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Tutoring Session Expectations

CEAS tutoring may only be attended by matriculated Stony Brook University students. CEAS tutors provide group tutoring support for a select subset of courses, and are not available to provide supplemental one-on-one tutoring. Please review the expectations below before utilizing CEAS tutoring services.

For Participants:


  • I will communicate with course instructors for assistance with course requirements and grading.
  • I understand that my tutor is not an instructor and that tutoring is not a substitute for attending class regularly.
  • I understand that tutors are not academic advisors and I will seek assistance from a CEAS advisor to address any questions I may have related to course selection, academic requirements, majors, or academic standing concerns.
  • I acknowledge that tutoring is most effective when used weekly.
  • I will not utilize tutoring services in an effort to “cram” for an exam or assignment.
  • I understand that my tutor may have taken the course with an instructor different from my own and because course material may have been presented differently this may affect the tutor’s ability to assist me.


  • I will be prepared for my sessions and have any resources I may need such as my textbooks, class notes, etc.
  • I will diligently adhere to all academic integrity policies.
  • I will not request help with nor receive assistance on any examination, homework, take-home test, or other graded assignment for which I am not permitted to seek help from a tutor.
  • I will treat tutors, other students, and CEAS staff with courtesy and respect at all times.


  • I understand that I am solely responsible for my own learning and academic performance.
  • I will only communicate with tutors during tutoring session hours.


For tutors:


  • I will review the course syllabi provided to me.
  • I will review subject matter content for foundational skills and knowledge.
  • I understand that I am a tutor only and not a course instructor and that tutoring is not a substitute for participants to attend class regularly.


  • I will guide participants to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
  • I will help strengthen foundational skills in core engineering disciplines.
  • I will provide scaffolded skills empowering students to become independent lifelong learners.
  • I will not provide answers to any graded course material or assist with the completion of lab reports.
  • I will prompt students to assess their current understanding of the course material before assisting.
  • I will ask participants to reference any resources they may need such as textbooks, class notes, etc.
  • I will provide additional resources to review, if needed, during tutoring sessions.


  • I understand that participants are solely responsible for their own learning and academic performance.
  • I will only communicate with participants during tutoring session hours.