Please be advised:
Students deciding not to participate in winter session (after enrollment) must officially withdraw through the Solar System or the University Registrar’s office after the first day of classes. The obligation to withdraw remains with the student. Non-attendance will not be deemed an official withdrawal, and will not entitle the student to a refund or grant relief from tuition liability. Students will need to officially withdraw to avoid the course being recorded on the transcript.
Tuition* | NY Resident | Out of State |
Tuition*Undergraduate | NY Resident$295 per credit | Out of State$1,203 per credit |
Tuition*Graduate | NY Resident$471 per credit | Out of State$1,097 per credit |
Tuition*MBA | NY Resident$635 per credit | Out of State$1,120 per credit |
Tuition*Social Work | NY Resident$545 per credit | Out of State$963 per credit |
Tuition*Physicians Assistant | NY Resident$676 per credit | Out of State$1,477 per credit |
Tuition*Physical Therapy | NY Resident$1,016 per credit | Out of State$1,343 per credit |
Tuition*Nursing Practice | NY Resident$1,047 per credit | Out of State$1,394 per credit |
Tuition*Health Administration | NY Resident$582 per credit | Out of State$1,020 per credit |
Tuition*Occupational Therapy | NY Resident$1,016 per credit | Out of State$1,279 per credit |
*A matriculated student is charged tuition at the level of matriculation. For example, a matriculated graduate student enrolled in an undergraduate course will pay the graduate tuition rate. All charges are subject to change without notice.
Fees | Amount | Per Session or Credit |
FeesUndergraduate Activity Fee | Amount $7.00 | Per Session or Credit Per Session |
FeesTechnology Fee | Amount $78.50 | Per Session or Credit Per Session |
FeesAcademic Excellence Fee | Amount $30.50 | Per Session or Credit Per Session |
FeesTransportation Fee | Amount $42.50 | Per Session or Credit Per Session |
FeesCounseling and Health Fee | Amount $32.25 | Per Session or Credit Per Session |
FeesRecreation and Student Life Fee | Amount $17.50 | Per Session or Credit Per Session |
FeesCollege Fee | Amount $11.45 | Per Session or Credit Per Credit |
FeesLifetime Career Development Fee | Amount $3.50 | Per Session or Credit Per Session |
Winter Fees
Undergraduate Activity Fee
$7.00 per session
Counseling and Health Fee
$32.25 The Student Health and Counseling Fee includes health care, counseling, wellness
promotion and accessibility resources provided respectively through the offices of
Student Health Services (SHS), Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Center
for Prevention and Outreach (CPO) and Disability Support Services (DSS).
Technology Fee
$78.50 The technology fee provides the necessary resources to maintain and improve
information technology for students, including but not limited to the purchase and
replacement of student computer workstations, Microsoft Office and Windows licenses
for students, staffing for expanded SINC site operation, new public computer sites,
technology improvements in the classroom, and the installation and maintenance of
networks serving the residence halls.
Transportation Fee
$42.50 The transportation fee funds the free University Bus Service, which provides
a variety of transportation options for the university community. Specifically, the
University Bus Service operates eight weekday and eight weekend bus routes between
a variety of destinations on East, West, and R&D campuses, as well as between some
off-campus destinations. The fee covers expenses related to this service, as well
as the costs associated with providing bus shelters; surface parking facilities, including
resurfaced lots; additional parking spaces and improved lighting.
College Fee
$11.45 per credit is a mandatory fee established by the SUNY Board of Trustees.
Academic Excellence Fee
Recreation and Student Life Fee:
Lifetime Career Development Fee:
Payment Policies and Procedures
Full Payment for Winter Session is due by the due date on your billing notification e-mail. Please check your e-mail account or your What Do I Owe page for updates. No paper invoices will be sent.
You may pay your winter session charges via SOLAR with a credit card or check. Payment may also be made in person at the Student Financial Services Office, Suite 207, Stony Brook Union. Payments can be mailed to Student Financial Services, Stony Brook University, P.O Box 619, Stony Brook, NY 11790-0619.
Payment must be received by the appropriate deadline to avoid a late fee. If your
check is returned by your bank, a $35 bank service charge will be imposed. Please be advised that cash payments are not accepted.
Financial Aid
Please reach out to financial aid for questions concerning Winter aid eligibility.
Withdrawal Deadlines/ Refunds & Tuition Liability
Students deciding not to participate in winter session (after enrollment) must officially
withdraw through the Solar System or the University Registrar’s office. The obligation
to withdraw remains with the student. Non-attendance will not be deemed an official
withdrawal, and will not entitle the student to a refund or grant relief from tuition
The last day to withdraw from Winter Session 2025 classes with a full refund is January 8, 2025.
*Winter Session Tuition Liability withdrawal deadlines are shown below.
Withdrawal from Winter Session | Tuition & Fees Refund | Tuition & Fees Liability | Deadline |
Withdrawal from Winter SessionOn or before 2nd day of class |
Tuition & Fees Refund100% | Tuition & Fees Liability0% | DeadlineJanuary 8, 2025 |
Withdrawal from Winter SessionRemainder of the first week | Tuition & Fees Refund35% | Tuition & Fees Liability65% | DeadlineJanuary 9 - January 13, 2025 |
Withdrawal from Winter SessionAfter the 1st week | Tuition & Fees Refund0% | Tuition & Fees Liability100% | DeadlineOn or after January 14, 2025 |
Statement of Student Responsibility
Students are responsible for reviewing, understanding, and abiding by the University's
regulations, procedures, requirements, and deadlines as described in all official
publications and our websites. These publications include, but are not limited to,
the Schedule of Classes, Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins, and Student Advising Handbook.
Refund Policies and Procedures
All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing by email to or by mail to:
Student Financial Services
Stony Brook Union, Suite 207
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3222
Fax (631) 632-1308
If your payment was via a charge card, and your refund has been approved, your refund will be credited to your charge card within 7 to 10 business days of receipt of the request for refund. If your payment was by check, your refund will be processed no sooner than after 10 business days of the original payment by the Student Accounts Office. You must apply for a refund in writing within one year after the end of the session in which you were enrolled.