse Pace was awarded the top $500 prize for his research presentation. Claire Garfield and Jessica Vilas-Boas were each awarded $200 prizes for their research presentations.

April - Congratulations to Kiran Eiden and Audrey Farrell on their NSF-GRFP fellowships!

March- Goldwater Scholarship announcement: Congratulations to Erika Nemeth, 2020 Goldwater Scholar!


November -  Aria Tsagai-Moore wins poster presentation prize at ABRCMS 2019

SASS Foundation eventOctober - Rumana Rahman (one of 3 students whose summer research was sponsored by the Sass Foundation - 
Arena Scholars award) attends Sass Foundation Breast Cancer Research breakfast in Uniondale NY.
CommUniversity 2019

September - Katherine Alanya, Arlene Alvarez, Elinor Coats, Samuel Escobar, Marjan Halimi, Sara Kudi, Gerard Miles, Ethan Mulle, Jihu Mun, Erika Nemeth, Dilsa Perez, Taylor Pressley, Dawid Stepnowski, Jessica Vilas-Boas, and Anh Vo showcased their summer research at Stony Brook's CommUniversity event on Saturday, September 21! Thanks to all our volunteers!

April The Stony Brook Chapter of Sigma Xi awards the 2019 Undergraduate Research Award to 3 finalists : Ryan Kawalerski, Rideeta Raquib, and Lee Ann Santore.  Each student will receive a plaque in recognition of their significant achievements in undergraduate research while a student at Stony Brook University. In addition, in recognition of his masterful presentation at the URECA poster symposium, Mr. Kawalerski will be awarded a $500 prize. The committee also recognized the quality of the presentations made by Ms. Raquib and Ms. Santore, who will each be awarded a $100 cash prize.

Girl Power in STEM:Think equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change - a symposium sponsored by BNL & WISE on Saturday March 9. More information>> here


November - Jessica Vilas-Boas and Gabrielle Paniccia receive poster awards for their presentations at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)

iGEM team wins Gold Medal at iGEM Jamboree competition!

September - Amelia CaminoEmily Costa Avery MackMarisa Petrusky (Explorations in STEM); Jessica Vilas-Boas (IMSD-MERGE)Doreen Dadson (INDUCER); Karthik LedallaLukas Velikov (Explorations in STEM & iGEM); & Priya AggarwalStephanie Budhan Sara Vincent (iGEM) - all participants in summer 2018 research experiences - showcased their research at Stony Brook's CommUniversity event on Saturday September 22!

April - Ann Lin and Omar Zainul are named co-recipients of the Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Award!New  opportunity for rising juniors/seniors majoring in Mathematics. Learn more here

URECA is proud to be a collaborative partner of the Summer Math Enhanced REU Scholarship program and encourages eligible Mathematics majors to apply!

SURC 2018 - call for proposals for SURC/SUNY Undergraduate Research conference. More information here.