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Stony Brook University students have a variety of tools to help them prepare for graduation. It is strongly recommended for students to meet with all of their Academic Advisors throughout their undergraduate career to ensure they understand all Academic Policies, Procedures, and Degree Requirements.
Check with your advisors to see how these policies apply to you! Stony Brook University Advising Units
Graduation Checklist (SBC)____________
Review your Stony Brook Curriculum requirements with an advisor
Academic Planning Sheet____________
Map out when you plan to take your required courses
Schedule Builder
A web-based program for making mock schedules
GENERAL Degree Requirements
An official listing of degree requirements appears in the Undergraduate Bulletin under the Stony Brook University General Degree Requirements page.
- TOTAL CREDIT MINIMUM REQUIREMENT: All undergraduates must complete 128 credits for a Bachelor of Engineering in CEAS; and 120 credits for all other schools and majors; a minimum of 100 earned credits must be letter-graded (A-D or S).
- UPPER DIVISION REQUIREMENT: All undergraduates must complete at least 39 upper-division credits (classes at the 300-level or higher)
- STONY BROOK CURRICULUM (SBC) REQUIREMENT: All students must complete all required SBC objectives to complete their degree. For more information, please visit the Undergraduate Bulletin under the General Education: Stony Brook Curriculum page.
- MAJOR REQUIREMENT: All students are required to fulfill all course requirements for at least ONE academic major to complete their degree. See this Major/Minor Advising contact list to make an appointment to review your major requirements.
- RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT: After the completion of 57 credits, all students must complete at least 36 credits at Stony Brook (online or in-person) to complete their degree.
- CUMULATIVE GPA REQUIREMENT: All students must earn at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA to complete their degree.
An official listing of curriculum policies appears in the Undergraduate Bulletin under the Curriculum Policies page.
- Any in-progress (IP) courses, missing grades, pending grades, or incompletes must be resolved in order to graduate, and may affect a student’s ability to meet the minimum GPA and credit requirements.
- CREDIT LIMITS: There are limits on the number of credits from certain courses that can be applied
toward a student’s degree. See the Bulletin for full details.
- Physical education: 4 credits maximum
- Internships: 12 credits maximum
- Independent study: 30 credits maximum
- Activity related courses: 9 credits maximum
- Graduate courses: 6 credits maximum
- Teaching practica: 6 credits maximum
- MULTIPLE REGISTRATIONS FOR THE SAME COURSE: Credit can only be earned once toward your degree unless designated as "may be repeated".
- RETAKES (the same course taken more than once), EQUIVALENT courses (two or more similar/same courses taken for credit), or CROSS-LISTED courses that are in progress (IP) show as counting toward degree requirements. However, once a grade is posted for the REPEATED, EQUIVALENT, or CROSS-LISTED course, any credit for the second (or multiple) attempt will be removed, except when no credit was earned on the first attempt (e.g., the student earned a grade of F, NC, or W). For more information, please visit the Undergraduate Bulletin under the Multiple Registrations for the Same Course page.
- WRT REQUIREMENT: Once enrolled at Stony Brook as a matriculated student, the writing requirement (WRT 101 and WRT 102) must be completed at Stony Brook.