Undergraduate Major Department Advisors
Updated on 02/03/25
Complete information about academic majors and minors can be found in the Online Bulletin.
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Accounting Minor
Director, Undergraduate Business Program: Christine Pitocco
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs: Samantha Nash
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(631) 632-7171, Room 109, Harriman Hall
Africana Studies Major and Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shimelis Gulema
(631) 632-7470, Room S-251, Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
Anthropology Major and Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Catherine Markham
Academic Program Coordinator: Tara Powers
(631) 632-7606, Room S-501, Social & Behaviroal Sciences Bldg.
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Applied Mathematics & Statistics Major and Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Art History and Criticism Major and Minor
Faculty Advisor: Izumi Ashizawa
(631) 632-7250, Room 2224, Staller Center
Asian & Asian American Studies Major and Minor
Undergraduate Program Director: Gregory Ruf
Room 1126, Humanities Bldg.
Astronomy & Planetary Sciences Major and Minor
Undergraduate Program Director: Dr. Michael Zingale
(631) 632-8225, Room 452, Earth & Space Sciences Bldg.
Assistant to Director, Undergraduate Program: Diane Diafera
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Major
Staff Advisor: Ms. Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Biochemistry Major
Undergraduate Program Director: Dr. Bernadette Holdener
(631) 632-8292, Room 346, Center for Molecular Medicine Bldg.
Staff Advisor: Rachel Pilero
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Bioengineering Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Biology Major and Minor
Program Director: Dr. Peter Gergen
Staff Advisor: Rachel Pilero
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Biology General Science Teacher Education Track
Education and Certification:
Director, Institute for STEM Education: Keith Sheppard, EdD
Associate Director for Science Education: Linda Padwa, PhD
Undergraduate Advisors: Rachel Pilero
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Graduate Advisor: Dr. Zuzana Zachar
Biomaterials Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Biomedical Engineering Major
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Black Heritage Studies Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shimelis Gulema
(631) 632-7470, Room S-251, Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
Business Management Major
Director, Undergraduate Business Program: Christine Pitocco
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs: Samantha Nash
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(631) 632-7171, Room 109, Harriman Hall
Chemical and Molecular Engineering Major
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Chemistry Major and Minor
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Dale Drueckhammer & Faculty
To schedule an appointment:
Staff Advisor: Katherine Hughes
Chemistry Teacher Education Track
Education and Certification:
Director, Institute for STEM Education: Keith Sheppard, EdD
Associate Director for Science Education: Linda Padwa, PhD
Undergraduate and Graduate: Dr. Susan Oatis, PhD
China Studies Minor
Director of Minor: Tingda (Hannah) Li
Chinese Teacher Education Track
Director, Foreign Languages Teacher Education Program: Dr. Sarah Jourdain
Undergraduate Advisor: Dr. Jiwon Hwang
Civil Engineering Major
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Classics Minor
Program Coodinator: Kathleen De Riesthal
Climate Sciences Major
Staff Advisor: Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Climate Solutions Minor
Staff Advisor: Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Faculty Advisor: Professor Jeannie Guglielmo
(631) 444-3046, Room 443, Level 2, Health Sciences Center.
CLS Program Contact: Catherine Gropper
Coastal Environmental Studies Major and Minor
Staff Advisor: Ms. Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Communication Major and Minor
Associate Dean and Undergraduate Program Director: Prof. Irene Virag
Staff Advisor: Maureen Robinson
632-7403, Room N-4004, Melville Library
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Communication and Innovation Minor
Associate Dean and Undergraduate Program Director: Prof. Irene Virag
Staff Advisor: Maureen Robinson
632-7403, Room N-4004, Melville Library
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Computer Engineering Major
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Computer Science Major and Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Creative Writing Major and Minor
Undergraduate Program Director: Genevieve Sly Crane
Room N3017, Melville Library
Undergraduate Program Coordinator: Liz McRae
Minor: cwlundergrad@stonybrook.edu
Digital Arts Minor
Program Advisor: Professor Stephanie Dinkins
Staller Center for the Arts Room 4287
Distributed Teacher and Leader Education (D-TALE)
Education and Teacher Certification
For general inquiries, email spd_teacherprep@stonybrook.edu
Earth and Space Sciences Major
Faculty Advisor: Hanna Nekvasil, PhD
(631) 632-8201, Room 234, Earth & Space Sciences Bldg.
Earth and Space Science Teacher Education Track
Education and Content:
Director, Institute for STEM Education: Keith Sheppard, EdD
Associate Director for Science Education: Linda Padwa, PhD
Undergraduate: Hanna Nekvasil, PhD
Graduate: Gregory Henkes, PhD
Economics Major
Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Staff Advisor: Victoria Judd
(631) 632-7540, Room S-601, Social and Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
Ecosystems and Human Impact Major and Minor
Staff Advisor: Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Electrical Engineering Major and Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Energy Science, Technology, and Policy Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Engineering Chemistry Major
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Dale Drueckhammer & Faculty
To schedule an appointment, go to:
Staff Advisor: Katherine Hughes
Engineering Science Major
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
English Major and Minor
Undergraduate Program Director: Dr. Susan Scheckel
Room 2091, Humanities Bldg.
English Teacher Education Track
Director of Teacher Education/Advisor: Dr. Joshua Cabat
Humanities 2088
Environmental Design, Policy & Planning Major and Minor
Staff Advisor: Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Environmental Engineering Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Environmental Humanities Minor
Staff Advisor: Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Environmental Studies Major and Minor
Staff Advisor: Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Ethnomusicology Minor
See Music Major and Minor
Film and Screen Studies Minor
See English Major and Minor
Filmmaking Minor
Undergraduate Program Director: Karen Offitzer
Undergraduate Program Coordinator: Liz McRae
French Language and Literature Major and Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Franck Dalmas
(631) 632-7440, Room 2128, Humanities Bldg.
French Teacher Education Track
Director, Foreign Languages Teacher Education Program: Dr. Sarah Jourdain
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Franck Dalmas
Geology Major and Minor
Major Advisor: Marine Frouin
(631) 632-1429, Room 354, Earth & Space Sciences Bldg.
Geospacial Science Minor
Program Director: Dr. Sung-Gheel Jang
E2361 Melville Library
Globalization Studies and International Relations Major and Minor
Undergraduate Programs Advisor: Jeremy Marchese
Meliville Library N-3004
Health, Medicine, and Society Minor
Undergraduate Programs Coordinator: Kelly Haller
Room S-405, Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
(631) 632-7740
Minor Advising: Mary Beth Powers
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Health Science Major
Staff Advisors: Traci Thompson and Breanna Coach
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Students that wish to declare the Health Science major must watch a video and complete a survey/questionnaire (links below).
In order to receive credit for watching the video you MUST complete the survey/questionnaire. You will have to log onto the workshop with your SBU email address.Health Science Workshop Video Link: http://healthprofessions.stonybrookmedicine.edu/sites/default/files/video1140510604.mp4
Health Science Workshop Survey (Questionaire) Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdT9zM_vXISfw-XInqIEkDtVEIqWiCYG-Kqf7sxrA4H3fpugw/viewform?usp=pp_url
Hellenic Studies Minor
Director of the minor: Dr. Stella Tsirka
Phone: (631) 632-7440
Office: 2118 Humanities Building
Hispanic Languages and Literature Minor
Department Chair: Dr. Paul Firbas
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Victoriano Roncero Lopez
Room 1147, Humanities Bldg.
(631) 632-2135
History Major and Minor
Undergraduate Program Director: Dr. Eric Zolov
Undergraduate Major and Minor Advising: Dan Gross
Room S-305, Social and Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
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Undergraduate Program Advisor: Erin Giuliano
Room S-301, Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
History of Health, Science, and the Environment Minor
See History Major and Minor
Human Evolutionary Biology Major
Faculty Advisor: Dr. James Rossie
(631) 632-5808, N-513A, Social and Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
Undergraduate Program Coordinator: Melissa J. Cohen
(631) 632-8604, 657 Life Sciences Bldg.
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Industrial Engineering Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Information Systems Major and Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Italian American Studies Minor
Director of Undergradaute Studies: Dr. Franck Dalmas
Coordinator of the minor: Dr. Irene Marchegiani
Italian Studies Major and Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Giuseppe Gazzola
(631) 632-7440, Room 2123, Humanities Bldg.
Italian Teacher Education Track
Director, Foreign Languages Teacher Education Program: Dr. Sarah Jourdain
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Irene Marchegiani
Japanese Teacher Education Track
Director, Foreign Languages Teacher Education Program: Dr. Sarah Jourdain
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jiwon Hwang
Japanese Studies Minor
See Asian and Asian American Studies Major and Minor
Jazz Studies Minor
See Music major and Minor
Journalism Major and Minor
Associate Dean and Undergraduate Program Director: Prof. Irene Virag
Staff Advisor: Maureen Robinson
632-7403, Room N-4004, Melville Library
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Judiac Studies Minor
See History Major and Minor
Korean Teacher Education Track
Director, Foreign Languages Teacher Education Program: Dr. Sarah Jourdain
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jiwon Hwang
Korean Studies Minor
Faculty Director: Dr. Heejeong Sohn
N5520 Center for Korean Studies; 1122 Humanities
Latin American and Carribean Studies Minor
Director: Dr. Lori Flores
Linguistics Teacher Education Track (TESOL)
Faculty Director: Dr. Mariann Coogan
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marie Huffman
Linguistics Major and Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Marie Huffman
(631) 632-7777, Room N-251, Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
Manuafacturing Engineering Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Marine Science Major and Minor
Faculty Director: Dr. David Black
(631) 632-8676, Room 117, Discovery Hall, South Campus
Staff Advisor: Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library Bldg.
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Marine Vertebrate Biology Major
Faculty Director: Dr. Joseph Warren
(631) 632-5045, Room 153, Discovery Hall, South Campus
Staff Advisor: Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Mass Communication Major and Minor
Associate Dean and Undergraduate Program Director: Prof. Irene Virag
Staff Advisor: Maureen Robinson
632-7403, Room N-4004, Melville Library
All students should fill out this Advising and Registration Inquiry Form
Materials Scieince Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Mathematics Teacher Education Track
Undergraduate: Dr. Alexander Kirillov
Gradaute: Dr. Jason Starr
Mathematics Major and Minor
Department Chair: Dr. Scott Sutherland
Mechanical Engineering Major and Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Media/Art/ Culture Major
Faculty Advisor: Izumi Ashizawa
(631) 632-7250, Room 2224, Staller Center
Middle Eastern Studies Minor
Director: Dr. Robert Hoberman
S-213 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Multidisciplinary Studies Major
Undergraduate Program Director: Dr. Catherine Marrone
Multidisciplinary Studies Major Coordinator: Diane West
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Visit the website for more information at www.stonybrook.edu/mtd
Music Major and Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Deborah Heckert
(631) 632-7330, Room 3304, Staller Center Bldg.
Music and Technology Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Deborah Heckert
(631) 632-7330, Room 3304, Staller Center Bldg.
Music Theory Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Deborah Heckert
(631) 632-7330, Room 3304, Staller Center Bldg.
Nanotechnology Studies Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Nursing Baccalaureate Program
Program Advisor: Ms. Jennifer Coppola
(631) 444-3200, Room 215, Level 2, Health Sciences Center
Email questions to: abp-bbp-nursing@stonybrook.edu
Optics Minor
Director: Dr. Harold J. Metcalf
P-110 Graduate Physics
Philosophy Major and Minor
Undergraduate Program Director: Dr. Joseph Lemelin
(631) 632-7570, Room 232, Harriman Hall
Staff Advisor: Ms. Lisa-Beth Platania
(631) 632-7580, Room 213, Harriman Hall
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Physics Teacher Education Track
Education and Certification:
Director, Institute for STEM Education: Keith Sheppard, EdD
Associate Director for Science Education: Linda Padwa, PhD
Undergraduate and Graduate Advisor: Angela Kelly, PhD
Physics Major and Minor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dominik Schneble
(631) 632-8758, Room P-110, Physics Bldg.
Staff Advisor: Diane Diaferia
(631) 632-8036, Room P-110, Physics Bldg.
Political Science Major and Minor
Director of Undergraduate Studies/Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Peress
Undergraduate Program Coordinator/Staff Advisor: Ashley Porcello
(631) 632-7688, Room S-705, Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
Professinal Writing Minor
Undergraduate Program Director: Dr. Patricia Medved
Staff Assistant: Adam Schultheiss
Room 2005 Humanities
(631) 632-7390
Psychology Major
Undergraduate Academic Advisor: Sarah Naqvi-Syed
Undergraduate Academic Advisor: Danielle Percoco
Undergraduate Program Coordinator: Diane DeSimone
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Anne Moyer
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Real Estate and Insurance Minor
See Business Managment Major
Religious Studies Minor
Interim Program Director: Dr. William Chittick
1046 Humanities
(631) 632-4030
Respiratory Care Major
Program Director: Lisa M. Johnson
(631) 444-3180, Room 470, Level 2, Health Science Tower
Russian Studies Minor
Program Coordinator: Dr. Anna Geisherik
Social Studies Teacher Education Track
Program Director: Dr. Charles Backfish
Social Welfare Baccalaureate (BSW)
Undergraduate Advising: Philnesia Miller
Coordinator of Admissions: XiCheng Zhou
Sociology Major
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Dr. Catherine Marrone
Room S-429, Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
(631) 632-4883
Undergraduate Programs Coordinator: Kelly Haller
Room S-405, Social & Behavioral Sciences Bldg.
(631) 632-7740
Undergraduate Major Advising: Mary Beth Powers
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South Asian Studies Minor
Director: Dr. Andrew J. Nicholson
1046 Humanities
(631) 632-4030
Spanish Teacher Education Track
Director, Foreign Languages Teacher Education Program: Dr. Sarah Jourdain
Undergraduate Advisor: Dr. Victoriano Roncero Lopez
Director of Graduate Studies: Lena Burgos-Lafuente
Spanish Languages and Literature Major and Minor
Department Chair: Dr. Paul Firbas
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Victoriano Roncero Lopez
Room 1147, Humanities Bldg.
(631) 632-2135
STEM in Literature and Culture Minor
See English Major and Minor
Studio Art Major and Minor
Faculty Advisor: Izumi Ashizawa
(631) 632-7250, Room 2224, Staller Center
Sustainability Studies Major and Minor
Staff Advisor: Nancy Black
(631) 632-9404, Room E-2361, Melville Library
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Technological Systems Management Major and Minor
Begin with CEAS Undergraduate Student Advising
Television Writing Minor
Undergraduate Program Director: Karen Offitzer
Undergraduate Program Coordinator: Liz McRae
Melville Library, 3rd floor, N3017
Theatre Minor
Director of Undergradaute Studies: Nick Mangano
2224 Staller Center for the Arts
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Major and Minor
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Dr. Nancy Hiemstra
(631) 632-7607, Room 2058a, Humanities Bldg.
See Full Bio for office hours: https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/wgss/people/nancyhiemstra
Writing and Rhetoric Minor
Director: Dr. Peter Khost
Staff Assistant: Adam Schultheiss