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2023 SUNY SOAR Participants

SOAR 2023 Interns Photo

Name Home Institution Mentor Title of Research
NameJason A. Benitez Home InstitutionFarmingdale State   College SUNY
MentorDr. Dada Pisconti, Biochemistry & Cell Biology Title of Research

Identification and Validation of Novel Biomarkers for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Surveillance

NameMelodie Cadichon Home InstitutionSUNY Old Westbury Mentor

Dr. Christopher Clarke, Medicine - Stony BrookCancer Center

Title of ResearchDES1 is Not Involved in ER Stress-Related AIS of HER2+ and Basal Breast Cancer
NameJerome Cai Home InstitutionStony Brook University Mentor

Dr. Peter Gergen, Biochemistry & Cell Biology

Title of ResearchNitroscillator: Utilizing Gene Oscillators to Engineer  Sustainable Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria; Modeling Oscillatory Expression of a Target Protein
NameNickolas Chalen Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. John Haley, Pathology Title of ResearchMET and EGFR Crosstalk in NSCLC
NameShuwen Guo
Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Peter Tonge, Chemistry Title of ResearchBiological Evaluation of L-[18F]fluoroalanine as Tumor PET Imaging Agents
NameLoy Hashimoto
Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Natasha Vitek, Ecology & Evolution Title of ResearchThe Effect of Nutrition on Mouse Molar Thickness
NameKatherine He Home InstitutionStony Brook University Mentor

Dr. Peter Gergen, Biochemistry & Cell Biology

Title of ResearchNitroscillator: Utilizing Gene Oscillators to Engineer  Sustainable Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria; Modeling Oscillatory Expression of a Target Protein
NameStacey Jiang Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Sandeep Mallipattu, Medicine Title of ResearchKrüppel-like factor 15 (KLF15) Protein Regulation for Potential Therapeutic Treatment of Kidney Injury
NameEllena Karapatakis Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Michael Frohman, Pharmacological Sciences

Title of ResearchThe Effects of Phospholipase D2 Mutations on Localization to Subcellular Vesicles
NameMia Kotikovski
Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Agnieszka Bialkowska, Medicine Title of ResearchClpP Agonist Inhibits Pancreatic Cancer Growth in vitro
NameAda Lin Home InstitutionStony Brook University Mentor

Dr. Peter Gergen, Biochemistry & Cell Biology

Title of ResearchNitroscillator: Utilizing Gene Oscillators to Engineer  Sustainable Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria; Modeling Oscillatory Expression of a Target Protein
NameAdam Mostafa Home InstitutionStony Brook University Mentor

Dr. Joshua Dubnau, Neurobiology & Behavior

Title of ResearchCRISPR-induced DNA Damage and its Effects on Neuron Development in Drosophila
NameSimran Multani
Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Elizabeth Boon, Chemistry Title of ResearchCharacterizing Kinase Interactions Essential for Biofilm Regulation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
NameBryant Peña
Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Surita Bhatia, Chemistry
Title of ResearchAnalyzing the Effects of Temperature on Micelle Formation of Soluplus® using Dynamic Light Scattering
NameKristy Philogene Home InstitutionSUNY Old Westbury MentorDr. Joshua Dubnau, Neurobiology & Behavior Title of ResearchCRISPR-induced DNA Damage and its Effects on Neuron Development in Drosophila
NameMiriam Ramirez Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Peter Tonge
Dr. J.Tolentino-Collado, Chemistry
Title of ResearchUsing Blue Light to Dimerize a DNA-Binding Protein in Bacteria
NameMahmoud (Moudy)  Salem Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Kenneth Shroyer, Pathology
Title of ResearchUnique Metabolic Signature of Keratin 17 Transduced, 5-FU Treated Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinomas Reveals Upregulation of De novo Pyrimidine Synthesis
NameKiyoshi Shiomitsu Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Pawan Kumar, Microbiology & Immunology Title of ResearchThe Effect of Adipose Tissue-Specific Interleukin-22 Signaling during Intestinal Inflammation
NameNatalie Sokolow
Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Krishna Veeramah, Ecology & Evolution Title of Research

Exploring DNA Methylation Trends in Differentially Expressed Genes in Three-spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus Aculeatus)

NameAlisha Tejada
Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Wei Yin, Biochemistry & Cell Biology Title of ResearchThe Effects of Thrombosis on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
NameFrancis Torres Home InstitutionUniversity at Albany SUNY
MentorDr. James Konopka, Microbiology & Immunology Title of ResearchFlippase and Sur7 Sensitivity: Are they Comparable?
NameMiura Traficante Home InstitutionSUNY Old Westbury MentorDr. Prerana Shrestha, Microbiology & Immunology
Title of ResearchInvestigating Dysregulated Emotional Behaviors in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex with Behavior Battery and Calcium Photometry
NameMichelle Yang Home InstitutionStony Brook University Mentor

Dr. Peter Gergen, Biochemistry & Cell Biology

Title of ResearchNitroscillator: Utilizing Gene Oscillators to Engineer  Sustainable Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria; Modeling Oscillatory Expression of a Target Protein
NameMalaika Zaidi Home InstitutionStony Brook University MentorDr. Sandeep Mallipattu, Medicine Title of ResearchProtective role of podocyte-specific overexpression of Kruppel-like factor 6 in diabetic kidney disease
NameAria Zaman Home InstitutionStony Brook University Mentor

Dr. Peter Gergen, Biochemistry & Cell Biology

Title of ResearchNitroscillator: Utilizing Gene Oscillators to Engineer  Sustainable Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria; Modeling Oscillatory Expression of a Target Protein