Maintaining J-1 Status
- Status Maintenance Checklist
It is the responsibility of each student to be familiar with the immigration requirements related to their status. Following the guidelines below will help you to maintain your lawful J-1 Status while in the U.S. For more detailed information or for specific questions related to your status please contact your International Student Advisor. It is your responsibility to maintain status.
Keep your passport valid at all times. While you are in the U.S., you must always have a valid passport.
- Check section 3 of your DS-2019. The date of expected completion of studies must not
have passed. If the expiration date is approaching and you have not finished your
program, you must apply for an Extension of Stay before the expiration date.
- If there are changes to your information, or if you need a reprinted DS-2019, you can request an updated DS-2019 in accessVIS.
- To reenter the U.S., you must have a valid travel signature in the travel validation section of your DS-2019. The travel signature is valid for one year. For more information visit our page on travel.
- Check section 3 of your DS-2019. The date of expected completion of studies must not
have passed. If the expiration date is approaching and you have not finished your
program, you must apply for an Extension of Stay before the expiration date.
You are only authorized to attend the school that issued your DS-2019.
- Register full-time each spring and fall semester.
- Summer and winter term do not require enrollment unless it is your first semester or final semester.
Notify SBU of any change of address, telephone number, or email address through SOLAR and accessVIS.
- You must notify VIS of changes within 10 days of the change. VIS will then notify the Department of Homeland Security.
- If you are on Academic Training, you must report any changes in address, telephone number, email address, or employment details by emailing
- Proof of proper health insurance must be maintained for the entirety of your program.
- For more information, read ”J-1 Exchange Visitor Health Insurance Requirements."
- J-1 students are required to have written authorization before they are permitted to work on-campus. Prior to your employment start date, submit the "On-Campus Employment Authorization" request in accessVIS, uploading a letter from your employer confirming your employment details (start date, end date, location, number of hours per week, supervisor’s name and contact information). VIS will review the letter and, if it is acceptable, will enter your on-campus employment authorization in SEVIS.
- Any off-campus employment must meet the requirements for Academic Training and you must obtain Academic Training authorization prior to starting employment.
- Employment authorization due to unforeseen economic circumstances is possible only in certain “serious, urgent and unforeseen” situations. Request an appointment with an International Student Advisor in VIS to discuss your situation.
- Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements
Federal regulations require that students in J-1 status are registered for a full-time course load each fall and spring semester until graduation. Failure to be registered as a full-time student is a violation of your nonimmigrant status, will result in the loss of J-1 benefits (including employment eligibility both on and off campus) and may subject you to federal immigration sanctions.
Academic Level Minimum Total Credits Minimum In-Person/Hybrid Credits* Maximum Online/Remote Credits Academic LevelJ-1 Exchange Students Minimum Total Credits12 credits per semester Minimum In-Person/Hybrid Credits*9 credits per semester Maximum Online/Remote Credits3 credits per semester Academic LevelJ-1 Master's/PhD Minimum Total Credits9 credits per semester Minimum In-Person/Hybrid Credits*6 credits per semester Maximum Online/Remote Credits3 credits per semester Online/Distance Learning Rules
J-1 students may count one online course or up to 3 credits towards their full-time enrollment each semester. However, these restrictions specifically apply to the number of credit hours required to fulfill the student's full course of study requirements (see above). As long as students meet these requirements, they have the flexibility to enroll in additional online or distance-learning courses, as desired.
- Immigration Documents
Immigration Documents
It is very important that you keep all of your immigration documents in a safe place. Stony Brook University is required by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to keep a copy of these documents in your electronic student file. Be sure to provide Visa & Immigration Services with a copy of any renewed or updated immigration documents.
- Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond the program end date on your DS-2019 form.
- Report a lost or stolen passport to the police, as your home country government may require a police report before issuing a new passport.
- Renew or replace your passport by contacting your country's U.S. Consulate or Embassy.
- Submit copies of your renewed or extended passport in accessVIS.
You must keep your DS-2019 valid at all times. If you need to extend your program, you must contact VIS before your DS-2019 expires.
- Indicates that you are eligible to enter and reenter the U.S. in J-1 student status.
- Does NOT determine your length of stay in the U.S.
- If your visa expires while you are in the U.S., it is not necessary to renew it as long as you remain in the country.
- Update Your Address
USCIS requires all J-1 students to report any changes to their local (U.S.) or foreign address within 10 days of moving. If you fail to update your address, you are at risk of losing your lawful status in the U.S.
Students must report any changes to their foreign home address to VIS by submitting the "Foreign Address Update "eForm in accessVIS. Once submitted, VIS will report your new address to SEVIS.
Students who live on-campus should follow up with Campus Residences in regard to updating their Dormitory Address in SOLAR so the accurate information can be reported to SEVIS.
All changes to your U.S. local (off-campus) address must be done in SOLAR.
- Login to SOLAR with your Stony Brook University ID number and password.
- Go to Security and Personal Data and then click Addresses.
- Select Add A New Address to add your local (off-campus) address. Even if your address is listed as "Home" or "Mailing", you must still add it as your "Local" address.
- Verify your address information, and select "Local" under Address Type.
- Click Save, then OK. Your local address should now appear.
- VIS will update SEVIS with this new address.
Sample Address: 123 South Main Street, Apartment 101, Grandview Apartments, Stony Brook, New York, 11790
PREFERRED "GOOD" FORMAT Street Address 1 123 S MAIN ST APT 101 Street Address 2 City STONY BROOK State NY Postal Code 11790
- Employment Authorization
Employment Authorization
You must request appropriate work authorization before accepting any employment, paid or unpaid. Never work on or off campus without proper employment authorization
- J-1 students are required to have written authorization from an Alternate Responsible Officer before they are permitted to work on-campus. Prior to your employment start date, submit the "On-Campus Employment Authorization" request in accessVIS, uploading a letter from your employer confirming your employment details (start date, end date, location, number of hours per week, supervisor’s name and contact information). VIS will review the letter and, if it is acceptable, enter your on-campus employment authorization in SEVIS.
- Any off-campus employment must meet the requirements for Academic Training and you must obtain Academic Training authorization prior to starting employment.
- Employment authorization due to unforeseen economic circumstances is possible only in certain “serious, urgent and unforeseen” situations. Request an appointment with an International Student Advisor in VIS to discuss your situation.
- Health Insurance Coverage Requirements
Health Insurance Coverage Requirements
All J-1 Exchange Visitors and their J-2 dependents are required by the U.S. Department of State to have health insurance for the entire period of their stay in the U.S. The State University of New York (SUNY) also requires participants in international educational exchange (e.g. J-1 Exchange Visitors) to have health insurance coverage that meets SUNY’s requirements.
If you are enrolled in courses at Stony Brook University, you are automatically billed for the health insurance offered through SUNY.
The plan offered through Stony Brook University meets both State Department and SUNY requirements; therefore, we recommend this plan for both J-1 and J-2 Exchange Visitors.
For additional information, including current costs and information on how to enroll, visit the Student Health Services website. The FSA Student Insurance Office is located in West Side Dining, Second Floor (FSA Suite).