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Ad Hoc Committee to Establish a Program Review Process

The Ad Hoc Committee to Establish a Program Review Process was convened by the Provost to create a policy and process for Department/Program Review at Stony Brook University. 

Ad Hoc Committee to Establish a Program Review Process Charge
The Ad Hoc Committee to Establish a Program Review Process was constituted by the Provost to evaluate the effectiveness of academic departments and programs by creating a policy, process, and guiding resources for Department/Program Review. As part of this process, the ad hoc committee sought feedback from deans, department chairs, program directors, and faculty and incorprated their feedback to create an effective and efficient policy. The ad hoc committee, comprised of six department chairs, concluded its work in Fall 2022. 

Ad Hoc Committee to Establish a Program Review Process Responsibilities

  • Review relevant existing documents, including the SUNY Assessment Policy, SUNY Assessment Procedures, and sample provided Department/Program Review documents from peer instititutions.
  • Determine what aspects of the sample provided Department/Program Review documents from peer instititutions will work and will not work at Stony Brook University.
  • Recommend policy language, procedure, and organizational structures (offices, committees, etc.) to carry out the process.
  • Recommend the structure of an initial (accelerated) pilot of Department/Program Review to be completed during the 2023-24 academic year.

Ad Hoc Committee to Establish a Program Review Process Membership

Committee Member Department Role School/College/Unit
Andrew Newman Chair, English College of Arts & Sciences
Chang Kee Jung Chair, Physics College of Arts & Sciences
Joseph Mitchell Chair, Applied Mathematics & Statistics College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Leonie Huddy Chair, Political Science College of Arts & Sciences
Styliani-Anna Tsirka Chair, Pharmacology Renaissance School of Medicine
Wali Karzai Chair, Biochemistry & Cell Biology College of Arts & Sciences
Braden Hosch Administrator Educational & Institutional Effectiveness
Catherine Scott Administrator Office of Educational Effectiveness