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Call for Papers

The Linguistics Department at Stony Brook University will host the Workshop on Arabic and Romance Linguistics (WARL) on Sunday, April 3, 2016. WARL will be held concurrently with the 46th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 46) ( and the 30th Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics (ASAL 30) ( Registrants for LSRL and ASAL may also attend talks at WARL. Invited speakers for the Workshop on Arabic and Romance Linguistics are:

Robert Hoberman, Stony Brook University

Laura Minervini, University of Naples, Federico II (Italy)

Lotfi Sayahi, SUNY Albany

 We invite abstracts for 20-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion) on topics including (but not limited to) Romance-Arabic language contact, Arabic-Romance multilingualism, Maltese linguistics, etc. All abstracts should be anonymous, no more than two pages in length (including examples and references), in 12-point font, 8.5x11-inch page setup (= US Letter), with 1-inch margins. The language of the Workshop is English. To submit an abstract, please go to the following link:

 Grants up to $250 are available for graduate students attending the Workshop. Preference will be given to SUNY students and to students presenting a paper at the Workshop, but all students are welcome to apply. In order to apply for a grant, please send the following information to:

• A one-page statement indicating the reason you want to attend the Workshop, and noting whether you have submitted an abstract for the Workshop

• A CV, including information about your graduate program: degree sought, name of program, expected completion date

• A budget indicating your estimated total expenses for attending the Workshop

 Funding is made possible by the generous support of SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines.


Deadline for receipt of abstracts and grant proposals: November 15, 2015.